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MasterAle's Good Waffle of Cheery Thread

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Originally posted by Wallybob:


Because when this thread isn't on the first page, MasterWaffle has this nasty habit of starting a new thread. That's the reason this thread exists, to keep him from spreading throughout the forums like some kind of virus. I'm not sure if anyone has told him there is more than one page to each forum. GRRR!! :mad: :mad:
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Just thought I'd teach you maggots just how it COULD be if I decide to make it that way!! :mad:

Those of you out there who owe me turns you know who you are so get with it!! :mad:

I have dropped the following PBEM games since I have not heard boo from the following players for several weeks!! :mad:

Thermoplae (I must have given him a good beating in the next turn)

Mr Bill (He never had a chance anyway)

Therefore I declare victory by forfeit and overwhelming fear of my TNT-Chuckers! :mad:

You will now be added to the Harem! Taht's right bitches, don't start a game with me unless you intend to finish it! GGRAGRAGRARGG FFAAAARAGRGRAGRRRRGGG!!!!!


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ooohhhh we'll just see how happy your molten face is when it gets slathered with my furious TNT and ignited by a white-hot bullet scum-scrotum!! :mad:

I'll send you a setup alright! I'll send you a setup containing TNT that's so damn furious! So skunk-piss angry! you'll need to hire a company of military psychologists just to talk the TNT into killing you quickly!! :mad: :mad:


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It sounds as that MasterBadBeer can't get enough of mad-minute close-quarters CM fighting.

Tell you what, MG. A scenario I've been working up should be done in a couple of days. It's a reinforced Soviet combined-arms battalion assault to storm a built-up town that's divided by a river (multiple crossings, though), mid-'43 on the central sector. Not a big map, but good force size for each, 5000+ for the Soviets.

That enough TNT for you to try when it's done?

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Is it me, or have all the recent "goodwill and peace on earth" vibes blunted MG's TNT encrusted edge?

He's going through the motions (insert grimaces and growls here), but his heart just doesn't seem to be in it anymore ... much like poor Soddball, who appears to have lost the will to live since embarking on our "epic" encounter in the depths of the Black Forest.

Almost a third of the way through the "battle" (I'm now thinking our forces must have missed each other in the gloom and am about to turn my weary men around to head back for a second sweep) and the turns are being exchanged at almost the same rate as the furious, bitter trinitrotoluene - not at all.

War really is hell.

Bottoms up,


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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Don't worry sack lickers, there is plenty of very hot and bitter TNT coming right back at ya down the pipe :mad:

And Hortlund, I thought I sent you the last turn but I'll recheck you non-tnt chucking skunk cock! :mad:

Goodwaffle!!! :mad: :mad: Front and center, you addle-brained TNT eater!!!

Where's my feckin' setup? Let's see if poking you in the growl box gets some angry TNT in my mailbox!

{sharpens a popsicle stick} *poke* *poke*

Growl and bare your teeth, you hell-spawn of a grenade and a half-eaten landmine! :mad: :mad:

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:mad: :mad: RARRRMAGGOTS!!

My turns has gone out to Hortlund - that twonk Windsor owes me. My girlfriend seems to think that taking me to 5,000,000 shops in the post-Christmas sales is the way to fill me full of joy.

Oh boy, was she wrong.


What do I hate most?

I hate the fat lardy hairy woman who stands in an aisle in the clothes shop and when you say "excuse me please" and try to get past she breathes out

I hate the dizzy cow who trails along with three out-of-control toddlers, all of whom walk along slowly in front of you and when one of them walks into your knee, falls over and starts crying, the mother blames you.

I hate the giggly teenage girls who have to go about in groups of nine, who meander like a crippled minibus back and forth across the thirty-metre wide shopping centre.

I hate the fat, sweaty man who tried on a jumper four sizes too small - stretching it to crap and making it stink - two reasons why I didn't buy it.

I hate the gormless, drooling shop assistants who act as though they're doing you a favour when you try to buy something.

I hate the way that the only thing you really, really wanted to buy is the only thing that isn't on special offer.

I hate the fact that 'sale' in French means 'dirty' - and sales always make me feel slightly grubby.

Most of all, I hate the sack of pus twat drivers in the car parks, who, as soon as they enter the car parks, have their eyes and ears sucked out with a tube, so they can't see or hear any other vehicles and this makes them drive like total spastics. I nearly had three people reverse into my car today.

BASTARDS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

The person who touches my car dies.

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OOOHHH MISTER MAN believe me I haven't lost my spirit and I HAVE NOT cut back production of my bitter, furious TNT!! :mad: I have I believe FOUR pbem games going that require a great deal of TNT-Chucking, add that to the holiday traveling, remodeling my downstairs and the wife wanting more attention than EVER and you have one angry, TNT-deprived, TNT-craving, bitter Chucker!! Oh and don't forget that when my wife goes shopping for THREE HOURS I can't play because somebody has to watch the daughter!!! :mad: GGRARGARGARGAGRAGRARGARGAGRAGRAGRA!!! :mad:


You so called "soldiers" are nothing but chucker-wannabe, lard-assed, bubble-gum-chewing, fried-chicken-eating, american-flag-burning, non-exercising sacks of bloated skunk nads!!! :mad:

My knees and elbows are bleeding maggots from the last time I low-crawled downstairs to my computer to chuck some TNT!! :mad:

And snarker what are you talking about??!! You want a setup!!? YOU WANT A SETUP you low-life, sack-sweat-licking, lice-spawning excuse for a maggot!!??? YOU CAN'T HANDLE MY SETUP!!! :mad: But I'll send you one anyway!! It was nice knowing ya pecker lips! :mad:

I was up at the crack of dawn's ass chucking lead this morning you ungrateful, non-cmbb-playing, non-world-war-II-studying, non-wife-banging puss sacks!!

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MasterGoodale, GrandMaster TNT Chucker, I stand corrected. I don't know how I could ever have doubted your unique talents and hope the rest of the year is as inspired as this frankly fantastic start.

But who's Dawn? She sounds like my kind of girl ... I'm off to inspect Soddball's latest manoeuvres, but I'm free for canapés and cocktails at 10ish if she's interested.



[Edited because I can]

[ January 02, 2003, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Edward Windsor ]

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