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Appear Neither Void Nor Empty In the Sight or Presence of the Peng Challenge

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Right, if this Meeks character is going to be a KING!! for God's sake, then I had better accept his challenge, and send a set up. One question, should'nt someone from San Francisco, be a Queen first? , and then maybe a king later on?

Just a thought....

Seanachai seems as giddy as a school girl in this new incarnation, none of the usual dry wit and razor-sharp barbs. The last time he was like this many gerbils died.

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Oh do put a sock in it you stoopid twit - what's a coronation without a street..er...no that's not right....without a clown?!

Oi! Orc Git. Get out of my seat. Kiwi Pillocks sit at the back. Now i've reserved the rest of this pew for the STENOGRAPHERS. I'm sure they were invited....


ps. Don't you owe me a QB setup ?

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Originally posted by Noba:

Now i've reserved the rest of this pew for the STENOGRAPHERS. I'm sure they were invited....

We, err . . . THEY might be a bit late. A last minute rendez . . . err, we were working late last night, and they had a lot of dictation to catch up on . . .

Hey, anyone got a cigarette?


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Now i've reserved the rest of this pew for the STENOGRAPHERS. I'm sure they were invited....

We, err . . . THEY might be a bit late. A last minute rendez . . . err, we were working late last night, and they had a lot of dictation to catch up on . . .

Hey, anyone got a cigarette?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Sorry about that lad, I just needed a few more beers and there it was.

Now everyone hush.

I Sir Speedy knight of the pool do hearby and forthwith swear fealty to His Majesty King Meeks the Mad from this day forth till when I decide not to.

Now your majesty seeing as I was the first to swear fealty I thought a nice dukedom would be in order.

Oh and could you give a royal command limiting SSN's to only one post a day, 5 pages in 24 hours is a little rich.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I Sir Speedy knight of the pool do hearby and forthwith swear fealty to His Majesty King Meeks the Mad from this day forth till when I decide not to.

Ass kisser....hey do Aussies really leave their keys in their sandshoes when at the beach?

What the hell are sandshoes anyway?

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Originally posted by Speedy:

They're the shoes we wear when we go out on the sand.

I think.

I believe they're called sandles over here. Not to be confused with shower thongs, which could be confused with some...er...other item of apparel which could open up a whole can of unneccesary visuals as Aussies attempt to hide their keys and wallets in them. Nope, nope...just won't do.
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You hijacked my thread for this, Seanachai? You were right, the Cesspool couldn't organize a proper piss-up in a distillery. Still, I'll sit back and enjoy the pomp and circumstance.

Question. After Meeks is King, how long till the revolt and beheading?

Originally posted by Berli:

Oh, and won't Meeks need an heir? Should be someone with some resemblance. Meeks is crazy as a tree full of hamsters... how about someone that is as crazy as a tree full of rats?

I would nominate Yecknodathon. Then you would have King Stork and King Log nicely wrapped up.

Originally posted by Hortlund:

Like a horde of ants, unstoppable like an avalance, fearless and organized like insects, I have sent my conscript Malaxa carriers against the forces of Das Reich.

No no no, Hortlund, this just won't do. Only games against Cesspoolers count. If you're going to be in the Shavian House, believe me you have to follow the rules. The Justicar is always watching you know. I would feed you the BOOT for this but for the gamey brilliance of using captured Russian Ba-10's against Nidan. Bet he never saw that one coming.

Try Snarker for a game, he's annoying.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Assume everybody agrees with you, but keep trying to convince them.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Sit with me, dear reader, and picture the time, lo these many months ago.

First PBEM. Ever.

In the MBT] (mistake #1).

Against Berli (mistake #2).

With a scenario by Meeks (mistake #3).

You know, that's the only scenario I've ever made, except for that one where me and my airborne laddies liberate the German Reform School For Naughty, Buxom, Underwear Models.

Oh, right, I'm not supposed to talk about that now that I'm Caeser and all. Well, pshah. My first edict is to rescind the rules, they are now replaced with my fickle whimsy. Now wait until I've slogged through the rest of this filth.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I thought a nice dukedom would be in order.

Oh and could you give a royal command limiting SSN's to only one post a day, 5 pages in 24 hours is a little rich.

I hereby declare you Earl, not baron or duke or even prince. As Earl, your posts are to be prophetic, pathetic and peripatetic, primarily predisposed toward punishing the producers of pap who haunt this board even now. We must abolish this SSN term, as it reminds me of nukular submarines every time I read it, so invent something menacing and nasty but easily spelled and remembered so that we can refer to these morons properly. I prefer John. If we call them Johns, it makes them sound like a bunch of paunchy, pasty prancers in search of prostitution. That's merely a suggestion from your king, invested as he is with the wisdom of divinity, whose grace doth flow like the Nile at sunset.
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Originally posted by dalem:

I predict that this "King" business will rain woe from the heavens like hot, greasy rain.

I'm not responding to this, merely reposting it for all to see, that's prophecy baby, look at the prophetic prose, the way he uses quotes in that modern style, set off by a phrase like "woe from the heavens". Oooo, makes me tingle just thinking about it.

And about that picture, um, yeah, that's not gonna happen, but didn't someone once do a cartoon? I think the Cesspool is a thing done best in cartoon.

Oh, and Lars, you little blighter, as soon as I'm done reemboweling Nidan, you're next, you treasonous twiterpated twonk.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

{nonsensical drivel snipped} My first edict is to rescind the rules, they are now replaced with my fickle whimsy. Now wait until I've slogged through the rest of this filth.

YOU SEE! YOU SEE! NOW we see the violence inherent in the system.

NO RULES! How will we keep the SSNs out, what's to prevent them from scurrying hither and yon at will. Anarchy, riots in the streets, babies being held from balconies, there is no END to the devestation this will cause to the MBT!



Did I mention that I've hired all the Stenographers to act as water carriers? Unfortunately the poor lasses are so clumsy that most of the water has spilled all over them.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


See, that's pluck, I always liked you Shaw, so tell ya what, you come up with a good set of rules, something a little more fun and hip, something that doesn't read like a damned chart at a community pool, something suitable and I'll implement it. If you need any help in your task, oh my overly conservative, counterreformative, Smokin' Joe Shaw, feel free to gut this CMPlayer chap and use his entrails for inspiration.
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh, and Lars, you little blighter, as soon as I'm done reemboweling Nidan, you're next, you treasonous twiterpated twonk.

Oh it's twue, it's twue.

I have a spot on the dance card open after being cheated by OGSF.

At your pleasure, Charles I. Your head will suffice.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

My first edict is to rescind the rules, they are now replaced with my fickle whimsy. Now wait until I've slogged through the rest of this filth.

No rules! Ho, ho!

In that case, I think it's time for a General Challenge.

I hereby challenge the lot of you! The whole lot! Without wit, panache, style, or a modicum of anything. Especially, but not specifically mind you, you Shaw. Mr. Rules himself.


All you feckless, rule-mongering gits with your ity, bity one-at-a-time challenges.

Feh. No rules today.

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Lord Meeks , how easily you have dazzled that feckless apple polisher Speedy with a promise of rank and privilege. What does one expect of the progeney of felons?

I will prepare a CMBB set up for you, nicely equipped with things that will explode and scream. I will play as the Master Race, and you the ill-equipped peasant army of the Soviet Union, we will practice impailing your Russian pixelmen on the tips of our bayonets. What joy!!

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

See, that's pluck, I always liked you Shaw, so tell ya what, you come up with a good set of rules, something a little more fun and hip, something that doesn't read like a damned chart at a community pool, something suitable and I'll implement it. If you need any help in your task, oh my overly conservative, counterreformative, Smokin' Joe Shaw, feel free to gut this CMPlayer chap and use his entrails for inspiration.

Majesty, shall I produce the red-hot pokers (with very sharp points) in order that you may, err, encourage the Justicar?


[ January 17, 2003, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I Sir Speedy knight of the pool do hearby and forthwith swear fealty to His Majesty King Meeks the Mad from this day forth till when I decide not to.


Btw, my Royal Highness, enlightened one, glowing entity who's intelligence knows no bounds, yada yada yada, where's my estate?

Perhaps the Pacific, with the keys to the Royal Sheep Pens?


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