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It was all going so well....

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I just started a CMBB campaign, can't remember the name, and captured all my objectives around the end of the game and waited for the Soviet onslaught because I had met little resistance thus far, only losing about 3 men in exchange for murdering about 3 squads, an anti-tank gun and miscellaneous other units (ps: those flamethrowers and bloody brilliant!)

Seeing a little star in a field I sent an APC thingy with its platoon to obliterate the nasty Russians only to find the field crawling with tanks and other nasties. Needless to say I lost my vehicle and its platoon within seconds.

Very annoying! I kicked myself for having been so stupid, especially as I had been careful to keep my units together and attack in force throughout the previous 15 turns.

Has anyone else made stupid blunders, losing men and equipment needlessly after spending 15 turns or so carefully advancing with very minimal casualties?

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Happens to all.

I have a battle plan set, all forces stick together, attack in force, no spliting of units and battle groups.

Yet, 5 minutes later, my battle group is all over the map, and parts of it pinned, others advancing and others, just not there anymore.

I get so pissed, and then the unthinkable happens, I growl and show my teeth....GRRRR!

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Originally posted by tuhhodge:

Has anyone else made stupid blunders, losing men and equipment needlessly after spending 15 turns or so carefully advancing with very minimal casualties?

Ah wait... maybe 2-3 hundred times.

With me in command the German Blitzkrieg would've been stopped cold by the French at Sedan since I suck with armour, Scipio's forces would've been annihilated at Cannae after trying that 'new fancy attack maneuvre' and the Prussians would've never made it to Waterloo due to my unability to plot movements for larger forces without utter confusion.

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Yup, sounds familiar. Usually for me it's the old "I'm sure that last 'gun hit' shot KO'd that King Tiger's gun. Now I'll just rush my tanks forward and finish him off with a side shot", with the usual results

An alternate on the same theme is "Aha, that Stug's all out of AP ammo! Now I'll just rush my tanks forward and finish him off with a side shot."

If I'm anything I'm predicatable.

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Last night while playing TIGER TIGER . . .


















I had done a long left hook through woods and scattered trees with a platoon of my germans. They were supported by a couple of PzIII's with the short 75's.

It was turn 21 when I finally lost patience. I figured there were no more Russians out here, this far. Time was running out. I needed to push forward onto the flag. All this leap-frogging of squads is too time consuming.

So I decide to start RUNning and throw caution to the wind for a couple of turns. Orders in, hit GO.


A single lone AT gun waaaaaay out there on my left flank takes fire on my squads in the open. Panics all of them, including the HQ.

That just cost me at least 3 turns to rectify.


Patience, grasshopper. Eh?



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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Yup, sounds familiar. Usually for me it's the old "I'm sure that last 'gun hit' shot KO'd that King Tiger's gun. Now I'll just rush my tanks forward and finish him off with a side shot", with the usual results

An alternate on the same theme is "Aha, that Stug's all out of AP ammo! Now I'll just rush my tanks forward and finish him off with a side shot."

If I'm anything I'm predicatable.

:D LOL.........That's a pretty damn funny reply.

Thanks for a putting a little sunshine into my day :D



Edited to answer the original question: I often think that every turn I make is a suicidal one. My lil Pixel Soldats must think I'm an evil butcher who puts no value on their Cyber existence :(

[ March 28, 2003, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: MG-42 ]

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Ah, Combat Bloopers.

Newb story:

A few days ago I played an assualt-QB as the Russians. Everything was going fine until I suddenly saw a platoon of Jagdpanthers emerging in teh distance. I completely focused on destroying those JP's, only to forget to actually carry out my attack. My precious infantry was still hiding in cover, waiting for me to give the order to attack.

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CM scenarios tend to have very balanced forces. Even if you have attack odds, you are not superior to the enemy in raw numbers by very much. If you haven't encountered large enemy forces yet, more or less equal in size to your own, it means you haven't yet reached the enemy main body.

You see your whole force the whole time. You see only tiny bits of the enemy until you've advanced far enough to come into contact with the enemy main body. It is very easy to confuse the absence of serious opposition during the "advance to contact", with success. You haven't lost much or anything, the enemy has not stopped any of your movements, the few scouts and outposts you've met with you've easily brushed aside.

All that can breed complacency and overconfidence. Just remember that the enemy is out there somewhere, or you wouldn't be playing a more or less balanced scenario. If you haven't been messed up yet it is because the enemy hasn't shown himself, not because he isn't there.

Many a new player thinks he is doing brilliantly "until" something strange or unfair or unlucky "just happens", when all that is really going on is he does fine before real contact and gets messed up as soon as real contact occurs. That said, losing one halftrack on "point" is no disaster and happens to everyone.

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Originally posted by JasonC:

CM scenarios tend to have very balanced forces. Even if you have attack odds, you are not superior to the enemy in raw numbers by very much. If you haven't encountered large enemy forces yet, more or less equal in size to your own, it means you haven't yet reached the enemy main body.

You see your whole force the whole time. You see only tiny bits of the enemy until you've advanced far enough to come into contact with the enemy main body. It is very easy to confuse the absence of serious opposition during the "advance to contact", with success. You haven't lost much or anything, the enemy has not stopped any of your movements, the few scouts and outposts you've met with you've easily brushed aside.

All that can breed complacency and overconfidence. Just remember that the enemy is out there somewhere, or you wouldn't be playing a more or less balanced scenario. If you haven't been messed up yet it is because the enemy hasn't shown himself, not because he isn't there.

Many a new player thinks he is doing brilliantly "until" something strange or unfair or unlucky "just happens", when all that is really going on is he does fine before real contact and gets messed up as soon as real contact occurs. That said, losing one halftrack on "point" is no disaster and happens to everyone.

JasonC is starting to sound more and more like the I Ching. This disturbs me, a bit.

Jason, say something absurdly colloquial and pop-culture oriented, before it's too late, and you complete the Hexagram of your life.

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There are lots of pseudo-philosophical sayings like "the battle is lost or won in your own head" or the like. Unfortunately, they are true.

Overconfidence and desperation should be listed on the unit purchase screen, right next to heavy artillery. I can't say much about overconfidence, due to lack of experience, but a lot about desparate measures.

One of my favourite mistakes is to play as if the game had only 15 turns instead of 35.

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Originally posted by JasonC:

Seanachai - It's not that complicated? Life is like this? Yeah, that's the way it is?


My gods, man, even your attempts to sound like 'just folks' comes off like a fortune cookie attempting to belittle Confucious!

You've gotta work on your presentation, man, or you're gonna end up the CM Forum version of the Tin Man! Do you really wanna be shuffling down the Yellow Brick 'partially mined under crossing fields of fire from two ATGs' Road, with your oil-can forgotten on the dashboard of a maintenance vehicle in the support company? Or do you want to shine, you daft bugger?!

C'mon, JasonC! Yowza! Do a Lord Buckley, lad, and stomp upon the terra!

Elevate us! Do a Groggish riff that will make us gape and gawp!

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Originally posted by CombinedArms:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:


Elevate us! Do a Groggish riff that will make us gape and gawp!

I'd say Seanachai has already got us gaping and gawping as he dances down his own peculiar yellow brick road--as per usual...

:D </font>

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