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Three Olde Ones in a Boat, and a Peng Challenge from a Dog named King

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So I was love-sick here for around two days,

I make fool of myself for long

but thanks to that I've got three PBEM going

hey,I feel like well satisfied whore!



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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

So I was love-sick here for around two days,

I make fool of myself for long

but thanks to that I've got three PBEM going

hey,I feel like well satisfied whore!



How very nice ... good choice for a Serf Berli, perhaps he could be bothered to read the rules?


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A parliament not

or even some order

unlike my lost lolly named ruth,

but a lad like leknarod

light, lost, but no ardor

can without his tenses find truth

Everything's growing so strange.

Oh Joe Shaw, I'm afraid we're going to start dancing soon.

Now, where's Emma, so that we may play William Tell.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Meeks, who still owes me a game for that ABORTION of a scenario he foisted on me and Berli:

<font size=-1>Now, where's Emma, so that we may play William Tell.</font>

"That's not an arrow..."
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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

A parliament not

or even some order

unlike my lost lolly named ruth,

but a lad like leknarod

light, lost, but no ardor

can without his tenses find truth

Everything's growing so strange.

Oh Joe Shaw, I'm afraid we're going to start dancing soon.

Now, where's Emma, so that we may play William Tell.

Joe pulls revolver from waistband, points it at Meeks (nb) feet and cocks the hammer ... Fine ... start dancing.

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, Teaching Meeks to dance,

Justicar, Justicar, Let's see how he can prance,

This king without a crown, The Justicar will hound,

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.



[ February 05, 2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Just in case any of you didn't get the e-mail I sent out, I'm off to the sunny beaches of Mexico till the 17th.

But judging by some of the replies, which were mostly repetitions on the theme of "U SUK", everybody received it.

Come on 5 o'clock...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Touch the paintings at the museum.

Now sod off.

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"How are the mighty fallen! Tell it not in the MBT, publish it not in the streets of the Outerboard; lest the followers of Medal of Honor rejoice . . . How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle!"


Originally posted by Seanachai:

... (snipped ... to much of a good thing is ... uh ... bad I suppose) ...SHAW, YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE MAN! WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT?

Is it that difficult to answer Seanachai, that you must quibble about what I want? Have I not made it clear time and again. What Do I Want? I want Meeks (nb) removed from office, by force if necessary. NOT removed from the CessPool mind, but from this unnatural and WRONG monarchy.

Berli comes to me, and he says "Let us have a King". Odd, I think, for he is the most anarchistic of individuals, quite given over to the laughing at rules, and mocking heirarchies, and sneering at tradition and ritual and such. But 'treat it as the right one', I thinks, and I ask him "So, Oh Dark One Flame Enshrouded (it is very important when dealing with Berli to keep up a constant variation on his 'titles of visciousness', lest he do something hideous beyond belief, such as demanding that all future Thread titles make some reference to songs by The Monkees, for example), who shall we have as King, then?"

And, without missing an f'ing beat, he says to me: Meeks.Well. And so. And there it is.

{SIGH} ... yes Seanachai , there it is indeed. Here's another recommendation then Seanachai, let's change your title then shall we? Instead of the Olde Ones we'll just call it the Olde One and His Lapdog shall we? If Berli told you to jump off a bridge would you do THAT as well?

I remember the OLDE Seanachai, Seanachai, the Seanachai who wielded words as flaming brands, who could cause an SSN to quail with a mere glance, WHO DEFENDED the CessPool from ALL transgressors. Alas ... the MEMORY is all that's left.

Did I not, in the Second Incarnation of the Most Holy Peng Challenge Thread, not arm myself cap-á-pie, and flaming sword in hand (not that there's anything wrong with that), like the Archangel Michael, did I not smite the Apostate, and rally all the heavenly host against him?

Was there not an accounting? Were there not declarations? Was there not 'a reading of names'?

Were the Faithful not called to account for their allegiances?

You were there, Joe. You know that such took place.

Aye Seanachai I was there, and I supported you in that as I did in all things for you were then FOR the CessPool. But as Iraq was let off the hook by the first Bush, so you let Meeks (nb) off the hook on that occassion. I called for recantation ... it did NOT occur. I called for apology ... it did NOT occur. I called for SOME evidence that he would not again backslide into apostasy ... it did NOT occur. I CALLED FOR A PIZZA, that did show up finally.

Now, as the Temple of the Peng Challenge descends, becomes something more mean, more day-to-day, more given over to the Things of This World, and less to The Things of the Spirit, you task me, Joe.

You task me. I, who was there when Peng said, "er, um, sure, Seanachai, or whatever you're called, let's have a game".

I, who was there when the First, the most Righteous, Holy, and Severely Strange Peng Challenge Thread was elevated, and taken beyond the grasp of mortal man!

I, who rallied all the forces of Orthodoxy when The Apostate Meeks sought to lead the Peng Challenge into his own private darkness in the First Schism.

Yes I DO so task you Seanachai,and the whole CessPool tasks you as well. We task you BECAUSE THE TASK IS NO FINISHED! Has Meeks (nb) EVER even so much as said "sorry" for his apostasy? What makes you think that he has changed his desire to
... lead the Peng Challenge into his own private darkness ...
What evidence can you provide Seanachai? NONE! The task is unfinished.

I, who, when the folk grew bored, whiny, and, quite frankly, sodding tiresome, lamenting that 'the Thread isn't fun anymore, it's full of stupid ****e and really dull posts', revealed to them that waiting, eternally, for them in the Wasteland, the Olde Ones laughed at their shallowness, stupidity, and whinging inconsequence.

We wait still, Joe.

And Meeks (nb) is your answer? You take an ABSENT, APOSTATE, AUSTRALIAN LOVING STUDENT FROM SAN FRANCISCO and proclaim HIM the savior of the CessPool? Was Minnesota Joe not available? Seanachai it is time, and indeed past time for you to stand upon your own feet and denounce this travesity. Your own words give you the lie man! Are you finally sir, finally so much in thrall of Berli that you will do whatever he says ... without regard to the effect upon the sacred Peng Challenge Thread?

Yes, Seanachai you were the first, along with Peng to venture into uncharted waters, but you have lost your way, your compass isn't fixed and you drift with whatever current Berli sends your way.

Three figures, ancient, strange, and lacking all wisdom. Sitting around a fire, passing a jug, brooding on the flames and waiting for the folk to catch us up, push us on into Nothingness with the exuberance of the 'Something' they've created.

Occasionally, we choose to throw a rock into the 'Pool. Or, sometimes, a Brick. Just to watch the ripples pass back and forth across the surface, distorting the light from the over-arching stars. It makes for a pretty pattern, for the eyes that can see.

And, of course, we are ourselves. Seanachai, Berli, and Peng. Not the Avatars of the Peng Challenge Thread, just three poor fools who'd give quite a lot to read a Post filled with spirit, fire, and amusement. A Post to raise an eyebrow, to tickle a chuckle, to furrow a brow with thought. A Post to make us laugh, to bring a nod, to make us say 'yes! well said!'.

Just folks, you see.

And so, we choose to take a King. Not a 'Good' King, certainly. A roight sodding lunatic, when you get right down to it. But 'Our' lunatic, Joe. Rough-tongued, vile, apostate, and annointed with 'the Brick'. Another 'Horrible Little Man', Joe. Like yourself. Another one of 'Us', as it were. An 'abuse of power'. The 'Olde Ones' pissing about with the Thread, as it were.

But our souls are forever seated around that fire, Joe, in the Wasteland. With the wind, the stars, and the darkness. The crackling flames, and the pop of heated pitch. And the sparks, Joe; the sparks rise up, they rise up, they rise up, they fly high into the darkness! Each one a little bit of light where all is dark, each one a thing of beauty, that will burn where it lands. Each post, Joseph a spark passing from one soul unto another.

That is all we want for the Peng Challenge Thread, we Old Ones. For the folk that come in here to pass a bit of their spark to all the others. To rise up, rise up, rise up, and make catching the sparks burn, a bit.

Because anything beautiful should bring a bit of pain, and anything that causes pain should attempt to bring a bit of beauty to life. [/QB]

How very touching Seanachai, but you neglect to recall your DUTY! It is your DUTY to set the example, the example of posting wit and wisdom. Instead you are reduced ... to chucking stones into a pond. The CessPool, like the Tree of Liberty, does require refreshment from time to time, if not with the blood of patriots then at least the spittle of the 'Poolers.

If you want the MBT to improve, if you would see the posts again show verve and spite, by all means let us have at it. Let Berli post more than one sentence at a time, for example. Let YOU yourself Seanachai post MORE OFTEN instead of "researching" (... wasn't that the excuse offered by someone recently) the personal habits of parakeets.)

But Meeks (nb) ... that is no answer Seanachai that is yet another problem.

We will stand WITH you Seanachai in your effort to rid yourself of the albatross of Berli hanging from your neck. Let us once again see the Seanachai of olde ... let him once again BE ... an Olde One.

How are the mighty fallen!


oh, sorry, I know you all look forward to this:

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, Telling ALL the truth,

Justicar, Justicar, Exposing the Uncouth

DAMN IT BAUHAUS ... I'm in the middle of my theme song, do you MIND?

Let the Bard return, Let our respect he earn!

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.


[ February 05, 2003, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

Just in case any of you didn't get the e-mail I sent out, I'm off to the sunny beaches of Mexico till the 17th.

This conjures up an image of a large, lumpy, pale midwesterner wearing huge,billowing white shorts wandering aimlessly on the hot sands, slowly turning a deep, deep precancerous red whilst scores of native children bilk him out of every cent he owns by selling him sombreros rejected by Chi-Chi's as being too godawful ugly.

This image brings a large smile to my face.

And Lars? Be sure to drink a lot of the water down there.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Why is everybody speaking like Yoda?

Because, my Liege, of some Polish fluffy (or someone posing as a Polish fluffy), batting his eyes, and posting in monosyllabic gibberish.

I guess all of the others found it an amusing diversion.

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The Prophet sees the Revelation.

The voices in his head coalesce from their normal background annoying twitter into a chewy nougaty center of clarity.

'Tis not about poor demented Meeks a'tall.

Forsooth 'tis indeed about who has the bigger "posts", Seanachai or Joe Shaw.

Methinks I wish to see no more of either dangled about for quite awhile. Keep 'em short, keep 'em zipped, and keep 'em to yourselves, lads!

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does lars buy chicklets

or does chicklet buy lars

or do does give eyes for a buck

joe shaw came up in an uncommon way at an uncommon time

spent his time in the bars

and not for the wine

and always said,

same thing year after year,

said you can't always win

'specially not here

while weary waged war

and lamb laid low

ol' joe never gave out

never lost hope

well, way to go, joe

i tell all my friends,

way to go, joe,

right to the end

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem, my erstwhile liege:

<font size=-1>The Prophet sees the Revelation</font>.

Mon petite general, I think your prophecying duties are being usurped by this Strange Polish Person
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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem, my erstwhile liege:

<font size=-1>The Prophet sees the Revelation</font>.

Mon petite general, I think your prophecying duties are being usurped by this Strange Polish Person </font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

How very nice ... good choice for a Serf Berli, perhaps he could be bothered to read the rules?

You talkin' ta me?

I thought you weren't talking to me

Make up your mind </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

How very nice ... good choice for a Serf Berli, perhaps he could be bothered to read the rules?

You talkin' ta me?

I thought you weren't talking to me

Make up your mind </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

LenaKonrad (spelt but not bolded):

(5.875% 30 year fixed at par): Lose the sig.

(Double Eagle): Lose the "kisses"

(Austrian Flag): Sod Off!


1) i will lose.its a old think and i don't like it myself

2)just try to warm up post a little (in sense of Band of Lovers).but i can loose this too

3)can't do it

i like too spending holidays in prussia


[ February 05, 2003, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

LenaKonrad (spelt but not bolded):

(5.875% 30 year fixed at par): Lose the sig.

Don't let our closet Mormon get you down. lenacomrade. Your sig is just fine.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

LenaKonrad (spelt but not bolded):

(5.875% 30 year fixed at par): Lose the sig.

(Double Eagle): Lose the "kisses"

(Austrian Flag): Sod Off!


1) i will lose.its a old think and i don't like it myself

2)just try to warm up post a little (in sense of Band of Lovers).but i can loose this too

3)can't do it

i like too spending holidays in prussia

konrad </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh ... go thump a Bible or something you ... you ... Inquisitor General type.

I would, but your head isn't close enough.

p.s. I ain't no Mormon.
Prove it. As of right now, you live in Utah. Res ipsa locquitur.


[ February 05, 2003, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

LenaKonrad (spelt but not bolded):

(5.875% 30 year fixed at par): Lose the sig.

(Double Eagle): Lose the "kisses"

(Austrian Flag): Sod Off!


1) i will lose.its a old think and i don't like it myself

2)just try to warm up post a little (in sense of Band of Lovers).but i can loose this too

3)can't do it

i like too spending holidays in prussia

konrad </font>

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