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The Peng Challenge Thread and Minnesota's Ice Holes

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You may talk o' gin and beer

When you're quartered safe out 'ere,

An' you're sent to penny-fights an' Aldershot it;

But when it comes to slaughter

You will do your work on water,

An' you'll lick the bloomin' boots of 'im that's got it.

Now in Injia's sunny clime,

Where I used to spend my time

A-servin' of 'Er Majesty the Queen,

Of all them blackfaced crew

The finest man I knew

Was our regimental bhisti, Gunga Din.

He was "Din! Din! Din!

You limpin' lump o' brick-dust, Gunga Din!

Hi! slippery ~hitherao~!

Water, get it! ~Panee lao~!

You squidgy-nosed old idol, Gunga Din."

Just a little taste of the man you uncultured, poxy, lackwits. One of the finest poets of all time..lift your glasses to Rudyard Kipling.!!

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Lars, could you please take Gaylord as your squire....I think it would be quite fitting for him to be a part of the Shavian house....and I know you have always wanted a pet rock....pretty please!

Dear Lady,

I would love to fulfil your request, but sadly, the Dread Lord Protector of the MBT has forbidden it (thanks Shaw).

However, Milady, do not give up hope. I do believe there is a loophole allowing you to take him to Squire and keep him as your very own poolboy forever.

If that fails, I recommend using your feminine wiles on Berli to take him. I sure he couldn't stand up to you for long...

[ March 07, 2003, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

There were four in a bed

And the little Gnome said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And dalem fell out ( parp)

"parp"? Is that some kind of smear? </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I think, at this point, that the best thing we could do for the Kingship is to take a vote. How many of you lot want a king, and how many oppose it by all means?

At first, I was totally against the king, simply because it was the Olde One's idea, so I knew no good could come of it.

But, as many predicted, he would soon grow bored and then leave.

And after posting that abysmally drawn dog picture a dozen or so times, showing just how witless he'd become, it seems he's finally scarpered off.

So, my vote would be...

I don't give a meeks arse.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I think, at this point, that the best thing we could do for the Kingship is to take a vote. How many of you lot want a king, and how many oppose it by all means?

At first, I was totally against the king, simply because it was the Olde One's idea, so I knew no good could come of it.

But, as many predicted, he would soon grow bored and then leave.

And after posting that abysmally drawn dog picture a dozen or so times, showing just how witless he'd become, it seems he's finally scarpered off.

So, my vote would be...

I don't give a meeks arse. </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

I think she meant "perp". Then again, it could have been "perv".

SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t get caught.

Now sod off.

Guess next time I'll just say "FART"

[ March 07, 2003, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Seanachai, Seanachai, Seanachai ... did I not foretell this? Did I not predict it? Did I not glimpse the future, though through a glass darkly?

Meeks as King eh, and now you'd toss it aside like a dog grown bored with a gnawed and torn stuffed toy. Did I not SAY that he would never last? Did I not implore you to hold, did I not beg that we see if he would last? I did, Seanachai, I did and I WAS PROVEN RIGHT YET AGAIN!

The king is ... irrelevant ... and I have my doubts about you lad. This flip-flopping about, this sporadic posting and this encouragement of the posting of any sort of quasi-poetic drivel is all of a piece it seems to me.

IT'S MISTER ROGERS ISN'T IT LAD? It's all right to mourn lad, it's alright to curse the Gawds for taking from us that kind and gentle man. But in cursing the universe for it's blind disregard don't destroy the CessPool in a fit of pique.

As to the cooperation between the offices of the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and that of the Inquisitor General ... it sounds like another of your SWELL ideas ... like making Meeks king.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

That's the spirit, lad!

Bad; Vile bad verse, but at least you cared enough to do your best! Or worst. It all comes down to the same thing when read.

Now come on, you lot!

So you're actually requesting some Super Atomic Persiflagellistic Versification?


I'll see what I can do.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I think, at this point, that the best thing we could do for the Kingship is to take a vote. How many of you lot want a king, and how many oppose it by all means?

You don't vote for King

There's supposed to be some farcical aquatic ceremony with a watery tart throwing a sword at him.

I hope the moistened bint hits Meeks with the scimitar this time.

Preferably in the head.

{edited just in case she misses}

[ March 07, 2003, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

I think she meant "perp". Then again, it could have been "perv".

SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t get caught.

Now sod off.

Guess next time I'll just say "FART" </font>
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PS: Note well that I have joined the fantasy land of ADSL lightspeed NetSurfing... thus, I'm SODDING ORF to download another 10 gig of .mp3's ... got some catching up to do donchaknow....


Stick that up yer pipes...


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Oh, and before anyone else can get a vowel in edgeways, I propose we have a wake for my dear departed Faithfull-to-the-end ex-squire, lenakonrad who I fear has fallen foul of some misdeed or misfortune or mistake or misterious malady.

Or a PC hard drive crash or explosion or somefink.


I miss the lil' booger.

{not least of which he had a friggin' wonderful stash of techno-hypno-electro-trance-dance .mp3's which he had offered up to me for "sharing". I DO hope he is ok...}


And I shall NEVER take another unto quire out of respect, for these morons never knew you as well as I. That is my Faithfull Pledge, konrad, wherever you are...


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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

... thus, I'm SODDING ORF to download another 10 gig of .mp3's ...


Hmm. I didn't know there was that much disco music out there. Or are you also including John Tesh, Yanni, Zamphir, Kenny G. AND Slim Whitman in that bunch?
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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Just admiring my own sig...move on.


<font size =1>Psssst. Everyone except Leutnant Hortland, come here.

He's admiring his signature.


Sad isn't it when that's all a person has in life.</font>


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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

stash of techno-hypno-electro-trance-dance .mp3's


AussieJeff, You do know it's illegal in Australia to listen to anything but AC/DC, Rose Tattoo or The Angels?


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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

PS: Note well that I have joined the fantasy land of ADSL lightspeed NetSurfing... thus, I'm SODDING ORF to download another 10 gig of .mp3's ... got some catching up to do donchaknow....


MP3s. Oh, certainly.

Expect a tremendous activity spike in child-porn websites shortly.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I saw no challenge in there. There was no bile!! What happened to you man? Have you no anger left?

Entertain me, old man.

Ah, the common misconception. You see, lad, many tend to forget that (wait for it), The Peng Challenge Thread is not simply taunting, bile, and vitriol!

Yes indeed. If you go back and read the original two massive threads, you will also find, over and over again, that the Peng Challenge is also about rampant weirdness!

Remember, Hiram, that those who do not remember the past are doomed to have the same Santayana quote repeated to them for eternity.

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