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Using Canister on the Peng Challenge: Too Hollywood or just a Good Idea?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Roight, then! I'm off for Canada until Monday.

I will sit and enjoy the peace and quiet of remote lake, surrounded by nothing but the cries of the loons, the gentle susurrus of the wind in the pine trees, and the shrieking and shouting of six nephews and nieces, ages 6 to 17, as they fight, play, break things, and periodically demand that their Uncle 'sing the Polar Bear song again!'

Seanachai and his family in a remote cabin for a few days.

Why do I get this mental image of extremely inbred hill folks who eagerly await the approach of any unsuspecting vacationer? Sort of like "Texas Chainsaw Massacre Goes North On Holiday".

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Originally posted by rune:

Joebob, Joebob, Joebob ,

Please, i know it is hard for you...but try and concentrate and get that lone brain cell working. What part of TWO PLAYER confused you? Think of it as the amount of beer a typical Aussie can drink in 60 seconds. Remember, it is the song you use when buckling your shoe. More then 1 but less then 3, and 4 is just right out. [Homage to the Holy Hand Grenade].

Besides, inflicting pain on SSNs, why do we care? Get two SSNs to try it and suffer. What better way to tell a newbie to sod off then either picking 139 defenders or 2000 attackers with no ammo?

Better yet, since I have seemed to stress Joebob's lone brain cell, who has a couple of serfs you wish to torture? Let me know and I will send it to them, AND they must suplly an AAR with screen shots.

And you thought just Berli was evil...


rune May I suggest that you RE-READ your introductory email to me in which you clearly state that one could either play two player OR AGAINST THE AI AS THE RUSSIANS!

It was only after I did that and got the auto ceasefire that you remembered that you had the same thing happen and had to fall back on the old dodge of "Oh well, try it two player then." A COMPETENT scenario designer usually performs something called PLAYTESTING before foisting his wares upon an unsuspecting public.

Jim Boggs (spelt but not bolded ... as I recall he DECLINED the honor of being Squire to lenakonrad, can't blame him for that) I think it's very nice, very kind of you, to praise lenakonrad's post. He is leaving after all and it's much like letting the fat kid get a hit in his last ballgame. There are, after all, uses for hanging curve balls aren't there. Well done.


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Life at the Front,or how SirReal learned the lesson of false Pride (cont)

The Russians are attempting to advance now, a T-34 is knocked out by a Landser with a panzerfaust, the other Russian tanks collide with each other trying to get out of the line of fire. Russian infantry attempts to rush the German positions, but they have at least 100m of open ground to cover...the Landsers hold their fire until the Ivans are in the killing zone, then they open up with a furious barrage. The Russians hit the ground, but they have no cover, they are cut to pieces and sent fleeing in panic.

At least another company of Ivans is spotted, trying to infiltrate the center under the cover of smoke. The listening post reports of their movement and hastily withdraws back to the main defense line. The Jaeger company attempts to move SP guns to better firing positions, in order to draw the fire of hidden AT rifle teams of the enemy, as of yet they have not been spotted.....(cont)

[ July 04, 2003, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Why do I get this mental image of extremely inbred hill folks who eagerly await the approach of any unsuspecting vacationer?

Maybe because it brings back memories of your last jaunt to "the countryside".... did you ever beat the rap on your last arrest ? You know, the indecent exposure ?


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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Why do I get this mental image of extremely inbred hill folks who eagerly await the approach of any unsuspecting vacationer?

Maybe because it brings back memories of your last jaunt to "the countryside".... did you ever beat the rap on your last arrest ? You know, the indecent exposure ?

Noba. </font>

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Listen up, Porkchops!!

If you are playing a game vs me or my lovely lady, Moraine Sedai, this announcement is for you.

Send your latest turn in the latest version. Since I made the mistake of playing with the sodding beta version, I've gotten plenty of stupid little emails saying "But Hiram, it won't load with my latest version and I'm a dimwit".

Here are my excuses for not sending out turns sooner:

I've been knee deep in nookie for the last two months. I've been wading in the womanly well of goodness and lapping at the lake of labia punch. My significant other is now thoroughly exhausted and is ready to play some CM because she tires of having my disgusting hirsute frame huffing and puffing upon her.

So, for her sake, send your turns in the latest version or else I may be forced to deal out some more Hiram-Lovin.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I've been knee deep in nookie for the last two months.

It's now official

Q: Hell has frozen over.

E: The end times are upon us.

D: I am more nauseous than I've ever been in my life AND that's including the time I got salmonella on top of finishing a half a bottle of tequila.

Hiram, you die for this.

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*awaits the inevitable wailing, nashing of teeth and gouging out of eyes that tend to follow such posts as Hiram's last*

Oh wait...there's Boo, already wailing and crying in a crumpled heap in the corner. Someone get him a hanky for his runny nose. While you're at it, call his mommy - it's time for his nap.

And yes...at last and for a brief time I have unfettered myself from the bedposts and can again romp and run rampant among the pages of the MBT. Aren't you all lucky?

That is...I'm free until the man of the house tracks me down again. Then I shall be pounded once again...and again...and again by his ICBM of Love +3. Ye gods...somebody help me!!!

Now for something completely different: I hope everyone's Fourth was pleasant (for those who celebrate it). For us, we got to watch "Dueling Fireworks" as neighbors to either side of us put on impressive displays.

[ July 05, 2003, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Hiram dear lad, and I want to be VERY clear on this, I wish to leave NO room for doubt whatsoever and to ensure that my message is CRYSTAL CLEAR so do let me know if I've somehow failed in my attempt to impart the following message in such a manner that even some clown from NOO JOYSEE (YOU, not to put too fine a point on it) would get it on the first go around.

You have given us TOO MUCH INFORMATION. While I'm sure we all rejoice (there were fireworks last night and I attribute it to the news you've passed on ... actually were the news to be that you had, well, PASSED ON, the fireworks would probably be MUCH more grand) at your good fortune we don't need to know chapter and verse.

Indeed, the mere thoughts of you ... breeding ... can only be assuaged by the well known scientific fact that any offspring would only share HALF of your genes. That the other half would be contributed by so fine a Lady of the Pool as Lady Moraine (my apologies if I misspelled) are frosting on the cake since ANYTHING that diluted YOUR contribution would be a GOOD thing.

In short, from now on be assured that a mere mention of your having "Good fortune" or even "connubial bliss" will suffice and allow us to break the code. We REALLY, I mean we REALLY don't want any details that might keep us up at night shivering over what MIGHT be happening.

There's a good lad ... not really but you get the drift.


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Listen up, Porkchops!!

If you are playing a game vs me or my lovely lady, Moraine Sedai, this announcement is for you.

Send your latest turn in the latest version. Since I made the mistake of playing with the sodding beta version, I've gotten plenty of stupid little emails saying "But Hiram, it won't load with my latest version and I'm a dimwit".

Here are my excuses for not sending out turns sooner:

I've been knee deep in nookie for the last two months. I've been wading in the womanly well of goodness and lapping at the lake of labia punch. My significant other is now thoroughly exhausted and is ready to play some CM because she tires of having my disgusting hirsute frame huffing and puffing upon her.

So, for her sake, send your turns in the latest version or else I may be forced to deal out some more Hiram-Lovin.

Eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !

I feel so lucky that I'm not playing a game against you.....I couldn't stand the mental images that would appear as your name popped into my 'inbox' !!


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Why do I get this mental image of extremely inbred hill folks who eagerly await the approach of any unsuspecting vacationer?

Maybe because it brings back memories of your last jaunt to "the countryside".... did you ever beat the rap on your last arrest ? You know, the indecent exposure ?

Noba. </font>

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I shall be pounded once again...and again...and again by his ICBM of Love +3. Ye gods...somebody help me!!!

I could send the Scissors +5 to excise that 'little' problem you're having with Hiram.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Indeed, the mere thoughts of you ... breeding ... can only be assuaged by the well known scientific fact that any offspring would only share HALF of your genes. That the other half would be contributed by so fine a Lady of the Pool as Lady Moraine (my apologies if I misspelled) are frosting on the cake since ANYTHING that diluted YOUR contribution would be a GOOD thing.


I really don't think we have too much to fear from this, Joe. If Hiram were human, then there might be cause for concern, but as he is genetically closer to a ring-tailed lemur, the concept of progeny is too impossible for even a Twilight Zone episode.
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Can't say as I have ever met Mlle. Moraine, but it is the duty of everyone in the 'pool to save her from such a fate... This maybe her once remaining chance at sanity, and we shall not abandon her to such a fate. If needs be, send him a vile setup. Fifteen or twenty in his inbox may buy her enough time to make good her escape...

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So, I ask for our turns from you brain dead twits in the latest version and all I get is two turns in the old version from a bonehead named Boo Radley.

I shall now light the scented candles to mask the fetid stench from my regions most nether and begin the shtooping anew. When the significant other is walking like a gunfighter, she can thank you.

I hope you all are happy.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

So, I ask for our turns from you brain dead twits in the latest version and all I get is two turns in the old version from a bonehead named Boo Radley.

Oh, I'm sorry, Hiram. May I call you Hiram? Or how about lazy, good for nothing,weak-chinned, too-stupid-to-be-allowed-to-live, whey-faced git? I didn't realize that you're so out of it that you have to have the files changed for you. You see, I originally sent those files to you back in May. A month and a half ago. Back when YOU had version 1.02. Remember those halycon days, Hiram me lad? Did you delete that version, Hiram old bean? So now all you have is the Beta version of 1.03? Is that it, Homeboy?

I shall now light the scented candles to mask the fetid stench from my regions most nether and begin the shtooping anew.

And then when you're finished, say about 5-7 minutes, will you be sending out files?

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Let's see, 7, 8, 9, 10, yup ten, all my fingers are in place, even after a 4th of July remeniscent of the famous "Shock and Awe" that the good ole USA rained down on the hapless Iraqis. Luckily fireworks are illegal in the state of New York. I would shudder to think of the mayhem that would take place if this was not the case. I swear that someone in my neighborhood was launching JADAMS. People had to disable their car alarms, the concussion from these huge explosions was so powerful. But, what the hey, we are the most powerful nation on the face of the earth, if the common man can't level his own block, and shatter windows miles away, what good is all this freedom we have? Hey grab a Bud Light, and fire off another stick of C-4!!!

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