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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

This campaign is about FAITH -- even for you, Berli.

I suppose that it has not dawned on a simple minded twit such as yourself that without faith there can be no belief in the Devil.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh Fairest of Ladies...know that all we Dwarfs and Gnomes avoid all use of the 'smurf' word.

And why is that? I mean it's a well GNOWN fact that all Dwarfs and Gnomes are related to the Smurfs.

Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls (as you have lived to experience) have all had that hint of evilness attached to them at one time or another..

Strangely enough, back in College one of my best friends one day declared me to be 'A twisted little dwarf'. It was immediately adopted by all who knew me. "Let's see what the twisted dwarf wants to do," etc.

We all know that the college days are when young people (especially Male Gnomes) tend to rebel against the norm.. I expect you put plastic wrap over the toilet seats, and spiked peoples food and drinks with laxatives.. You wanted to be hated, and seen as being Big ,Bad and tough.. you tried so hard to shake of that "Cute smurf image" the girls tagged you with..

*Taken from the college year book*

Such a cutie, not at all like those other nasty Gnomes and Dwarfs

His recitals often reduce me to tears, such a romantic..... A typical smurf really..

The Cyrano of Gnomes obviously has a heart like a Smurf..

And an entry made by the college Principal..

Young Seanachai is such a troubled lad, he doesn't know which way to turn.

At times he has this mean streak about him, but it's mostly when hanging out with the trolls. Seanachai, would do well to follow his instincts and his heart and give into the smurf inside, until he does, he will never be truly happy.

Of course you kept on fighting off the Smurf image, even after you left college...

Many years later, another close friend with no connection to those times or knowledge of that usage suddenly declared me to be 'an evil little troll'.

Then Berli, returning from his first visit, declared me to be a garden gnome.

And that should have been your turning point really... I mean GARDEN Gnome nothing is closer to the smurf family than the typical Garden Gnome .. they are cute, kind and cheerful little things, not at all unlike the smurf....If only you could accept the fact that you will never be the Gaylord of Gnomes never be the Nasty Troll and just settle for being who you are... You constantly rebuke my advances, but I shall never give up... you are my Cyrano and you only have yourself to blame..


I sense a theme...

Well I hope its not another rebuke, its all becoming ever so tiresome..

And I wont wait until someone comes along and drops a log on your head you know....

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Originally posted by YK2:

I expect you put plastic wrap over the toilet seats

Ahhhhhhh, University life!

Vegemite smeared on black toilet seats was another standard.

The piece de resistance however was staying up til 3 am in the morning, then going through Menzies college (La Trobe University) removing every toilet paper roll from every toilet and stacking the whole lot as a pyramid in the quadrangle (We did however have enough forebodance to keep a reserve supply for our own use).

The collective scream of some 500 students realising that there was no toilet paper in easy reach is something that will live with me for the rest of my life.


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Originally posted by Mace:

The piece de resistance however was staying up til 3 am in the morning, then going through Menzies college (La Trobe University) removing every toilet paper roll from every toilet and stacking the whole lot as a pyramid in the quadrangle (We did however have enough forebodance to keep a reserve supply for our own use).

The collective scream of some 500 students realising that there was no toilet paper in easy reach is something that will live with me for the rest of my life.

I didn't realize Australia saved toilet paper training till you advanced to University.

But really now, how loud could the three foreign exchange students have possibly screamed?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Lie to your therapist and sit in her chair.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Speechless, Dame Emma?

Well, if you are wondering upon what subject you can discourse at length, perhaps you can tell me why men are so much more focussed on physical relationships while women are not.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

You only need to pop into Seanacoochies local ale house to see a fine collection of these Smurfpint Glasses.........

Oh Fairest of Ladies...know that all we Dwarfs and Gnomes avoid all use of the 'smurf' word.

Strangely enough, back in College one of my best friends one day declared me to be 'A twisted little dwarf'. It was immediately adopted by all who knew me. "Let's see what the twisted dwarf wants to do," etc.

Many years later, another close friend with no connection to those times or knowledge of that usage suddenly declared me to be 'an evil little troll'.

Then Berli, returning from his first visit, declared me to be a garden gnome.

I sense a theme... </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Women have more and funner touchy parts, duh.

I had to read that over twice before it made sense. Which actually, considering that it was written by someone who's typing has always seemed to me to be "English Optional", really shouldn't be that surprising. </font>
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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Women have more and funner touchy parts, duh.

I had to read that over twice before it made sense. Which actually, considering that it was written by someone who's typing has always seemed to me to be "English Optional", really shouldn't be that surprising. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I dunno, there Sparky, but I think I'd like to "touch" the top of your pointy little head with a circus mallet about three or four dozen times.

I guess I "touched" a sore spot, huh? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your little secret. Apart from Pengers, of course. Does that mean I'm telling Pengers apart?


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It sounds like a bunch of you greamlins need to join our football team. Tonight's practice lasted 4 exhuberant hours. We got lucky and it was only 96 outside with a humidity of 113%. Our team even got a quarter, of course this kind was that of the conditioning persuasion. You know, the basic one minute of pushups (if only it were the flinstone slushy kind), another minute of situps, uno minute of squat thrusts, and to top it all off... a minute of updowns. (which should really be called down ups)

Fun for the whole family, I say. We've even managed to create a micro dustbowl on our practice field. Since it hasn't rained it what, a month?

I almost forgot, I get the opportunity to go in the school early tomorrow. You see, we're lifting weights for football, cause our team is a bunch of skinny, thin, weak people. Well I am at least. Then off to a jaunt of school, repeat previous processes and so on.

Oh, Mrspkr, the whole "Save Seanagnome" theme might drive people away from your decrepid campagin. I think, "Buy Seanachi a trip for life to Austraila" a much more worthwhile cause. I'm sure he'd have a blast with Macey wacey and the multitudes of sheep there. Plus, he might actually leave the country--for good, a momentious occasion indeed.

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Originally posted by Leeo:


You owe me a game. I'm tired of playing these maroons that send turns at their whim. At least with you and your dull ways, I get regular turns due to your near-compulsive desire to fit in.

C'mon, send me a set up!

Wassamatta, Leeeeeeeeo? Life with out Boo just not worth living?

I'd feel your pain but then I'd have to wash my hands in lye.

Fear not, little Leeeeeo, my favorite worst coaster, you'll be getting your set-up shortly.

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Originally posted by Sir Augustus:

Our team even got a quarter

Oooh, did we now? The little tots must have practiced reeeeally hard.

Who's a good boy? Yes, you are, yes, you are.

Did you blow it on a snow cone or are you going to send that bright shiny quarter to Seanachai?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Make your kids stand at attention every morning.

Now sod off.

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