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The Official v1.04 Patch Thread

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Okay, now that v1.03 has been released, it's time to start griping, err, suggesting about what to include in v1.04 (the really, really, I mean it this time, final patch). smile.gifsmile.gif

I'll start:

Cannister vs. Shrapnel issue

Ammo allocation for organic 45mm guns in Dec '41

Targeting of HQ tanks

Targeting based on unit cost

I'll expect an official BFC announcement on v1.04 within a few hours. ;)



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Originally posted by MikeyD:

And where's the Matrix-style total emersion? I had already got a socket implanted into the back of my head in anticipation!

That's not a socket in the back of your head. That's your ear.

Yes, you are seriously deformed. I know. For the love of god, go and put a paper bag on your head.

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The 1.03 patch is great, but how could a bug like the HQ targetting from air support simply be glossed over - I know that many scenarios do not include AS but in the interests of fairness and realism it should really be addressed before moving onto another CM game ...

Just a thought.

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HQ targetting priorities are only half bug, half feature. The feature is that HQ units can be recognized on a battlefield sooner or later, be it through antennas, or even simply their behaviour. So the TacAI is "slightly" trimmed towards attacking those with priority.

The half bug comes from the fact that air units are affected by this kind of targetting AI, which they shouldn't (at least not to the extent that is reported). Since the effect is small and somewhat visible only under extreme circumstances, since it affects both sides equally, and since fixing this would have meant a lot of non-trivial coding effort, we have decided to leave it. Now I *think* that it was somewhat toned down in 1.03 (overall targetting), but I might recall that wrong.


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I just experienced something that I want a fix for in 1.04 or CMAK, whichever comes first.

The autoceasefire trigger way too early if the battle is started with low ammo.

Example one: Both players start with ammo 20%. Game ends after turn 1.

Example two: Attacker players start with ammo 30%. As the defender I can win this battle any time by pushing ceasefire, as the attacker has the autoceasefire triggered from turn 1.

I know this is considered to be a feature and not a bug, but please reconsider until CMAK. Autoceasefire due to low ammo should have different triggering levels depending on if the game started at 100% or 20%, otherwise it can be removed.

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COMON! How about the impossibility for a lower standing tank or gun to aim at a higher standing house??????????????????????????????????????????

I think its the bug of ALL bugs and how everybody does overlook it? Well, ok.. if its all right with you all i can tolerate it either though its TOTALLY AWFUL.

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

There are no plans for a 1.04 patch.

All future work is now aimed at CMAK and CMX2.


A-HA! I knew it! See how he's cleverly throwing in subtle hints that there WILL be another patch?

I can't wait to see what's included in v104. New models, new textures, perhaps horses? How about ninjas....will we have ninjas in the next patch?

GG smile.gif

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Originally posted by GreenGriffon:

A-HA! I knew it! See how he's cleverly throwing in subtle hints that there WILL be another patch?

I can't wait to see what's included in v104. New models, new textures, perhaps horses? How about ninjas....will we have ninjas in the next patch?

GG smile.gif

That's it! There better be better power ups in 1.04 or I won't buy CMAK.
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Originally posted by ['nzn]:

COMON! How about the impossibility for a lower standing tank or gun to aim at a higher standing house??????????????????????????????????????????

I think its the bug of ALL bugs and how everybody does overlook it? Well, ok.. if its all right with you all i can tolerate it either though its TOTALLY AWFUL.

I don't get your point. Do you?
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I thought several posters did a darn good job of spporting 100mm front hull armor on the Model 1944 IS-2 tanks. Current patch has 120mm on upper and lower front hull areas, too much!

Maybe one more patch? Please?

Got to have 76.2mm shrapnel, as c3k pointed out.

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Originally posted by rexford:

I thought several posters did a darn good job of spporting 100mm front hull armor on the Model 1944 IS-2 tanks. Current patch has 120mm on upper and lower front hull areas, too much!

Maybe one more patch? Please?

Got to have 76.2mm shrapnel, as c3k pointed out.

I was disappointed too in seeing that BFC decided to stick with the previous values. AFAIK there's no evidence of a 120mm thick lower hull, nor that the plating of the rear MG port was done before the IS-2M postwar modification. But perhaps they managed to find other bit of information about this. I won't feel gamey in buying IS-2 for QBs exactly as I didn't feel gamey when buying gyrostabilizer equipped Fireflies and 105mm armed Shermans in CMBO :D

For what concernes the shrapnel issue, well I don't think it's a bad idea to leave shrapnel modelling out in CMBB. AFAIK BFC guys analyzed the issue and decided that the additional complexity was not worth the effort. Considering that correct shrapnel usage was not so easy for the average artilleryman it might be the right decision.

The point is that, after we discovered that 76.2mm 'canisters' consists of properly fuzed shrapnel rounds, I think that the same 'C' rounds ability was to be extended to virtually all the Soviet 76.2mm guns in the game (I think they gave it only to the ZiS-3 simply because the only indirect reference they had for "canister" usage was from the former Soviet soldier that happened to serve in a ZiS-3 equipped battery).

Moreover the regular 57mm canister rounds should have been issued also (and foremost) to the 57mm AT gun, and not only to the T-34-57.

Thus, it a 1.04 patch would ever see the light (and I strongly doubt this will happen) I think that the best solution could be to give the 'C' rounds also to the other Soviet 76mm field guns (shrapnel rounds that one might assume will be used ONLY in close defence) and the 57mm AT guns (regular canister).

Maybe next year, after CMAK and before the CMX2 project ends, BFC might consider to make an add on disk for CMBB (and CMAK?), with some new models and, perhaps, winter BMPs (I think almost everyone here would buy it). Thus it might be an occasion to release a new patch ;)



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Damn those upper hulls! Who's interested in how many slopes are on BA20 moder etc.. I mean who's interested in it more then in whether the buildings are ****in' flat or are they 3d in the most realistic tactical wargame??? They gotta be 3d ppl!

Put a kind of targeting point at the middle of a roof or at every house's corner! The buildings are flat when it comes to targeting, for god's sake!

Or does that point about "soft targets on reverse slope" refers to houses as well i wonder?

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While we're bringing up the IS-2 front hull armor for possible change in a last patch, how bout 122mm AP penetration?

Working from the face-hardened figure which follows from the ARTKOM equation, 122mm AP should do the following thicknesses of rolled homogeneous armor (medium hardness):

201mm at 0m

196mm at 100m

179mm at 500

168mm at 750

158mm at 1000m

141mm at 1500m

125mm at 2000m

99mm at 3000m

Early combat against Panthers resulted in a 600m to 700m maximum penetration range for 122mm AP, and the penetration figures in the game just don't make it.

Panther glacis resistance should equal about 173mm vertical (83mm at 55 degrees from vertical).

If CMBB decreases 122mm AP penetration due to shatter concerns, I would suggest ignoring the shatter business and going with the full penetration numbers. It may be more important to allow penetrations of Panther glacis at medium range than to include shattered bounces off Tiger front armor at really close range and unusually wide impact angles.

[ June 08, 2003, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: rexford ]

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