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Russian tank optics? Driving while drunk? Or stupid?

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I have come to the conclusion that my russian tanks drivers are either mentally handicaped or drunk. They have terrible aim and are best used for....for....damn brain not working...has anyone found a russian tank that can take out german SP guns at long range?

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Originally posted by Patton21:

I have come to the conclusion that my russian tanks drivers are either mentally handicaped or drunk. They have terrible aim and are best used for....for....damn brain not working...has anyone found a russian tank that can take out german SP guns at long range?

My Marders are even worse.
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My Russian tanks can't hit anything at any distance at any time. I recently played a scenario called "Prokhorovka" as the Russians and the German tanks had a field day. I would have had better luck had my tankers left their tanks back at home and run up to the German tanks and peed on them hoping they'd rust up. No kidding.

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Boo, I totally agree. I'll even throw in the fact that my Russian tanks don't even get a shot off AND that the Germans wasted lots of production on AP as they only need bring the same number of AP as Russian tanks cause they get a KO on 1st shot. I'm playing a PBEM and there are no craters from German ammo. NONE! Every single shot has hit its mark. It doesn't matter if the German tanks are buttoned, unbuttoned, moving or not moving...no craters! Both sides tanks are broken.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I would have had better luck had my tankers left their tanks back at home and run up to the German tanks and peed on them hoping they'd rust up.

So that was what your tank crews were trying to do. Damn them and their cocked legs.
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The answer is not to try and kill SP guns at long range.

Use the russians advantages of speed,mobility and numerical advantage to close with your enemy.

A german tank with long range optics will pick you of from long range. However these AFV's normally dont have a turret. Use this.

I find that the numerical advantage of soviet armour brought about by the points scheme in QB normally overcomes the german technical superiority. However if you are playing a scenario it is up to the designer to supply balance.

Also remember that differences in armour are very year sensitive.

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Originally posted by JAT:

Boo, I totally agree. I'll even throw in the fact that my Russian tanks don't even get a shot off AND that the Germans wasted lots of production on AP as they only need bring the same number of AP as Russian tanks cause they get a KO on 1st shot. I'm playing a PBEM and there are no craters from German ammo. NONE! Every single shot has hit its mark. It doesn't matter if the German tanks are buttoned, unbuttoned, moving or not moving...no craters! Both sides tanks are broken.

I was playing that scenario against PondScum ( Who, by the way, is a cur and a sniffer of bicycle tires.), and at one point, one of his Tigers nailed one of my T-34's with his first shot as he was going backwards down a road. Real nice.

As for closing with the German's, nice trick when your out in the middle of nowhere and the German's can see you coming from say, 2-3 klicks away. "Kvick, Yuri, go into stealth mode! "

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I would've agreed with you, except for the games I played over the weekend.

Played one Quickbattle my Tiger II and JpzIVs versus a couple IS-2s and the rest T-34-85s on a big wintery map. I've never got my clock cleaned by the AI so quickly in my entire life! Every Russian shot seemed to be a first round kill. Every attempt on my part to flank the enemy got a hole punched in the side from an unexpected direction.

It looks like Russian armor in '45 is exponentially better than in 43. Maybe you're just playing the wrong year. ;)

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My German tank cmdrs aren't too bright either. I was relocating them across the back field, and had a long move set. Russian Art started up ahead of them and the cmdrs just drove right on into it. Now I wouldn't have minded this, had the idiots buttoned up first! now I have 2 tanks with no cmdrs, good riddence to the idiots.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

My Russian tanks can't hit anything at any distance at any time. I recently played a scenario called "Prokhorovka" as the Russians and the German tanks had a field day. I would have had better luck had my tankers left their tanks back at home and run up to the German tanks and peed on them hoping they'd rust up. No kidding.

To the scenarios credit you are only given conscript tanks, which are patheticly bad. I had one tank use up all its ammo and not hit anything.

Russian tanks are definately close up avengers - don't do long ranges with them. I say 300-400 meters only

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Originally posted by Greebo:

My German tank cmdrs aren't too bright either. I was relocating them across the back field, and had a long move set. Russian Art started up ahead of them and the cmdrs just drove right on into it. Now I wouldn't have minded this, had the idiots buttoned up first! now I have 2 tanks with no cmdrs, good riddence to the idiots.

I'm going off topic a tad so, Patton21, please accept my apologies. Greebo, when you say 2 of your cmdrs were killed, did the tanks lose the bonuses? I don't think they do. A couple of questions then spring to mind. Do the tanks or the tank commanders carry the abilities? Duh! Is the cmdr ALWAYS the one who pops up when the tank is unbuttoned or is it a lackey? I guess CM models that it is always a lackey. What is the real answer to who is the lookout, historically wise?

Edited cause I just saw another movie with 3...yes 3 more 1st shot kills at 20m from a tank hunter, 400m from a PanzerIII? against a T-34/85 frontally and a 200m shot.

[ June 02, 2003, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: JAT ]

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Originally posted by Cpt Kernow:

However if you are playing a scenario it is up to the designer to supply balance...

Not to pick a nit here but would just caution you to add, "...where appropriate." as a Historical Scenario may feature un-balanced forces.

There can be IMHO a lot of difference in a historical scenarios and a scenario built for competitive play though the two are not mutually exclusive.

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Another interesting scenario is something called "Armor on the Boulevard", I believe, where you have a massive tank battle in a section of a city. In this the Russians stand up a bit better since German optics don't enter in too much when you're just a block away from your target.

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