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Everything posted by Patton21

  1. Any updates that I have missed as to what the status of this game is? There seems to be a total lack of news or info.
  2. I too would be interested in some time frame for release. We, however, will not get one. I would not be surprised if we were still another year away given that the graphics are not finalized and the plot not finalized etc...
  3. Watch what you say Deadmarsh...dont be such a jackass.
  4. Do we get to play both the USA and Syrian side in this game?
  5. Man, Ill have to wait till then? I guess Ill just give myself a bear tranquilizer and wait it out.
  6. Are there more than two screenshots for now? I think im in the unfortunate situation of now salivating over this game like I was with CM: BO in 12th grade.
  7. Lets say you are watching your ambush go just as planned when several tanks pop out and you know your anti tank guns will be taken out because they always go into pinned mode. But you have some antitank gunssitting in the bushes that you want to open up. Would it require a total rewrite in code to be able to do small orders during the movie phase. This is almost be like real time, you could adjust AT fire or rifle fire. Am I totaly hung over from last night? No, i just want to redirect AT fire during my movie turn.
  8. Well a neurobiologist/neurochemist studies the nervous system and the brain, which are one in the same. You study the action potentials of the brain which are the electrical signals your brain generates to send nerve impulses down your axons and dendrites. So this naturaly leads into study of MS and parkinsens disease. But im sticking to my guns, that round landed behind the m10 by god. It landed behind the m10!!!!
  9. Alright, there seems to be some confusion on my part. When I said that the round from my m10 landed behind the m10, that is exactly what i meant. The round came out of the gun, turned around and exploded behind the tank. When I first started posting on this message board people were all excited about cmbo, and were friendly, i think the smell of gunpowder and beer has driven some of you guys crazy...damn beer.
  10. You mock my tactics CMplayer, oh well, if I had time we should play. Midterms are coming up and damnit, this organic chemistry is just damn annoying. 1,2-dimethyl-4,5,6-tri ethylnonane. Draw all isomers of that, stupid question. So you see, im busy studying, but my TD doctrine works well, trust me.
  11. So really, by moving my TD's up to the front and beyond, I was helping to rewrite american doctrine. I really am a very progressiv person. If you can get your TD up front fast, into good position, then you can take out the german tanks as they pop over a hill or from a behind a house. That is my doctrine at least.
  12. Am I the only one who has seen a round fired from a tank land behind the tank? I dont think so. And i am a college student getting a degree in neurobiology, so i am not low on the food chain, nor am I not intelligent. Some of you guys are silly willys. I have been on this board for two years now and you guys have gotten bitter. Perhaps some wine will help. The m10 is a great tank destroyer, but has its flaws, like thin armor and a slow turret, and a high profile. The Americans should have made a low profile tank destroyer like the stugIIIG. Its veterans day, lets celebrate!!!
  13. In all my tests in CMBO my m10 would get killed at 1000m at a ratio of 2:1 against the markIV. It seems to me that the mark IV would just be dead on faster then the m10. In fact, some of the rounds from my m10, would land behind the m10, now that is one heck of a bad shot!
  14. My spelling is due to the fact that i dont care about spelling on a message board. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. I also like to cross streets on a red light just for the hell of it. Anway, ill take some of you guys on in scrabble and then we will party. But sometimes, if you charge a tank up to some infantry and blast at them with a .30 cal you can route them much faster then peppering them with HE from a distance. An m10 at 1000m versus a long 75mm mark4 is no match and will be destroyed very fast.
  15. Not to mention that the m10 is easily knocked out my a grenade or mortor round. Lets be honast guys, everything you leanred in close combat II is true, it was the pinacle of m10 simulation. My m10's were always knocked out my german grenades and rifle fire. Im just not a huge fan of the m10, unless its up against german tanks that cant fire back.
  16. The middle e in my signature is to be crazy! And the m10 may be in tunisia but it has very thin armor and you could punch through it with anything a bit bigger then a rifle round.
  17. well, we dont even need 88's, a few well placed 75 or 37 mm guns could do the trick. Im hoping for massive allied air support! Ill just have my infantry sitting back at some lagoon while my aircraft take out all the guns and then ill just march through and perhaps pick up some german army memorabilia.
  18. Do you think that superior german optics and tank guns will turn all desert battles into a slaughter? There is not much cover in the desert and german 88's and mark IV tanks, not to mention panthers and tigers will make short work of any allied tank in the open. Unless allies get air support I dont think the allied armor will have a very good time in africa.
  19. What do you guys think of this book battlefront is selling? Worth the 20 bucks or should I go out to a nice dinner of KFC and get boneless BBQ wings?
  20. Just use Lt. General, its short and everyone knows what it means.
  21. When I defend against the AI and reach the final conclusion, a total victory on my part, I then look at the map. The units that the AI bought just dont add up to what they had to spend. Have you guys noticed this?
  22. Why are arty observors so slow? They are just carrying a radio and bincoculars, nothing so bad. They tire easily and move very slow. Why is this?
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