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America Sucks

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Totally off topic but im bored....

Since playing this game it has made me investigate WW2 history. And I have decided that what The Americans and their **** tanks did in WW2 was overrated and it was the Russians that won the war for the allies. As a Canadian I had American history shoved doen my Fu**kin throat in high school.I could go on but i wont.

Curious to see what you dudes have to say about the americans in WW2 and if you think Russia could have still won minus america


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hi mom,

How's life ? being at the eastern front is no fun at all, i get shot at by PPsh-waving partisans, and "Urrahh"-screaming, alcohol-induced ivans.

Thanks for the sweater you sent me for Christmas, it is a welcomed relief from the bitter cold. I am sorry I didn't send any thing home. Please send my love to the folks at home. They are always on my mind.


[ January 09, 2003, 03:18 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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Heya Kingpin!

From my home town no less! smile.gif

(I grew up near Capilano Mall.)

Your topic is interesting and I might be inclined to agree with your idea about America's involvement being "overated" compared to Russia's . . . but I think you could put forth your idea in a more (how shall I say) polite manner. smile.gif

It's just that having read it, your post even put my back up a bit. If you want to discuss this topic seriously, I'd suggest being serious. smile.gif

(I realize that you're bored, but be ready for some abuse that stems from nothing other than the "tone" of your post.) (Maybe you DO expect it?) smile.gif

Any ways, just looking out for my homies!


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Originally posted by KingPin:

...And I have decided that what The Americans and their **** tanks did in WW2 was overrated and it was the Russians that won the war for the allies.


Not much to add to such an accurate, well-founded conclusion surely based on countless hours of diligent study and research.

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Originally posted by KingPin:

Curious to see what you dudes have to say about the americans in WW2 and if you think Russia could have still won minus america

Maybe, maybe not. *shrugs*

The Western Allies were seriously involved in a war in both Europe and the Pacific/South East Asia and had to resource both. Russia never seriously got involved in the Pacific war until they had finished with Nazi Germany and could thus devote their resources solely to the battle on the European front.

Germany was stretched by a war on two fronts(three fronts if you count the Italian campaign?). If Germany could have concentrated solely on the USSR it may have been able to achieve a stalemate.

Fortunately, history can't be changed and we did get the best outcome (defeat of the Axis).


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polite, (its the internet), i hope i didnt hurt anyones feelings.....sorry...i will have a cry on everyones behalf.

and yes i suck ass at this totally awesome game. right now i am totally pissed off because i have no idea what the hell i am doing in that game

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It is likely academic whether the Russians would have won without the Americans in WW2. By the time of the Allied landings in Normandy, the Soviets were already well on their way to pushing the Germans out of Russia. But the massive aid provided by the Americans, brought over at great cost by American seamen, did much to aleviate the suffering of the Russians and most surely strengthened their postition and allowed the Communists to turn the tables in their favor.

Many German leaders knew that the situation was desperate not so much from being pushed back, but in their own words, when they saw the Russians eating American food, driving American Tanks, planes, and trucks, and firing American ammunition.

Yes, the early American tanks were poor. The Americans had to play their usual game of catchup when it came to tank technology thanks to narrow visioned pre-war polititions. But the Americans learned fast. After only a few months, models like the jumbo and easy 8 were coming into action, soon to backed up by the Pershing and others. And of course, not only were the tanks getting better, there were LOTS of them. I beleive many armored formations fielded by the Canadians were made up of these tanks also as the Russians werent the only recipients of American Largesse.

These tanks were formed in combat units ably led by the likes of Patton, Bradley, etc. The units were made up of well trained, motivated troops who, while they did not fight as long a war as the rest of the allies in Europe, most certainly paid a heavy price for the freedom of Europe. And while things werent always rosey like the propaganda would have us beleive, these units worked very well with the rest of the Allies, including Canada.

America did not fight as long in Europe as the CommonWealth or Russia, but the fresh troops, constant supply, and upbeat morale most certainly did a great deal to turn the tide. With out it, the war would have went on a lot longer and at even greater cost. Only a fool wouldnt see that.

God Bless America

Semper Fi...

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Of course the ability of the Soviets to concentrate solely on weapons production because we were supplying them with nearly everything else didn't hurt.

And before you get too down on the Sherman, even the early models were still a match for the bulk of German armor. The Uberpanzers were outstanding but not war winning (obviously :D ).

For future reference, if you want a discussion just ask. There is no need to try to tick people off in order to get a response. If there is one thing this forum doesn't lack it is people willing to give their opinion. Sometimes it is hard to get them to shut up! :D

[ January 09, 2003, 03:46 AM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]

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Originally posted by KingPin:

Totally off topic but im bored....

Since playing this game it has made me investigate WW2 history. And I have decided that what The Americans and their **** tanks did in WW2 was overrated and it was the Russians that won the war for the allies. As a Canadian I had American history shoved doen my Fu**kin throat in high school.I could go on but i wont.

Curious to see what you dudes have to say about the americans in WW2 and if you think Russia could have still won minus america


Go to bed silly boy!


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I would just like to add my little bit, Why is it that everything Americans Know it's been in a movie,

example I met a freind of a freind he was yank and very cocky anyway we were discussing his dad being on Omaha beach weather thats true or not iam not bothered but eventually he let me speak and the first thing I said was my father was in the war ( British) before i could go on he said "oh so he fought at Arnham" I asked him why he thought this and he replied " well isnt that what the british done with our help of course" I replied starting to get pissed of with him "well what about the rest" he looked at me then changed the topic I dont want to annoy the handfull of yanks not educated by Hollywood but this really F**ks me off

What Iam saying is that it seems to me the avarage American seems to think America won the war with John Wayne and Cpt.Miller and today men like my father and grandfathers dont get the recognition they deserve.

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There have been widespread demonstrations about the recent price hikes here on the streets of Jakarta. Putting up prices 15-20% in an impoverished country with massive unemployment and a large pool of disgruntled youth - now THAT'S how to start a flame war.

As the above attempts are pathetic in comparison, I just thought I would say hi. Hi.



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To anyone reading this,

I don't know how much longer I have to live. Today the government raised the price of oranges by a penny and there have been mobs burning cars ever since. Unfortunatly someone saw me peeling a Sunkist for lunch and I have had to barricade myself in the bathroom. I managed to fight off the first wave by squirting Head and Shoulders in their eyes but I don't...wait...wait...here they come again!!

Out of H&S switching to J&J. Damn!! No Tears!!!


end of line

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i think without US help russian has won the war too (longer way sure) but in this case europe where now commie land. so for me it is ok that the US helped to win the war and end it faster.

there are opinions that say the allies didn´t bomb factorys and trainroads because they didnt want to weak the germans to much so that the russians didn´t get to fast to berlin and the rest. but they bomb the civil parts of the german citys. hmmm. btw i have not forget that AH and his sick boys first have decleared the thing called total war.


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Originally posted by KingPin:

what The Americans and their **** tanks did in WW2 was overrated and it was the Russians that won the war for the allies.

How do you think the Russians would have done without British and American supplies coming in both by the Arctic Convoys and via Vladivostok? Just curious.

[ January 09, 2003, 05:18 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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