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Peng Eye For the Challenge Guy: The Grog Makeovers

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Originally posted by Andreas:

But then, the next thing you know, all the grogs start posting in the Peng thread. Well, that enlivened it a bit, and quite frankly, a typically overboiled Brussels sprout still marginally (yes that is a word) beats the cream of the denizens here when it comes to grace, wit, worldliness, and (yes you guessed it) taste.

Quite right.

Now where did I put my knitting...?


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

You'll understand that I don't want to give everything away, but I can reveal that it will include such thrilling rides as The Nitpick and The Hairsplit. The latter will have you on the edge of your seat. Or the seat of your edge, as the case may be.


Just make sure that those giant teacups have the right number of rivets for the year represented by their camo pattern, or else! </font>
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Originally posted by Mouse:


... and the Mouse lives on... Oh yassssss.... now where did that Little Annie Fanny cartoon go to...

Never fear little Mouse, it is a neverending story, my possible birthday present. For instance, dear Lars could hear the noise outside an lean out of his window to get a better view, but forget that his window is closed, causing him to smash his dull-but-heavy brainpan through a sheet of leaded glass and thereby severing his grinning skull. Said bodyless noggin could fall at 32 ft/sec2 until it smacked onto little Mouse, who could be scurrying along the sidewalk in an effort to avoid the whole mess.

See? No one need be left behind.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

...Michael Emrys was charged with groping around underneath the theater seats. As Emrys was taken he away, he kept shouting "Tactics, I tell you, I was practising my tactics!!"

Actually, my Panzers got Bogged while trying to make a deep penetration to the rear. Kammak had told me it would cause the enemy's morale to collapse, but it all fell through when JasonC kept screaming, "Fire, fire!" The whole thing degenerated into a Chinese fire drill and me without a frog puppet anywhere to be found. I'll go quietly, officer. Say, that's a nice pistol you've got there, may I look at it? Aw gee, the safety must not have been on. I bet that hurts.


[ September 23, 2003, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: Michael Emrys ]

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Yes, but we know you had a horseshoe concealed in it.

You know? And who are these others in "we"? I think it's all just speculation, and groundless at that. You just "know", without any published material to back up this outlandish statement? I contend that you are wrong to make this point without endless irrelevant and utterly boring sources to back it up. Some Grog.

Why can't you be more like the other Michael? He's so much more of a Grog than you'll ever be. And I'll bet he calls his mother more than you do, too.

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Originally posted by dalem:

I relish your impending dissolution in the caustic pit of my greatness.


Excuse me there, oh great caustic pit, don't spill the relish. But while all this impending dissolution was going on, a couple of your tanks were involved in a dissolution of their own.

Ya might want to check your e-mail for a turn, if you can wade through your in-box!

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The paomnnehil pweor of the hmuan mnid.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbmels. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Rleete, wha we ain a gam or noo? Feckin' ponced oop orangatoid ain a frilly tutu autobutt spanking canker chewer! Bastarrrd.

Bastabubbles, wid ye noo tak a wee dump an' fall back ain at laddie?

Noba, Ah'll saind ye tha last turrrn directly. Di' ye wantae try fer 2 oot o' 3? Och wait mon, at alraedy as eh? Twae wins tae tha Clan OGSF an' feck all wins tae yoo Jimmy!


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Originally posted by R Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Yes, but we know you had a horseshoe concealed in it.

You know? And who are these others in "we"? I think it's all just speculation, and groundless at that. You just "know", without any published material to back up this outlandish statement? I contend that you are wrong to make this point without endless irrelevant and utterly boring sources to back it up. Some Grog.</font>
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Originally posted by OGSF:

The paomnnehil pweor of the hmuan mnid.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbmels. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Stop that! Stopitstopitstopit!!!

You're just doing that to make cruel fun of those with RDD. I think that's shamefully bigoted and probably against the Boy Scout Credo too. This is to inform you that your lifetime subscription to Big Uns has been terminated.


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Originally posted by OGSF:


Bastabubbles, wid ye noo tak a wee dump an' fall back ain at laddie?

Because OGpanzy You tend to not return turns, ever! Macimp is getting that way too. Filthy swines.

But since you've challanged, send me a set up. None of that simpering about "what settings" bollocks either just send me a setup.

[ September 23, 2003, 11:11 PM: Message edited by: Bastables ]

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Originally posted by Andreas:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bastables:

I draw your attention to Germanboy aka andreas aka getting his fascist hopping dog hide handed to him by yours truly at this very moment.

I can not but categorically deny this outpouring of unbridled spin rotating at a speed that would make an energy storage flywheel weep in envy. There are in this world lies, bald-faced lies, and Bastables' posts. Quite au contraire and habeas corpulent to what the pipe-smoking, slipper-wearing excuse for a pseudo grog masquerading as Bastables says in the above, there can be no question that the loss of all my tanks to his red hordes is anything but a magnificent victory for me. His men, who were welcomed with open arms and an invitation for breakfast on the fields of Kursk by my fascist Nazi SS jackboot-wearing village burners, err, I mean cuddly German tourists who just dismounted their Kaessbohrer Mark IV 75L48 buses for a brew-up, instead turned around and threw our offer of hospitality back at us, together with their inferior 76.2mm projectiles. So I had to kill them. Honest guv. Lots of them. So I did. In fact, the Magnitogorsk steel works can run on the shredded remains of his T34s for about a year or so, with no need for new ore to be delivered.

Quite frankly, reading made-up reports 'from the front', such as the one poured out some orifice by Bastables, that have the internal consistency of a News of the Screws report, or a Downing Street press release, albeit a slightly higher connection to reality than a Rumsfeld press briefing, makes me sick. I wish there could be some truth in this world. For a change.

I'll have to take this to Battlefront.com to see what can be done about it. A good caning comes to mind.

All I can suggest is that Basty should revert back to Borkum Reef in his pipe. The cow dung that is currently in it obviously does not agree with him, and produces bad trips. </font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by OGSF:

<font size=-1>The paomnnehil pweor of the hmuan mnid.

Rleete, wha we ain a gam or noo?</font>

You bastard, I spent at least two seconds of my life (that I'm NEVER GOING TO GET BACK) trying to work out what "wah we ani a gma or ono" was in English. Or Celtic. Or even your normal hybrid drivel.

I'll have you for that, Jimmie.

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for your birthday I wouln't at all mind being the instrument that obliterates Hirsuit Hiram, I think it will work best though if you lop my head off first, since there isn't anything in it anyway, and you will get more crushing blows out of my bloated torso than out of an empty skill. Swung by the ankles I think I will make a darn good blunt object with which to pummel HH.

How does your earless dog feel aboot mice? A nice quid pro quo might be your dog eats Mouse in exchange for you lopping off me head and beating HH with me remians...

hmmmm... HH... where does that come from? AHA! Nabokov. Humbert Humbert - But no! OUR HH sends nubile teen girls running for their lives.... just thinking out loud. Sorry carry on.

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