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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GJK:


Pussies Engaged iN Gossip?

Dear Girly Jo Krackhead

I am really disappointed in your feeble offering. Genitalia humor is for lackwits/halfwits/nowits (all three would apply in your case so take your pick).

Please feel free to go away and NOT come back! </font>

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Jim Boob, you Floridiot, you have been trying to subtly bait me for some time now. You are a sandflea-infested gator-smelling bit of offal. I smell your bait and it stinks. Rotten, putrid piles of fish entrails, seagull droppings and cockroaches bigger than a three year old child.


Well now, your descriptive talents are certainly, shall we say adequate?

As I have never addressed you directly oh Dear Lady of the Pool, it still warms my..uh...heart that you would step up to torment those that would seek to annoy the goodly Hiram.

For this noble deed you shall benefit by being the first victim in the Jim Boggs Return to Glory Tour. Yes that is correct, I have been granted a limited return to the Field of Honor, with the clear understanding that I not become obsessive(?).

Therefore I will be attempting to spark some interest in a couple of 500 point QB's in which to, shall we say, Test the Waters?

My dear Lady Moraine, it would be an honor, nay a blessing, if you would condescend to engage in one of these tests?

What say you Dear Lady?

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For my second game (second, as in less worthy) I would offer the following challenge:


In days of Olde

When Knights were Bold

Seanachai played the game.

But now he's tired

The fire's expired

From the burden of the name

So draw the line

Don't let him whine

He needs to feel the shame

He's lost his skill

And lacks the will

To renew his long-lost fame

So now I taunt

The Gnome to haunt

With a Challenge for a game

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Still...if the Little BoyScout wants to play, let him do his best to gain my attention and I will consider it...

Yours faithfully,

Moraine [/QB]

Well, Lady S, if you can fit me into your hectic schedule, what with gathering peaches, cleaning the drool from your significant other's chin, trying to keep a decent Chromosomal grouping in GEORGIA, I can see where your time would be limited. Still, if you could manage to fit another game in, I would be overjoyed to replay 1861-1865 with you. I suspect the results will be approximately the same, but still, one never knows, does one?
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Originally posted by GJK:


Pussies Engaged iN Gossip?

Look everyone, Look, he used a nasty word!!!! How cool is that? Wow, what acerbic wit, what a mastery of the Bard's tongue, what incredible use of irony, sarcasm, and metaphor.

begone you miserable excuse for a skidmark.

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[sERIOUS] GJK, someone JUST got banned from the board for using inappropriate language in the CessPool. It is particularly inappropriate since this is one of the few places where we have regular participation by women members. Kindly edit your post.[/sERIOUS]


[ July 19, 2003, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Never fear, Boo. I am always with you.

Sort of like Hiram's weird bodily funk, huh?

A little parade, is it, Boo?

clap hands, here comes the Lindbergh baby...

Well, when the ÜberGnome goes for a stroll, Boo, all the world pauses, and flocks to line his route, and pass some unkind, cutting remark. My due, as it were. The accolades that I have earned by dint of much application. Let them strew petals before the chariot of Caesar, but make my passage smooth with the abrasive power of their hate.

Yah, we can smooth that right down fer ya, yah. Just a little #80 grit sandpaper, yah. That'll do it right nice fer ya, sure.

Although the hate, of late, has been rather second rate. Boomlay, boomlay, boomlay, Boo.

Hate's just like a box of chocolates. Sometimes there's coconut.

And yes, I realize that the tauntings and the general atmosphere of hatred has developed a type of malaise. For this, I blame the Olde Ones and the Senior Knights. Why? Because I feel like it. Because when it comes to setting an example, they've shown all the fire an vituperation of Jim, the "Gentleman Caller" from "The Glass Menagerie". Or Soupy Sales.

Faugh! You are all a gaggle of whisper-thin fellows, who, when spitting out your hatred, end up dripping on your own shoes. There is more real hatred in the Cheery Waffle Maggot Thread, or whatever it calls itself now.

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GJK:


Pussies Engaged iN Gossip?

Look everyone, Look, he used a nasty word!!!! How cool is that? Wow, what acerbic wit, what a mastery of the Bard's tongue, what incredible use of irony, sarcasm, and metaphor.

begone you miserable excuse for a skidmark. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[sERIOUS] GJK, someone JUST got banned from the board for using inappropriate language in the CessPool. It is particularly inappropriate since this is one of the few places where we have regular participation by women members. Kindly edit your post.[/sERIOUS]


I can be serious too. Edited for you Joe.

So, does anybody ever actually play matches in this silly little thread or do you just throw insults around?

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GJK ... thank you ... now in the spirit of the Peng Challenge Thread ... SOD OFF!

Blasted SSNs ... spring up everywhere, wonder if DDT would work on them. Can't read the rules, can't follow instructions, no use at all if you ask me.

Post One, Page One ... sheesh! And the only reason I give you THIS much consideration is because you're a fellow Texan ... if you were from Oklahoma you'd be lucky to get the back of my hand lad.


[ July 19, 2003, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by GJK:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[sERIOUS] GJK, someone JUST got banned from the board for using inappropriate language in the CessPool. It is particularly inappropriate since this is one of the few places where we have regular participation by women members. Kindly edit your post.[/sERIOUS]


I can be serious too. Edited for you Joe.

So, does anybody ever actually play matches in this silly little thread or do you just throw insults around? </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GJK:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[sERIOUS] GJK, someone JUST got banned from the board for using inappropriate language in the CessPool. It is particularly inappropriate since this is one of the few places where we have regular participation by women members. Kindly edit your post.[/sERIOUS]


I can be serious too. Edited for you Joe.

So, does anybody ever actually play matches in this silly little thread or do you just throw insults around? </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Speaking of work to be done, where IS that Squire of mine? SirReal SirReal! Where IS that laybaout lad ... almost as bad as Papa Khann ... well ... not really, NO ONE could be that bad.

Joe , you can probably find him out in the snow....is there snow in Sweden at this time of year?....flagellating himself with pine boughs, in the fine Swedish tradition of shame and disappointment. After I handily thrashed him in our recent battle, I doubt whether you will see him anytime soon. He will be polishing my boots for quite a while, poxy serf that he is.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

if you are looking for a battle with someone from this thread, follow the rules, and maybe you will get one. [snip] Have a nice day!

Rules? You telling me that this unorganistic group of grab-a$$es followes rules? You've got to be $hitting me.

...Alright, read your rules. Now somebody point out a newbie that needs whipping, I need game.

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Originally posted by GJK:

...Alright, read your rules. Now somebody point out a newbie that needs whipping, I need game.

I like a good *thwack*, too... it reminds me that I'm here. And when I remember, I wish I wasn't... which can be very confusing.

*sniff* Don't suppose yer the sort to sing, eh?


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Sir Nidan, your penchant for exaggerating is only matched by your excellence at being a gamey edge-hugging bastiche! Go suck on a cactus.

Sir Joe Shaw, I'm quite busy handling all the email that my CMBB training is generating. You'll be pleased to know that I'm learning at a geometric rate, and expect my skill at avoiding gamey bastiches will increase as well.

Edited to point out that if Germany had produced as many Tigers as all gamey CMBB bastiches like to buy, they would have had to start production in 200 BC. You know who you are. Pillocks.


[ July 19, 2003, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: SirReal ]

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Originally posted by SirReal:

Sir Nidan, your penchant for exaggerating is only matched by your excellence at being a gamey edge-hugging bastiche! Go suck on a cactus.

The life of a down-trodden, seat sniffing, neer-do-well must be getting to you at last, sir. I never exaggerate!, I never pontificate, and I never hug edges, you in your myopic haze must have me confused with someone else.

Edited to point out that if Germany had produced as many Tigers as all gamey CMBB bastiches like to buy, they would have had to start production in 200 BC. You know who you are. Pillocks.

If you re-read our AAR you will see not a single feline of any type in my order of battle. It was the blood, sweat, and sinue of the Landser that defeated you handily.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

If you re-read our AAR you will see not a single feline of any type in my order of battle. It was the blood, sweat, and sinue of the Landser that defeated you handily.

Well, my mistake. You obviously don't know who you are, then. Probably not a surprise to most in here, but then, I'm only a squire.

I'm sure that the gamey bastiches that actually bought cats know who they are, even if Sir Peaspam, being so used to buying them, took offense without actually having bought one. This time.

(Addresses the forum at large) Has this poor sod Sir Fleacan been confused all his life, or is it a recent development?

[Edited to add that gamey bastiches that buy Tigers will burn forever in a special circle of whatever hell they're headed for]


[ July 19, 2003, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: SirReal ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... we ARE short of Serfs you know,Joe

Shaw, you must be out of your tiny mind! I thought we had serfs out the wazzoo, (which is probably how they are created. Not unlike Aphrodite (or whichever it was) that sprang fully formed out of the head of Zeus as a tongue in cheek statement of how the chickaroni's can be headaches, but that's neither here nor there, but what with us all being knee deep with wazzoo sprouted serfs, that's where we are...now...where was I...?)

Oh yes.

Shaw, you must be out of your tiny mind!

(Edited to say, Shaw, you must be out of you tiny mind!)

[ July 19, 2003, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Okay, all turns except Moraine Sedai's are out. Moraine, try sending me the most recent version you have, and convert it if you can (or I can give it a try Monday or so).

And tell Hiram that here in the civilized part of the Country (i.e., south of the Mason-Dixon line), he can no longer rely upon the stench of the East River to mask his fetid body odor. At a minimum, weekly showers, with soap and shampoo, are necessary.


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I've now have my Western Australian Colleague, Noba, looking over my shoulder as I type.

We will now plan the demise of Seanachai, and look at tanks at Puckapunyal as well.

Oh and visit a pub...or two. maybe three

Oh and by the way, isn't it dreadful that the rest of you lot don't live in the greatest country of all!


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Originally posted by Mace:

I've now have my Western Australian Colleague, Noba, looking over my shoulder as I type.


And even with the two of you poking the various keys in random fashion, you still can't post anything intelligent. Well, if a million monkees can't do it, what chance is there for two Australians?

So, Noba is there? That explains the sudden dearth of moves from the wrong side of the planet.

And why I feel a great disturbance in the force.

Do us all a favor, love. Go into the nearest biker bar (probably next door) and put on a two line skit. All you have to say is this:

Mace: "'Ere now, wot's th' difference between a Harley and a Hoover?"

Noba: Just th' position of th' dirt bag."

We'll not wait up.

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Originally posted by Mace:

I've now have my Western Australian Colleague, Noba, looking over my shoulder as I type.


Kindly inform your WAC that when he returns to his loft apartment (as in hay loft) that there might be a present for him in his in-box.

[edit to add] If he survives the Biker Bar!

[ July 19, 2003, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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