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The Imperial Peng Challenge Thread OR Seanachai's Finest Hour

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

[QB] Inter-Thread memo

TO: Wisconsin Scout Master

FROM: Jim Boggs

SUBJECT: Call to Arms!

As you have managed to put the Sin into Wisconse and have donned the, oh so intimidating, Hat of Cheese, I feel compelled to respond to your feeble outcries.

Really, I am suprised you can drag yourself away from the sticky embrace of Spire of Goose Toes long enough, but alright.

IF you are capable of actually playing a game, at a pace faster than paint can dry, then I will launch in your direction a small 500 point QB of the 50 turn variety.

Launch away, but make sure you aren't launching bodily fluids, and do try the new invention called deodorant, the Swede hasn't made it's acquaintance, and he tries to draw attention away from the stench by calling a few teeny tiny Tigers "Gamey". Well I guess "Gamey" is as "Gamy" does. (Get it? I know some of you geezers are a bit slooooow on the uptake after all. If you are still unclear, ask one of the Ladies of the pool, if they deign to hang out with folks like you and The Swede - AKA - Spiro Royale , I am sure they are used to helping the hygenically challenged.


In the meantime continue to expound on the virtues of a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk.

Cheese is God, you must all bow down. Actually, the end of summer is coming, Bootsy, secure some SSN's to sacrifice to the God that is Gouda.


Jim Boggs

Snipped due to delusions of grandeur

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Originally posted by Sir Augustus:

I'd reckon you'd be the one to know, from past experiences with your mother and all...

Well Sure, Disgust Us, if by that you are reckoning that I at one time square danced with my mother, I'd have to say that yet again, I reckon you are wrong. Not that I wouldn't have if the family matriarch had ordered me to. If momma wasn't happy then no one was happy.

You, on the other hand, (No, the OTHER hand.) being a simple tiller of the soil AND an Indiananner, probably have entire wardrobes devoted to various types of geometrically inspired dancing, I reckon. Flamboyant, sateen shirts with your name embroidered in lariat-styled script. I'll reckon you look like a peacock on acid.

By the way, Sure, Disgust Us, have you managed to actually challenge some other undeveloped, slithering thing in here yet? If so, I would like to propose that we elevate you to the lofty (for you) height of "CessPool Serf, PissBoy, Bottle-Washer and Go-Between".


Because it will infuriate Joe and that is always a worthy cause.

I reckon.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir Augustus:

I'd reckon you'd be the one to know, from past experiences with your mother and all...

Well Sure, Disgust Us, if by that you are reckoning that I at one time square danced with my mother, I'd have to say that yet again, I reckon you are wrong. Not that I wouldn't have if the family matriarch had ordered me to. If momma wasn't happy then no one was happy.

You, on the other hand, (No, the OTHER hand.) being a simple tiller of the soil AND an Indiananner, probably have entire wardrobes devoted to various types of geometrically inspired dancing, I reckon. Flamboyant, sateen shirts with your name embroidered in lariat-styled script. I'll reckon you look like a peacock on acid.

By the way, Sure, Disgust Us, have you managed to actually challenge some other undeveloped, slithering thing in here yet? If so, I would like to propose that we elevate you to the lofty (for you) height of "CessPool Serf, PissBoy, Bottle-Washer and Go-Between".


Because it will infuriate Joe and that is always a worthy cause.

I reckon. </font>

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Lucasfilm Limited blows.

Yet again, a resident of Mini-snow-duh states the blatently obvious. Is there a point to your post? </font>
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Announcing the "get drunk on homemeade mead" givaway! You, too, can have some of the finest nectar from nature's bounty. Okay, so it's cat piss in a bottle. It has alcohol, and it's free.

I was going to propose a contest, but that's been done. And heaven knows none of us want more versifying from this bunch of louts. So, here's the deal. I have two .75 liter bottles of ginger spiced mead, made by yours truely. Just two bottles, and that's all folks.

If you are interested, post here. You must be a U.S. resident, as I am not sure of the implications of sending alcohol to another country. All I ask in return is that you tell me what you thought of it, good or bad.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Announcing the "get drunk on homemeade mead" givaway! You, too, can have some of the finest nectar from nature's bounty. Okay, so it's cat piss in a bottle. It has alcohol, and it's free.

I was going to propose a contest, but that's been done. And heaven knows none of us want more versifying from this bunch of louts. So, here's the deal. I have two .75 liter bottles of ginger spiced mead, made by yours truely. Just two bottles, and that's all folks.

If you are interested, post here. You must be a U.S. resident, as I am not sure of the implications of sending alcohol to another country. All I ask in return is that you tell me what you thought of it, good or bad.

Ginger spiced mead? That sounds mighty tasty! I would be more than interested
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen

Ginger spiced mead? That sounds mighty tasty! I would be more than interested

Okay, send me your home address, and I'll get it out sometime this week.

One down, and other takers?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now if he were to suddenly challenge someone of an appropriate stature then perhaps I might reconsider.


But we're fresh out of mentally incompetent lemurs. If I had a squire (I'd squire in the mor-or-ning) I would have him challenge Sure, Disgust us. But alas, my two squires are all grown up and have left the roost. Hardly ever write or call. Only show up when they need bail money. Ingrates.

But, I digress...

Perhaps I'll petition to take him to squire myself. After all, even though he's an Indiananite (State Motto: "No, we're to the right of Illinois.), he is a northerner and we northerners should stick together.

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Oh, and in an interesting karmic turn, I just wailed on SirReal to the tune of 84-16 and PondScum wailed on me to the tune of 84-16.

The difference being that MY win was accomplished by wit and guile and moral perseverance, whereas PondScum's lackluster, tawdry little victory was done with smoke and mirrors.

p.s. As I have already sampled R_Leete's wonderful mead, I will abstain this time.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

The difference being that MY win was accomplished by wit and guile and moral perseverance,

I agree completely. There certainly wasn't any intelligence or tactics in display. You just sat on your mossy bottom, watching the heroic charge of my tanks, while your cowardly hiding AT guns snickered softly in the woods.

I'll get you Next Time, you scum-sucking, bottom-dwelling, algae-eater, your luck won't hold forever! Mwuahahahaa!*


* That's an evil genius laughter. It signifies a sequel.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Lucasfilm Limited blows.

Yet again, a resident of Mini-snow-duh states the blatently obvious. Is there a point to your post? </font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Now if he were to suddenly challenge someone of an appropriate stature then perhaps I might reconsider.


But we're fresh out of mentally incompetent lemurs. If I had a squire (I'd squire in the mor-or-ning) I would have him challenge Sure, Disgust us. But alas, my two squires are all grown up and have left the roost. Hardly ever write or call. Only show up when they need bail money. Ingrates.

But, I digress...

Perhaps I'll petition to take him to squire myself. After all, even though he's an Indiananite (State Motto: "No, we're to the right of Illinois.), he is a northerner and we northerners should stick together. </font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Perhaps I'll petition to take him to squire myself. After all, even though he's an Indiananite (State Motto: "No, we're to the right of Illinois.), he is a northerner and we northerners should stick together.

I think he'd be perfect for you, Boo. He's not witty or intelligent, and neither are you. You two can go off into a dusty corner and bore each others ears off and let the rest of us enjoy the MBT in peace.

Now stop posting snore material and send me that setup you owe me!


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And STILL no challenge! Look Boo_Radley the RULES take precedence over precedence. He must, he simply MUST issue some sort of a challenge to a Squire, Serf or SSN BEFORE he can be made Serf.

Now enough of this silly stuff, kill my remaining vehicles so I no longer have to have YOUR emails cluttering up my inbox and you can get back to your hobby of creating new Nigerian Email Scams.


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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen

Ginger spiced mead? That sounds mighty tasty! I would be more than interested

Okay, send me your home address, and I'll get it out sometime this week.

One down, and other takers? </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And STILL no challenge! Look Boo_Radley the RULES take precedence over precedence. He must, he simply MUST issue some sort of a challenge to a Squire, Serf or SSN BEFORE he can be made Serf.

OK Joe! Good golly, you certainly can wax pedantic, can't you. Well, I'd rather you wax pedantic than wax your legs, so you win! We'll just wait and see how long it takes "Sure, Disgust Us" to get those two synapses of his to start firing and realize that he's got to challenge a serf, squire or SSN.

Now enough of this silly stuff, kill my remaining vehicles so I no longer have to have YOUR emails cluttering up my inbox and you can get back to your hobby of creating new Nigerian Email Scams.


As much as I would love to finish off this little pas de deux of ours, I can't until you SEND ME A MOVE, YOU BLUBBER-LIPPED BABBOON'S CABANA BOY!

p.s. Hey, Joe, I just found out that I am the sole heir to an Ohioan diamond mine. If you could see fit to send me your S.S. number, PIN number, savings and checking account numbers and hat size, I will see to it that you are given a check for $123,456,789 within 24 to 72 years.

We are all counting on you!

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OK Joe! Good golly, you certainly can wax pedantic, can't you. Well, I'd rather you wax pedantic than wax your legs, so you win! We'll just wait and see how long it takes "Sure, Disgust Us" to get those two synapses of his to start firing and realize that he's got to challenge a serf, squire or SSN.
Pedantic is it? I think you are mistaken sir, for the definition of Pedantic is:
* marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects.
A narrow focus I grant you, none of this shotgun approach for me as I am charged with nothing less than the sacred traditions of the CessPool! A display of learning I also grant for it is I who am the keeper of those selfsame sacred traditions. Whilst others would flit hither and yon (not that there's anything wrong with that) I stay the course sir, I MAINTAIN.

No sir you are mistaken only in the word "TRIVIAL". Is is trivial, I ask you, to expect an SSN to FIRST be able to read? Is it trivial to expect an SSN to first issue challenge so that we may see how his sails are set and his keel balanced? Is it trivial, I ask finally, to see the cut of his gibe? I think not. I say it is CRITICAL to the success not only of the SSN (about which we care less than nothing anyway) but to the survival and success of the CessPool as a HOLE!

For without challenges sir, we would be naught but an extension of the General Forum ... and making about as much sense. It is in our CHALLENGES sir, that we distinguish ourselves. You, for example, are about as "challenged" as it is possible to be!

Pedantic sir, hardly that. Call me obsessed, call me driven, call me Joe Shaw but Pedantic, NEVER.

Poopy Head.

Yours in Cess,

Sir Joe Shaw

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

...none of this shotgun approach for me...

If you'd use the damn shotgun, we wouldn't have to worry about the SSNs in the first place. No Joe, you aren't pedantic. Not the brightest bulb, either.
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Peng you are the beggar on the street corner, moustache caked with drippings from your inflamed and pustulent nose, lips torn and bleeding from having to contend with the ragged stumps and cracked fragments of your yellowing and decaying teeth, eyes crazedly surveying the landscape for ... THEM ... and clothes reeking and crusted with the leavings of your last six meals hurredly stuffed into your mouth so your compatriots wouldn't steal that which you stole first and pleading for spare change in that high pitched, whiny yet raspy voice you treat daily with whatever dregs of alcohol you can find, beg or steal.

Despite that I grant you the boon of a game with ME! If, that is, you are man enough to play it. For you see Peng there are those who will denigrate my skills at CMBB, they will claim that I lack tactical insight, that I know little to nothing of the arms and armor of the period and that I habitually stumble through games hopiong beyond hope for a draw ... I won't deny that. But I do, BY GAWD, have courage!

I'm reminded of the story of the young lad, unskilled in firearms, caught up in a Wild West challenge over cards. He could not hope to match the skills of his opponent with six gun, rifle or knife so he proposed, as was his right, the terms of the duel ... SHOTGUNS ACROSS A CARD TABLE!

I have sent to you this night a QB, RANDOM EVERYTHING, 800 points, computer buys forces. Have you the courage Peng to take what the GAWDS offer and fight it out?


p.s. Of course in this case it will be more like TWO Harvey Milquetoast types fighting it out since YOUR skill at CM is well known, in fact I consider it likely that YOUR shotgun will blow off your own foot on the first discharge.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

The wife and I will drink it after the twins arrive.

You'll need it... but I don't think it will last 18 years </font>
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