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Summertime...And The Peng Challenge Is Easy...

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

b]Leeo ... you're a swine, and everyone knows it lad, don't think for a moment that you've somehow pulled the wool over our eyes, not that Mace would mind ... HOWEVER ... that was pretty good.


Of course ,considering that it took him whole day to come out with this .

But all is good ,what makes our sweet Joe happy..

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Well, since we're telling stories I thought I would give you a GAMEY UPDATE concerning my epic battle with one SirLoin:

Von Lurkur hated fighting in this weather. It had started raining in the middle of the night, a constant steady rain that had turned the fields to mud and filled the air with fog. Nadja would hate Russia. Too much mud for her civilized tastes. The thought of her warmed him a bit against the cold, wet air. Just before dawn, he silently made his way to the assembly area with the bulk of his troops. They were at the bottom of a steep ravine. The ravine formed a backwards L through the area. On the plateau above them lay the main objective, another damned farming collective. A road went down into the ravine, turned right and followed it until the ravine turned left. Here the road wound its way up onto the plateau and into the collective. A secondary objective lay ahead on the right, on the far side of the ravine after it turned. Securing it would secure the road out of the ravine. Intelligence had reported that the farms were defended, possibly quite heavily. The road had to be secured, but it was very exposed and also certainly heavily defended.

So the plan was to go straight up the ravines walls, and hopefully flank the defense. Von Lurkur smiled as he saw a MG42 squad staring balefully at the incline, up which they would soon be dragging their heavy weapon. It was still raining, but he noticed that the fog had lifted, and while looking up, saw a man in a Soviet uniform at the edge of the ravine, barking into a phone.

"Verdammt!!" Von Lurkur started shouting orders into the radio. The gray wave started up out of the ravine as shells started whistling down about 50 meters off von Lurkurs's left; 82mm mortar fire, not too horrible, but it was going to play havoc on those platoons for a while. Now the MG42s opened up. A number had been positioned at friendly edge of the ravine, and they mercilessly cut the exposed Soviets to ribbons on the other side. Apparently Ivan had been expecting to catch him on the opposite hill before getting to the ravine. Von Lurkur allowed himself an ironic smile as he thought about how both he and his opponent had lacked the intelligence to do this battle right.

to be continued

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

For those to whom I owe turns ... I deeply regret the unGawdly delays but ... I have to teach Boo_Radley a lesson and you're just collateral damage. You see I can't really ignore just HIS turns with the proper disdain and disgust whilst sending yours now can I? Of course not. Thanks for understanding.


Teach ME a lesson? Teach ME a LESSON???

Remember the first and only time we met on the battlefield, Magister? A QB you foisted off on me, 300 points, AI picked troops, AT NIGHT?

Who taught whom, that time? Whom taught who...wait...Who won that one, you who deem yourself a taskmaster? Does the score 100 to ZERO mean anything? That would be where I had 100% (or all of the percentage) and you had 0%. Nada. Nil. Zip. Empty, like your large misshapen head, your boasts and your threats. And your head again.

You do not make me wait to teach me anything. You make me wait, merely because you CAN!

And for that, the loathing I feel for you grows exponentially each and every day. You are the Great White Whale to my Ahab. The Grendal to my Beowulf. The Minniapolis to my St. Paul. The Ferrante to my Teicher. The Kukla Fran to my Ollie and I will see you PAY for your perfidy.


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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Von Lurkur allowed himself an ironic smile as he thought about how both he and his opponent had lacked the intelligence to do this battle right.

You could just stop the AAR right there.

Sums it all up, really.

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Lurkur vs. SurLy GAMEY UPDATE teil zwei

The Landsers stubbornly clawed their way up the steep slope of the ravine. Von Lurkur started getting reports, a soviet heavy machine gun platoon was being destroyed on the plateau above him. Another was being driven back with heavy loss further to the right. The enemy artillery had stopped, and von Lurkur threw himself into getting the men who still had their wits about them up the ravine. Two platoon leaders had lost it in the barrage, and one was cut down trying to bolt.

Some 75mm armed halftracks were ordered to crest the hill overlooking the whole area and give direct fire support. The halftracks came under ATR fire, and the ATRs were immediately spotted and put down. There were a number of MG42s at the top of the ravine now, firing at close range at the scattering and dying Russians. A prisoner had been taken. Less than 5 minutes had passed since that barking Russian had appeared at the top of the ravine. The HE from the halftracks pushed the conflict over the edge for the Germans and thus the ravines edge was secured.

An aide directed von Lurkur's attention to the hill behind him and he saw a ball of flame and smoke rise from one of the halftracks. A second one was hit several times before the crew scurried out, dragging a wounded man with them. There were AT guns on the plateau. Within a minute or two the locations of four AT guns had been pinpointed and three of them destroyed with a combination of MG and mortar fire and the fourth suppressed. One half track would have made the exchange worth it, but two was a steep price to pay.

The dazed prisoner was roughly dragged to von Lurkur, who interrogated the shabby peasant in dreadful Russian. Seems his commanding officer was a chap named Surrealovich. "Bloody dadaist Bolshevik!" von Lurkur thought to himself. No one had heard of this fellow, it was as if he had appeared out of nowhere. No matter, the Crodaschule of combat tactics had taught von Lurkur everything he needed to know about modern warfare, and this Surrealovich would soon feel the full force of von Lurkur's iron-shod jack boot! Gawd, how he loved saying that kind of crap!

to be continued

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And for that, the loathing I feel for you grows exponentially each and every day. You are the Great White Whale to my Ahab. The Grendal to my Beowulf. The Minniapolis to my St. Paul. The Ferrante to my Teicher. The Kukla Fran to my Ollie and I will see you PAY for your perfidy.
And, no doubt, the PeterPaul to your Mary? Look PAL I'll take just about anything you say with a grain of salt (I live near the Great Salt Lake you see, so it's kind of like advertising) but suggesting that I'M Manyappleless is just going too damned far!

Your turn will be out ANY DAY NOW and then I'll put paid to your insolence!


p.s. What is perfidy going for now? I found some lovely treachery yesterday on Ebay but it was just a tad too dear for my pocketbook.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Lurkur vs. SurLy GAMEY UPDATE teil zwei

Seems his commanding officer was a chap named Surrealovich.

to be continued

Hey, what can I say. I inspire beautiful stories.

It's just who I am.


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


p.s. What is perfidy going for now? I found some lovely treachery yesterday on Ebay but it was just a tad too dear for my pocketbook.

I thought for both of them

You have eternal discount?

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Lurkur:

and this Surrealovich would soon feel the full force of von Lurkur's iron-shod jack

to be continued

Don't touch my Blok!

I will kill you..

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Dear Nobo,

Real men don't play QBs. They play premade scenarios that are hopefully well balanced and if not they play the cards they are dealt. Real men don't play QBs. If they do they purchase something besides an all Panther and StuG battleforce. You were lucky to pull off a draw with the nonsense you purchased. I held 4 out of 5 VLs and you weren't even close to one aside from the one you took. It is still a mystery to me how such an weak uninspired attack was able to yeild a draw...and a 50-50 draw at that. Expand your mind a little, son. Get past the newbie school of thinking when it comes to purchasing units. Use your imagination...you will find it to be more rewarding then that dreck you tried to pawn off on me.

I've been thinking lately about how this game can be out for as long as it has and our game was only the 2nd QB I've ever played with it. I then decided that I didn't care why and you lot probably care even less. Most likey it is because they have grown uninteresting. If you want to see a fun filled no holds bared premade scenario keep your eyes open for Andreas new one called "Road to Koltov" and you'll see what I am talking about. It should be available for download soon.



P.S. Hey Malakovski!!! Send a fookin file.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by Boo_Radley

Don't encourage him, you fool! Next he'll want to reenact the Battle of Shiloh with finger puppets.

Actually I was planning to do the entire Wilderness Campaign, I was going to ask for your help, but then I realized you don't have an opposable thumb. Do you think you could operate a finger puppet with your prehesile tail?

Thank you Boggs , dont listen to that poofy provacateur. </font>

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


It's the beginning of the End! The First Sign!

I see You are very active lately .Why don't You send me a file?
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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


It's the beginning of the End! The First Sign!

I see You are very active lately .Why don't You send me a file? </font>
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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

No time for that lad, must prepare for the End of life as we know it.

My God, the humanity!

Wrong ,the only option is being taken by surprise .

That is very necessary ,because the END is just a BEGINING ,and only innocent will be allowed to go through the GATE.

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

only innocent will be allowed to go through the GATE.

Uh Oh, that last part could be a problem.

Sir lenakonrad

I have made a vow to a Dear Lady to abstain from using our home computer for a while. I have violated that vow but once, a late night post that.......well... you know all about.

Currently I post while at (if you will excuse the expression) work, which is from 8-5 EDT.

At what point the PBEM's can resume, I cannot say at present, hopefully soon, but maybe not. I honestly don't know.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Lurkur vs. SurLy GAMEY UPDATE teil zwei

Former squire of mine, Sir Lurkur, I must say that your story telling ability raises goosebumps on my arms, it's so exciting. Oh, wait...no, I just had the A/C on too high.

My mistake. Carry on.

[serious] Really quite good. A page turner if you will.[/serious]

p.s. Joe I buy all my perfidy at BIG LOTS. Buying in bulk always saves you more.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


I have made a vow to a Dear Lady

I will never ,I say never try to force You to brake a vow.Especially one made to a Dear Lady

You are a very honourable lad !!

(seriously moved)

yours always


To other infamous residents of Peng

Farewell letter. ( not that fast)

as I'm growing tired of western civilisation (civilisation of death ,etc ),I decided to move out . Around three weeks from now I will be gone from WWW (official) ,and I will stay far away from compu ters.

To all who will be happy (majority) and to all

who will be sad (minority ,if at all)

from deep of my heart goodbye (althought I will lurk here to annoy you all ,specially dalem ,in this three weeks from time to time ,and there before i go I have to raise Boggs to the knight ,and more ,more )

I know You barely understand me ,but I don't care.

I try to give you another easy pray.

I'm aware ,I've made you happy so many times before ,when I did claim ,I will be gone ,so you are right to not believe me .But this happy day will come.



Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate,

Nor set down aught in malice: then must you speak

Of one that loved not wisely but too well;

Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought

Perplex'd in the extreme; of one whose hand,

Like the base Indian, threw a pearl away

Richer than all his tribe; of one whose subdued eyes,

Albeit unused to the melting mood,

Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees

Their medicinal gum.

I love You all (reality check -is that so... YES!!)

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Farewell letter.

I love You all (reality check -is that so... YES!!)

And they say wishes can't come true!

[serious]Best wishes to you in anything you choose to do. [/serious]

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

To other infamous residents of Peng

Farewell letter. ( not that fast)

as I'm growing tired of western civilisation (civilisation of death ,etc ),I decided to move out . Around three weeks from now I will be gone from WWW (official) ,and I will stay far away from compu ters.

To all who will be happy (majority) and to all

who will be sad (minority ,if at all)

from deep of my heart goodbye (althought I will lurk here to annoy you all ,specially dalem ,in this three weeks from time to time ,and there before i go I have to raise Boggs to the knight ,and more ,more )

I know You barely understand me ,but I don't care.

I try to give you another easy pray.

I'm aware ,I've made you happy so many times before ,when I did claim ,I will be gone ,so you are right to not believe me .But this happy day will come.



Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate,

Nor set down aught in malice: then must you speak

Of one that loved not wisely but too well;

Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought

Perplex'd in the extreme; of one whose hand,

Like the base Indian, threw a pearl away

Richer than all his tribe; of one whose subdued eyes,

Albeit unused to the melting mood,

Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees

Their medicinal gum.

I love You all (reality check -is that so... YES!!)

Konrad, I am one that will miss you when you leave. I always enjoy your posts. They are always so pure....your writing and your picture posts. Even though you may tire of this civilization....you are one to help make this civilization more tolerable.



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Originally posted by Persephone:

Konrad, I am one that will miss you when you leave. I always enjoy your posts. They are always so pure....your writing and your picture posts. Even though you may tire of this civilization....you are one to help make this civilization more tolerable.



[serious(I haven't used it this much in a long time)] As usual, the Lady is correct. Many Happy Returns.[/serious]
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