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Guest PondScum

Do you think Elvis and Milady Moraine are gonna work out that you can keep multiple versions of CMBB around, through the highly-technically-advanced and professionals-at-work, do-not-try-this-at-home use of the "copy" command? Nahhh, didn't think so...

In the meantime, Papa Smurf has just sent me a VERY exciting turn where he charged two platoons of tanks across the guns of my T-34s. The remnants of one platoon made it to the far side. I'm waiting for him to turn them round and try to make it back, a la "Charge of the Light Brigade". Where is Tennyson, I mean Seanachai, to lead us in a sing-song of this brave piece of lunacy?

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Über Gamey updates:

Dead wood Panty Bleater is declared null, void and defeated. Not spotted in the MBT since becoming sane. RIP †

Ebbert (misspelled and not bolded) returneth by this Saturday. He hopes. Ages ago, he was winning. Maybe.

Australian SAS performed brilliantly in Iraq. Aussie Jeff is not SAS. His men die in droves, which is good. His men are multitude, which is bad.

Mike's men continue to plonk shells off my clanketies and his men are easily recognised by the back of their uniforms.

Hortlund purchased a PzIV 70 born under a lucky star, spat upon by a Roman jailer, shat on by birds and possessing a crop of four leaf clovers. It hurts us badly, it does. Nasty, evil thing. Destroyer of Many Clankies; Scourge of All Fleshies; impervious to any mortal weapon. It needs "666" painted on it as a warning. We hates it!!!

Boo Radley. Not playing him currently. All pile on Boo anyway.

[ April 24, 2003, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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**looks about... recognizes only a few**


Well, must start somewhere, so:

Long has it been since I ventured upon these shorts -- er, shores. Between the Scylla of 'New Daughter' and the Charybdis of 'Massive Layoffs' one does not find the time that one had in the halcyon (or prozac, or meth) days before WWIV.

another sigh, but this time accompanied by a stabilizing toss of a highball glass

In the outer darkness of the Cess have I yet labored against the forces of small-e-evil: Mrspkr of the most-gamey QB setup, Lars who causes Operations to crash, and SpeedBump who does have the good grace to lose every game I play with him. His Hungarian wife must be just that much worse than mine, thank God.

But, there is no point to this post, only gloating: after YEARS at the blazing dialup speed of 38k, I now cruise at a porn-a-rific 256k. I cordially invite everyone below this speed to kiss my T-34/85c exhaust fans.

Hugs & kisses all-round,


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Originally posted by Iskander:

But, there is no point to this post, only gloating: after YEARS at the blazing dialup speed of 38k, I now cruise at a porn-a-rific 256k. I cordially invite everyone below this speed to kiss my T-34/85c exhaust fans.

Apparently several years in a cave have left you a bit out of date--we all now have 1.5 megabit connections and laugh at your puny 256k as though it were a short-barreled PzIV...

If you've been away for awhile, you probably don't know me either. I run this place now. Just ask anybody.

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Iskander, kiss mah spotty arse ye hiaterin' big girl's blouse.

Aussie Jeff as a big girl's blouse as waill - sweeps o'er mah hapless German Unterpanzers wi' haes feckin' hacked 122mm Russain tank things, leaves mae wi' ainly a soddin' kubelVARGEN tae mae name, an' thain ainly manages a poxy draw. Ha! Wha' a gerbil's surprise hae as!! Get's nowt boot gamey first shot kills tha entire game, thain complains aboot tha AI whain at calls haim oot fer noo exitin' enuff KV Thunderbolt steroid tanks!!

Tae tha raist o' yoo pillocks (lassies excaipted o' course), turns are slow cos Ah'm feckin' busy. As Boo-didley wid say, "Cwy mae a wiver!".

Iskander, tak a wee dump an' fall back ain at.

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Originally posted by Iskander:

Lars who causes Operations to crash...

I now cruise at a porn-a-rific 256k.

Hah, you must have picked up a virus.

Stay away from the playgrounds.


SSN Hint Of The Day: Take but don’t give phone messages.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Do you think Elvis and Milady Moraine are gonna work out that you can keep multiple versions of CMBB around, through the highly-technically-advanced and professionals-at-work, do-not-try-this-at-home use of the "copy" command? Nahhh, didn't think so...

I tried to get him to continue sending turns in that game in 1.02. And I'll admit I'm sadly lacking in computer skills to figure out how to copy where to put an additional version of the game. I have too much on my comp. now as it is. I fully understand his standing on needing to test it out. But he'll just have to wait until the upgrade is out of testing before I'll upgrade and play his latest turn. I'm not playing with Beta because 1. I don't even know what that is, 2. I've been advised against it and 3. If you knew the troubles I've had with this laptop, you would be wary, too.

If anything goes awry, I'd hate to have to throw the system disks in and start over....again!

As to MrSpkr: I told you why I can't send turns. Live with it. You'll get something end of the week. Ya lilly livered, liver-spotted old windbag!

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Tae tha raist o' yoo pillocks (lassies excaipted o' course), turns are slow cos Ah'm feckin' busy.

Yeah, cramming for your G.E.D. is probably taking all of your waking hours. All three of them. Well, you know what they say, 12th time's the charm. Maybe if you actually pass this time, you can get a job that doesn't require you to wear a paper hat and shout into a microphone, "Will ye be wantin' biggie fries wi' tha', Jimmy?"

Edited to delete the big words, so as not to give OGSF a headache.

[ April 25, 2003, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

I'm drunk

Good! Send a turn and do it as carelessly as befits a wankered gamer so I can wipe that demon gun off the map.

Edited to add:

Almost forgot. If you need the bucket, just hold your hand over your mouth and make the proper noises.

[ April 25, 2003, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Oh Gaylord Focker is a poxy git.

A poxy git is he.

He called for a fight

And he called for a battle

But then he bit my knee.

For he's a knee-biter!

A nasty, little yappy dog.

Yes, he's a knee-biter!

Neck deep in a bog!

Thank you. Thank you all, so very, very much.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

I see turns are as hard to come by 'round these parts as wit and panacakes.

Neither of those do you have. It's PANCAKES, Pillock.

Still, if it's turns you want, and turns to lose by - send a set up. I will certainly provide you with turns to humiliate you with and make you quake at the thought of them in your inbox.

[sIGH] Yanks ! Can't do anything usefull with them. [/sIGH]


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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Ms. Sedai,

I feel it is my duty as a long time CM player (check the member number) to assit BFC any way that I can in advancing their product and its development. They have called upon the CM community to help them shake out any bugs in the newest (and probably last) patch so that they can move forward and work on getting new products into our hands sooner. If that means I have to update PBEM files from time to time then that is a price I am happy to pay.



P.S. Where's me fookin file.

Elvis. You are the most tossing TOSSER around. Your are not supposed to talk ABOUT your member, but only (as if) you HAVE a member. In your case this is debatable. No doubt when they were handing out member numbers they took into account where the tattoo was going on you and chose the obvious place.

Being a long time player in no way reflects on ability, although, again in your case playing for so long has enabled you to become TOTALLY inept. So keep practising, one day you might win a game.


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Originally posted by Iskander:

**looks about... recognizes only a few**


Well, must start somewhere, so:

Long has it been since I ventured upon these shorts -- er, shores.

[looks glumly between its legs]

.. squishy fruit... *sniff* ... does odd things to me bowels...

[and trots gamely off to find the only entry to the Paddock library of any note, carefully filed under: Select Choice MBT Posts of a Diverse and Interesting Nature Relating to Things and Other Such Oddities Vol. 1, Page 1: Squishy Fruit]


[ April 26, 2003, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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