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Invincible KV1 s and KV2s

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On the Wehrmacht side, I have played a couple of 1941 quick battles with a friend and there appears to be no defence vs KV1s and KV2s.

My research indicates that MkIVs and IIIs etc. resorted to targetting their tracks in hope of immobilizing the behemoths as their only method of attack/defence. However, in CMBB this just does not happen. Instead, German tankers continually bounce shells of the KV2s until they destroyed by a near miss or frequently a direct hit by a KV1 or KV2...a rarity in reality.

Also the quick battle set up allows the Soviet player to stack his side with KVs...again not realistic.

Does anyone have any advice?

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Play pre-built scenario's only

the problem isn't the KV-1's and KV-2's its the notion the "buying" units to play make a battle is a fair way to start. It is not IMHO. :eek:

Use only pre-built scenario's and read the reviews regarding how well balanced they are at the scenario depot before you play and you won't see all that much invinicible heavy armour any more.

But that is JUST my opinion on how to best enjoy CMBB.

-tom w

Originally posted by Major Schwager:

On the Wehrmacht side, I have played a couple of 1941 quick battles with a friend and there appears to be no defence vs KV1s and KV2s.

My research indicates that MkIVs and IIIs etc. resorted to targetting their tracks in hope of immobilizing the behemoths as their only method of attack/defence. However, in CMBB this just does not happen. Instead, German tankers continually bounce shells of the KV2s until they destroyed by a near miss or frequently a direct hit by a KV1 or KV2...a rarity in reality.

Also the quick battle set up allows the Soviet player to stack his side with KVs...again not realistic.

Does anyone have any advice?

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If you think handling KV1's and KV2's with the wehrmacht in '41 is hard, don't even think of playing as the russians in '43.

You have the 88, the russians in '43 have no AT or AA gun capable of killing the Tiger head on, and no tank either. The -only- thing capable of killing a Tiger head on is the SU-152, which don't aim very well, costs a bundle, and dies very quickly.


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Stukas are not available till Oct 41. When they do attack they can't seem to hit armor, whereas the Soviet a/c hit every AFV that moves, despite having several AA HTs around.

Flak 88mm not abvail til Oct 41, but a good idea.

I think CMBB needs a mod to at least allow the German tankers and gunners to blow the tracks off KV1s and KV2s when it is obvious that they can't penetrate their armor.

Many thanks for comments. This is a great wargame!

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Never had much problem stopping these AFVs myself.

Without going into a lenghty tactical discusiion, how to stop them:

1. Captured 76mm ATG.

2. the 50 mm Long gun with tungsten.

3. 20 or 37 mm Flak.

4. Close assualting inf.

5. Air Craft.

Try the Flak vs a KV, you'll be surprised.

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Sucker them in close and take them out with infantry assaults!..that has been my succesful tactic so far in PBEM battles. In a recent 1941 scenario my opponent came at me with what he thought was a fairly invincible 'troop'of KV's,5 in all, 1 i immobilised with a PZ3, and the other 4 were taken out by pioneers and infantry hiding amongst the nearest cover..cost me about 6 men,he lost 5 heavy tanks, quickly followed by the battle !

Of course if he stands off, you need one of the aforementioned 88 AA guns or field guns to damage/immobilise them.

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Even the lowly 37mm doorknocker can knock the treads off a KV2. You must have side shots to do it and you need a fair number of shots.

Whatever the technique, KVs in '41 are hard to handle. If you're doing player pick in '41 they almost always arrive.

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Besides 88s and airplanes killing KVs, SP-Is with the 47 mm AT guns also kill KV monsters, T34 monsters (for 41, that is), and all other Ruskie tanks. :eek: :eek:

However, be carefull with the SP-Is. Shoot, shoot, & scoot. SP-Is can be easily killed by Ruskie on-board mortars and FO arty (because of the SP-Is' open tops and open backs) and by any Ruskie AT gun tank (because of the SP-Is' thin armor).

The SP-Is are cheap point-wise. Their 47 mm gun has a high rate of fire (much faster than the KV1's & especially faster than the KV2's ROF). The 47s will penetrate & penetrate the KVs' (& T34s') armors and eventually cause the Ruskie crews to bail out.

Definitely employ the SP-Is in platoon and preferably multi platoon packs, hub-to-hub. Probably one should purchase SP-Is with veteran crews in order to get earlier and more frequent hits than regular crews.

Remember: in the first minute, fast move and hunt to firing positions & shoot. Then in the second minute, shoot, shoot, and get many hits from the SP-I packs. Before the second minute is finished, with proper "pause" commands, scoot the SP-Is to full cover on a reverse slope or behind woods or buildings so that the remaining enemy's LOS will be broken.

Also, get away from those covered position if you fear subsequent enemy FO arty or nearby targeting of on-board mortars.

I know about SP-Is because they were used against me (however, I had enough on-board mortars and FO arty to beat the SP-Is), and I have used vet SP-Is against others with great success. :D

I hope that this helps. :D

Cheers, Richard smile.gif

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KVs in '41 are more unkillable than any German tank in '43. With the Tigers and Panthers, you can maneuver for a close flank shot. The KV has about the same armor all around, and I've bounced shells off 'em at 13m.

Infantry close assault will kill 'em. Or 88s.

Immobilization and gun damage does happen to KVs, you just need a lot of hits to get it. Small-cal FlaK guns will do it. Or the autocannon most small-caliber German AFVs have.

But if you want an even match, just don't play with KVs.

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Definately infantry assault. As I always seem to be saying, go asymmetric and attack his big expensive tanks with large numbers of cheap infantry and stick a few grenades up the exhaust.

Cant remember if they are available but you can kill churchill 8s with panzershrecks so a KV should be doable.

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Originally posted by Major Schwager:

Stukas are not available till Oct 41.

Flak 88mm not abvail til Oct 41, but a good idea.

Don't know which game you are playing, but in mine you can buy 88s (100% rarity) in June 1941, and Stukas (20%) in (who would have guessed) June 1941.

Regarding the impression that your planes always miss, and the opponents' always hit, I can assure you it is the same in my game though, regardless which side I am playing.

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The Flak 88 was designed to reach high flying bombers. Thus it was designed to give the shell a real push. With a gun with high muzzle velocity already built in, the Germans wasted little time in manufacturing armour piercing shells for it.

With 88mm AP rounds, you'll be firing rounds into the engine block even through the heaviest frontal armour. :D

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Originally posted by DrJonez:

I'm a little stumped as to why flak will work against a tank.

Isn't flak just an HE shell that flings shrapnel everywhere? How is that going to penetrate armor?

Just guessing that you are actually asking about small caliber flak guns. What happens, gamewise, is that the target is often immobilized or gun damaged, at which point, subject to the constant "ballpeen hammer syndrome" of small caliber shells pinging on their, now less than fully functional, tank will often cause the crew to abandon it.
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