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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Ok, which of you sorry sods turned the air conditioning up? A lot of you have promises to keep, 'cus Hell has frozen over! I have recieved 2, I say again, 2 turns from Seanachai in one evening

I abase myself in my contrition. Having finally resolved my system problems, and switched over my ISP (anyone playing me who doesn't know my new email address, it's now in my profile), I am making a concerted effort to get turns out more quickly.

Now, I still have one problem to resolve with my hard drive, which will involve backing up everything and reformatting the drive. Doubtless after I do this, I will have new and horrendous problems, so I'm waiting a while before attempting it. Hopefully I can minimize my playlist before I risk that move.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by rune:

sit down Berli, we are talking true evilness

You git, you wouldn't know true Evil if it jumped out and bit you on the ass. You ae a subtle as a howitzer. True Evil has the doers of good deeds thinking you are on their side. The trick is to get the 'Mother Teresas' of the world to do the work for you.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Well, I now must number myself among the weak and shemplike. I lost to PeterBeater and he wanted me to take it like a sheep, so here it is for your viewing pleasure: I will use the following sig for a month.

Woops. Sigs suck so much that you have to deliberately turn them on. Shoulda figured.



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Originally posted by rune:

Just when you thought it was safe...

Evilness once again appears [sit down Berli, we are talking true evilness]

Rune Pak 5 nears completion.

I even made a WWI scenario...

Muah ha ha ha


Rune, Berli might have some harsh words for you about Chance Encounter 2. I thought I was going to be the one blasting you, but then I discovered that German tank that you managed to encode as completely impervious to allied AP. Things evened right up after that.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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where to start? Oh yes.

The tome update.





Now lets see...

Germanboy should obviously go out visit Ireland and get drunk much more often. After his trip he hasn't managed to do anything fo me to even make fun of in our battle.

Moriarty should also go out and drink a hell of a lot. Not to improve or harm his level of play. But stictly to build up the courage to continue this darkened bocage hell that Berli has thrown us into.

GiTom It pains me to talk about this game. But only because holding in my laughter at him causes my stomach to cramp.

Hakko is busy doing nothing in our battle. You know the drill, sneak thru woods, praying to berli that air burst will not come... Same old crap. Whats funny is that I really believe he thinks he is hiding.

As for the rest of you gits. Your all worthless blobs of opossum ****. Seanachai is hopeless, I will assume that my 3 year old girl has better computer skills than this idiot. Dalem lost a blood hamster ! How in the hell do you sink so low as to lose a blood hamster? If there is one time to sink to gamey tactics that is it. But nooooo... the earless one just walks right in and loses. Whats worse is PeterNZ winning the blood hamster. Whats the point in winning if the only sig file you can come up with is lamer than the person you are giving it to? Damn I should mark it up as two loses, Dalem for being an idiot and losing, Peter for being an idiot with that sig.

Now...poor little Croda. How you have managed to lose so many games is beyond me. You see people like me that are bad, find it impossible to believe that there actualy can be people worse. But then you come along and throw the whole CM psyics world upside down. How is it possible to suck so bad? My tip to you is set up a game, you on defense. Then never enter a order! Thats right! Just sit back and let the AI play. At least that way when you lose, you can save a little of your dignity by telling yourself it wasn't your blind stupidity that caused it.

I was going to say something about how evil and stupid berli is... but I remembered he joined the marines and felt it would just be redundant.

I guess thats about all the time I have for this installment of Lorak's rambelings. Check back later when I chime in about the rest of you that I find as interesting as sock lint.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

You are as subtle as a howitzer. True Evil has the doers of good deeds thinking you are on their side. The trick is to get the 'Mother Teresas' of the world to do the work for you.

He's right, there, Rune. The first job of the Devil is to convince everyone that he doesn't exist. Actually, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman have a great quote about the concept that I'll have to find when I get home.

Now, in your case, you're more of a shouting demon sort of evil, not a 'subtle adversary of mankind and God' sort of evil. So you'll never qualify as Satan. Still, thanks for playing.

Although you both qualify on one level. If Satan was going to live anywhere on the terrestrial plane, it would be in Illinois.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 02-20-2001).]

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Peng has gotten a lot of things over the course of his miserable life. To mention most of them would result in my immediate banning from this board. But one thing he hasn't gotten is better at CM. Sure he just handed me one of my increasingly rare loses, but it was done with smoke and mirrors...the cheating ways of a degenerate.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Peng has gotten a lot of things over the course of his miserable life. To mention most of them would result in my immediate banning from this board. But one thing he hasn't gotten is better at CM. Sure he just handed me one of my increasingly rare loses, but it was done with smoke and mirrors...the cheating ways of a degenerate.

Every word is completely true. However, I take umbridge with the word "degenerate." I have been, am now, and always will be a Deviate (yes yes, a Pod too, but work with me here). Degenerate I would argue is a subclass of Deviate; one can be a degenerate, and not be a True Deviate, but a Deviate must always have degenerate qualities embedded in his personna. Degeneracy is a mere fraction of the whole of Me. You, gentleworm, have dishonored me. Prepare to die.



That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable

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So, Sir Peng of Pod, pray tell what part of you is it that insists on sending me Pbem turns that have already been played as well as sending your turns and not mine? Not to mention the adacity to send your turns without the priveledge of your uber secret password.

Is it your inner Croda or merely the lack of cerebral matter? Or are you just a big goose?

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Guest Wildman

I see the pool has once again been filled with useless, meaniless drivel about the Pod, Marines, and the Lawyer. Not even the mighty Clint could make you guys look good, and the ugly goes without saying. (I've seen the pictures)

The fact that Berligoat was a mudpuppy should not have suprised me. After working around them for eight years, I should have recognized the vacent look, the drool, and the pathetic girly URAH! of a jarhead. Apparently he has always harbored a secret desire to be a lumberjack, and that's O.K. He has purchased more wooden bunkers that should be allowed on one map. GOOD GAWD MAN! Don't you realize the damage to the ecological system of the spotted owl you've caused.

Frankly, I don't believe the Croda is as bad as his record indicates. Now, before I hurt myself holding the laughter in, let me present my case. Croda's problem is that he obviously sold his meager soul to Berli, and since Berli hates his inner Croda, he has Cursed the Outer Croda. In our game, Crodster brings up his Hetzer-o-Death to hurt, mangle, and otherwise destroy my two Sherman 75s. While one Sherman sits and plinks two or three shots off of the front hull, a bazoka starts launching shots to moon. When the battle ends I will shot the SOB myself. When to the rescue rides the CURSE OF BERLI my second Sherman proceeds to hunt forward and shot the Hetzer in the gun, he then rolls forward 4m and turns Scroda's StugIII into a nice BBQ. Ahhh... the horror...the whore..

Steve the Rat will proceed to receive the full enima in due course.

GITom's Limey's have suddenly remembered pressing engagements in the rear. SIT DOWN BAUSHAUS Persuaded perhaps by my two PzIVJ's and stout-hearted Hamstertruppen. He bombed the forest, all my Puma's, some more forest, and now when he need arty, he's all out. Gotta Suck!

I obviously hate the rest of you more than I hate those two pansy Raider fans. I'm stuck running the damn night shift for the wing and you other dumb bastages haven't offered me any games to pass the time. So Sod OFF!


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Yeah I know it's plagiarism but Peng's reply to Michael Dorosh on the Questions answered v2 thread bears repeating..man *sniff* that was beautiful. Truly classic Peng

You pompous git. I've read your stuff. It ain't funny or helpful. If you would READ JD's post again and get your head out of whatever fetid monstrous place you keep it, you would see that this thing is a bit of a half hearted stab at something resembling redemption for 'poolers who waste precious server space and bandwidth with our rantings and droolings and gibbering snot laden fecklessness in the various Peng Thread incarnations.

Now, is that perfectly clear or do we need to apply the Meeks Brick to your fantastically swollen noggin? REDEMPTION! See, there are those out there who mayhaps have sort of a little formed the opinion (and they may be right - a bit) that the Peng threads are not at all good or right for a forum such as this; that name calling, righteous bragging, lies, insinuations, innuendo, insinnuendo, play-ground strafing booger flinging, gut stomping and generic beratings frighten the weak and the doomed, and so we should all be banned from posting here. There are a cadre of waterheads, I'm sure, who have formed that opinion just as they form their daily excreta - deliberately, reliably and without any need for the cerebral cortex.

There are some 'poolers, I am not among their number, who have actual factual information about things and stuff that are both based in reality and CM. These kind fellas, who obviously have some rudimentary sense of guilt or remorse (JDRemorse springs to mind), would like to give the appearance that they are more than just filthy 'poolers with nothing better to do than annoy and harass the locals and waste everyone's time.

So here they are, making the effort, and a good effort it is. Then along comes the fabulous Mr Michael Obvious Dorosh to point out that the CM forum is about CM and there are plenty of people here who know things about it and armies and stuff and why do we need a thread about CM when the forum is about CM?

I would just like to point out that this is one thread where a newbie can post a question about a topic that has had the flesh flayed from its bones and the marrow sucked out and everything that's left piled in a pyramidal heap of bleaching calcium and NOT be immediately met with "DO A SEARCH!" (OK I LIED, Aitken will pounce with one, but what passes for a tongue in his particular species will be firmly planted in what passes for his cheek).

So, while your comment is appreciated for what it is - a completely idiotic and worthless string ofalphabetic characters - if you don't think Mr Morse or Mr IV or Mr Shaw or even that fat banana samich eating drug addled Elvis swine have anything of value to contribute to the forum, why don't you just not read this thread? We have been perfectly happy not to have to read any posts from you in the cesspool, and we would be equally happy not to read any more of your holier than thou, MrKnowItAll, my dog is better than your dog, swill in this one.

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.


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Guest Wildman

As you Jarines never want to admit. You were created for the Navy, by the Navy, and your still the Navy's bitches.

You suck hind titty on the procurement, and only the fact that the Army is taking more and more high-school drop out has made the Corp (or is that Corpses?) look better.

Now sit down and when the Navy tells you fight, just salute smartly and remember your being paid just over minimum wage to be a professional bullet-stopper.


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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Christ on a stick, both Peng and Seanachai are posting more than I am. Hmmmm, this will be rectified.

'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished for...

Well, not actually by any rational being, but I've made my peace with you, Meeks, a long time ago. You and the House of Orange. Those bastards. And don't get me started on that swine Meeks...

Anyway. Where've you been, laddie? Off proposing, I hope? There's nothing like the love of even the worst of women, Elijah, to justify a man's existence. Mind, we'll have to round up a full squad to speak for you, but there you have it. wink.gif


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 02-21-2001).]

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Yar, tis true, I'll have her knocked up before the year is out, so that I may populate the Earth with my dutiful brood. Likely they'll try to kill me but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Methinks it's this love and my cavorting that led me to loan out my CM CD and post less, as it's hard to think of venomous comments for the various morons here when all one can think of is flowers and making love in the grass behind the stadium.

So now I must work doubly hard, so that I may by day qoute Shakespeare and Addison to my sweet love and at night spew the foulest of vitriol at all of you yellow Elvii. Seanachai, I demand that we play a TCP/IP game. As we have only played one game together and it was such a beautiful waste of life, I resolve that our next game should be Rune's WWI map, that should be right down our alley.

Game updates:

PeterNZer - Hell, I won't even play the sot when I get my CD back. I despise his username as much as I despise the fact that the Supreme Court compared a military grade thermal imaging unit to a frickin' thermometer. Gee ma, I feel a little sick. Well let me go get the GX8000 out of the pantry, little Jimmy.

Elvis - We were playing a game? Haven't you heard of TCP/IP??

Geier - We're going to play and I will kill you. Granted I don't have the time or energy to dismember you and bury the seperate parts one each under a mountain, a river, a widow's grave and the Vatican, so your death will merely be an unpleasant inconvenience, but I will kill you.

Everyone else - What's wrong with you, haven't you noticed that there's this little thing called TCP/IP which, oddly enough, allows me to destroy and berate you in real time?!?! Get my ICQ, add it to your list and I will make sure that your relatives are informed of your final moments.

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Originally posted by jd:

Yeah I know it's plagiarism but Peng's reply to Michael Dorosh on the Questions answered v2 thread bears repeating

It's true. Dorosh's comments were, well, smarmy and useless at best. At their worst, they were complete ****e from someone who's contributed nothing more positive than the effort he chose to belittle. It takes the useless, the snotty, the smarmy, and the pointless to bring out the best...er, that is, the worst in our Peng.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Seanachai, I demand that we play a TCP/IP game. As we have only played one game together and it was such a beautiful waste of life, I resolve that our next game should be Rune's WWI map, that should be right down our alley

Elijah, I cannot but grant your wish in this matter. Mind, my time, which is not spent mooning about, nor spent staring into the eyes of my beloved, nor spent murmuring soft lines of poetry that I'm sure you completely bollocks up, but she's too lovely too make a point of your hopeless idiocy; my time, sir, is at a premium. Which means it's completely worthless and enslaved to arseholes that merely buy it, rather than earning it. Rather like the time your woman spends with you. So do me the favour of truly earning the time she spends with you one night, you wank, and do something only and completely for her. And I, a being as completely worthless as yourself, but without the threat of breeding and imposing my (admittedly superiour to yourself) genetic material on the species, will endeavour to find a space of time in which to confront you in a tcp/ip game. It seems only right.

Checking my calendar now...


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Croda:

It was a wonderful scenario called "Tanks Up Your Ass." You'd like it, Mace.

I don't own an Ass, or any other Horse related animal!

And why would I put a tank up one anyhow?

Doesn't that contravene various regulations concerning cruelty to animals?


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Originally posted by Mace:

I don't own an Ass, or any other Horse related animal!

And why would I put a tank up one anyhow?

Doesn't that contravene various regulations concerning cruelty to animals?


HA funny.. no realy.. Funny HA.. hoo!.. wait stop.. no... ouch your spliting my side.. ooh.. OK monkey boy wheres my turn... as for Meeks.. I was online yesterday and no meeks to be seen on ICQ.. what planet are you on? most of us are on earth.

Lorak! - Hairryum and I made peace.. it was, well a mis understanding and a mistake from both of us. our game is on Ice since Hiraom needs to clear up some personal things (a rash he found on his body parts or somefink) the rest you gits go take turns molesting Gerbillad since he has not sent me the round he owes me.

Jeff!! buddy ... pal.. wheres my turn?? don't worry you'll get your chance to drop large Opel Trucks on my head soon.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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I'll tell ya...there's nothing quite as fun as learning that you lost all your armor on one turn by reading it on this forum, and not even getting to learn it from the conjugal visit of the file which holds your death in it. Lost the Hetzer and the Stug, eh? That's F'N Marvelous!

Lorak, above is your answer. I had marvelous positions with both pieces of armor. They are both dead, not due to superior armor command by my opponent (he's a freaking mechanic), but due to the worst luck ever visited upon someone in computer gaming.

Ask Peng about the MarkIV that my zook team missed 5 times from a distanct of 40m.

Ask jd and shandorffff how it is that their armor hits my fast moving behind trees tanks with first shot kills, while my armor misses clear flank shots on the tinfoil side armor of their Panthers.

Ask NZer how his Jackson bounces a round from my Hull Down Crack Tiger, only to brew it up with his first shot.

The list goes on and on...

I am cursed with something worse than a Cantonese girlfriend and no CM CD. I am the sum total of all your suckiness and I can take solace in only 1 thing: Hiram is worse than I am.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Greetings and well met, Aragorn.

Allow me to make a suggestion.

If you want a game in the CessPool, you had better don your Strider costume, pick out and ugly-ass Uruk-Hai over in the corner, and verbally beat him like Bill the Pony.

If you want a good match, I believe that Berlichtingen is Morgoth incarnate, and may prove to your liking. But be sure to tell him what you really think of him, else he, nor anyone else here, will condescend to play you, Isildur's heir or not.

Your other option is to bring us Michael Dorosh's head on a platter. At that, you will be exalted and praised and perhaps shunned slightly less.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Originally posted by Wildman:

As you Jarines never want to admit. You were created for the Navy, by the Navy, and your still the Navy's bitches.

It may have started that way, but every year more and more real ships are decommissioned.... making the 'gator' fleet larger and larger. So, unless you were a bubblehead, all you were was a taxi driver for My Beloved Corps

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