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Not Buying CM2 because .....

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You may not be aware that CM1 will not run under WindowsXP if you have a Nividia GeForce Video card.

To the best of my knowledge BTS never posted any notice on the Internet or by email that this is the case. In other words, those of us with this configuration cannot play CM1 and are left to run around the Internet like chickens with their heads cut-off trying to find out what the heck is wrong with our systems.

I will not buy CM2 until the CM1 problem is resolved ! I already have one version of CM I cannot use, why do I need two ?



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My sympathies on your plight, but this is BTS's fault why? The game was released when XP was so much vaporware. To blame them for not anticipating your exact configuration with an OS that hadn't even been released in beta is a bit much. Remember BTS is just two professionals, a bald guy, and a dog.

Others seem to be running CMBO in XP w/o problem. Maybe the fault lies with Nvidia? Have you tried whining to them?

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Excuse me Linda, but shouldn't that be the other way around? Windows XP doesn't work with CM. CM was already here before XP came. There's obviously something wrong with XP, not with CM or a Geforce card.

Just my two eurocents...

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Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of people going out and buying the newest OS blah blah blah then turning around and blaming other software for not working with it.. for blame you need look no farther than yourself... simple rule I follow is upgrade only if it is absolutely necessary.. I'm run Win 98 and I'm snug as a bug!

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BTS probably didn't post a notice saying that it won't run under Netware 6 with a Seagate Ultra 160 SCSI drive. Foolish, eh? :rolleyes:

Of course, it could be that with all their coding they don't have time to test their game with an OS that was only released a few weeks ago, but I could be being ridiculous.

Now you've been to the tech support forum and you've asked BTS to talk to microsoft and get their game coded into XP.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I wouldn't have purchased XP right away if I knew there were problems. I figured BTS and Nividia would have got ahold of a copy of XP and got everything working before the release date and had there script built into the XP CD Rom ! <hr></blockquote>

This is displaying an impressive level of ignorance about the way software companies function.

I have no sympathy for anyone that rushes out and buys an operating system that is barely out of the bag. I use 2K now, and I know it's stable. Anyone who rushes onto the latest operating system before it's had a few months of testing and the huge security breaches have been plugged is very foolish. Can I suggest you return your copy of XP and get 2K instead?

Your problem sounds like a video card driver issue. Blaming the manufacturer of the game you're playing because your brand new OS doesn't have decent video card drivers is just stupid.

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I'm running an Nvidia Geforce2 with W98SE. No problems.

Is anyone running Windows XP with a different brand video card and able to play CMBO?

How about Nvidia with XP?

If so, then Linda's problem may just be a driver issue.

Ken "No, I don't know what I'm talking about"

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BTS has an excellent raport with its customers, and if there was a problem with running CMBO on XP I'm sure they would have mentioned it.

I would suggest there is another issue here in your case, perhaps driver related, as I do believe there have been other posts here about CMBO being successfully run under XP (or one of the XP betas - Rune?).

btw, welcome aboard.


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This problem has been discussed in several threads in the Tech Support forum. I believe it is a driver issue with the Nvidia cards. Nvidia is aware of the issue and, hopefully, will fix the problem with a driver update.

Oh, and BTW, it's not just an XP problem, it's also a problem with Windows 2000. It's not that the game won't run. The problem seems to be that the color white becomes transparant on the 2d screens, making such things as reading the mission briefing and unit selection in a QB difficult, if not impossible.

It's a serious issue that BTS should be concerned about, given the popularity of the GeForce video cards and the fact that Windows XP has gotten very positive reviews. In a year's time, there will be many Windows XP users...

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This is why you should have either two computers (one for work and one for play) or have a killer computer with dual booting OSs and appropriately partitioned single hard drive or dual hard drives (I've got an incredible Dell with which I can either boot Win98 or Win2000Pro, whose hard drive I partitioned into 4 ((1. Win98 OS, 2. Win98 programs which are mostly games, 3. Win2000 OS, and 4. Win2000 applications which are mostly work.) For graphics card, I use a Matrox with dual display capacity feeding to two 21' monitors. Now, as for upgrading to WinXP.... Why? Perhaps on my business laptop... but I'd face a King Tiger with a Stuart before trading in the firepower of my home computer setup for the lousy excuse of upgrading to the latest OS, and not being able to play virtually all the games that I barely have the time to enjoy now and then.

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Linda, you are right, but sadly this isn't the place to post this kind of complaint. It results in a reaction similar to what would happen if Billy Graham said to Taliban - "I don't think you guys are right"

But I guess you already see it for yourself smile.gif

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Hello Doug,

You hit the nail on the head.

Greater than > 50% of endusers use Nividia

Greater than > 50% of enduser use Windows

and I am being conservative !

So, it is in fact extremely important.

If I was using XP & Nividia and bought CM2 I would be demanding my money back !

In other words, if CM2 is released tomorrow without a fix, there are going to be plenty of pissed newbies posting on this webboard.



<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Doug Williams:

This problem has been discussed in several threads in the Tech Support forum. I believe it is a driver issue with the Nvidia cards. Nvidia is aware of the issue and, hopefully, will fix the problem with a driver update.

Oh, and BTW, it's not just an XP problem, it's also a problem with Windows 2000. It's not that the game won't run. The problem seems to be that the color white becomes transparant on the 2d screens, making such things as reading the mission briefing and unit selection in a QB difficult, if not impossible.

It's a serious issue that BTS should be concerned about, given the popularity of the GeForce video cards and the fact that Windows XP has gotten very positive reviews. In a year's time, there will be many Windows XP users...<hr></blockquote>

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Oh, and BTW, it's not just an XP problem, it's also a problem with Windows 2000. It's not that the game won't run. The problem seems to be that the color white becomes transparant on the 2d screens, making such things as reading the mission briefing and unit selection in a QB difficult, if not impossible. "

This is very true. I believe I saw BTS say something about them knowing about the Win2K problems. I dont know if they will do anything about it. I am not sure what is causing it but is happens in my Win2K also.

I dual boot and play all my games in Win98 so it was not that big of a deal for me. But either BTS or Nividia will need to fix this problem because XP is the Win2K of the desktop retail world. And this time next year I would imagine every desktop will be shipping with Win XP. That is close to 25 million units a qtr or 100 million XP machines a year.


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We don't know that the problem will even exist in CM2, since it hasn't been released yet.

Hopefully, Nvidia will step up to the plate and post a fixed driver soon. I have personally e-mailed their public relations guy and complained about this issue, and I know of at least one other person who did the same. We should all e-mail them. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

As for myself, I uninstalled XP and went back to W98 for the time being. I like CM better than any OS. I'd probably go back to DOS if that's what it took. ;)

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I think Linda raises a good point, and I replied as such on her Tech Forum thread.

I am just about to buy a new computer with Windows XP and a GeForce 3 card, so I'm very concerned about this apparent incompatibility since CM is my main game. But this fall I'll be doing digital pictures, music, and trying IL-2 Sturmovik and other games that need more speed and stability.

Unhappily, we all live in a world dominated by MS and Nvidia. I think the burden will be on BTS to adapt to the demands of the market standards, and I hope they do because CM is the best wargame ever made.

Regarding the dual boot, do GeForce cards and Nvidia drivers have the same problems under Win98?

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I believe that this issue is being blown out of proportion here. The problem isn't one of an OS incompatibility (like Mac users are experiencing with OS X, but that's a whole other story). The primary problem here is a video driver and not CMBO. There are other video cards that don't experience this problem under Win2K/XP. The only thing that BTS could do to fix this problem is to remove all instances of white (text, graphics & screens) from the game. The Nvidia drivers are to blame for this situation. Hopefully Nvidia will find a solution to this problem (but when, and if, they do is not known to BTS or anyone else outside of Nvidia). There are NO other known problems with running CMBO under Win98, WinME, Win2K or WinXP that aren't solely due to driver issues (other than a TCP/IP problem).

For those that are completely incensed with the particular problems of the Nvidia drivers for Win2K/XP, I'd suggest downloading and installing Deanco's Mod interface. This interface replaces some of the 2D screens in CMBO and reduces the amount of white used in them. This should help with (but not completely eliminate) some of the issues.

CMBB/CM2 shouldn't suffer as badly with the current Nvidia drivers as CMBO does; again due to the fewer occurances of white in the 2D interface.

Despite being market leaders, both Microsoft and Nvidia can screw sometimes. These issues are somewhat minor in comparison to the entire video driver's functionality, but they obviously make it a bit of a mess for CM players. These problems are not the end of the world and CMBO (and eventually CMBB) is still playable (though somewhat graphically annoying).

[ 10-28-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]</p>

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XP home edition, the now standard release version.

ASUS GTS 2 running with the 21.83 XP/2000 drivers.

I get the following non show stopper glitches:

Every time I run CM for the first time in a session the only problem I get is distorted “landmark” text on the map and some very minor glitches in the text on the unit bar.

In the event that I have to exit the scenario by any other way than by “Esc” there is a very “good” chance that the opening screen will be disrupted when I restart CM without rebooting the computer. When that happens the screen background is dotted by black pixels and all text is transparent.

Moving on to the scenario selection screen the text is likewise transparent but even harder to read since it is smaller. And finally, and most frustrating, all scenario descriptions and briefings are gone. I can see the buttons and the side bar but nothing of the text or the background to the text.

But if I press on into the scenario it will still work fine, except for the glitches mentioned above.

All in all, a survivable state of affair. Sorry to hear others have been hit harder in this respect.

Ah, I suppose I have to add that CM does not run as fast in XP as it did in win 98 2nd, I don’t know if that is a driver issue though. To it’s credit XP seems very stable so far.


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