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Phew...... Glad I finished catching up with those posts.

Just one question though,

What's with this Blue Ribbon thingy? I have just got back from "Bonnie Scotland" where I attended a wedding, most of the guys wore Kilts, and trust me.. none of them would have been wearing ANYTHING underneath. It was a lovely day not even a hint of a breeze :( shame really...


BTW ..... Nice place you have here Paw, but where is the balcony?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Nice place you have here Paw, but where is the balcony?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now that we got women back we could keep up doing innuendos again.

Fact is Love, that we were expecting those of you that are a bit more female than the average Pooler (statistical mean being Croda) to provide the Balcony View...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

My flanks are bruised and sore from all of the probing. Brave Polish lads scurry here and there in anticipation of him driving his German made armor things over to my backyard. Just a little closer, Deli boy. This won't hurt much. Its a Rune Scenario, so I look forward to laying a pimp slap upon his poor ego once more. Have I mentioned yet this month that I once had a draw against Mark IV?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I must admit I am impressed with the unorthodoxy of your recon technique. Kudos for striking out on your own, thinking outside the box of hidebound historical precedent, and stretching the envelope of tactical thinking.

However, to inject a pedantic arithmetical note, there is nothing so far to suggest you will not duplicate your previous record score against Elvis, while there is quite a bit of smoldering evidence that you will. I know it's early yet and that you have a fecal-load of Allied arty to launch.

But the score right now is Me: an undetermined but large number, You: 0.

I am curious about the scurrying hither and thither. It reminds me of the description of our economy as "sideways waffling". I didn't think economic theory and tactics had much synergy, but I'm learning a lot in this enjoyable adventure.

And keep your pimp away from me. Your business relationships have nothing to do with this war, you flippant little hairdresser.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'd like to think of myself as a gifted amateur. son.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Right then, clueless, much as I expected. Oh and I'm sorry if my usage of "son" offended you and made it appear that you're ... immature in any way. I just naturally assumed that anyone who CHOSE a handle of "boy_Recon" did so for a reason.


Perhaps "Boy George" is already taken, Joe. What is it about the English and boys?

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How nice to have you back YKemma, I'll now endeavor to make my posts as innocuous as mensch's are incoherent... hate to offend those butteryfly-like sensitivities of yours...

edited to remove evidence I'm having a heart attack...

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Iskander ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I just naturally assumed that anyone who CHOSE a handle of "boy_Recon" did so for a reason.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perhaps it's his job description. He might provide some competition for Bauhaus.

Agua Perdido

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YK2, how nice to "see" you again and I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for Mace ... in advance actually. He's not been the same since you and Kitty became scarce and ... well ... there's just no telling.


(opps, really, I MEANT to say "scarce" not "scare" ... really.)

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Iskander:

[QB]How nice to have you back YKemma, I'll now endeavor to make my posts as innocuous as mensch's are incoherent... hate to offend those butteryfly-like sensitivities of yours...

Thanks Iskander, but don't mind me, my butterfly-like sensitivities wont be offended by anything you have to say....

And...... Its nice to be back smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by boy_Recon:

Explain the rules then.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pawbroon did not post the rules? Shame on you Frenchy!

Rule One... Single someone out. Group taunts are right out. Violation of Rule One will result in you being treated like an idiot.

Rule Two... Make some attempt at wit. Playground humor is generally frowned on. Violation of Rule Two will result in you being treated like an idiot.

Rule Three... It is assumed that if you are in this thread (or any of its incarnations) that you thick enough skin to take as well as give. Become offended by a post here will result in you being treated like an idiot.

Rule Four...SOUND OFF LIKE YA GOT A PAIR!!!! Violation of Rule Four will result in you being treated like an idiot.

Follow these simple rules, and you will be treated like an idiot.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by boy_Recon:

Go on,grandpa. Explain the rules then.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bugger off and stop wanking, Boy_Spoojon.

That's right. Put down the tweezers and the magnifying glass and scuttle back to the main board.

Or, make yourself sound like you have some degree of wit and literacy. If you were to reach high on that ladder you might at least make it to the level of a diseased oyster.

With strenuous effort you may one bright august morn find a knigget of the mutha' beautiful cess to sponsor your induction into assured venal damnation.

Bwahaha BwaHAHAHA BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Sign right here on the dotted line, kid.

Here, use Berli's red pen...

Your initial postings leave much to be desired, son.

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: harpooner ]

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Ah my friends (I USED to be able to say "My friends AND Andreas" but it looks much like Germanboy is AWOL and may stay that way) I'm afraid you misjudge young "boy_Recon." It's not his purpose to JOIN the CessPool but rather to ridicule it ... as if anyone could ridicule us better than we ourselves do.


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Lets ease up on GayBoy_Recon. Its not his fault he has an inferiority complex as he is from 'Buuurminkham' after all.

As I recall once driving through 'Buuurmingkham' (with a peg on my nose to avoid the stench) I observed that the place is a complete and utter ****ehole.

(If ever the world needs an enema, they can insert it in 'Biirrmikgham')

To make matters worse, the incontinent buffoon claims to be in local government.

* Shudder*

This serves as a reminder that, no matter how far down the social and evolutionary ladder you look, there is always someone further down.

BumBoy_Recon, you are the weakest link, goodbye.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Oh, so sorry Peng if anyone here gave you the idea that we (those that matter) really give a flying |CENSORED| what your opinion on the subject is. You're it boyo<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Quite right, Peng. As Berli and I are in complete agreement on the point, your fate has basically been determined. If you're good, we won't necessarily encourage the lads to call you 'Father' Peng.

Now, as usual, Mensch is entitled to go on gibbering to his heart's content, and, also as usual, it is recommended that people ignore him. Peng is hereby declared Father Confessor of the Peng Challenge Thread, aka 'The Cesspool'. Please direct all discussion of your fears, sins, inadequacies and criminal acts to Peng. Unless they're amusing or extremely lurid, then you're welcome to share them with the group at large (within the constraints of our image as nature's noblemen, and with all due concern for the standards of the Board, of course).

Do not hesitate to contact Peng to unburden yourself no matter what time of the day or night it may be. If Peng continues to rail against his selection as Confessor, I will shortly be making his home phone number available.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Phew...... Glad I finished catching up with those posts.

Just one question though,

What's with this Blue Ribbon thingy? I have just got back from "Bonnie Scotland" where I attended a wedding, most of the guys wore Kilts, and trust me.. none of them would have been wearing ANYTHING underneath. It was a lovely day not even a hint of a breeze :( shame really...


BTW ..... Nice place you have here Paw, but where is the balcony?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Emma! Fairest of the fair, and most worthy of woman kind, thank ****e you've returned.

As to the ribbon, I believe some nations use red to signify 1st Prize, here in America we use blue.

As for a balcony, we'll build you a little platform out of some of the Squires and Serfs which you can grace by standing atop it, and we will call it the pedestal of the Peng Challenge Thread. Wear slacks, however, when atop it. Even if we nail them into place face down, most of them will try for a look up.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Peng is hereby declared Father Confessor of the Peng Challenge Thread, aka 'The Cesspool'.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now, now Seanachai, no one appointed you as Katherine Harris of the Pool you know (a reference to the recently contested election here in the States for our foreign friends) ... though you COULD do with some of her makeup tips, IMHO. I'm calling for a recount of the ballots as I'm quite sure I saw a hanging chad ... or maybe that was boy_Recon ...


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Yes folks and pods. I actualy had time to process and send turns out today (some were resends that I don't think made it the first time.)

Father Peng..Father Peng... That has a really bad sound to it. But considering how disfunctional we all are, it fits he would be the father of this little "family".

My games are on the depressing side. It seems that no matter how I try, the VL's just get further and futher away.

I'd also like to take the time to welcome Emma back. It is always nice to have at least one or two posters around the pool that aren't total idiots. Adds a little class to our crass.

Now for this boy-seeker. Obviously he has no idea what is going on here. Kind of funny really. But please don't feed the strays. It just makes them that much harder to get rid of.

Lorak the loathed

[05-09-2001: Message was not edited by: Lorak (because he could give a rats arse)]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stuka wrote:

BumBoy_Recon, you are the weakest link, goodbye.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Escape to the other side of the planet to get away from the Teletubbies and Anne Robinson, and what do you get? The Teletubbies and Anne Robinson. Resistance is futile...

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