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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Should read...

Beril: While his probe (sit down Bauhaus) on my well fortified Amis has been brutalized by my 105 arty, his main attack is about to overwhelm me like some teen-pop sensation that just won't go away. Oh the horror...


Berli's Fatlady has yet to let out a spine chilling shrill let alone a peep. She sits and waits for the imminent DOOM that will befall him.

One would think that marching one's troops out in the open would be detrimental to their health. I am about to prove that one would be right.


[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

That's alright, Joe. Just call him 'Shandorf', as this labels him as even more loathsome, useless, and hateful than the epitaph 'gamey'



When are you gonna stop hiding behind Joe's skirt and play me you tree bark chewing, hippie boy?


[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Did someone say rats?

Mmmm, I love rats. And hamsters too. And while we're getting all nostalgic, what ever happened to TC Schultz the naked mole rat or whatever kind of tasty morsel he was.

Stay the hell out you casual interlopers or you'll be wearing your ass for a hat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I believe I speak correctly for Lorak, the creator of the Chinchilla Commando Teams and TC Schutz, when I say:

It's TC SCHUTZ, dammit, not SCHULTZ!.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:


When are you gonna stop hiding behind Joe's skirt and play me you tree bark chewing, hippie boy?


[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Although your taunts are always so limp that they are nearly indistinguishable from badly overcooked pasta, you benefit from both the 'Landsmann' dispensation, whereby I feel an obligation to play against a fellow Minnesotan, and the fact that I have actually met you personally, which filled me with such fear and loathing that no words of yours are even needed to provoke me to battle. Although I will be home a little late this evening, I will make an effort to send you out a set up.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Although your taunts are always so limp that they are nearly indistinguishable from badly overcooked pasta, you benefit from both the 'Landsmann' dispensation, whereby I feel an obligation to play against a fellow Minnesotan, and the fact that I have actually met you personally, which filled me with such fear and loathing that no words of yours are even needed to provoke me to battle. Although I will be home a little late this evening, I will make an effort to send you out a set up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Limp.... Ah yes! Now I remember. Your wife was saying something about you and limp in the same sentence, but I was in such a hurry getting my shorts on I wasn't paying attention. Thanks for the refresher!

I await your setup tree freak.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Although I will be home a little late this evening, I will make an effort to send you out a set up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> NOOOooooo! As you value your sanity (doubtful) and your wit (alleged), don't continue on this rash path. As one who has played jshandorf I can attest to the FACT that his emails are second only to those of PeterNZer in paucity of ... everything. There is no wit, no charm, no humor nor even any real communication. His emails usually consist of some variant of "Huh, your guys sure fried." That's when he's NOT complaining about the game's buy choices, the success of a certain Sdkfz 250/8 or his supposed paucity of infantry. Oh he'll win this match, and I couldn't be more thrilled ... I won't have to read his emails anymore. It's not too late Seanachai ... save yourself!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Mace ... surrender seems the only viable option for him but he resists ... foolish lad.


Of course, you said that last game and we know what happened then, don't we? <chortle>

btw, I don't know the meaning of surrender (mainly because I can't find the dictionary)


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Tear my eyes out now! The horror, the horror. After reading of 5 pages of vacuity in order to get caught up, and realizing that I can remeber none of the goings on, it occurs to me that either I have drunk too much or that there was nothing to see there. I opt for the latter as the former, unfortunetly did not occur.

On to other matters: As I have just about ousted Lucifier a truly fallen prince, in our current game, I find my self bereft and lacking in the number of games I have going.

There are some scores to settle with my fellow knoggits (yes spelled intentionally) ie, Goanna,Jshandorf and crisl Some how these ragamuffy bâtards got out of towm after inflicting a most grevious, perfidious (down Albion!) and ill deserved mark o' shame 'pon my noble brow. Thus it is that I throw down the gaunlet of revenge at their collectively loathesome and encrusted feet(s) You collectively and individually. Send a set up toads, that I may fricasse you in such a matter that hte skin shall fall delicately from your whitened bones. That is if you dare....

Then there are some others, Who I have not yet had the opportunity to humiliate appropriately, such as MkIV, Mensch, and Elvis Each of whom would look good on the wall next to my traditional vict....errr esteemed opponents. You too, have the gauntlet of shame cast before you, do you dare to pick it up, or do you willingly cast yourselves as vassals to my whim?

Finally, JoeyBoy we shall recommence to erase the stain of the last game......

I abide...... scum sucking newbies need not apply. Other 'poolers with "low numbers" (ha what a fool ser Frwed is!) may also seek an engagement to round out my lists......

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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Now that most of us have gone to the latest; touchy-feely, oh how much I love you guys, the Pool is just great thread, I feel the need to spew vomitous masses of bile.

The basis of it is. I DESPISE EACH and EVERY ONE of you pathetic grogs, grog-lites, and sexual offenders. I enjoy killing you to ease my irritation at the world and the fact that the Air Force is sending me back to North Dakota. Christ-on-a-crutch, I just escaped that damn frozen hellhole only three years ago.

Playing you tactically challanged rejects from around the globe has eased my hatred for the world-at-large.

jd has picked an old scenario "Move-it or Lose-it" and given me the brave GIs. I will enjoy fillet him, and hearing his screams.

The squire formerly known as Agua and I have started a battle on interesting terrain. He is already preparing his excuses....The flags are in the wrong spot...I'm on the east coast...My underwear is binding...and on it goes

Croda, come out of your FPS induced funk and finish our game. I miss watching you scream like a little girl.

Speedy, aka the gamey bastard, has had the nerve to attack the VL I'm not at. He had cooporated so far by bringing two AT guns and a Mark IV for destruction in the rain. But to go after the VL that is 600m away on this HUGE map is just gamey I say. Come over here and fight you wussy.

Of course StevetheRat and Marlow have both run under the bed and hid after receiving the setups back. I can only guess how humiliating it is to know your going to lose before the first shot is fired. Send me a turn you pathetic wankers.

I find a space on my Kill-U-Right Now card open and I can only hope that one of you hormonally challeged choir boys can find the 'nads to pony up to getting killed. I fling the gauntlet down, death be to him stupid enough to brave this challange.

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Wildman ]

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Ahh greetings oh people who spawn hatred and much misunderstanding.

It is I Lorak. As some of you know real life work has been causing me fits lately. It sadly is taking all of my free time to well...what ever we idiots tend to do.

Tome updates:









Mark IV-win


MrSpkr and Abbot have been promoted from civilian to pissboys and serfs.

I would give a game update, but sadly there hasn't been much gaming the last couple of days. I will try to get those files out this evening or first thing tomarrow.

I also would like to thank Mace for not running in here and laughing his damn head off at my utter lack of skill shown on-line this weekend. While I am sure he still might at some future date, it was nice to see that it wasn't the instant he stoped laughing..if indeed he has stoped yet.

Lorak the loathed

P.S. I just remembered that my number is less than 1000... So I need to add some grog info. In november of 1939 during a military parade 2 BT-2's broke down which resulted in design changes to improve reliabilty and battlefield potency. (yada yada yada) this lead to the production of the BT-5 with the 45mm anti-tank gun rated at 760m/sec and 1 7.62mm machine gun. And of course we can not forget the BT-5V which as a comanders tank had a frame around the turret and the provision of a radio in the rear turret overhang.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Finally, JoeyBoy we shall recommence to erase the stain of the last game... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey pal, (don't get excited, I was just using "pal" in the conversational sense, you STILL don't have any friends) I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt "You know, I doubt if jd is even human." and allow you to slide on out of our game if you wanted but NOOOOOO! You must tread on the mouths of the grain that the kine ... uh ... bind on the grains of the kines that mouth ... um ... anyway sent a setup but be advised that I'm out of town for a week or so in about a week so ... I'll get to it when I feel like it. Others need not apply, my dance card is filled and overflowing ... speaking of overflowing ... OH Speedbump!, the bucket if you please, Agua Perdido would have anticipated my need and been following me for minutes now, you've large shoes to fill my lad. Speaking of lessons, have you completed the essay I assigned ... Tedium, Ennui and Boredom ... Seanachai Dissected."?


[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Lorak on the "What's Going On" Thread: We just tend to discuss them in a less dry manor.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now if this were from Seanachai, Agua or any number of others, I would applaud them for a brilliant play on words. As it was Lorak ... I'll assume it was unintentional ... but still funny.

And hey, Lewis has posted on the BAR thread, so you'll probably all want to rush right over.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman:

I find a space on my Kill-U-Right Now card open and I can only hope that one of you hormonally challeged choir boys can find the 'nads to pony up to getting killed. I fling the gauntlet down, death be to him stupid enough to brave this challange.SIC<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

**picks up guantlet with two fingers, holding his nose with the other hand***

Is this yours, sir?

slaps wildguy across the face, spewing filth, grease and phlegm across the room

I'll take your challenge. Send me a setup.


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Abbott, you pathetic, vitriol-bereft, altogether disgustingly polite little man, I owe you a disembowelment. Send me a setup, and buy all the planes you like-Dave Aitken

I most certainly will send you a setup Sire. And I must say "Sire, you look like the pissboy".

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... OH Speedbump!, the bucket if you please... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry, oh thy running dog of the Tabernacle Choir, but DryHump is a tad busy extracting his head from his Croda in our current game. Perhaps when he's finished redetailing his pollops he can come 'round to your needs... until then, your dance card be damned by Joe Smith hanging out a window in Carthage! You know you're being ripped off for booze, you know that the skiing really isn't worth it and you know that no matter how many times you reread the golden plates, the story never ends with the blue-eye/green-eye buck-teeth sloped-shouldered chick from Heber giving you the forbidden Lap Dance of Kennecott.

Bugger your "lap dance card" ... I went to primary school in Sandy... let me show the HMT (bandwidth, again...) the difference between someone who knew when to leave, and someone dumb enough to stay...

... and so it came to pass...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sorry, oh thy running dog of the Tabernacle Choir, ... {snipped to improve clarity ... it didn't help} ... and so it came to pass...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Did anyone follow ANY of that? Barring the odd anti-Salt Lake / Utah / Mormon rant (as if I care, I and my people came from Texas) I assume there was a POINT to his diatribe? Unfortunately Bablefish doesn't cover Iskander to English so ...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Did anyone follow ANY of that? Barring the odd anti-Salt Lake / Utah / Mormon rant (as if I care, I and my people came from Texas)... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Guess what, Sparky! So did mine! Temple/ Belton, actually. That's why I can smell another longhorn like you for miles... I thought it was one of Mace's brood rotting in the sun, but nope, just another misplaced Texican... and just how many "people" are you traveling with? Throw words like "my people" around and we're liable to start thinking of you as Jim Jones.


I assume there was a POINT to his diatribe?


DUH! Has there ever been a point to any of these posts?

I'd like a Consigliari (sic) ruling on this!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'd like a Consigliari (sic) ruling on this!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Very well ... Lawyer is indeed sick ... and you spelled it wrong.


Oh, and if you were a REAL Texan you'd understand the reference to My People ... as in ... "and where do your people come from?" I was born in Texas, my parents were born in Texas, my grandparents were born in Texas and my great grand daddy drank whiskey with Judge Roy Bean.

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

I also would like to thank Mace for not running in here and laughing his damn head off at my utter lack of skill shown on-line this weekend. While I am sure he still might at some future date, it was nice to see that it wasn't the instant he stoped laughing..if indeed he has stoped yet.


This is a CM board, and I don't think it's socially acceptable to berate and humiliate you for your lack of skill shown in Rogue Spear here.

Besides, I actually appreciate the fact that there is some out there that regularly becomes a casualty sooner than me.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Did anyone follow ANY of that? Barring the odd anti-Salt Lake / Utah / Mormon rant (as if I care, I and my people came from Texas) I assume there was a POINT to his diatribe? Unfortunately Bablefish doesn't cover Iskander to English so ...


Hmm, no, read it a number of times, but he lost me around the time he began with the 'golden plates' business. Which sounded a bit intriguing, especially if it was some sort of thinly disguised personal revelation. Now that I think of it, do we have a Peng Challenge Thread Confessor? As time goes by and our numbers grow, we are going to need someone in this capacity. I'd say our best bet is someone slightly fatherly, but deeply disturbed, filled with a kind of folksy wisdom while lusting after teenage girls sort of figure. Shaw, stick a sign up, would you?

Iskanders post struck me as a sort of 'suffering from the DTs and sliding into center field, thinking it's home plate' sort of monologue. There you go, Phan, I attempted a 'sport' reference. Should I reference your beloved female horses team?

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'd say our best bet is someone slightly fatherly, but deeply disturbed, filled with a kind of folksy wisdom while lusting after teenage girls sort of figure.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well golly, THAT narrows it down to everyone except Stuka and after he's been married for another six months he'll qualify too. I was going to exempt Kitty and Emma but they don't show up here anymore (I blame Mace).

As to the golden plates, it's a Mormon thing, so I'm told, and would involve far more theology to explain ... let alone believe ... than I'm capable of at present.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to the golden plates, it's a Mormon thing, so I'm told, and would involve far more theology to explain ... let alone believe ... than I'm capable of at present.


Oh, I hadn't any problems with that, I know about the whole 'golden plates' thing. It was his peculiar and oddly phrased 'trapped by Mormon Wives in training/teen hooker' thing that was confusing. I am, after all, well-versed in the weirdness of comparative mythologies. Did you know that Episcopalianism is a direct descendant of...well, best not go there. Many 'Pisco's have strong legal representation, and I simply can't handle another public dunking and vegetable pelting.

Oh, and by the by, I've challenged young Fred #176 to a PBEM in the interests of teaching him the joys of taunting. I expect you lot to behave yourselves if he accepts. Er, by that I mean I expect you lot not to behave yourselves like you'd normally behave.

[ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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