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Maple Leaf Up!! The PENG THREAD goes North!!!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Well, I've checked out all the newer pictures. Shandorf, you do realize that Tommy Chong looks less whacked than you do, don't you?

Tommy Chong went to the same high school as I did - Crescent Heights High School in Calgary, Alberta.

Small world, eh?



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Hmm, pity about the title of the Thread, still, on short notice, and all.

So, Maple Leaf up? Yah, roight up 'em!

But first we take care of Moose and Mace, Natasha.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Ahhhh, Peter me whatever you are in virtual land, seeing how the victory locations couldn't be closer to your side of the table if it was an assault scenario, I choose the wisest course from many alternatives. Storm the fuc_er and shoot it out. Completely different than my usual slow tentacles of death that have made me famed and feared.

So imagine my chuckle, as I read your post about flaming halftracks, when said same halftracks killed 3 German death traps with nothing tougher than a .50 cal machinegun, and now are hunting a few more notches on the old gun barrel, while my tanks rest in the rear waiting for the arrival of the Ubers I am sure you have bought by the dozen.

So, please Peter, make some more of your amazing predictions, and turn this from a sure looser on my part to a victory that will be hallowed by Pengdom for years.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Tommy Chong went to the same high school as I did - Crescent Heights High School in Calgary, Alberta.

Small world, eh?

Micheal you bag pipe playing, sheep pipe laying, her majestic queeney's royal army type, you are just the new comer who should be promoted to Captain in Meeks and I's new order. Go forth and challenge one of the scum from the Kingdom of Cess and bring forth their head.

I dub thee Calgary Navigator and Captian of Ye Old Krewe of the Cannon and Garter, our first officer after Peng. If you accept, signify by taunting a Cess Kingdom trog in a manner that is neither politically correct nor will be acceptable should you ever aspire to politics, and signify by saying Aye (which will stand until a secret and very powerful oath is ready for consumption.

Any more converts? Meeks, what about the three you have on deck? Are they worthy of kicking a little Cess Kingdom Ass? Will they stand up under the spot light first put on by Jose Gaspar and William Teach (even if one of them was just a story, but I forgot which so I will skip that part...)


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And I thought Tip O'Neill was dead, so who's the git with the snowy locks? I've got a liberal lawyer friend who lives in DC. Maybe I can get her and her husband to hunt the Lawyer down and mess him around. Pity she's a Quaker, she usually stops short of actual violence. Maybe they can at least play mind games with him.

Hair envy will get you no where, you old goat. You've never thanked me for the Best Supporting Actor role I gave you in my Legal King thread last weekend. We're talking Academy Award writing here.

I screw liberals all the time. Just give me her number is she's attractive. Otherwise, stick it where the Peng don't shine.

I'm investigating using my Washington contacts, and I will make sure that you never touch a dime of Social Security. You try to be nice to an old guy, and what does it get you ....

BTW, where's your picture?


Only the Lawyer knows what Evil lurks in the minds of men....

[This message has been edited by Lawyer (edited 01-30-2001).]

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Originally posted by Mace:

What's the speed of these Moose I keep hearing about?


Question is: How fast are YOU? biggrin.gif Behold the glory that is Canada. Sorry to tell you though, we snapped this one during rutting season.



When it's my turn to march up to Glory,

I'm gonna have one HELL of a story...

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So, which part of Canaduh are we actually talking aboot here? Is it the far easterly bits full of people who are just like New Englanders but stupid? Is it the island where the potatoes come from? Is it that chunk that's right above Buffalo and is full of up-tight people who think they're just like New York because Donny Osmond shows up and performs three nights of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat every other year? Or maybe the bit where there's all the French people, 'nuff said. Could it be the empty bits populated only by lonesome cowpokes and isolated communities of National Socialists? Then again, it could be the western bits full of pot-growing treehuggers.

But I have my own theory. The only place the 'Pool could have washed up in would be the empty bits that no one in their right mind would ever want to visit. Damn it's cold, and nothing to drink but Moosehead. Pass me the whale blubber and don't hold back on that seal fat, eh.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

[This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 01-30-2001).]

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Keep a hold of your wallets hozers, it appears some of those Australians are aboot here, eh? Just because Canada wasn't a penetentiary for criminal culture like Ustralia was, and Amurica currently is doesn't mean that we can't swing insults with the bigboys.

In my battles against "Germanboy" (there is no real larger insult than the combination of 'German' + 'boy') and "He-reemed (all) Sunday" (aka Hiram Sendai for you non-english speaking Uzies and Amuricans) are all going fairly well.

Germanboy has revamped his old strategy of piecemeal Goanna like-Bonzai charges against the likes of tanks, HMG's and vacant buildings, usually directed away from the VP's (for some reason he thinks he is the defender!).

HS is experienceing, yet again, the Kasserine Pass, with the Heroic German Peoples Army smashing through the ill concieved defense of Stuarts and Shermans with them facing the wrong way in which to run away. Unfortunatlye for Hiram, he did not realize that he was actually the defender, leaving 2 of his tanks in flames, and the rest running in vomit and terror.

It seems that the Mighty Canadian army is yet again going to vanquish the likes from the capitalist pigs!

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Allah on a bun...here I go to the time and trouble to even bother working up a taunt for the bloodsucker in the "putting green" jacket, knowing full well that as "lawyers are like beavers (stop it, Bauhaus!): they get in the mainstream and dam (sic) it up," I had a host of puns based on "beavers" and lawyerly terms that cost US$5 per hour like ipso facto, and, sic gloria transit pro bono . . . .

And now the bleary Thread has gone south by going North! Canada...who's current motto is, if I recall, "Thank God we can still drive to effective doctors rather than fly like most folks!" I would taunt them, but seeing as how they are taxing themselves into the same economic category as the Cuba they profess to love so much -- while at the same time criminalizing all of their hunters -- it would be like kicking a man while he's down; or, at least like smacking a lead pipe over Mace's skull when he's busy loading a ewe into his waders.

So, just like in CM (remember that?), I shall endeavor to stay with the original objective, even if now the plan is shot to Regina (Regina! RAH-GEE-NAH, Bauhaus!).


jd, the only bar association that would approve of you is the mincing, transy, fur-breasted, queen-of-DC dive that that other festering gob of a counsel would frequent. Perhaps you were attracted to the legal profession to begin with when the page in the guidebook was folded over and all you saw was "bar ass..." From what's been said on the Mutha-Beautiful Thread, it's obvious the only reason you have won (or shall we be honest and say -- scraped by) what games you have is by emailing virii that turn your opponents' grass, trees and buildings legal-pad yellow, making them surrender or cease-fire rather than looking at what appears to be the downspout of the Circuit Court's urinal!

Yeah, that's right, Mr.-lay-out-the-cigs-workers-on-their-ass-while-I-fire-up-a-Camel-with-my-secretary(or Meeks)-squirming-in-my-lap-as-she-takes-dic-tation, I am calling you out! On behalf of people who have real jobs AND constantly misquote Shakespeare ("Spank all the Lawyers!"), you will bow down! You will beg forgiveness! And not just before me, but before the entire 'Pool and the Almighty Peng Himself!

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Originally posted by Iskander:

Allah on a bun...

From what's been said on the Mutha-Beautiful Thread...

You will beg forgiveness! And not just before me, but before the entire 'Pool and the Almighty Peng Himself!

Hmm, not bad by half. If he can do it again, and not repeat himself or ruin the effect by giggling, or descend to cliche's, I say let him hang around and everyone spit on him. Why's he got a thing on for Morse, we've got two mall lawyers here now, no waiting; is Moby the Great White Lawyer charging higher fees? You have to love the pictures of the both of them, all unctuous and friendly like, with that same, radiant look of 'put me to work for you, and I'll destroy your enemies before sucking the marrow out of your cracked bones.'


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Wheer dae Ah start? Elros, ye kin tak a wee dump, fall back an at, an sod off.

Iskander, ye made mah laff a wee bit, jus' a wee bit meend ye - tha' bit aboot Mace an' tha ewe....actually at were tha lead pipe bit Ah liked....

Slapnuts, Ah thank ye a fine fellow....fer a grog, an' Ah have raid ye epistilations an tha main board. Af'n ye havin' a revolution, why are ye still here? At's feeble tae gae mincin' off tae have ye ain wee puddle o' puke, an' then tae stay aroond here pukin' yer tripe aboot dead-end bridges an' such.

Ah've nought much ailse tae sae, except tae wave at Hiram an' a kinder, gentler way. Ah have turns tae return, ye knoo.

Oh, Ah nearly fergo'.....tha rest o' ye kin bend doon, put yer haids between ye legs, an' sat doon quickly. You too Mace.



You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem

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Excuse me, you gave me a Canadian quarter - could I have real money instead?

Okay, I just got back from gaming another turn in the Advanced Squad Leader campaign game in Stalingrad and I am filled with hatred for you all. I rolled more 11s and 12s than any poor gamer has a right to and my poor Russkies died in horrible cardboard droves.

I broke my field phone just before a critical mortar barrage was due to land and I malfunctioned the main gun on one of my KV-1s as well. I couldn't win a Close Combat with 3:2 odds, my rocket barrage killed more of my Factory Militia than Nazi Sturm Squads and the elite Guards SMG squad I moved up to assault a PzIVF1 broke under a lousy +1 Morale Check. When I pissed on the stick it turned Blue and Smeagol fell in the Cracks of Doom with my Ring.

So my hatred for each and every one of you is a dull and rusty blade that thirsts for vital bodily fluids (+4 against GoofyGrogs, of course).

Do I still hate Cromag, for instance? Oh yeah. I hate him because he is bragging about beating me when all he's doing is walking around this obscene map like Tiger Woods on a particularly leafy golf course.

How about Marlowbrow? Yup. His excuses for not returning turns read real purty but in the end it's all just big city talk. He was pretty quick on the 'Send' trigger before his tin cans ran out of HE.

PeterBeater? Oh my. Mister NZ, you are the soft brown loam and my hatred for you is the posthole digger, "SHRUNK"ing into your gamey, gristley corpus while I jump on it like a pogo stick.

Nijis. NIJIS. nijus... I hate you because I don't know what a nijis is and fear I am insufficiently educated in yet another culture. This will force me to read more books and cut severely into the time I spend downloading pornography.

Jshandjob: The hate I have for you is the hate that strippers reserve for the men that gawk at them all night without paying for a lap dance. There was a chance that I could have gotten some enjoyment out of our game, and all I'm going to get after all my hard work is a chance to see what abject defeat looks like from the inside.

I even have extra hate for people I haven't challenged yet. Kitty for posting pictures that make me feel all funny inside, Meeksy-poops for posting grog-threads that make me feel all gassy inside, Sunshine and Hi-Beam Sunday for endless spewifications of drivel and halfwitted verse that make me feel nothing inside.

And will someone please hang a hat on that nekulturny Agua already? If I want bad sci fi I'll watch Voyager.


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The Wasteland, Everywhere. Endless nothing, except for a line of greenery and blue sky far off on one horizon. Three figures shamble into sight. One is dark, towering, and veiled in smoke, one is stern, unsmiling, arms crossed in judgement, and one looks like an unkempt old man, who's singing a rather odd song about whether New York girls can do the polka. They all look a bit knackered, and stop for a moment to knock back a few quart bottles of Belgian beer, panting, and looking around.

Peng: Bugger, this business of waiting in the wilderness for the rest to create the world is getting to be a goddamn marathon. What the hell's going on?

Seanachai: It's that Mad, Bald-headed Git. He's booting their arses along at a rare pace, that he is. As quick as they settle in to their new, shiny, Dreamtime habitrail, he comes along and shifts them on like a gang of tinkers. Used to be they'd come up and spend a couple hundred posts creating the new lands. Now, anyone spends that long exploring the wonders of creation, and they're trampled when the Big Trooper shows up.

Berli: It matters not. All will be undone in the end. As fast as it's created, it dissolves behind them. Only memories remain, mocked and abandoned.

Peng: All very well for you, Berli, who's province is chaos and evil. But I'm starting to cough up a lung, here. How can I sit in judgement of the useless bastards when I can barely keep ahead of them?

Seanachai: It is getting to be a hard pull, and that's a fact. Wish the Bald One would cut us some slack.

Berli: He has his reasons.

Peng: True, sod him. Look there, to the south. Is that Meeks?

Seanachai: No, Meeks is always stumping along to the East of us, shaking his fist. Look, over there by that mound of nothingness. See? He's giving me the finger.

Peng: That's Meeks, alright. So who's catching us up?

Seanachai: Ummm, I think it's Croda. And that new wank, the Lawyer. Oh, hell, it's not, it's Slapdragon.

Peng: The Too Live Krewe wannabe? Why's he pushing the pace?

Seanachai: He claims to be an educator. Or at least some sort of Academia Drone. True educators are pretty scarce on the ground, these days. Anyway, he's after our jobs.

Peng: What, hanging around here in this sodding wasteland, you singing gibberish, Berli smiling because someone's just kacked, and me having to review the uselessness of their entire existences? What's he going to do with it?

Seanachai: He wants to have a revolution. The usual, hand out fiefdoms, crush his enemies, proclaim a New World Order, while buffing his nails and waiting for the acclaim to roll in and nubile young women to fall adoring at his feet.

Peng: Son of a bitch, when did we get that?

Seanachai: Oh, Peng, we never got that. Oh, I remember one time YK2 told me I was sweet, and once Hiram told me I wasn't a complete arsehole, but I think that's about it. Most people at least have a certain reverence for you. Even Slapdragon treats you with reserve, and Meeks knows that the way to power is through invoking your name. It's all good.

Peng: Bugger. So why don't we just let them have it?

Seanachai: Well, actually, we already have. That's why we're out here in the desert, don't you know, trying to keep ahead of them. It's their's to create, now.

Peng: But half of them are useless wanks!

Seanachai: Of course, Peng. But they can evolve. Why, look at Marlow. Or Croda. And they rise, or they fall, but they keep us on the move, that they do.

Berli: In the end, they all come to me.

Seanachai: Yes, that's the nice part. Makes all the rest of it worthwhile, knowing how things end up, don't you know.

Peng: Here, what's being created next?

Seanachai: Er, lets see...In the next few hours of posting, this will be...Canada.

Peng: Canada?!

Berli: Canada?

Seanachai: Yes checking rune stones, the Ching, and several tomes the Peng Challenge Thread, on its Walkabout to create the entire world by the use of Combat Mission, will create Canada here...in the next 15 minutes.

Peng: Bugger

Berli: Blow

Seanachai: Well, let's get a move on.

Peng: Curse the Bald One, who drives us on like caribou seeking the coastal plain!

Seanachai: Wonderfully topical reference, Peng, and quite in keeping with our circumstances.

Berli: Sod off. Is there any more ale?

Seanachai: Oh, Berli, there's always more ale. That's the lovely thing about creation. You can. Now, who's for a bit of a sing-song? Berli, why not give us the Commandante's theme from Don Giovanni?


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Lorak! Lorak! Be a nice elf or whatever you are and mark a victory for me over Seniletea. Mr. Seniletea is quite a remarkable player, as he managed to snatch a 61-39 (or something like that) defeat from the jaws of waiting victory. His irritating british or canadian or whatever commonwealth gits moved in quickly to occupy both flags in force, doing quite a bit of damage to my forces. When the decrepit old men started marching in his direction, his troops started dropping dead with fear-- he rapidly lost the large flag, and would have lost the small one had I not shown mercy and put in a cease-fire as well.

In other news, Petertheflightlessbirdorchinesegooseberry is getting a bit of a bloody nose as he tries to advance on my positions in some light fog. One platoon has been kicked around pretty hard, two more are starting to feel some pain, and a fourth will soon be on the run. I've lost about a dozen men scattered through a number of squads in return.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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Originally posted by Ellros:

On behalf of Kitty, to all the Peng threaders... Whoever starts the Next Peng thread (whenever that may be, eons from now), it should be called Kitty's Litter (or Litterbox biggrin.gif)

Bugger off, you sycophantic little mooning- over-pretty-women git. Kitty is more than welcome to start up the next incarnation of the Peng Challenge Thread, so long as 'Peng Challenge Thread' appears with Kitty's whatever in the topic. Here in the most massive, vile, and insidious thread to ever plague a message board, we have certain standards. First, "The name goes on, before the quality goes in". Second, piss off if you're not going to make an acceptable taunt and aren't seeking a game, you randy little tourist.

Now, while it's true that this might be the New, Revised, and More Open Peng Challenge Thread, we don't have to deal with tour groups and those on day-release from half-way houses.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Iskander:

jd, the only bar association that would approve of you...mindless drivel......it's obvious the only reason you have won blather and useless posturing....Yeah, that's right, Mr.-lay-out-the-cigs-workers-on-their-ass-while-I-fire-up-a-Camel-with-my-secretary(or Meeks)-squirming-in-my-lap-as-she-takes-dic-tation,....(actually this is pretty good).... I am calling you out!

Sheesh bugger it all. Did I step in something? An Engineer with 32 posts. Don;t that just beat all. This is what I get for being such a sucker at taking on new games with useless wanks who drop in......such as Croda, or Marlow and recently Chuckles666. Course he has broken my heart as I broke his back and has not be seen in a age and a day.

Well CallmeIshmael or is it ischemia? Nevermind, dropping by with a fine folderol may impress some but I have learned to be more sparing in my largesse. Obviously you are someone who harbors a great sense of inadequacy probably because you couldn't even get into law school so had to settle on being an "engineer" Always an ambiguous and uncertain term. It can conceal so much inadequacy andin your case obviously does.

Course your choosing to pick me out defiantly marks you as defective, both in mental acuity, taste and pose,as well as any chance at impressing the others. Stick around boyo, engage in the fun, splash in the wading pool and we shall see. After all, why should I play a useless git like you? Let's see your "logical and mathematical reasoning" at work. Impress me why I should stain my hands with the puerile likes of you.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Oh, and I found the very nice quote that I was looking for for that very nice Grog chap, Slapdragon.

"I learned three things in Zurich during the war. I wrote them down. Firstly, you're either a revolutionary or you're not, and if you're not you might as well be an artist as anything else. Secondly, if you can't be an artist, you might as well be a revolutionary...I forget the third thing.


-Tom Stoppard

Now then, lad. Bugger off. I'm going to institute a new first for the Peng Challenge Thread. I'm not going to challenge you to a PBEM. I'm not going to challenge you to a discussion of what lock-nut went missing on the Ausf. B version of your posting 'why I should be allowed to claim dominion and make an arse of myself in the Peng Challenge Thread'. No. All these things aren't part of my metier, and prove nothing, here where people quote Shakespeare (often poorly), while wiping their noses on other people's sleeves.

If you wish to pull together your own gang of bully-boys, and make puffery references to Avignon, and proclaim a new, knightly order, and hand out titles and honours like some new warlord come calling on Empire, then I challenge you, lad, to a battle of quotes, references, taunts, and face slapping. It's about time the higher orders of this Thread (that would include myself), met you young turks in a battle of wits and erudition. After all, if we make the Squires and Squire wannabes cavort for our amusement, should not we, who claim a higher standing on the evolutionary scale, also prove ourselves from time to time, matching each other only with our razor wits, acquired knowledge, and general disdain for all that is mundane?

The choice, little grad student, is yours. Amuse us with your method of attack. Prove yourself worthy of the Peng Challenge Thread, and taunt, posture, create, and quote in a frenzy that shall show others how it should be done. I toss down the gauntlet.

The rather unhappy noise you just heard was the fact that I always try to hit Bauhaus when I toss the gauntlet down. Serves the nasty little beggar right.

Life, literature, history, and the entire Combat Mission Board are at your disposal. I don't think you have it in you, lad. Our peers (such as they are) shall judge our passage.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 01-31-2001).]

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Originally posted by Major Tom:

Welcome to Canada

(Bienvenue au Canada)

As a member of the Canadian nation...

(Comme un membre de la nation canadienne)

I would like to welcome everyone to our...

(J'aimerais à l'accueil tout le monde à notre)

Contribution to the Cesspool.

(La contribution au Cesspool.)

There are a few rules special to posting...

(Il y a quelques-uns gouvernent spécial à poster)

In Canada, such as,

(Dans le Canada, tel que,)

Touques must be worn at all times when posting...

(Touques doit être porté à tout instant en postant,)

Please post in both English and French, for...

(S'il vous plaît la poste dans anglais et français, à)

The benefit of our Quebequios minority,

(Le profit de notre minorité de Quebequios,)

Any insult resulting in severe emotional damage...

(N'importe quelle insulte qui résulte dans les dommages émotifs sévères)

Will be met with severe reactions by the CBC...

(Sera retrouvé des réactions sévères par le CBC)

If Candian content is less than 43%,

(Si le contenu de Candian est moins de 43%,)



Never EVER insult Canadian Beer.

(Ne jamais JAMAIS insulter la Bière canadienne.)

(Pardon my French, it's very weak)

((Pardonner mes français, il est très faible))

Major Tom

(Tom majeur)

[ce message a été édité par Tom Majeur (édité 01-30-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-30-2001).]

ROTFL tom you crack me up.. man I feel at home now... *sniff* aw you guys are the best..now if you could just set up a donut shop I will be happy.. Tim Hortons no less.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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