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Why can't someone real start the Peng Challenge Thread?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dweezil44:

Like small asteroids that venture too close to a black hole, one cannot help but be drawn into mocking you.


Despite Joe Shaw's praise, this is an incredibly foolish statement. Small asteriods that venture too close to black holes are pulverized. The only parallels between Slapdragon and a black hole is that both are incredibly dense, and both suck.

[Edited becasue I don't seem to know the difference between an adjective and an adverb anymore]

[ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: Buzzsaw ]

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I humbly submit that Catch 22 belongs on any Cesspool reading list, ranking right up there with the many great books Peng listed.


My condolences on your knighthood.

If you wanted a speedy advance on Crodaberg, they you shouldn't have put up so much barbed wire. Patience, my firend. Death will come to you in its own good time.

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Ah, here we are again! Hello, lowly swine of the Peng Challenge Thread. I am presently coming to you from a terminal at the Epcot Center in Disney Worl. It is a truly horrifying place, but I am vastly reassured by the fact that I can reach out and contact the vileness of the Peng Challenge!

A quick message to all Twin Cities CMers! The Old Ones will be meeting next week in the Twin Cities. Myself, Peng, and Berli will meet to discuss many weighty subjects (in other words, none of you will be discussed). Soon, the world will be a better place.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

The Old Ones will be meeting next week in the Twin Cities. Myself, Peng, and Berli will meet to discuss many weighty subjects (in other words, none of you will be discussed). Soon, the world will be a better place.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A true sign of the coming of Götterdämmerung... a better place indeed!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

Since I won't be able to attend bring me back a black velvet and silver sombrero<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You think I would drive that far to encounter the horror that is the only bunch of people in the SD area who manage to suffer from severe ricketts and have become chair shaped and bloated (except for the ones who forgot to eat, who are emaciated) from doing nothing but play CM for two years? A little south of Oceanside (Del Mar/Solana Beach) those guys would get arrested for body fat and lack of sun violations.

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I was going to make some pithy, witty comment on your current geographic location -- but given your current location, anything I say about you're being in a pit of darkness would be redundant.

chrisl -

You are a fool. Forget the couch-shaped 12 ounce lifters and think about being able to see Kitty!


And now for Updates:

Marlow and I are approaching the end of our little evening fog soiree. It was a meeting engagement, with the victory flags largely in a village in the center of the map, flanked by open ground to my left, and a grove of trees with a victory flag to my right, about 50m from the edge of the village. My fine Fallschirmjagers moved fast to seize the victory locations (and take cover in those lovely heavy buildings). I also sent a sharpshooter to hide in the woods near a victory location on my far left, and sent a platoon to hold the victory location in the grove of trees on my right.

My forces in the village got settled in just in time to greet Marlow's commonwealth thugs. His first assault on the center of the village was repulsed with extremely heavy casualties -- I think we annihilated at least two platoons in exchange for one, yes one casualty.

He then attempted a flanking move on my left, led by a Churchill or two. Unfortunately, he didn't detect my sharpshooter for about ten turns (even though his men were sitting fifteen feet away playing cards -- go fish, I think, given their apparent intellectual capabilities). That gave me time to use part of my reserves -- Stugs and a platoon of infantry -- in line to slow down his advance. It cost me a tank or two, but it made him think about his advance, and delayed them significantly.

Meanwhile, he pounded the grove of trees on my right with small mortars, then charged with half a division of infantry, swamping my platoon.

Unfortuantely for him, that is as far as it got. A combination of flamethrowers, machineguns, small arms fire and small boys throwing rocks forced his forces to retreat in disarray. He is trying to advance on the left flank of the village, but is having problems with my 'schrecks and brave fallschirmjagers.

He will die soon.

Art sometimes imitates life. Herr Speedbump's forces are still trying to retreat faster than I can advance. My personal goal in this game is to use ALL of my armor's HE ammunition. I am well on my way.

Lawyer has lost half an armored division and half his support infantry, yet has only seized one victory location. I still have more than half my forces in reserve. Bring it on, D.C. boy.

Joe Shaw and I still fight over a tiny village. We have just decided that 'splodey things and fire are more important than winning. With that in mind, we have piled all of our forces in one tiny part of the map (about 125m x 75m) and pounded it with large caliber artillery. It seems to be working -- we are both dying and have destroyed or set fire to about six or seven buildings.

Goanna has now lost an entire platoon to a nasty little ambush my First Airborne boys set up for him. He is now desperately trying to shuttle in forces from about half a kilometer away.

We will be ready for him.

Berlichtingen and I continue to struggle for an old inn on a quiet, tree lined country road. I think George Washington once slept there or something. Anyway, we are both bleeding a lot, me more than him.

Elvis' game proceeds slowly because he cannot be bothered with numbering turns. However, his forces appear to be trying to . . . umm . . . err, my forces are . . . oh the heck with it, I can't be bothered to remember.

Now sod off -- I have work to finish before OU commences to pounding on Kansas this evening.

{edited to add the imminently forgetable Berlichtingen}

[ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Och noo wha hay tha Scots! At's bin a day o' drama an'...ehrr...drama! An' tha firrst plaice, Speedy tuk full adantage o' a glarin' imbalance ain our gam tae kick tha snot oot o' mah poor wee paratroopers. Thae arreeved ain a state o' scattermaint an' tirrredness, tae bae clubbed lak harp seal bairns bah a swarm o' Hotchkisses, mortars, machine guns an' assorted German bastaarrrds. Ah believe thas wun were originally play-taisted bah David Aitken an' CMPlayer - prrroof positive o' their akinment tae epileptic babooonery.

But o' more imporrtance an' drama were tha abjaict capitulation o' Iskander tae mah ubiquitous an' steady British Army ain "All or Nuthin'". All tha wheel hais bin carpin' lak a colicky cow aboot hoo slow mah advance hae bin. Ah were merely savourin' tha plaisure tae bae haid bah squishin' him aintae tha groond at mah ain pace. Rameended mae a boot tha witch wha' were squished under tha stone door ain "King Solomon's Mine". Ah reckon hae squealed lak a squashed witch an' all! *chortle*

Sae, Lorak ye norstrail linin' taoster crumb - chalk thus oop ain ye tome o' misery ain glory...

OGSF gallant loss

Speedy gamey win


Iskanderpandabum pathetic loser


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

While I agree that anything by Heinlein is definitely worth the effort, I must point out that for SSN required reading, Time Enough For Love is much more appropriate for the MBT<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But you really have to read Methuselah's Stepchildren to appreciate that one.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

While I agree that anything by Heinlein is definitely worth the effort, I must point out that for SSN required reading, Time Enough For Love is much more appropriate for the MBT


Bah Dalem

But you really have to read Methuselah's Stepchildren to appreciate that one.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

True, but Lazurus Long can be appreciated in his own right... I suspect that Lazurus Long is actually a member of the MBT<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah'll gait mah coat....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

True, but Lazurus Long can be appreciated in his own right... I suspect that Lazurus Long is actually a member of the MBT<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Perhaps, but the main character in "Double Star" (can't remember his name and I'm too lazy to look it up), i.e. a highly talented, tragically underemployed, very literate and witty man who rises to greatness and the love and appreciation of the entire solar system reminds me a lot of myself. One of his lines in particular struck home with me ... "Other than a cold appreciation of my own genius, I always felt I was a quite modest man."


{edited to affirm my support for the common man}

[ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Lawyer has lost half an armored division and half his support infantry, yet has only seized one victory location. I still have more than half my forces in reserve. Bring it on, D.C. boy.


You lie a lot. You would be a good lawyer if you had a brain to match. Ah well, paralegals make more money than Peng's and Seanachai's and such.

So keep on with the lies. Maybe someday you'll be President... of the Ocalalla Rotarians...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

You lie a lot. You would be a good lawyer if you had a brain to match. Ah well, paralegals make more money than Peng's and Seanachai's and such.

So keep on with the lies. Maybe someday you'll be President... of the Ocalalla Rotarians...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now frankly I couldn't care less WHO'S lying here (they're both legal types so my GUESS is that they both are), but I found it interesting that Lawyer never said what part of MrSpkr's statement was false! Oh he said that lies were made but he never specified did he ... thus leaving the impression that ALL of the statement was a lie.

It's always a joy to see a real professional plying his trade isn't it.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

You lie a lot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I did not have sex with that woman . . . err,

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You would be a good lawyer if you had a brain to match.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think I'll do alright -- you seem to have overcome that particular deficiency.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ah well, paralegals make more money than Peng's and Seanachai's and such.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Duh. Homeless alcoholics make more money than Pengs and Seanachais.

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Much too garish for you. I think you need something more subdued, but which will stab you in the eye with a sharp stick when you aren't looking.

Edited to wonder why Master and Margarita didn't make it onto the book list. Crime and Punishment, too. And who can overlook Bear Attacks, Their Cause and Avoidance.

[ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost:


Whatcha think?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah thank at's verry nice. Whaddaye feed at?


[ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSFMacJimmy:

I found a rant generator, but forgot to run it through the scottish brogue generator


I liked the Scottish OGSFLMNOPJimmyMcDuck better. This is too much like Dieter, but without the monkey or the dancing. And no, I don't want to touch your monkey-- why don't you ask Bauhaus.

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