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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>originally posted by Dripping

If you had given me a target I could have done something with them. Unfortunately, you killed everything off by marching them in front of a machinegun nest and two tanks before I could get them lined up.

<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you click on the mortar then type "m" you can actually move it around the map


<UL TYPE=SQUARE>I didn't force you to put those tanks there - so don't go around blaming me for my mistakes!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joe, you must forgive young Juardis, he is terribly excitable. Maybe I shouldn't have put so many amphetamines in his breakfast cereal . . . but I digress.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well that could be, I know I had trouble with Agua Perdido getting the amphetamines/Saltpeter ratio right.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Juardis, you need to overcome your fahrvergnungenophobia, spread your platoons out so you don't Die-So-Much, and fire back. And don't worry about Shaw - you can see he is still hung up on the TRP"S>

What's that? Upset? Me? With you? No lad, merely disappointed. I had expected better . . . but consistency will come, I guess. Now, Berli said something about a warm room for you, check in with him.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Juardis, my poor misquided boy. The best advice I can offer you is to ignore your voweless liege, for he knows not how to send turns in a timely manner. For yeah, he is to the pillock as the operand is to math.

(and I've disabled my sig in this post as a "hats off to you, me boy!")

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Oh yes -- one other bit of business-

Speedbump - What do you get when you put thirty two Nebraska cheerleaders in the same room?

A full set of teeth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Moved to the pointless post forum.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

Juardis, my poor misquided boy. The best advice I can offer you is to ignore your voweless liege, for he knows not how to send turns in a timely manner. For yeah, he is to the pillock as the operand is to math.

(and I've disabled my sig in this post as a "hats off to you, me boy!")<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, tis good advice. He is sadistic and cruelhearted to his squire, what with designing a scenarior that allows my GREEN platoons to die mercilessly at the hands of the evil and foul Lars. I mean, it's obviously not MY fault that they're-dying-a-lot. Yes, he is sadistic and he is slow, but by God, he is MY slow and sadistic liege and I must defend him until...until...well, until I no longer have to.

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Well Pillenwerfer, it isn't vague and meaningless to US, but then we've been here a while. It made perfect sense to US. And I really don't want to hassle you for your previous posts but ... : <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You shouldn't ask him, you should force him to do it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How would you propose that we do that, even if we wanted to, which we don't.


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OH, and by the way, if Jabo is anywhere near as sadistic, merciless, horrifying, tactless, blah, blah, blah, as ArtyFest 1945, then there is no way in 4377 that I'm going...well, no way in the worl...uhmmm, well....Sure, I'll play it. You challenging me Lars or do I have to find someone else?

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Stika, nice to hear you have an interest in something approaching 'normal' bikes now. Welcome to the third dimension.

I mean, those stupid damn speedway bikes were much like those Nascar toys I se on TV now and again. Just round and round, flat, two dimensional racing. Wake me up when it's finished. You may as well play on Playstation!

But this dirtbike thing is entirely different. It has that all important third dimension. Up and down.

Anyway, those of you who may be waiting on me will be rewarded tonight. After a bitter struggle for my attention, my girlfriend has lost the first round. It was a tough fight.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:


well it seems our Orange-o-Twit has again tried to convert us to some Anti-Sig ways of thinking. So what do you suggest me boy, er monkey.

First of all My sig.

the first sig part is there to stay till the site is no longer there.

the second part is a nicer version of what my Sifu said to me.

the third part, and too bad you missed that thread it was quite funny as hell as some nob came in to be "cool" and ticked off everyone who was trying to be helpfull but it turned into a mudslinging fest in which the "cool dude" insulted Madmatt.

Now if you wish to remove one of my Sigs my boy I suggest you challenge me to a Bloodhamster Match to try to remove one of the last two sigs.

But I fear Mr. Monkey boy couldn't figure out how to challenge me in a Bloodhamster Match. SO I will do it you bannana eating OOK.

I wish that Berli makes the map to this match and OGSF to make the troop selection and after back to Berli who will set the Parameters of the game.

in other words monkey boy you have been challenged to try to remove one of my last to sigs.

so Ook Boy, accept or SHUT THE FECK UP!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:


Will you please leave Fek the Dental out of your pathetic little squabbles - I quite enjoy his mewlings in our game...his constant protestations of how much he hates his set up, his big cat proudly purring as it runs away and all the other drivel.

The game would be soooo boring if he shut up, as walkovers often are.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

so Ook Boy, accept or SHUT THE FECK UP!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The price of sigless posts is high indeed if I have to subject myself to chronic exposure to Mensch's uncultured, slovenly, distasteful, moronic gibberish for the next few weeks. Nevertheless, I will carry my sigless banner onto the field of battle, plant said banner in the middle of your underground reinforced hamster brood, and then I shall dance a merry little jig around the previously mentioned sigless banner and utter vowels at you until your internal organs implode.

But...just to make it interesting, IF I were to fail, then I shall adopt a sig of your choosing for the entirety of the next Peng thread.

As to the nuances of blood hamster feuds, you are correct. Kitty's site (which I found from someone's sig line btw, but don't repeat that here) has nothing about that, or if she does, then I completely missed it. There are still some things that MrSpkr has yet to teach his squire.

And if I can put in a request for troops, I'd like to request 3 assault boats so I can ridicule Mr. Mensch's soon to be pitiful attempts at killing them.

[ 08-31-2001: Message edited by: Juardis ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

[QB]"If you're not part of the solution, you're a lawyer." -- Joe Shaw

National Champion Oklahoma Sooners 1-0


"I'm sick of people having a go at Australia when there's no justification to." -- Mace

"Hehe...welcome to the club, Mace. Now you know how it feels to be a (well-informed) American in the international community." -- Mannheim Tanker


Okay, after reading this CRAP fifty times in the past two days, I wholeheartedly agree with our helpful squire. He truly wants to make the MBT A BETTER PLACE.

Mrspkr, I don't care about the Sooners, and PLEASE I heard Larry, Mo, and Curly the first time, why do you insist on making us read tha tripe EVERY TIME you post?

Short and sweet, folks. I learned the hard way, but if my particular sig line wasn't a benefit to the world at large, I wouldn't have anything.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Mrspkr, I don't care about the Sooners, and PLEASE I heard Larry, Mo, and Curly the first time, why do you insist on making us read tha tripe EVERY TIME you post?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Funny, I've felt the same way about the egotistical crap you post in your sig. Tell me, how many times DO you have to bump your little thread to make it appear anyone gives a rip about it at this particular moment?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Short and sweet, folks. I learned the hard way, but if my particular sig line wasn't a benefit to the world at large, I wouldn't have anything.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And so your justification for loading your .sig file with the one nice thing anyone has ever said to you on this or any other forum is . . . ?

Really, pantywaister, you have little room to gripe about other people's posts or sig files, considering all the worthless drivel you have posted here in the last four months. MrSpkr may be a useless git, but at least his posts are occasionally amusing and worth reading; yours simply exercise my right pinky as I repeatedly pound on the 'page down' key.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Something called a Dweezil44:

Some tiresome crap about Panzer Leader<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What the hell is a "dweezil," and why are there 44 of them. One is obviously too many.

Listen, pissant, Pee El may be occasionally annoying, but he has his good points. Like ... or .... well I'm sure their is something good about him. But he is a part (however useless) of the Cesspool.

You on the other hand, don't seem to get it. By the tone of your post, you really don't seem to understand the purpose or rules of the Cesspool. If you want to read the rules and try again, by all means give it a go ... no ... better if you just SOD OFF. Please go somewhere else, you are not wanted.

[ 08-31-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

no ... better if you just SOD OFF. Please go somewhere else, you are not wanted.

[ 08-31-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, yes, quite right Marlow (as always). But....given that you like your squires uppity, unproven, disrespectful, and virgin like, well...I suggest you take the lad as your squire (after neutering his sig of course).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

But....given that you like your squires uppity, unproven, disrespectful, and virgin like, well...I suggest you take the lad as your squire <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't think so. This Pillock is bloody useless. CDplayer on the other hand, shows some promise, he just needs a little seasoning. We'll just have him shipped off the the Isle. Newbia where he can study the Tomb of Peng in peace and solitude.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>but at least his posts are occasionally amusing and worth reading; yours simply exercise my right pinky as I repeatedly pound on the 'page down' key. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>{sigh} Rookies ... look lad, if you ONLY use the {page down} key you run the very real risk of only paging down FURTHER into the post. In the case of Panzer Leader, you might STILL be in the middle of his post and read something by accident. Far better to use the mouse and scroll bar method, you get a more positive, sensitive response and can see where the post ends.

I really should CHARGE for these lessons, I'm just too kind. Maybe I could be a CessPool Pro, you know, like a golf pro? Keep your head down, your left arm fairly straight and follow through ... that's it ... now type "You Useless Git!" ... well done, you sliced a bit and ended up with "You Useles Gi!" but the thought was there and it was on the fairway.

Stuka you ignorant moron, is there a village somewhere in Australia that's missing it's idiot? If so (and frankly I have reason to doubt it since there seem to be PLENTY of Australian idiots around HERE), kindly return before your place is taken. Does the phrase "Double Blind" have any meaning for you? I ask because it's the accepted procedure here to only play scenarios THAT ONE HASN'T PLAYED BEFORE ... FROM EITHER SIDE.

I specifically requested a Byte Battle since I hadn't even opened one yet and I stated this in my post. YOU send one in which you state "I'm playing this against {some useless wanker} as the Germans so against you I'll take the other side."

It didn't occur to you that since YOU were playing the Germans you MIGHT have a CLUE as to their initial forces and dispositions? It didn't occur to you that this information MIGHT give you a SLIGHT advantage? It didn't occur to you that ... oh never mind.

Fine, I'M willing to play despite the massive handicaps that this, let's be honest, GAMEY behavior places upon me ... you see, I'M an honorable man.

Sheesh ... Australians.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

By the tone of your post, you really don't seem to understand the purpose or rules of the Cesspool. If you want to read the rules and try again, by all means give it a go <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What rules? I've seen them in the domestic versions of the thread, but none in this low budget, foreign-film-with-subtitles-and-bad-actors version.

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My dear (ouch! I'm taking that back) Panzer Leader;

I see you are using my "compliment" in your sig line, but according to our contract, I was going to receive the money for the complementary words I made to you within one week of said post. Money is now past due (interest is accruing). Not to mention I am to be forwarded $5 for each post using said compliment in sig.

Pay up!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What rules? I've seen them in the domestic versions of the thread, but none in this low budget, foreign-film-with-subtitles-and-bad-actors

version.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Okay, this is going to hurt ... {Joe bites down on a bullet, sweat breaks out on his brow, a low groan is heard from his throat as he says ...} Oii Hugaree itt Deeesssel.... {Joe spits bullet out} I agree with Diesel00 ... {gaaccckkk} {gAACCC KKKKKKKK} {GGGAAACCCCKKKKKKK!}. Whew, sorry about that. But I did warn of this happening, Hakko Ichiu decided to post that OLD chestnut of his in a blatant attempt at self promotion and put his own wishes ahead of the good of the CessPool. There were NO rules posted and now look what happened.

I'll cover the most salient point now and hope that it covers the situation ... Diesel00 ... SOD OFF.

MrSpkr we might wish to consider bringing charges of Neglect of CessPool against Hakko Ichiu.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

Signature lines SUCK!

They are for the lazy. They espouse nothing that is socially redeemable, remotely funny, or even heroically dastardly. In a short period of time, the whole thought will have been lost anyway since no one reads the damn things and one can't be bothered to remember what it referred to to begin with. As Peng hates smilies, I hate SIGNATURES. I mean, that sig you have had since last freakin November, is it still applicable? Who knows, who cares. Since it shows up every time someone posts, am I to assume the sig applies at all times? I got it, why doesn't BTS give us instant siggies so we don't even have to take the time to put one together to begin with. Here's an instant siggie - You ALL suck!. True.

Some sigs are longer than the posts themselves. What does that tell you of the post? That the freakin' sig is a better read?! Or that the post probably shouldn't have been made to begin with since there is clearly nothing of importance in it (the post that is)? If sigs are worthless, bandwidth consuming, afterthoughts of someones ego, (and they are), then a post shorter than that is even more worthless, bandwidth consuming, afterthoughts of someones ego (and it is).

Some would argue that sigs are a persons inalienable right to differentiate one clump of cesspool matter from another. Others would argue that sigs are a personal expression of free will deigned to reveal some inner truth about the boob who has it. Yet still others consider them funny, as if the only worthwhile contribution they have to the pool is their sig. {I really don't have anything to say at moment, but I'll post because my sig is funny and I like reading it...for the billionth time!} Bullocks, balderdash, and poppycock!

Sigs Suck!

[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: Juardis ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You have proven yourself once again. You have absolutely nothing of value to add to the Cesspool. Be gone with you.

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