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Censor Board Should Be Elected

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My suggestion would be to have an elected censor board of three ( 3 ) people. The time period should be six ( 6 ) months intervals and the person cannot be elected two time periods in a row.

The group also needs a charter for posts, as a framework for the board members. My suggestion is as follows:

1) Are, within reason, on the topic of combat mission

2) Are not abusive in nature

3) Do not contain personal and/or libelous attacks on others

4) Are not flagrant commercial exhortations

5) Are not of questionable legal status.

These loose guidelines are open to interpretation for each group of board members.

Those in favour of an elected censor board say AYE.

Those against an elected censor board say NAY.



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We don't need this for two reasons A) because we have moderators that are active and do their job B) see A



If the words "f**k" and "frontal" were removed from the vocabulary, the Canadian Army would be left both speechless, and unable to attack...

-Michael Dorosh


Canada For CM


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The last time I checked, there were a set of rules listed that you agreed to before you could register here. Call them a charter or framework if you will, but they are there.

Also, this is a private board that BTS allows us to use, so you have no right to call a vote for anything. Suggestions may be made, but that is all.


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Now now, let's thank GB for the humor on a rather slow day at the forum.

Such a censor board election ofcourse, would require election campaigns, and should have campaign expenditure limits, or be publically funded. Then too, there is the question of whether or not political action committee donations would be allowed, and if so would there be limits on their donations. I'm sure BTS would want to charge the campaigns for political commercials, although under FCC rules, they would have to allow for equal time on the forum for coverage. There would also be the issue of when the polls would open and close and how the election would be overseen, although I suppose Steve, Matt, and Kwazydog could act as the Supreme Rulers and nullify the election by selecting the board themselves on some technicality.

Now, once elected the censor board would have to have a charter, and would need to have a chair. The charter would have to be specific and list all conceivable things which might be censored, and they would have to review each and every posting ofcourse, to ensure equal application of the charter. And as would be appropriate, there should be a pool of public defenders for which a suspect charged with censor violations would be assigned a defender to represent their case with the board. An appeals system would naturally have to follow. Again though, Steve, Matt, and Kwazydog acting as the Supreme Rulers would have the final say on which cases would be reviewed and which would stand upon the censor boards decision as final.

Now again, this system would create the need for a parole board. Which should also be elected and serve time limited terms. The parole board would review all censor cases and issue the parameters necessary for the parole of convicted offenders. This would ofcourse, necessitate the need for a parole officer system where paroled offenders would be assigned a parole officer to whom they would check in with periodically and forward them a copy of each post they have made for the parole officers review. This could be a plus for BTS, as the parole board could issue the penality of public service to the BTS forum as a part of the parole guidelines. Like maybe previewing mods, updating the site, cleaning up the graphics etc. Here again, the public defender pool would come into play by lobbying on behalf of potential parolees for a pardon from the Supreme Rulers on each term completion of the censor board.

It follows then, that there would be a need for a press corp., to publish and investigate the particulars of offenses, paroles, and pardons. The press corp., pool need not be elected, but should consist of volunteers who would roam the board gathering information on stories which they would publish.

This would work to instill a sense of civic duty to the forum. The only part I haven't figured out is how appointments would be made to the Supreme Rulers. I suppose we would have to have elections for the CEO of BTS. That ofcourse, would result in term limits for the head of BTS, possibly a two year post, and maybe with only two such posts being the limit. Hmm, sorry Steve, it is the democratic way. We're sure you'll understand and won't mind, it is for the best after all. I'm sure BTS won't mind paying for an office in Harlem where you could setup your files and all for retirement. biggrin.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 02-25-2001).]

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And besides, if we voted think of all the trouble we'd have to go through trying to get florida's votes to post.


If the words "f**k" and "frontal" were removed from the vocabulary, the Canadian Army would be left both speechless, and unable to attack...

-Michael Dorosh


Canada For CM


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is this a Joke?

Is that you Private JOKER!?

Or is he just trolling?

Is this the same guy the "invented the internet" Ooops I mean in invented the alt.combatmission newsgroup?

Maybe we should have an military COUP! and takeover the current administration over there.. (in that OTHER part of cyberspace)

forget this voting and election and democracy nonsense, we still like to take power the old fashion way, with military might and by killing those that gets in the WAY!

(All in good humour smile.gif )

-tom w

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I LOVE YOU Gunny Bunny!

Could anyone else have taken a silly concept out of the blue and had the guts to share it with us? This guy's the best... biggrin.gif

Oh, and BTW... NAY!


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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>5) Are not of questionable legal status.

By whose laws ? If a player under 21 posts while under the influence of alcohol (otherwise known as Posting Under Influence - PUI) is he committing an illegal act if the poster is from Finland, where an 18 year old can purchase alcohol legally ?

Is BTS responsible for the consequences if the said 18 year old gets pissed off, forgets to use a condom as a result from the trauma caused by replies and subsequently impregnates a one night stand he has been able to fool into coming home with him ? All because the drinking was induced by experiences and influences from the forum.


[This message has been edited by tero (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Excellent suggestion.

I would like to put forward my list of candidates:




The Cesspool slate of candidates will insure rational discourse and civil debate, for all, regardless of race, creed, or level of stupidity. Up to a point. The individuals nominated may appear at first to represent the lunatic fringe of the Peng thread, the Cesspool's Provisional Wing, but this is only because of their extreme commitment to the freest of speech.

Also: With the excellent precedent of public elections for moderation of private property now established, I think we should elect a Sergeant-at-Arms for Gunny Bunny's domicile, who will decide who may enter, who may leave, and how they should comport themselves when visiting. Putting cigars out in his upholstery and dropping bottle caps down his garbage disposal should be monitored by this representative and conducted only with his (or her) approval.

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Shadow Replied

"And besides, if we voted think of all the trouble we'd have to go through trying to get florida's votes to post."


Now wait a minute here...

I'll have you know I did my patriotic and civil duty and voted like a responsible adult in the last election. Twice! ::grins::

Oh, and for the idea of a elected censor board? I vote... NAY!!

BTS and the moderators here do a fine fine job.

~Skott Karlsson~

Proud Citizen of Florida

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Monkeybutt:

I hearby declare myself Consul and Dictator for Life.Beg for mercy and I'll be merciful.

sorry mate - can't do that. Post is already taken by me. I have Lawyer and JD to back me up in the upcoming law-suit. One more mention of you occupying this post and you will first be slapped by a writ, and then be subjected to the tender attentions of Bruno, Bruno & Bruno, my Italian Enforcement Agents. First visit, break a leg - second visit, concrete plastercast and a free swim in the harbour.

Even the Supreme Court won't be able to help you. I also deigned it appropriate to occupy the positions of Pope and Chief Inquisitor of the Church of Historically Correct Play™.

Do not mess with me.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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This would work to instill a sense of civic duty to the forum. The only part I haven't figured out is how appointments would be made to the Supreme Rulers.

Oh ... Nay ... but thanks for asking.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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Thank you, MarkIV, naturally we will keep the forum from degrading into talk about armor, nebelwerfers, mods and other bupkiss that takes valuable time and space away from proper discussions about removing Gunny Bunny's spleen with a spork, how Armornut kind find his own derriere with the help of an entire recon company and what we should do with this gross of hypodermic needles loaded with Drano (Extra Strength!).


Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points.

-Joe Shaw

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by Mark IV:

Excellent suggestion.

I would like to put forward my list of candidates:




Brilliant -- heh -- as always, but would it not be best to Balance the Powers of said "censors"?

Thus while Cheeks, Crud and Cinch would form the Triumvirate of the Executive, what of the other two Branches?

Thus: jd and Lawyer (no bold/no accident) for the Judiciary.

For Representation, the Knights of the Pool will be the Upper House and the Squires the lower. Representation would be both geographic (God help the Aussies on that one...) and proportional to the number of posts that have been made.

Hmmm....I think a Constitutional Convention will be in order here....


"I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory."

"Legal advice is very often divorced from reality in my humble opinion" - BTS

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