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In AD 1945, War was beginning

Armornut: What happen?

Armornut's Little Main Screen Operating Whore: Somebody set up us the bomb!

Armornut's Little Main Screen Operating Whore: We get signal.

Armornut: What!

Armornut's Little Main Screen Operating Whore: Main Screen turn on.

Armornut: It's you!

Meeks: How are you gentlemen?

Meeks: All your base are belong to us.

Meeks: You are on your way to destruction.

Armornut: What you say?

Meeks: You have no chance to survive, make your time.

Meeks: Ha ha ha ha.

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Sounds like a case of penis envy, maybe? wink.gif

The King: Ron Jeremy

Damn. A one-liner AND a link in the same message. How cliche can I get? =(


Not, envy, Kitty, but anger. After watching a hardy young lass working him over one day and listening to her compare his CM thingie to a brajol, I had to forever swear off of one my grandmother's finest dishes.

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Originally posted by Priest:

The funny thing is JShandorf is that I am one of the few that has not been assimiliated. Holy intervention? Maybe....

What isn't funny is that your quote isn't your quote, you double-digit IQ, it's Kryten's quote. Attribute properly or suffer the fate of a thousand Mormans, you persnickity idgit.


Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points.

-Joe Shaw

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Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

I have some unresolved issues I need to attend to. First, I've retired my Hiram Sedai persona. I feel that my current login is much more accurate. Your derision is welcome.

I've entered into a Gentleman's Agreement with some of you who post in the Peng thread. I promised that I would play PBEM with you. My personal life will not allow me to fulfill my end of that agreement. So, I must do this. This has weighed heavily upon my mind and I must take care of this now.

So, I request that Lorak do this:

Please record a loss for me and a win for the following people:

1. Seanachai

If anyone listed here objects to my post, please email me. If you want a Cease Fire instead, please email me. I feel like an ass doing this, but I cannot return the turns as quickly as each of you demand. I simply cannot comply.

I have to say this in closing. I'm a better person because of my dealings with many of you. Thanks for the tutelage and the encouragement. I'm glad to find that there is a group of people with rough exteriors and good hearts. You may now scratch me off your collective list of people to play.

I will not accept surrender under these terms. You live, therefore you will play CM again, in happpier, better days when life issues of work and other permit. Until then, the folder of turns labeled 'Hiram Sedai' shall remain on my hard drive, in my PBEM folder, and shall only be closed and archived when the final turn of that game is played out. Selah.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by dalem:

Not, envy, Kitty, but anger. After watching a hardy young lass working him over one day and listening to her compare his CM thingie to a brajol, I had to forever swear off of one my grandmother's finest dishes.

Hehehehe but Ron Jeremy is a God! He is the ruler (yardstick) of all he surveys!



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

Jesus Dress Up!

The McNoldy Group

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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

And he still got it wrong. It's "Someone set up us the bomb" which makes even less sense and is twice as funny.

I'm afraid you've got it wrong, Babs, it's someBODY. For great justice!

Edited for dear Joe Shaw, the creator of the funny.


[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 02-27-2001).]

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So this is from an actual thread? I must have missed out on that one, I'll do a search immediately. I was thinking that Meeks had found a sale on aerosol adhesives and ...


OOOOKKKaaayyyyy! I just spent ten minutes of my LIFE looking at that ... thing (dial up is a real torture sometimes) and I am firmly convinced of the following:

1. I understand Meek's post ... I think.

2. I DON'T understand ANY of the ... thing.

3. All Our Base Is Belong to Them ... whoever the hell they are.

4. I'm very, very confused now and I think I'll go to bed.


I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 02-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

If you're up to it, email me. If not, stop yer whining and posturing here - it would be prove positive you obviously don't know a real challenge when you see it.

However, we do know a real git when we see one. Sound off like ya got a pair or piss off

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

You bellowed, your cronemongeringness? Slime beneath your boots, eh? You sure you're not just standing on mensch? Ah well, Cesspool muck is all alike. Send 'em on over.


Seanachai evidently posts even less than I do these days and has still not responded to my several challenges with a setup. I begin to see why he is so reviled as a slow player in addition to being a long-winded blowhard (sit down, Bauhaus)with only superficial knowledge of Surrealist drama, eye-wateringly bad personal hygeine, and tactical ability that even Croda would disdain.

Agua Perdido

Why you wench.

You've come a ways, laddie. You showed proper spirit, even from the first. You (for the most part) avoided the common idiocies of 'thingy' fascination, the endlessly unamusing 'I just had carnal knowledge of your relative/wife/girlfriend/pet', and the equally dreadful 'I have issues with my parents having forced my toilet training, leaving me with emotional scars and mental blockages that I will act upon for at least my first 15 posts on this Thread, and might even periodically revisit'.

Now, Agua my lad. May I call you Bad Water? You have been showing more promise. Truly. But, I have issues with you still. You went through that extremely bad 'fictional' state, in which it was hard to judge if you were attempting a tribute to me, or a rather hollow mockery. I chose to give you some credit, and ascribed the latter motive to your rather puerile writings.

Consider, fellow me lad. I have given this Thread fictional pieces based on Icelandic Sagas, North American Coyote tales, and Aboriginal myth. I have made reference to, and developed upon themes from Shakespeare to the Bible. I have led this sorry lot of roistering, urinal cake snorting, windshield wiper fluid drinking, bestiality and sodomy fixated group of day-release half-way house escapees on many a merry sing-song, covering works from Kurt Weil to Andy M. Stewart, to Eric Bogle.

And what did you give back to me? Star Trek? High Noon (and the bargain basement, 'JD Morse has already done it better version of High Noon', at that, you wank)?

But I forgive you. I shan't forget, but I forgive you. Now, and not just because you've had the effrontery and exuberance, the pluck, and the foolishness to remain here, despite the fact that everyone told you to SOD THE HELL OFF! But Shaw, Mighty Among Idjits, has determined to take you under his...er, well, wing, I guess. And, frankly, you seem to have the will to evolve. To learn. To make your way amongst this, a Mighty Brethren of Truly Annoying Swine. Not just Vulgarians. Not just Talkers of Trash. But Folk Who Stand by their willingness to advance the Peng Challenge Thread. To advance the lovely Taunting, by which all here are buoyed up, and kept from the despair of newbie fools arriving on the main Board (and occassionaly here) with their foolish boasts and their lacklustre attemtps to Walk the Walk.

The Peng Challenge Thread, lad, isn't about defecation and/or reversing the process, win/loss ratios, and the fact that the gene-pool is too shallow for a good splash, let alone diving. It's about the glory of having a go at someone, taunting them fine, and forcing them to let you into the circle of Cess because you've proven youself a True Warrior of the Way of the Useless Git. Look it up in your history books, laddie. It was the least known, most secretive, and most under-valued warrior class in ancient Japan (if you don't believe me, ask the two most knowledgeable in this area, enlightened, but otherwise impractical wastes-of-carbon on this Thread, Hakku and Germanboy. They'll lie to ya', and tell you I'm full of ****e, but they know).

Now, having without too much bloody trouble recovered my title as the most hideously long-winded, vague, rambling bastard on this entire Thread, I come to my ultimate point.

Send me a setup, laddie. I can't promise you that I'll win, but I can promise you that you will lose. 1500 points or less, all the other parameters are in your unstable hands. Mind, if you do anything completely useless or sodden, I'll not hesitate to make much of it.

Now, on to the most important point:

When I defeat you, how do you want it described in fictional terms? As an archetypal retelling in the genre of the Western, of Sci-Fi?


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 02-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Hehe... I on the other hand look like I want to blow something up

Sod that, you look like you want to blow Everything up. Thank the gods yer wife looks like a nice person.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 02-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

However, we do know a real git when we see one. Sound off like ya got a pair or piss off

I'm fully aware of what Goetz von Berlichtingen REALLY means, and would advise YOU to do the same! Seeing as how I maintain a steady diet of cherries and rose petals, you'll find the flavour QUITE to your liking! Seeing as how the most people of your ilk could possibly hope to aspire to is the exalted position of "human bidet", I am sure you will find the experience quite satisfying. And besides, I was starting to itch back there.

As usual, the Cesspool is long on rhetoric, short on cajones. Ah well, I hate seeing Americans cry anyway - I am quite content with the challenge accepted by two of my fellow countrymen.

I now leave you like one leaves a colony of wild hares - free to do and go as they please, yet all too content to merely sit in place wallowing in the familiar confines of their own filth.

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Seanachai, if you're not too busy beating up on squires, I would like to engage you in a simple game of Combat Mission. Seeing as how our sole game consisted of my total domination of your pathetic pixelly poltroons, one would wonder why I would want a rematch. It's a good question, really, as playing you just to win is like flying to London for the free peanuts, it's not the point of the matter. No I don't care how much I win by, rather I care about the amount of humiliating situations I can place your wee little men in. I'm not sure that CM models Platoon commanders weeping like little girls but I'm very interested in finding out. Hopefully, I'll be able to take advantage of the rare, "Mercy Killing" command.


Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points.

-Joe Shaw

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Here's preview of a mod I started making last night . . . this morning actually. I think it's pretty funny but since I'm making it for you guys, I'll leave it up to you if you want me to finish it or not. Behold.



If I have ever offended thee, or made less of thee than thou deserved, or treated thee other than how you would be treated, I make my apology now, and acknowledge thee thy greatness, and abase myself in my contrition.

The freaking pictures of Berli and Peng alone made me lose vast quantities of fluid over both monitor and keyboard, and I acknowledge that you are indeed the True Queen of Graphics, and that that is a must have mod.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Seanachai, if you're not too busy beating up on squires, I would like to engage you in a simple game of Combat Mission. Seeing as how our sole game consisted of my total domination of your pathetic pixelly poltroons, one would wonder why I would want a rematch. It's a good question, really, as playing you just to win is like flying to London for the free peanuts, it's not the point of the matter. No I don't care how much I win by, rather I care about the amount of humiliating situations I can place your wee little men in. I'm not sure that CM models Platoon commanders weeping like little girls but I'm very interested in finding out. Hopefully, I'll be able to take advantage of the rare, "Mercy Killing" command.

Damn, Meeks, I didn't know you still cared. Elijah, I will always play a game against you. I can't promise tcp/ip, because I can't commit to that amount of pure time, but I'll always go a game against you PBEM. Can I just say, I admire your willingness to play that idjit, armornutt? I mean, after Berli pointed out Hell Freezing Over (my fault, actually, I started returning turns to him on a regular basis), you rose to the challenge and gave a game to that (willing to be polite) halfwit.

Now, Meeks. Send me a setup. I find that I am only playing enough games to completely distract me from anything like a true, warrior focus on the game, and need to be further distracted. I would rather lose to you than win against several of the newcomers. On the other hand, I would rather that they died and were eaten by rats, than win against you. It all balances out.

I might add, your original (and only) victory against me was eked out by benefit of the fact that I did not yet know you were completely goddamn insane, and so could not anticipate tactics that any useful human being would have avoided on contact.

And Elijah. You are still posting here. You are a loathsome, disturbed, useless, and thoroughly unpleasant man. The fact that you are still here gives me hope. Mainly, that you will one day be forced to acknowledge my superiority. But barring that, you'll be forced to acknowledge that this is where you belong. Send the setup, you Darwinian Excrescence.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Watch as I pretend to be Dr. Laura Schlessinger, speaking to those dear, demented, deviants yet not realizing that I myself am actually a totally insane quack who should be used, wholly or in part, as to caulk the windows.

Yes, I did agree to play Armornut. Heck, I even set up a little game against the git. However, I never agreed to play a fair game against the poor child. The setup is in the mail for our game, taking advantage of our beautiful new, 'unrestricted' purchase option.


Fionn has his rule of 76, I have mine. Mine is much simpler, I get to buy whatever I want ... you get 76 points.

-Joe Shaw

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{knock knock}


Helloooooo. Is anyone in there?

Which part of Achtung Lorak on page nine of this piece of tripe did you not quite get.

I go to the trouble of writing up a virtual literary masterpiece of an AAR of my topplements of both Berli and jd and I don't even get so much as an acknowledgement, but you see fit to update the tome for some namby pamby little tcp ****e that Elvis and Peng were able to knock out between pulls on the dummy pipe and sending us out the wrong turns

That's five new wuss points (5¥) forPeng and a wuss point (1¥) for Lorak unless he fixes my record and sends me a setup as penance in the next 24 hours.

[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 02-27-2001).]

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Ok. Lorak, since Mr. Shaw insists on being the US officer, you have been busted to private and are now the US rifleman. <shrug>




Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

Jesus Dress Up!

The McNoldy Group

[This message has been edited by Kitty (edited 02-27-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Kitty (edited 02-27-2001).]

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