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Peng Challenge Thread - From Barbarous to Boring

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Joe is, as we are all aware, a gamey bastiche.

The latest proof?

I, out of a sense of generousity and community spirit, decided to take pity upon poor Mr. Shaw (please, don't anyone let on that we know WHAT he has and from WHOM {*cough*herroberst*cough*} he got it).

So how does he repay my generousity? He sends me a setup forcing me to command the FRENCH?!?!

I mean REALLY.

If Joe is going to hack the game and give me some goober nation to command, he oculd do better than the FRENCH!

I mean, the FRENCH didn't even FIGHT in World War II.

Sheesh, Joe, I had expected better from a Seniour Knight.

{edited to reinforce the concept that Joe is a GAMEY bastiche.}

Oh, by the way, dweebworm37.6854, if you have to edit a five word post, please, SOD OFF now while you still have a chance.

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If Joe is going to hack the game and give me some goober nation to command, he oculd do better than the FRENCH!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ummmm, no ... no I don't think so. Just running through the list of goober nations I can't think of ONE that would be better, as a goober nation you understand, than the French. They're just about as goober as they come.

As to the choice of sides, young MrSpkr, neglects to mention that the scenario description SPECIFICALLY states that the game is likely more difficult as the Germans. Of course, he WOULD "neglect" to mention that wouldn't he.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ummmm, no ... no I don't think so. Just running through the list of goober nations I can't think of ONE that would be better, as a goober nation you understand, than the French. They're just about as goober as they come.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You could have at LEAST been historical! I mean, my word - as I said, the FRENCH didn't even fight in the war! It looks like all you did was download something from Maxipad's World-O-Moddies to change the US infantry, flag and voice files. You could have at least made it an entertaining, historical selection - like the BRAZILIANS or somefink! At least they have Carnival! WHat the heck have the FRENCH ever done for anyone (be quiet, Emma, that's NOT what I am talking about!)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As to the choice of sides, young MrSpkr, neglects to mention that the scenario description SPECIFICALLY states that the game is likely more difficult as the Germans. Of course, he WOULD "neglect" to mention that wouldn't he.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OF COURSE I would, you brainless prat! Winning is not important, its the TAUNTING that counts, you syphilitic dripping off a hamster's arse.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You could have at LEAST been historical! I mean, my word - as I said, the

FRENCH didn't even fight in the war! It looks like all you did was download something from Maxipad's World-O-Moddies to change the US infantry, flag and voice files. You could have at least made it an entertaining, historical selection - like the BRAZILIANS or somefink! At least they have Carnival! WHat the heck have the FRENCH ever done for anyone (be quiet, Emma, that's NOT what I am talking about!)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You idiot, opps, sorry You idiot, I didn't create this monstrosity, Berli did. As to the French ... agreed ... oh wait ... French Fries. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>OF COURSE I would, you brainless prat! Winning is not important, its the TAUNTING that counts, you syphilitic dripping off a hamster's arse.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well quite right too. So ... when were you planning to start the taunting? Obviously the above was the CessPool equivilant of hitting the driving range before you go out on the course for real. Oh ... and you appear to be slicing, perhaps you're looking up too soon?


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So I'm home early from the bar, and this is the first time I've truly viewed the Pool through the rosey filter of blessed ethanol.

It doesn't help as much as you would think. My motor coordination may be down, but your global suckitude is WAY up.

For those that I am pummeling in the game, so there!

For those that are pumelling me, so there!

And stuff...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMPlayer:

Wait! I got a game with Stixx...he's an

Aussie, and he's an SSN I believe, and

he is really good about sending back

turns. Thing is, he seems an alright bloke

and I wouldn't want to put him down....

erggh...that's not the right attitude

to have around here is it...

So to be accepted I gotta say nasty things

about STixx? the only guy who was ever

nice to me?????


Fook Rett keep it down would ya.

It's hard enough for us SSN's (Superbly stupendous Newbies) to crack into this market without you goin around sayin i'm nice.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Hey, I don't need enhancing!!!!


LMFAO I almost heard you say that.....

To quote the French,

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Don't Fret <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> it was obviously just my default settings.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

France. Turn left at the snail carcasses.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Indeed, 100% Man to be found there, and from my experience not a snail carcass in sight.

*sigh* the days are going fast but the nights are sooooooo long without you Marcel

Sorry guys for the mushyness but I am having severe withdrawal symptoms.

The fact that you all keep talking about the Bloody French isn't exactly helping.

But don't let that stop you...... it has theraputic qualities.

[ 08-18-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stixx:

It's hard enough for us SSN's (Stupid

Sniveling Newbies) to crack into this market

without you goin around sayin i'm nice.


Hey what happened? Now every time this

Stixx guy sends me a turn, the little

note I get with the turn, all it says

is 'sod off!'.

Listen Styx...if you are going to cross

that bridge, you have to actually approach

it someday....the scenario ain't a million

turns long, or haven't ya noticed...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Juardis has been made a pissboy/serf.


This just ain't right. I doth protest.

[Edited to eliminate the word Geeez. I'm in no frame of mind to set a single word use record on one page.]

[ 08-18-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This just ain't right. I doth protest.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shut up and stop worrying about stuff that's unimportant. Haven't you got more important things to do than worrying about a measley serf ... like maybe sending a turn? If those KTs of yours go any slower we'll NEVER finish that damn thing.


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PBEM Report

Lawyer and PawBroon are MIA.

Germanboy, Fieldmarshall and Meeks are presumed KIA.

armornut has recently been sighted.

I am running away from Panzer Leader, when his computer works at least. This battle was over by turn five, when my make-or-break counterattack broke. I blew some more stuff up when Kampfgruppe PL advanced faster than I could withdraw. He blew some more stuff up when he advanced into his own rocket barrage.

MrSpkr stopped gloating a while ago about the surprises he had in store for me and the close-range firepower of his überfallschirmhamsterjäger. Half of them are now decorating the ground and the rest are legging it for the friendly map edge.

Leeo is manufacturing cyborgs and throwing them across the river towards my positions, and I am dispatching them on arrival. Every so often one of his tanks blows up. He has a plane which is punishing my three abandoned Wolverines, which arrived on the map under the gaze of his Tiger. Of the three flags on the three hills, he has picked the one on my left as the real objective because it looks less strongly held than the other two. Pity his troops have to run the gauntlet of tanks and MG carriers to get there.

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Hey chrisl, are your hands scarred from all that repetetive hot-stove-grabbing you did as a child???

If the first three tanks you bring too close to the woodsline die from Green schreckitude, what is it that makes you think the fourth will not? Bear in mind that the only reason your dancing, smoking Hellcat lived was because my forces were laughing at how close to your own troops you're bringing in these 155mm barrages.

MrSpkr is administering a severe stomping on my carnie-train brigade of nose wipers. I hope he feels good about himself, especially since the scenario designer (whom I hate) evened up the odds by granting the Canuck side one of everything armored in their inventory, whilst assigning the Germans a boatload of Conscript panzerschreckers who play dead without ever firing a shot, bolstered by a brace of TDs and some light tin cans. Envigorating, I tells ya.

The rest of you, well, some are losing, some are drawing, and some are winning.

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Looks like the Utahrian mormon finally did something right and started something vaguely resembling an MBT. I find your lack of Paxton disturbing admiral but I will let it slip this once.

As The God of Snot is paying me a visit presently turns will be out tomorrow instead of yesterday. I am however unable to not let someone writhe in torment while they anxiously await the movie file so ... mensch ... psst, listen ...


The rest of you, carry on.

{Edited because you are such a gullible lot that you might actually think that it was spelled that way.}

[ 08-18-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Looks like the Utahrian mormon finally did something right and started something vaguely resembling an MBT. I find your lack of Paxton disturbing admiral but I will let it slip this once.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you ... I think. I'm sorry that admiral was disturbed, whoever admiral IS, but frankly the whole Paxton thing was boring and I'm glad it went as quickly as it did.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

but frankly the whole Paxton thing was boring <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's Bill Joe. Bill Paxton. Not Frank. OK Billy Joe? As for the admiral, you might want to check out "A new hope" at your local videostore. Yeah, the one in the next state.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It's Bill Joe. Bill Paxton. Not Frank. OK Billy Joe? As for the admiral, you might want to check out "A new hope" at your local videostore. Yeah, the one in the next state. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Surely you don't expect me to drive all the way to Wyoming just to find some stupid video that MIGHT clear up whatever pharmaceutically induced "vision" you might have dealing with some hypothetical connection between "admiral" and whatever the hell it is you're talking about? As to Billy Joe, that was a stupid movie when it first came out and I was stoned at the time and I STILL thought it was stupid.

You know MrSpkr, when you said that I couldn't find a better goober nation than France ... I think we might want to look REALLY carefully at Sweden.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Hey chrisl, are your hands scarred from all that repetetive hot-stove-grabbing you did as a child???

If the first three tanks you bring too close to the woodsline die from Green schreckitude, what is it that makes you think the fourth will not?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I actually stuck mostly to cold-fencepost-licking as a child.

And it's only three tanks that the evil green schreck has gotten, not yet four. Clearly there is some sort of bug that has given you a crack shreck team, despite the "crummy" troop setting. BTS please fix or do somefink.

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LORAK!!!!!!my old friend....let the record show that another has tried to best me and failed


jdmorse - loser

It was an excellent assault on my part. We both purchased poorly due to the very woody terrain. I had no business buying armor and he had no busness trying to beat me.

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