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Have you no Challenge, Peng? At long last, have you left no Challenge?

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Yawn. Watching the Teutonic-Challenged bitch and moan about the quality of posts in this thread is about as exciting as watching paint dry, only less so. At least with the paint, you know there will be an end to the process at some point.

So you want to declare the Muthah Beautiful Thread dead? Go ahead, do it. It's not as if anyone who matters will notice. Posts will continue, only more slowly. Posts must continue, for this thread fills a void on the Forum - a place for cranky arseholes who like second guessing people and watching 'splodey things to gather and scream about one another's incompetence. Were this thread gone, another would appear in its place, for nature abhors a vacuum (except, apparently, one within the cranial recesses of Barbarossa's brat).

You were correct in noting that this thread has, at times, began to sound like an old woman's sewing circle. You err, however, in your apparent belief that you are the bringer of truth and enlightenment to this gathering. Your true role is more akin to that of old Mrs. Murchison, who has just run over to tell everyone that the new mailman left her one of those scandalous Victoria's Secret catalogs and wouldn't you all like some tea and crumpets while we review just how trashy these pictures are?

Pass the Earl Grey, whinerboy, and shut the hell up.

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Better to be called to task for boring posts than to prove oneself a pompous fop. Guess into which category Germanboy falls? Both? Ding ding ding! Choose your stuffed animal. "Ooo, look at the brain on me." Blech. He makes me ill, and not so much because of his grotesque self-importance, but more so for his delusional self-proclamation of superiority. “Oooo, I don’t make mistakes.” Feh. I’ve had dogs who have displayed more humanity, and with whom I’d rather spend time. However, I suspect Germanboy may be able to best them at licking one’s self, for he seems more than willing to stroke his own ego..

So the MBT is to come to an end? Whatever you say. Sure. But to proclaim something to be does not empirically make it so. Matter and energy are neither created nor destroyed; They merely change form. So it is with the MBT.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

OK! I DECLARE THE MBT DEAD. I wash my hands of any involvement in Future MBTs or Peng Challenge threads, and will sic my attornies on any who begin another thread with my name in it.


Actually Mr. Peng, I see that you have, indeed, lost control of you name by accepting its use as a generic term, just like Aspirin was lost by its owner for all times and Xerox is in the indiotic position of fighting Oxford over the definition of that word. The courts will rule against you and your lawyers.

So my suggestion, since you are an honored thread (gasp, urk) and your vitatlity is much appreciated for its mere existence, is you license your name to the thread rather that fight any generic battle, thus earning some bucks off the thing.

Of course the Gates suggestion would give everyone a new lease on forum life, except you will find that Bill has trademarked everything to do with Bill, Gates, and combinations there of, which is why you find that the Golden Gates Bridge has a little trademark by the Gates and why electrical companies must send Microsoft Bill's instead of normal Bills through the mail.

It is the same thing as he has done with Corbis, and when you find that he owns you couch because you set your X-Box on it one, don't say I did not tell you so.

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August 9, 2000

That was, see you, the date of my first post to the M.B.T., the Peng Challenge Thread, the CessPool.

And this, it would appear, may be my last. I've done my best as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread to uphold the traditions of said thread, but with the evident defection of two of the three Olde Ones ... well, what's to be done? Seanachai has yet to take a stand ... but even if he did ... would any of us understand it?

We have Peng denying us the use of his name in the next incarnation ... no matter, we'll use his name or not as we see fit and damn the consequences. It is not now and has never been HIS thread, he's started not a single incarnation of the M.B.T., he's constantly campaigned for the exclusion of his name from the M.B.T. and now he declares it dead ... how can it ever have been HIS!

We have Berli whining and complaining about ... well that's not all that clear is it? I suspect that he's still gnashing his teeth over my victory and my choice of a religious theme to this incarnation. Again, no matter. He may challenge me to his heart's content but he forgets one important issue. Let us say that we play an unbalanced and unfair scenario, one by Germanboy all too likely, and Berli should WIN! Who will he tell? To whom will he boast and preen? Will he start a special thread to trumpet his victory? If not ... then perhaps we'll find out what happens when a tree falls in the forest with ... NO ONE TO HEAR IT!

Germanboy ... is a non-issue from the start. He is, after all, German. My first post to the CessPool was in order to denigrate him, though I did it with wit and humor. He has no wit, no humor and must perforce resort to mean spirited jabs and boasts that accomplish nothing but massage his fragile ego. If he doesn't care for the quality of the posts, he might consider joining more than once per incarnation and Show Us The Way ... I've seen no sign of it so far but it COULD happen.

The issue my friends is this ... where will the taunting and humor go IF NOT HERE? MadMatt has made it abundantly clear that the matters of the CessPool shall STAY in the CessPool. As soon as multiple threads are either founded or contaminated with our common usage, they will be locked down. Soon there'll be nothing to read but discussions of the Finns and +6 Woodaxes and the obviously incorrect modelling of Tigers, or Pershings, or Comets or ... {sigh}.

All good things must come to an end, they say. And perhaps it is the time of the CessPool. Perhaps we should take counsel of the fears and dark imaginings of Berli and Peng and Germanboy and simply let it die. In the grand scheme of things it matters not at all.

But I do know this, my days will be less without the CessPool. Less laughter, less CM, less to look forward to, less community ... LESS.

So Berli and Peng, have it your way. Let it all go away to be remembered only in whispers and fragments ... Grog-Porn, Mormon Wives, Australians, Gerbils, Minnesota Joe, The Trial of Seanachai, sing-songs, Ye'r naw the mon Ah Knew Jimmy, Jabo!, Operation Lizard, Sheep Shagging ... and Bauahus sit down, stand up ... it doesn't matter.

REMEMBER, Remember ... remember


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So Peng-uin goes off to ComDex and fails to get off and we have to endure another of his bitchy whining sessions about The Thread et al.

Well I have news for you boy-o.

You aren't in charge. Disclaim, decry, defame, and most of all despair. For the extent of your power in this, the MBT, is akin to that of a petulant child who is not satisfied with the current circumstances.

As was rightly stated before, declaring something does not make it so (perhaps the first intelligent thing that particular vermin has spouted, but I digress). Let me spell this out for y-o-u...


You had a hand in starting this thing, and as such the honor that we all destoy upon you is to have your name associated with this god-awful place for the rest of eternity.

In your own dememted mind, you somehow imagine that you can gambol and cavort and frolick in the 'pool as it suits you, spewing forth your diatribes about smileys, software, and senior executives, then walk away, thinking to distance yourself from this abberrant child of your loins?

You can change your nom de plume all you want, you nouveau Micro$erf, but your DNA is all over this thread for all time.

Indeed, there are enough of us to make sure that Peng eventually wends its way out of just the Battlefront forums and onto other webby places, much like what happened with the venerable phrase "BTS, please fix or do somefink!".

Eventually, children the world around will speak of having been "Penged", and their subsequent disgrace, horror, and revulsion that the label denotes.

When the MTB is in it's 9,734th incarnation, and you are an old, bald, scabrous, drooling codger, who sits there cursing himself for not having bought stock in Depends undergarmets, a freak at a travelling carnival side-show, where people pay a nickel to see the original "Peng", the one who started it all.

You shall live in misery, and we shall rejoice in your misfortune.

End of the MBT my ass!


[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Now, if that is the best you can do, it shows quite clearly all that is wrong with this place. <hr></blockquote>

Well hello Mr Grumpyboy! What a total and utter waste of my time (or indeed anyones time, except possibly the Utahrians), to think that I bothered to read all of two paragraphs of your inane drivel.

Just because Seelöwe II still hasn't been given the go-ahead and those trains still don't run on time, there is no need for you to write those clearly underedited posts that you write.

However, credit where credit is due (me). Gerbilbouys post are obviously annoying to many of you. I can't think why unless of course you are all as hopelessly clueless, inane and criminally inept as he is. You see,

annoying = good

As for canning the MBT, well what a novel concept, I'm sure thats never been tried before. The fact that Satan clearly has possessed The Penginator and made him agree with some silly Sinister Plot (tbloodym)seems to elude you all as well. Before canning the MBT you should ask yourself if all the wrong people wouldn't celebrate? Think of the ones who always have wanted to shut us down.

"Shucks, that durn Peng uh thingy (hihihi I said thingy) is gone. I never understood any of it so I hated it cause I'm a really righteous guy. You know? Now I'll post a thread about how the tank AI always should make me win. I sure like watching dem purty letters and know that I wrote em. I saw a show that was about tanks once on Disco Very so I know everything I need to know. The fact that I am unable to find my ass with both hands, a flashlight and detailed video instructions does not stop me from expressing my views and forcing my prejudice on anyone."

Do we want this creature to be, even for one tiny second, happy? Content? And if so, do we want to shoulder such responsibility? I think not!

The MBT should stick around because it annoys a lot of people that I (and most of you useless sods) like to annoy. Not because there is some abstract taunt void that needs filling, not even because "it used to be worse in a better way".

The MBT – devoid of all quality but still annoying to someone somewhere.


P.S Peng. Send me the gawdam file so I may blow yure gawdam men to gawdam smithereeens.


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The whole bleeding lot of you, all whinging like members of Pommie Parliament!

Who gives a sh*t if a challenge thread title doesn't include 'Peng' in it, we can just call it the MBT Challenge or the Cesspool challenge, or we can come up with a new name.

I for one will continue to post in any replacement as I enjoy the company of my peers, and the out-worlders are a scary and frightening lot.

As for those who say it shouldn't continue, all I can say is:


Who's with me (besides my sheep)?


{edited for Germanboy annoyance value}

[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

I for one will continue to post in any replacement as I enjoy the company of my peers, and the out-worlders are a scary and frightening lot.

Who's with me (besides my sheep)?


I'm with ya mate (and not in that biblical, sheep shagging way).

While some posts are better than others, and sometimes our thread becomes frayed, it still is better the the Boards Outre. I enjoy the hell out of it, and suggest the rest of you do the same.

Sheesh, every three weeks the MBT goes through a severe bout of PMS.

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How about the "Mt Tinkles, Ponce De Leon, Joe Xia Alien love triangle challenge thread"?

Now don't tell me thats not a thread title destined to inspire the masses.

Look Mom! I didn't have to edit once!

I am zo zmart unt edumacated zat I vill invade zer zudetenland tomorrow. Juzt after my coco-pops.

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You are all so predictable. All I need to do is say "that's the end of the Peng thread" and embellish it with some half-baked nonsense and you all get your panties in a bunch and write some of your better stuff. Feh and Poot on all of you for your predictability and soft natures.

The Gates-slut formerly known as Peng

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

All I need to do is say "that's the end of the Peng thread" and embellish it with some half-baked nonsense and you all get your panties in a bunch and write some of your better stuff. <hr></blockquote>


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:


You are all so predictable. All I need to do is say "that's the end of the Peng thread" and embellish it with some half-baked nonsense and you all get your panties in a bunch and write some of your better stuff. Feh and Poot on all of you for your predictability and soft natures.

The Gates-slut formerly known as Peng<hr></blockquote>

And you, Sir, are a lying swine! It was the force of our righteous anger and our determination to see RIGHT prevail that made you quail, tuck tail, and ultimately fail. Let this be a lesson to you and ALL WHO WOULD DO HARM TO THE PENG CHALLENGE THREAD, the M.B.T. is greater than any ONE person and/or pod, it is ... The CessPool.


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Every once in a while, it seems, there is a need to follow Vizzini's sage advice and go back to the beginning. So, I take you back to the beginning for a restatement of purpose:

Taken from page 2 of the "Cabbages" thread originally posted 22 April 2000 and authored by our own MrPeng.


OK, lets get this clear...

I taunt people. its what i do. i don't know squat about unit composition or weponry or versions of this or that particular APDS or yer sister's ass. I DO know how to taunt people, but here is the really hard part for some people to grasp. my tongue is ALWAYS firmly planted in my cheek. smilies or not. we are talking about a GAME that we PLAY. I talk plenty of trash and i bust balls and i poke fun and sometimes it may look like i am serious. i had all of my serious bones removed and replaced with funnybones a long time ago. seriously.

so if you are in it to be mean don't ride my coat tails. I AM IN IT FOR FUN. it just so happens that SS is a terrific target for me because he forgets that this is a game and some of us are here ONLY to have fun: that we don't give a hoot about whether the game engine runs on unleaded or a gas-oil mix, or if the sum of the sides of an isocolese triangle really do gramafritz the 77mm post hoc do-hicky on the prefarkle calculation of the thing that does the trajectory for ausf higgity coneshaped dirt clods in a semi armored cod piece.

Got it? good. forget what i said now. close this thread. leave SS alone. i am about to whoop his sorry but in LD: that will be enough humiliation for him for one weekend.<hr></blockquote>

My fellow Cesspudlians, as long as there are grogs and Outerboarders who cannot stand the very existence of the Cesspool, there will be a need for one. Whether it bears the name of MrPeng or not is immaterial. I would like to think that it would, but the fact remains there needs to be a place for those who love the game and not only the gramafritzes, those who are in it for fun, camaraderie and taunting. There will be, methinks, but as Gerbiltoy pointed out in his own inimitable style, we've become complacent and stale. Why do you think I tossed out the lure for the wily Pengfish to bite?

It is time to refocus attention on taunting and gaming. None of the Outerboarders have called to abolish the Cesspool, aka Peng Thread, aka MBT in quite some time. We've done little to make blood boil, raise hackles, etc., ad nauseam. Fer cripes sake, when was the last time we had His Baldness come charging in here, chasing our over-exuberant brothers back and berating and threatening us with closure because of leaks of Meeks and others et al.

Have we been co-opted by the opposition?

Have we become part of the establishment?

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Hell, no!

I have no idea where this is going, so I'll stop now.

(edited repeatedly because that's what I do for a living and just because I feel like it and just because it allows me to thumb my nose at Andreas from time to time)

[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Hoist on my petard!

Damn you, Moriarity.<hr></blockquote>

Well, that was a bit of fun, and no mistake.

There's some life left in the old Thread yet, apparently, as the current residents wrestled and shoved over its possible demise like a gang of winos fighting for the last drag on the bottle of white port.

I think, Berli and Peng, that it should still go on a while longer. If it were to die now, it would leave an emptiness in too many hearts, and bring joy to the emptiness in too many heads.

Germanboy has a point, although it is not the final word. All too often the Peng Challenge Thread is resigned, stale, shallow, and drab. The quality of newcomers falls off, so there is no new generation to raise the bar of enjoyment, inject new venom and wit, and take the piss out. The seniour posters, called away by life or mental exhaustion, fail to move things forward.

Some of this is just the normal cycle, of course. The Thread has gone to ****e before, surged back, gone to ****e again. Some of it is the mechanics of UBB, which withholds from us the lofty place, that eyrie of supremacy, that attends upon a thread that goes to hundreds and hundreds of freaking posts. One of the giddy delights of the original Peng Challenge Threads was being part of the gang of idjits building the Tower of Babel, raising it higher and higher into the sky, a juggernaut of words that swept people in just to see what the hell was being built here.

Now, of course, with the limits imposed, it is more like being involved with the heady rush of building the Gazebo of Babel. We hit our 300 posts, and then pack up the tools and wander away whistling.

This casts no stones at BTS or the Mad Bald One. The reasons behind the limits are understood and for the benefit of all. But it does turn soaring into more of a stagger.

We are hampered, as well, by the fact that there is so little infusion of new blood into the Board itself. For the most part, those who would join us, have done so. Others, who might actually like this place, have already dismissed it, often without due consideration. To be a regular here, you have to love this place, the special and weird freedom, coupled with responsibility, that it involves.

Our one success, really, is having kept so many of the complete and utter wankers out. Half of them haven't the sodding wit, intelligence, or depth to sort out what's happening here. When they find that the inhabitants won't lower the bar enough for them to play (you must be this intelligent for the Peng Challenge Thread Ride!), they make a few rather pointlessly annoying and stupid remarks, and then strut off, assuring themselves that 'they told them', and it was a dumb, stupid club they never wanted to belong to anyway.

The other half, of course, the more intelligent ones filled with real anger, hatred, and pettiness, were ignored. And when they didn't get the necessary reassurance their own insecurity needed, they left as well. Often they caused more disruption in the process, but there, that's one of the dangers of intelligence. An intelligent arsehole can always do more damage and cause more disruption than a thick one.

If we have sinned, I think our sin is that of being too clubby, too exclusive. Oligarchy tends to stultify, and suppress innovation. Mind, the whole structure of the Peng Challenge Thread traditions evolved out of a need to cope with the sodding stupid bastards and useless wannabes. At our height, in that rush of enthusiasim when all the world of taunting seemed bright, and clear, and boisterous, we didn't need rules, or heirarchies, or officers.

We were the Peng Challenge Thread! We were defining boundaries! We were testing limits! We were discovering a whole mad world of devil-may-care posting!

But with that rush of freedom came responsibility: to our hosts, BTS (who are, after all, attempting to run a business here...that's so, isn't it?), to our readers, who shouldn't be subjected to useless and vulgar arseholery (well, unneccesarily extreme and useless vulgar arseholery), and to the Peng Challenge Thread itself, which no one wanted to see deteriorate into just another ook-ook ****e slinging session at the zoo.

So, where does this leave the Peng Challenge Thread, you would ask yourself if any of you were still reading this lengthy exposition? (good Christ, is there any of that scotch left from Berli & Peng's visit...)

It would be left in the hands of the folk who post here, actually. What was it that defined the original Peng Challenge Thread? It was the Bren Tripod of: Inspired Weirdness, Witty Taunting, and a Solid Community of Folk Who Weren't Yet In Prison.

I bloody well love words! That is the reason I try to use all of them in my posts, for one thing. What I would like to see from this gang of on-going half-wits is a return to our strengths: Weirdness, Individuality, Taunting, Humour, Language, Literature, Poetry, Obscure References, and, above all A Lip Curled, Snotty, Deprecating Attitude Towards Everything That Is Not the Peng Challenge Thread!

To paraphrase the Warden from Cool Hand Luke: What we got here, is a failure to post. An' I don' like it any better than you men do.

Let me give you all a new direction from which to gnaw at the vitals of the beast that binds us: If you have nothing new to contribute to the ongoing morass of the Cesspool, then go out to the Outer Boards, choose an individual, thread, or concept to make mock of, then come back here and DO YOUR WORST!

Mind, post like a hero, and not like a half-wit. If your thingy gets caught in the teeth of zipping your post, or you feel the need to go ook-ook while rubbing the product of your own internal processes off your hand, then you've got it wrong.

[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Taken from page 2 of the "Cabbages" thread originally posted 22 April 2000 and authored by our own MrPeng...<hr></blockquote> That meandering original Peng posting style is rather reminiscent of recent efforts of that Iron Chef Sakai bloke. Mmmmm...

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Who's for a bit of Peng Thread singsong?

I'm headed back along the coast

Accompanied by Ma Rainey's ghost

We had ourselves a little toast

Said 'Here's to getting better'

It's later than you think my friend

And pretty soon you at the end

And there's no celebration

For the ones with hesitation

This is only just a glimpse

You've only got your fingerprints

They call it insignificance

And brother they ain't lying

Forget the gravitation pull

Movies are the miracle

And while those reels are playing

You'l forget that you're decaying

The piper's at the gates of dawn

He's playing dirges, not a song

In a finger snap we'll all be gone

And not a tree will miss us

Everyone we ever knew

Could die and wouldn't make page two

There's thousands disappearing

without anybody hearing, but

That's the way the story goes

that's the way this story goes

Just give your money to the poor

What are all your savings for?

Your fingers must get really sore

From counting all your pennies

On your deathbed making bets

And tying up those last regrets

When your priest is finished listening

A newbourne baby he'll be christening

I'm headed back along the coast

Accompanied by Ma Rainey's ghost

We raised our glass and had a toast

Said, 'Here's to having been here!'

Even if this story bores you

Mr. Death is coming for you

It's just yourself you're tricking

Clocks around the world are ticking

That's the way the story goes

that's the way this story goes.

-Bocephus King

[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

That meandering original Peng posting style is rather reminiscent of recent efforts of that Iron Chef Sakai bloke. Mmmmm...<hr></blockquote>

No No NO! If you are going to compare me to anyone, I think the way to go is to compare me to Annette Funicello: We both choose Jif Peanut Butter for our families, We both had precociously large breasts as young teenagers, and we Love Love LOVE Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney for launching our careers.

Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?








No wait! I'm Britney Spears! OOPS I DID IT AGAIN!

The Gates-slut Formerly Known as Peng

[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]</p>

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Greetings, you shower of spavined goat molesters! May your hemorrhoids never cease to rupture nor your carbuncles to ache and ooze!

Some of you older reprobates might recall my all-too-brief manifestation on this quasi-elemental plane of filth. I regret that doing the Pool (I refuse to use the grognardian "MBT" acronym for THIS place) right requires more irons than I have available for my various fires. Basically, I have something of a life and thus don't fit in here. Be that as it may, I still lurk by from time to time whenever I'm in need of a good chuckle at another's expense. Why else visit the outer boards at all?

Over the course of my last few visits, I too have noticed a change in the Pool. The water table seems to have fallen, leaving vast, stinking expanses of sewage drying miserably in under a sun that has begun to shine in here a little. The denizens wallow fitfully in the remaining pockets of slime, turning over and over in a pathetic attempt to maintain their accustomed skin moisture. It is truly a sad and depressing sight.

For a while I wondered at the cause of this disaster. I have even gone to the extreme of actually reading your whining posts on the subject. And to my great joy, I disagree with all of you :D <-- gratuitous smiley for Peng

The reason for the Pool's current sorry state is not that some of the orginal inmates have been paroled. Nor is it simply running out of adjectives to describe one another's mental, physical, and sexual failings. Nor is it a lack of frivolous sources of on-going argument. It is, simply put, that the Pool denizens have achieved some level of grog-hood. YES, I dare to utter the ultimate heresy!

Face it. What created the Pool was the notion that you all were hopeless incompetents, and damn proud of it. You scorned the outboarders and their endless nattering over how many gallons per minute could flow from the M17A2E5 Kitchen Sink. You determined to have fun in the face of grinding grognardism, revelling in your ignorance amongst others of your own kind and heaping abuse on all who faint at the mere thought of something as wonderful, as grognardian, as CM falling hands such as yours.

But that was long ago. Since then, you have all fought countless battles under conditions ranging from the mundane to the worst that the most twisted minds in the CM community could conceive. This is a wealth of experience, some of which was bound to stick even to minds as pre-evolved and minimal as yours. Then there's the desire to win--not for winning's sake, that's not the Pool way, but to be the taunter instead of the tauntee. When these forces combine, even in the likes of you, then you have set your scabrous hands upon the rusty ladder leading upwards from this abyss towards grog-hood. And once started upwards, there is no coming back. Where the Hell else did calling The Pool by an acronym for "Main Battle Tank" come from?

But even in this bleakest state of affairs, all is not lost! In a few months' time, BTS will toss a few copies of CMBB into the Pool. The gameplay of this version will be so different from what you have become used to that you all will once again be pewling tyros. Even better, once the outboarders get their paws on it, there will be endless grognardian gushings to ridicule and a host of new victims sucked in by the Pool's new-found vigor.

So hang in there a few more months. Better times are doubtless coming. The outer boards NEED the Pool.

That said, you can all sod off and die of scabies.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

yada yada yada...

So, where does this leave the Peng Challenge Thread, you would ask yourself if any of you were still reading this lengthy exposition? (good Christ, is there any of that scotch left from Berli & Peng's visit...)


I only made it this far because of the Dalwhinnie...

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