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Have you no Challenge, Peng? At long last, have you left no Challenge?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>*A damp, English heathland, King Arthur and his loyal squire approach a ragged figure hauling a small wagon.....*<hr></blockquote> Yes, yes Stuka but of course WE know that don't we. It's rather like explaining a joke, donchaknow, if you have to explain it ... it isn't funny. In this case if you have to explain the reference ... well, do we want That Kind around here? I don't think so.

I would strongly suggest that you stick to dropping bombs on civilian refugees ... this aspect of CessPool protocol is clearly beyond your capabilities.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

"I told you, we are an anarcho-syndicalist commune, we take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special..."

"Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government, supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony"


I don't get it. I thought we were a feudalistic, exclusionary hierarchy (who occasionally throw poo at each other). Am I wrong? <big>Am I wrong?</big> (I have been before, you know).

We have a lord alright, and that Lord is, ...(wait for it).... Lord of the Dance! *(queue the Chieftains)*

Now Sod Off, you fomenters!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Just to let you all know I did my good deed for the day and single-handedly got the "King Tiger's Modeled Correctly" thread locked.<hr></blockquote>

Shaggy is a bit of an ass, but his post to kill that thread is worth repeating here...

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Why do any of you even bother responding to Iron Chef "I'm no speaky da language" Sakai? Good grief, reading his posts is about as painful as shaving my ass and then squating in alcohol.<hr></blockquote>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

I don't get it. I thought we were a feudalistic, exclusionary hierarchy (who occasionally throw poo at each other). Am I wrong? <big>Am I wrong?</big> (I have been before, you know).

We have a lord alright, and that Lord is, ...(wait for it).... Lord of the Dance! *(queue the Chieftains)*

Now Sod Off, you fomenters!<hr></blockquote>

I rather think Leeo has us rather better pegged, except he forgets to mention the key roll played by semi-mythological figures, and our own constantly shifting and very odd traditions.

Also, that hopelessly puréed EveryCelt music that accompanied the utterly vile 'Lord of the Dance' abomination was not done by the Chieftains, and to say so is not only to reveal an ignorance that borders on brain damage, but also constitutes a base slander on a group of musicians who are at least capable of playing music.

I demand an instant retraction and apology to the Chieftains, Ireland, Celtic music in general, and myself for having been forced to read such low gibberish. If they are not forthcoming, we will be moving 'Michael Felateme' in to live with you, Leeo, and you will have to launder his tights for 1 year.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Its not funny, its historical education. And we know theres nothing funny about education. (just ask 'He who does not edit')<hr></blockquote> Bah! Why it's practically the same as saying aloud the name of ... no ... no I don't think so, while I've no objection to being stoned, I'd prefer not to be STONED, if you get the distinction.


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I could wish that I had the time for a true AAR, but I don't. Besides my many worthless Real World™ concerns, my various games, and my posting here, I'm working to put together some sort of psychiatric/medical team to look into the special needs of some of our New Chum Posters.

In many cases, their almost complete inability to taunt, post with humour, or even sound more than half-witted stems from actual mental problems, or emotional traumas, and they are more deserving of our pity than our condemnation.

I know that, with a little care, a great deal of understanding, and a complete indifference to reading anything of interest, I can make a difference in the lives of these otherwise useless human beings.

So I am embarking on yet another phase of my role here in the Peng Challenge Thread. I will be organizing the Peng Challenge Thread Telethon of Stars! The purpose, of course, will be to make even the shallowest, the most inane, and the most slope-browed poster realize that there is a world beyond self-grooming for food-stuffs, and doing the 'Thunder Dance of Bodily Parts and/or Functions'.

What do I gain from this? Well, besides contact with famous stars such as Jennifer Lopez, Lucy Lawless, and Oscar Zeta Acosta, I'll have the satisfaction of knowing that if I can reach and impact the lizard fore-brain of even one of these failed household pets, I'll have shown the way to a Peng Challenge Thread worth reading. Also, eventually I'll be regarded as a 'Comic Genius' in France.

Zoot Alors!

[ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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Where're mah feckin' turns, ye warrrmed o'er piles o' stoat droppin's?! StukaNukaPukaPants as tha ainly scrubber wi' tha gumption tae send mae a turrn tadee, although Ah'm cerrtain hae regrreted at as soon as hae pushed tha "send" button!

Ye festerin' sores ain a shaggy cows privates! Seand mae a stankin' turrrn an' tak wa's comin' tae ye!



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

When (or, perhaps, if) I am banned, the people should probably know why.


most likely banned after you write a Fionn post on how you can not beat me in a PBEM

LORAK another draw between me and senachaipoo.. he can't beat me LOL I must rub it it that if my wife can beat me twice and he has drawn me twice that means he is just below my wifes ability of playing CM. LOL

hahahahahHAHAHahahahaAHAHAHa *foosh foosh go the rockets of joy*

Senachaimon: DRAW

Menschy: DRAW

"Wir Müssen hier Raus!!"


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

What do I gain from this? Well, besides contact with famous stars such as Jennifer Lopez, Lucy Lawless, and Oscar Zeta Acosta

[ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<hr></blockquote>

You're only about two years behind the times, which I guess is a big improvement for you. As your French admirers are 5 to 10 years behind the times, perhaps you are ahead of the times there. Not something to brag about.

But you'll fit right in, Seanachai. When I was in the Gallic regions this past summer, I noticed that the men shave their legs (ostensibly to make their bikes go faster), while the women don't. All in all, just like yer home in Minnyappleless.

[ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I demand an instant retraction and apology to the Chieftains, Ireland, Celtic music in general, and myself for having been forced to read such low gibberish. If they are not forthcoming, we will be moving 'Michael Felateme' in to live with you, Leeo, and you will have to launder his tights for 1 year.<hr></blockquote>

Demand what you will, you pretentious planaria, but you'll get nothing other than the scorn you so richly deserve. You, sir, are a poseur, for you know WAY too much about that putricious "laird of the cod-piece." That you know the man's name reveals too many details about your late evening "special" time, spent with arthritic thumb spasmed upon the still button of the DVD remote. You didn't have to pledge $300 dollars to the NPR telethon just to get as a premium the new disc by that troop of populist clogging freaks. They likely sell it at Walmart.

Furthermore, you've apparently seen all of their performances to so quickly conclude they've never performed to the Irish iteration of the music of the spheres, as played with great skill upon the uillean pipes, bodhrán, and all by Paddy, Matt, Sean, Derek, Martin, and others.

Additionally (or perhaps multiplicatively), you seem to confuse my ignorance with my dependence upon alcohol, for one can be helped, and the other runs its course regardless. You figure it out.

You want an apology? "I'm sorry you're so conscious of that dance troop. I'm sorry you're stuck being you. I'm sorry I took the time to respond to your bleating."

Or not. Pillock.

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LIES!!!!!!!!!!! Seanachi you filthy liar!!!!!Oscar Zeta Acosta (perhaps the greatest Chicano writer of our time) is missing and believed dead. Rumors that he was eaten by a tribe of cannibals on small island off of Tahiti are still unconfirmed and I won't believe it until I can gnaw on his skull with my very own teeth.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>When (or, perhaps, if) I am banned, the people should probably know why.<hr></blockquote> Actually Seanachai the only reason you haven't been banned before is because (7) your posts are SO damned long no one can finish them to find out if you've been offensive and (ii) your references are so obscure that no one really has much of a clue what the hell you're on about most of the time. Your mistake in THIS case was that your posts were relatively short and even Failedmarshal could understand the message.

As to you being a Socialist ... I thought we were an Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune that doesn't say Jehovah?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mensch:

Elvis have you been getting in my medicine cabinet again? or did you find me weed stash?<hr></blockquote>


Talking about weed, where's that weed of a scenario you're working on for Sir Ihavemanylettersinmyname and myself!

You're slower than the chick behind the counter at McDonalds (but probably better looking)....and you better give fries with that.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

Peng has saying that goes "there are two types of people in this world..one of the returns books"

PeterNZ is among the people that returns books.<hr></blockquote>Elvis you eternal wanker ... there are ONLY two types of people, those who divide people into two types ... and those who don't.


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Ach *patooie*! Ye're a pack o' back-slidin', skulkin', belly-slinkin', lint-pickin', watery-eyed, wheezin' gaspers wha' cudnae maintain momentum af'n Ah stapled ye rat-sized dangley bits tae tha tail o' a wildebeest an' set at's arrrse on fire!!!


Meeks as more active than most o' ye damp spot's ain a good ol' boy's butt crack, an' Ah think haes daid!!

Dalem?? Leeo?? Nijis??? Speedy??? Lawyer??? (och aye, Lawyer!) Ah'm fergettin' wha Ah'm playin' at's takin' some o yoo buggers sae long!!

Who am Ah playin' anyhoo? Paws oop ye mongrels!


P(feckin)S: Bastarrrds!

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