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Have you no Challenge, Peng? At long last, have you left no Challenge?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

What the heck? We're only at 260 or so, aren't we? I didn't see the Mad One posting that it was time, or did I miss something?

Oh, well, off to drink Newcastle Brown Ale with a young blonde woman.<hr></blockquote>

Seanachooie, I'm not sure if any one else has told you this, but putting the latest issue of

Maxim on the barstool next to you does not constitute a date with the cover girl.

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When I started this thread I thought for some time about the "rules". I didn't want to recycle (insert GARBAGE.WAV) the same rules I'd used the last time and cast about (insert REEL.WAV) for an alternative that would fit within own particular ... uh ... "Idiom, Sir?" ... quite so, brave Concorde, our own particular idiom. The "Commandments" came to mind immediately, granted as a dim and foggy memory replete with thoughts of too tight shoes, suits worn but once a week and verses (IS there more than one) of "Jesus Loves Me" (insert JESUS.WAV) ... was it only a YEAR ago ... how time flies.

I did, I admit, have some trepidation (the trepanation (insert DRILL.WAV) is scheduled for the 12th ... or is that the colonoscopy (insert SCREAM.WAV) ... have to check the PDA) that some might have religious complaints but then I realized that this was the CessPool and I couldn't care less.

Imagine my surprise (insert GASP.WAV) when I found that the complaint came from Berli! Then of course it hit me (insert SLAP.WAV) and I understood Berli's objection (insert LAWYER.WAV). Mind I was amazed (insert SPRONG.WAV) at the vehemence of his complaint ... not to mention the pedestrian nature of his insults (insert NYANYA.WAV) (Dame Shaw ... really? Have we regressed to the playgound for our insults then?). But being the rational and understanding person I am I did see his point.

Then realized that ... this was the CessPool and I couldn't care less. {insert FLUSH.WAV}

Hmmm, don't think much of this new feature I must say.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

making me spit my morning coffee all over my monitor<hr></blockquote>

Now THAT'S the kind of evil I was talking about. I love it when a plan comes together.

Say, you've got a little spot on your shirt...right...there.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

Whatever you pack of mewling idjits do, do not install DirectX 8.0a. It will mess your damn CM games up.

Thank you f@*king Microsoft.

On second thought, you should all install it.<hr></blockquote>

What? [serious mode]

I have had Direct X8.0a installed for a long time now and I have yet to have any problems with CM. Maybe it is your video card drivers? You should make sure they are up to date.

[/serious mode]

And I know I haven't sent you a setup. Piss off. Or better yet send ME a fricken setup ya fart knocker.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:


. An idjit with a bent (down bahaus(and where has bauhaus gone off to lately?))


I'm bored, the board bores me, and more importantly Joe Shaw created threads bore me. I've never witnessed anyone who has taken his role in the thread more importantly. Isn't the thread all about insignificance? Size shouldn't matter, right Joe? Not the first time you've heard that.....Don't worry Joe, it happens to everyone, but all the stinkin' time? Me thinks you have a problem Joe.

I thinks it's time for a dethroning. I say we strip Mr. Shaw of his self-important title. We need to knock Mr. Shaw down a few notches and eliminate this larger than life dillusion that Joe is suffering from. Either that, or we just need to pool a few bucks together and hire Joe a hooker for the night.

Now let us prepare ourselves for more rantings of a madman named Joe Shaw.

I think Emma summed this thread up best when she wrote, and I quote: Pfffffffffft!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Either that, or we just need to pool a few bucks together and hire Joe a hooker for the night.<hr></blockquote> Hell, I'll vote for that!

And anytime that anyone wants this miserable, no-support from anyone, thankless, time consuming, everbody REALLY hates me (as opposed to just everyone hates me which is a constant in the CessPool) job they can have it. Mind you'll have to get ALL the Olde Ones to agree ... good luck on THAT.

{and this is the thanks I get for working my fingers to the bone maintaining SOME kind of order around here ... BAH! And from Bauhaus no less, why I've mentioned him in nearly every post ... he's probably still mad about losing all those KTs to me ... Berli's mad about losing all that infantry to my mortars ... guess I'll have to go back to deliberately losing again just to get some peace.}


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Joe, you really really really need to take this a lot less seriously. Or a lot more seriously. I'm not sure which anymore. Anyway, people are starting to talk..."that Shaw has really gone off the deep end, eh?" and "That Justicar guy is a bit of a loon, eh?"

Well, that's what the Canadians are saying anyway, and since Canadians are as useful as knitted toilets I guess it doesn't count for much. Not that you count for much in this world, or this thread for that matter...one moment please...

What was I talking about? The mailman made the dog bark and then the kids started yapping at me and now the moment has passed. Damn. I should stick to posting from work during the day. Or just post at night after the special liquid medicine starts to kick in.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Hey Bauhaus,

What was the name of that hooker that the newsroom just interviewed? Wasn't his name Bubba?<hr></blockquote>

Yep, Bubba's theme is, have KY, will travel. I think Bubba is on his way to a Texas mudrasslin' reunion with Joe Shaw-The Justbentover of the MBT.

[ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>

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Berli, pairing up Bill Gates and Microsoft was your best match since the mosquito and malaria, take a bow.

Shandorf, ya idjit, of course it’s the effing video drivers. The fix is to download the latest. What they didn’t take into account is that it is an older video card (Diamond Viper V550). So I already have the latest because they don’t write newer drivers. What, they expect me to go buy a effing new video card AND sound card just to run the lastest bug filled piece o’ crap DirectX8.0a?

Note the a.

Who in their right mind writes software for the first build of anything and expects it to work. Especially when an older version of DirectX would have worked just fine.

I’m so pissed I’m going hunting.

I hope good old Bill deer hunts. Or maybe I’ll just post his picture 200 yards downrange. Something is going to die this weekend.

Watch out western Minnesota, a Cesspooler is coming with a full load of ammo, a bottle, and a bad attitude…

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I think Bubba is on his way to a Texas mudrasslin' reunion ...<hr></blockquote> Best of luck to him ... I live in Utah.

Oh ... and I don't answer the door unless I'm carrying my British Officer's sabre from 1860 ... it's just the thing for chasing off these Mormon missionaries you know ... age 19 or so, away from home for two years, no dating or fraternising with females ... you do the math. The neighbors don't come around much ... for some reason.


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Just a report on the new game I have started with Berli. It is called "Ass-Fault" (someone please calm Baaaa House down) and was designed after I had watched the movie Streets of Fire. Seemed to me that there should be some way to capture some of that feel in CM, and maybe get some Death Race 2000 / Mad Max, Mad Max 2 flavor with it. So I made it a race, with lots of kublewagons, jeeps, snipers, armored cars, and hqs to make it interesting. Oh yeah, the Germans got a couple of Tiger tanks just for fun.

Anyway, I am sure The Evil One is cursing me in his spare time. If anyone else wants this "abortion" as it has been called, please let me know, and I would be happy to set someone up with the game.

Now, let's see. I was going to challenge the puck sucker Dalem to a game also. How about it toad? You are a gamey King Tiger lover and make love to Bren Tripods in your spare time.

[ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu (gesundheit!):

At some point Lorak told me he was a 17D...<hr></blockquote>

Hmm, this listing might be a bit old, but it says:


Sounds like Bauhaus' MOS from when he was stationed next to that elementary school. Evidently Our Man Lorak is gonna moon them into submission. Operation Pressed Ham, anyone? I'm just glad he's on our side.

Agua Perdido

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Evidently Our Man Lorak is gonna moon them into submission. Operation Pressed Ham, anyone? I'm just glad he's on our side.<hr></blockquote>

Argh! The Taliban have managed to keep up morale through the bombing, but I doubt they have the stomach to face Lorak's backside!



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And anytime that anyone wants this miserable, no-support from anyone, thankless, time consuming, everbody REALLY hates me job they can have it.


I like you ,Joe.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

I like you ,Joe.<hr></blockquote>Well I don't like you, go tease a funnelweb or something. Go grab a platypus (no I don't give a flying feck HOW it's spelled, it's Australian, who cares) or count the teeth on a taipan or do a braille census of the Great Whites off the Great Barrier Reef. The really amazing thing is that with all the great ways to die in Australia that more of you clowns aren't DEAD ... Gawd Loves a Fool I guess.

And the only thing the rest of you swine have over them is that YOU AREN'T AUSTRALIAN! Talk about damning with faint praise.



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Oh yes.

I am back. I have a new email addy.

Mark IV: Resend whatever the last turn was. We both know you have it and we both know it is properly numbered. As I recall I was slowly and painfully pulling your colon out through your nostrils. I also know that that is a more pleasant experience than properly puttying your walls. I have a new email.

mensch: Yeah. It's coming for you. I have a new email.

Mr Peng: We lost our files didn't we? Didn't properly number them either as I recall. You and me bubba (can I call you bubba?), gotta do us one of em byte battles buddy boy. Choose one from Der Kessel and die-die-die. Also, I have a new email addy.

and last and definately least, we have

Hakko Ichiu. Resend. To my new addy. And I want you and need you on icq too.

I believe I properly surrendered to a lot of people but if you want/need/crave a grave, just resend or send something new. I have a new email addy.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And the only thing the rest of you swine have over them is that YOU AREN'T AUSTRALIAN! Talk about damning with faint praise.



I think the Just-a-mode-of-transport Joe Shaw suffers from Australia envy.


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