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I met Peng and challenged him and got him drunk and he didn't even has the decency to

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka

Can you see if they've found my spare undies yet?

They were grey, with an extra large frontal pouch.<hr></blockquote>

That's just disgusting Stuka! You actually wear hollowed out koalas as underwear? Do you leave the little feet and claws on? What about glass eyes? Does it hurt when you sit on them? I suppose you could stash stuff in that little pouch they have. Do you store you shaved voles, gerbils and other rodentia there? This sounds something like a national phenomena to me. I guess it's just one of those things I'll have to shake my head at and ascribe to cultural diversity.


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Heads up guys...Panzer Leader is not as worthless as we thought. Check out his post to the Russian link...VERY cool pics.

And Stuka you bitch why are you posting and not sending back my file...You're almost as bad as MrSpeachless (who is infinitely worse than Peng).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Schmuk! The turn was sent 5 minutes before the e-mail questioning your silly 'Murkin constitution.

Check your in-box again and this time put your glasses on.

Old people, Sheesh!<hr></blockquote>And I sent a response IMMEDIATELY, specifically turn 16 (for those of you who are keeping track ... as Stuka apparently ISN'T). Tell you what, why don't I send it AGAIN and maybe you can pay attention this time.

Sheesh, Aussies.


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Joe and Elvis, I sent you both turns roughly 10 hours ago.

Mind you I hooked up with a new ISP just before I sent the turns, maybe they are fecking things up.

Strange that text messages are going through but none with attachments.

I'll investigate.

Hang onto yourselves for awhile.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

This just in:

It seems that someone in my company thought it would be a good idea to send me away again. I suppose it is to prevent me from doing additional harm, or it could be he thinks I might actually get something of value out of a trip to COMDEX. Yes, its True. The Pod is going to Las Vegas. I will be there from 11/12 through 11/16.


Peng, go to Mandalay Bay (stay there if possible because it is by far the coolest place). Be sure to go to "Rumjungle" restaurant on the main floor. It has water washing down the windows, but mostly it has every kind of booze invented in a cool environment with lots of techno rock.

Rumjungle works very well if you are by yourself, and we all assume you will be by yourself, at least until your second drink. Sit at the bar.

Best of all, Rumjungle specializes in grilled meats of all kinds cooked over charcoal for you to see at the rear. Just think of all those tasty beasts and fishies that want to die so you can chomp on them. See them cooked to your tastes.

Choose the all-you-can-eat plate with continual offerings of every meat available, with lots of nice side dishes. You get more than you can handle. About $30 as I remember, and well worth it. I sat at the bar, and had lots of company, so don't worry about going by yourself. Oh, and have brunch or breakfast at Bellagio's main restaurant. Very nice.

Trust the Lawyer on this one...

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Also Peng you have to check out this killer place. It is just off the "new" strip betweem Paris and Ballys down the little alley. There is a red door...you need to knock twice then wait then knock three more times. When the little sliding window opens you will need to say "My dog has no nose" to which the gorilla should respond "how does he smell?" and you MUST respond "Awful" and you are on you way to the time of your life. Things that would make sheep seem "gamey".

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sheesh, Aussies.<hr></blockquote>

Here, let me help you out as your were obviously stymied for words. (Unusual to say the least, next to Seanachai you're probably one of the more verbose here).

Anyhow, what you meant to say was..

'Sheesh, Aussies ... are perhaps the best example of homo sapien in the world. Their intelligence, wit, athletic prowess and good looks are the benchmark that the rest of the world's people aspire to.

I Joe Shaw, count myself lucky to be associated with them. I sure hope their greatness rubs off on me!!!'

Don't thank me for helping out here, it was the least I could do for a mate.


{edited to improve presentation..and to annoy Germanboy}

[ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

PS....Lawyerboy are you running away from my operation challenge?<hr></blockquote>

No way, Hosea! But I'm smart enough to do a little research before starting a 100 turn operation that will last till Lil' Elvis goes to college.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>'Sheesh, Aussies ... are perhaps the best example of homo sapien in the world. Their intelligence, wit, athletic prowess and good looks are the benchmark that the rest of the world's people aspire to.

I Joe Shaw, count myself lucky to be associated with them. I sure hope their greatness rubs off on me!!!'<hr></blockquote> Wow! Thanks Mace what a guy. I really appreciate it, here ... could I ... could I try it myself?


'Sheesh, Aussies ... are perhaps the closest example of Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis in the world. Their lack of intelligence, wit, athletic prowess and good looks are the benchmark by which Neanderthals of the world are judged.

I Joe Shaw, count myself lucky to be far away from them. I sure hope that smell rubs off them eventually!!!'

Damn, not QUITE the same, but much closer to the mark I think. I'll work on it some more. Thanks again Mace ... you're a prince.


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Dang Shaw, you are cruel. I personally like Aussies, and think everyone should own one or two for their very own. They can mostly feed themselves if you are there to wipe the dribble off, they have a huge inferiority complex proven by the high point of their artistic expression (Paul Hogan), but they make wonderful house pets. In reality, Australian culture is quite advanced if you just ignore the noise from the East Coast and and concentrate on Tasmania, and on Farscape.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

...Australian culture ...<hr></blockquote>

At's kulture, ye ignorant ladder ain a fat lassie's knee stockin'.

Flamin' galah...

Af'n Ah foond ye on fire, Ah'd nae bother tae wee on ye.


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Quiz time! What was the name of the American Civil War battle that took place in the summer of 1864 near the battlefield known as Chancellorsville?

No ... no Bauhaus that wasn't the name ... no I'm quite sure, they wouldn't call a battle that ... no you're thinking of the name of the State, but it was VIRGINIA, the State ... not the battle. Yes, the boys might have fought harder in that case, good point.

It was called ... The Wilderness! And why does that relate to CM? Because my battle with Mensch is being fought in a bloody wilderness that's why. The VLs that matter are smack in the middle of an impenetrable forest, so what does the designer give me as the Germans? Tanks of course ... some lovely tanks that can't set tread inside the woods of course. No other tanks to fight so far. So they huff and they puff and they ... sit.

So the Poor Bloody Infantry has to wander into the woods blind, without arty support because THAT was all used up getting across the bloody open ground I had to cross to GET to the woods. And once in the woods they blunder blindly into dug in Americans and get killed a lot.

Oh I'd give Mensch some credit for tactics ... if any were available. As it is he just dug in around the VLs and ... waited. Poor lad has calluses forming from pressing GO I've no doubt.

Wild Bill has the right of it, a bad scenario and anything can happen ... hell Mensch could win this one.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Here, let me help you out as your were obviously stymied for words. (Unusual to say the least, next to Seanachai you're probably one of the more verbose here).


While we are both long winded, there is a very important difference in style. Shaw tends to post at medium length, but with almost pathological regularity.

I post somewhat more sporadically, but generally at such length that strong men are left weeping, exhausted and feeling unworthy before the beauty, depth, and complexity of my wordflow.

Of course, sometimes I post more succinct and straightforward posts, such as this one, and occassionaly Shaw extends himself and goes on at insane length. It's a bit of a mixed bag, but the generalization works.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

BTW, whatever happened to the Seanoochian conquest of Australia?

Did he ever actually beat anyone?

Or, ala the 'Operation Sealion' thread, was his proposed invasion of Australia just a ruse to divert attention from some other, even more despicable plan?


The campaign to 'Crush All Australians' is taking longer than originally anticipated, and has met with occassional reverses.

So far, the only Australian who has been defeated is Mace, and it wasn't much of a 'crushing'. Stuka and the egregious Simon Fox have bollocksed up the entire 'being crushed' process by each winning a game against me. Rematches are in progress with both of them.

Goanna also showed no intelligent understanding of his role as an Austalian, and won our only game to date. He has since disappeared, reputedly into the wilds of Montana, and hasn't been available for a rematch. It's to be noted that he disappeared after visiting the Heraldites, and it's my opinion that Berli, Moriarity, and Bauhaus actually ate him in some bizarre 'Combat Mission cannibal cult' ritual.

I am in a game with Speedy, and anticipate crushing him, but it is too early to tell.

Finally, the secret Australian living among us, OGSF, has been defeated a couple of times, but has also defeated me a couple of times, so I think that one's a push.

I have not, however, lost heart, nor do I doubt in any way that eventually all Australians will have been well and thoroughly crushed. Any other outcome can only lead to the belief that the gods are dead. I do not intend to go gently into that good night, thank you very much, and will reaffirm the ultimate splendour of the universe by defeating all Australians.

And then I will mock them in a most satisfying and profound way.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Quiz time! What was the name of the American Civil War battle that took place in the summer of 1864 near the battlefield known as Chancellorsville?<hr></blockquote>

Ooh, ooh, I know! I know! "They mean to win Wimbledon!" I mean, uh, "The Wilderness." --er--, what is "The Wilderness!" Can I phone a friend? I'd like to buy a vowel.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>It was called ... The Wilderness!<hr></blockquote>

I win! I win! Thank you so much, Regis. This will increase my standing in the herd, allowing me a more favorable choice of mating partners (back off, Mace, I answered first).

My computer is nearly in a not-broke condition, so lovely parting gifts of Die-A-Lot to follow for most of my opponents. For some reason, my email program refuses to play well with the other children, but at least my CD-ROM recognizes the CM CD now. To celebrate, I may actually send jdmorse a turn tonight. However, no turns for Joe Shaw until we see some stenographers.

Agua Perdido

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Quiz time! What was the name of the American Civil War battle that took place in the summer of 1864 near the battlefield known as Chancellorsville?

It was called ... The Wilderness!


5-6 May 1864 was in the "summer" of 1864? Nope.

You may not like being lectured to by a SSIDGAF (scum-sucking I don't give a feck) coming in as a cameo rat, but in the future, don't mangle ACW history! Loser!! tongue.gif

[ 11-07-2001: Message edited by: Spook, because he fecked up and forgot to include a smiley for Peng.]

[ 11-07-2001: Message edited by: Spook ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>5-6 May 1864 was in the "summer" of 1864? Nope.<hr></blockquote> Looky here Speck:

x) THIS is the CessPool and we frown on that kind of groggly response.

{iiii} If you'd spent as much time in Northeastern Montana as I had you'd KNOW that May is Summer.

January - April: Winter

May - August: Summer

September - December: Winter

[x/y=a] SOD OFF!

{damned SSNs ... ought to be a bounty is what}


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News flash, pinwit. Virginia isn't Montana.

[sUM(y - y,avg)^2/(n - 1)]^0.5 = does not compute for Joe Shaw. y? Why? Because Joe Shaw is far too deviant to fit even within a "standard deviation."

Keep up with the lame "sod off," and you might have a future in lawn care. Nah, forget it. That implies that there's a future for you.

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I blame Elvis ... if he'd just posted the rules properly we may have averted this latest infestation of SSNs. Worse yet, it's one of those that we thought we'd chased away for good but no doubt his limited brain functions couldn't recall his prior experience here.

He seems to forget that I am a Seniour Knight, The Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and the CessPool Drain Commissioner and if I say that May is summer in Virginia then BY GAWD May is summer in Virginia!

And then he DARES to refer to the prime directive of the M.B.T., "SOD OFF" as ... {shudder} ... lame!

Why he sees the need to expose his ignorance and groggliness (no Bauhaus it's not ... hmmmm ... why YES Bauhaus it would seem that he's exposing his groggliness, my oh my what SHALL we do about that I wonder ... any ideas Bauhaus?)


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