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I met Peng and challenged him and got him drunk and he didn't even has the decency to

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Awwwright, I have plans tonight but after I get home I will send you out a something? Did you want a scenario or a QB?


A scenario. It's probably to much to ask, but try to make it balanced.

And make it noisy, to drown out all this damn singing.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

And Lawyer, regardless of how our battle ends, I would like to take his timeto chllenge you to an operation. You seem to be good for a file a day and sometimes more on weekends so it should take us about a year to play but I think it would be interesting. Can someone here recommend one please.<hr></blockquote>

Elvis, you taunt worse than you play, and that's pretty bad sometimes. Okay, you luck out sometimes too, but we both know it's only natural for me to win.

Now, I hate to be considered a "good" opponent simply because I return PBEM files promptly. I think you need to come here and tell these gits what a damned good CM player I am. That's what I made the Washington area guys do before I would buy 'em a beer. It worked then, and it should work now.

I have a campaign involving the 29th Division called "29 Let's Go" that I've been wanting to play for a while. It's a Franko campaign, so it could be huge, but I'd like to suggest it unless one of the putrid souls here objects. My father and uncles served in the 29th Division from Virginia.

Remember "Augen Zu" which you won? Franko does great maps and history, but my concern is play balance. I know that I would have won if the play balance was correct.

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I wish I had read your post sooner. I just sent a set up for a campaign called Vernon. You my feel free to ignore what I sent and send yours. As a matter of fact if you are floating around we can start it via TCP/IP till 9:30 when my online date with Peng starts.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Elvis, I think you need to come here and tell these gits what a damned good CM player I am. <hr></blockquote>

Well, yes I am.

Gentle Jackals, we have all been saddened this past month, so let me pass on some Good News to you!

I have just achieved a 62-32 victory over Elvis while being on the defense as the Germans in a Westwall QB! That is a tactical victory in my favor for those of you who don't count well. (That includes Leeo and MrSkr)

For Lawyer

I set up a completely static Westwall defense of pillboxes, MG teams, mine fields, and a little arty. I think I worked with 2000 pts.

Remember that I chose my forces before seeing the terrain I must defend. For my genius, I'm sure that Rommel would love me, though I would avoid the inevitable kisses. After my initial Westwall setup, I let the AI choose the targets, with a little help from the Legal Genius. It worked out well overall.

For Elvis

He knew it was a Westwall defense, and chose his forces accordingly. Typical was the heavy concentration of MG teams favored by Elvis, but also paratroops for some odd reason. His armor stood no chance, but he chose it anyway. He had lots of arty, but it did him little good in the end.

Elvis likes to MG and Mortar you, but the weakness of his tactics has become apparent to me. After three games, he won the first (close win due to AI favors for Elvis), and I won the last two (by ever increasing margins).

So here we are. I'm sure that Elvis is grateful that Lorak is packing heat somewhere in defense of our Nation. No counting of wins for us.

But in his tiny evil heart, Elvis knows that Lawyer has him for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


[ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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I am not going to cry here about the Lawyers gamey set up. I purchased an entire battalion and he tore me to pieces. The terrain did favor his purchases but that in no way diminishes his perfect and well thought out set up. As he stated "I let the AI choose the targets". He bought right and set up right so that his tactical ineptitude could be well hidden. He had no need for tactics...all he needed to do each turn was click "Go". Well done my friend.

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Cest Bon, dear lady, (bolded because NOTHING'S TOO GOOD FOR OUR LORAK) I feel that we've missed some very vital information regarding the service to our country that Lorak is engaged upon and this post is intended to rectify that omission.

You see ... how to put this ... we've seen the tactical prowess of Lorak first hand and well, not to put too fine a point on it, can we be assured that he is not in a tactical or leadership role? I know I'd sleep better at night knowing that.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Cest Bon, dear lady, (bolded because NOTHING'S TOO GOOD FOR OUR LORAK) I feel that we've missed some very vital information regarding the service to our country that Lorak is engaged upon and this post is intended to rectify that omission.

You see ... how to put this ... we've seen the tactical prowess of Lorak first hand and well, not to put too fine a point on it, can we be assured that he is not in a tactical or leadership role? I know I'd sleep better at night knowing that.


Shaw, you gibbering idjit, did you not see my own spectacular speculation (or is it speculation...) that the Lorak has been sequestered by the governments of the West in order to protect the formula for Guinness against extremist perfidy?

Of course, given his ability with languages, the speculation has been that for some reason known only to the gods, Lorak knows Farsi.

Personally, I think that he's been called up because the government fellas have realized we need a sharp, well-spoken, and friendly lad who's willing to have a pint with strangers, and try to reason with them as to the errors of their ways, and is willing to have a sing-song with them so that all those messy issues of anger and hatred recede into the background, and working men from vastly different backgrounds, religions, and underdtandings can have a bit of a get together, and realize that we all have too much too lose to risk it on having too much to gain.

Either that, or he's rated as a sniper, and he's needed to decap undiplomatic peoples at 500 meters.

Personally, I'm holding out hope for a jolly international sing-song.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Cest Bon, dear lady, (bolded because NOTHING'S TOO GOOD FOR OUR LORAK



Ahem. While we here in the Peng Challenge Thread are serious proponents of the equality between the sexes, we also acknowledge that many of our constituents are barely repentant knuckle-draggers, and we maintain our own tradition of chivalry. Knights of the Cesspool are still knights, and it is to be noted that the Peng Challenge Thread has had a higher consistent posting by women than the Outer Boards, despite how awful it is in here.

On the other hand, we like to think that we know how to treat a Lady.

Pissants post to give the manly bits a buff, and pretend they have significance. Grogs post to prove that they've read first hand accounts of 'women in action', and have tables of data regarding 'women in wargames' and 'women as data providers'.

But here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we know that 'women are people'.

Mind, we don't treat people all that bloody well, so women have to take potluck with the rest of the idjits; but fortunately we have the Knighthood of the Cesspool to grant our approach a little class.

Goddamnit, Bauhus, I said 'grant our approach a little class!

[ 11-03-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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Lars: Send a feckin turn.

Panzer Leader: I claim victory, because he stopped sending turns, won't respond to prods, AND is losing big-time anyway.

Slapdragon: Turning into an interesting battle. Maybe he can play after all.

The rest of you, go camp out on the Golden Gate bridge or some such place.

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And efore I forget......I I am not mistaken today is PeterNZers birthday.

Happy Birthday Dude

I heard he might not be able to make it to Philly because upon arriving in San Fran. he was heard to comment "I have found my people....I love it here" and things of that sort. Well, cheers to you mate. Have a great day. And don't forget to return the damn tapes.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>SHAW, GODDAMN YOUR EYES! HERE IN THE PENG CHALLENGE THREAD WE WILL ALWAYS, ALWAYS, BOLD THE NAME OF A LADY! YOU PILLOCK!<hr></blockquote>Nonsense and fiddledepoop Seanachai, we in the CessPool are nothing if not politically correct ... which either means we're nothing or not politically correct. An SSN is an SSN as ADMITTED by Cest Bon in her first post. In fact I thought she handled it rather well. Now in the case of Cest Bon it's only right to bold HER name since she is the Lady of Lord Lorak and NOTHING'S TOO GOOD FOR OUR LORAK. I think you're just trying to pick a fight.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty:

You swallow the Spaniel or do you have something you'd like to share with the class?<hr></blockquote>

Wha's mah setoop, ye poot-sniffin' toucher o' wee animals privates? Ah wish tae crrrush ye haplaiss untertroopen banaith mah hob-nailed heel yet agin!

An' Mace, ye latex wearin' carpel tunnel sufferer...wi'd ye noo care tae bae properly slaughtered ain a wee gam - sae your choice fraim tha stankin' den o' fetid scenarios, aka, Der (bleedin') Kessel? Ye damp snot rag? Bastaarrrd?

An didnea mak mae haftae kick mah poor wee spaniel agin!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

An' Mace, ye latex wearin' carpel tunnel sufferer...wi'd ye noo care tae bae properly slaughtered ain a wee gam - sae your choice fraim tha stankin' den o' fetid scenarios, aka, Der (bleedin') Kessel? Ye damp snot rag? Bastaarrrd?<hr></blockquote>


I'll gladly extract a scenario from DerKessel.

We shall play it and you shall slaughter me as you manoeuvre brilliantly and focus your attacks with finesse, while I do everything but, or my name's not Lorak!

Expect a file over the next 16 hours or so (don't wait up though).


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:


We shall play it and you shall slaughter me as you manoeuvre brilliantly and focus your attacks with finesse, while I do everything but...


Ye're a canny bastaarrd. Wha's tha then? A Jedi maind traeck?? At'll nae worrk ye sly weasel....Ah fully aintend tae plah wi' Hiramesque abandon.

Manhoover mah eye!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Ye're a canny bastaarrd. Wha's tha then? A Jedi maind traeck?? At'll nae worrk ye sly weasel. <hr></blockquote> By George he's got you there Mace, using a Jedi Mind Trick on OGSF is like using AP against a tent ... an open tent ... with all the sides rolled up ... an EMPTY, open ... sorry, got carried away.


{edited for the sheer joy of it}

[ 11-03-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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He who will not be named has now agreed to build a game for us. He who will not be named is Canadian (but we won't hold that against him) but resides in Germany (ditto). He who will not be named indicated that we should expect it within 48 hours!!!



[ 11-03-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

A Jedi maind traeck?? <hr></blockquote>

What's this, discrimination against religion?

Yes, in the Australian census just completed this year, I entered Jedi as my religion of choice.

The farce is strong within me, you have been warned!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:


He who will not be named has now agreed to build a game for us. He who will not be named is Canadian (but we won't hold that against him) but resides in Germany (ditto). He who will not be named indicated that we should expect it within 48 hours!!!



[ 11-03-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]<hr></blockquote>

Och, Ah'm doomed, DOOMED Ah sae! Ah'm kickin' hais butt ain our stankin' CityFight an' nae doubt thaerre'll bae skullduggery afoot ain tha new map!


PS (Guest appearance by Paddy O'Grady) "Turd! Turd from da bottom at was! Turd!! Like da was noo page two! Turd! Faith an' begorrah! (etc)

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