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A Thousand Points of Peng, A Kindler, More Gentler Cess

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

EN(TSG): The anomaly is Chupacabra, sir. It's sucking in planets, dust, energy--not even light can escape it!

CG: Is it a black hole?

GUYS Chuppy has his pants down again! inform the National Enviromental Agency!... some one hold PeterNer down Hes getting all excited again!

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Just saw a thread "Talk about Routed". Mistakenly, I thought it was a description of my game with Mr 666 HeyIcouldbethe greatestcmplayerever where it seems approx. 1/2 his forces were last seen heading for the back edge of the board. The ritual scourging and flaying of postulents is about complete......


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Now that's insane.

I am out for some days and you manage to start a new Thread and post some 320+ posts in it?!

For those of you who weren't in the loop I did some Behind the ScenesTM to mend all sorts of bad feelings and pride matters.

For the non educated and not versed in the way of peace keeping it means I had to perform all sorts of sexual act (mainly oral although Hiram merely wanted Heineken and chocolates) with a bunch of you Poolers...

And what is my reward pray tell?!

None of you abusers whose taste is quite sour by the way did so much as erect a Shrine for me!!

No reference at all!!

Now I've grown a certain foundness for some of you and I'm only left with pics where Berli looks like someone Uncle Albert, MarkIV is dating a fish and where Peng is having fun when all know that there is NO fun in being Peng.

What sort of Pool is this?

Seanachai, I will not be please and will not know peace of mind till you've sent me a game sporting one of your tank against one of mine duelling for the Honor you've robbed me and for my constitutional right to spit and brush my teeth.

And since that late incarnation is a Gentle be Polite Pool, **** YOU!!!

And for YK2 and Kitty's sake I shall ask PLEASE...


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

Now that's insane.

I am out for some days and you manage to start a new Thread and post some 320+ posts in it?!

For those of you who weren't in the loop I did some Behind the ScenesTM to mend all sorts of bad feelings and pride matters.

And what is my reward pray tell?!

None of you abusers whose taste is quite sour by the way did so much as erect a Shrine for me!!

No reference at all!!

Now I've grown a certain foundness for some of you and I'm only left with pics where Berli looks like someone Uncle Albert, MarkIV is dating a fish and where Peng is having fun when all know that there is NO fun in being Peng.

What sort of Pool is this?

Seanachai, I will not be please and will not know peace of mind till you've sent me a game sporting one of your tank against one of mine duelling for the Honor you've robbed me and for my constitutional right to spit and brush my teeth.

It's true, Pawbroon was extremely influential in promoting dialogues between maddened 'Poolers (Mensch had at least three going at once, although he was the only participant; they all involved lots of shouts of 'rockets, yes! rockets' lunatic laughter, and mimiced explosion noises).

Pawbroon, I shall indeed send you a setup. However, any battle that I'm involved in that has only one tank won't last more than two turns, so I shall send you a slightly more fleshed out armour battle, say, around 1500 points. This might then last 10 turns (most of it as you try and hunt down that one last fleeing tank).

Let me be the first to say that without the actions of Pawbroon, this place would be a wasteland bereft of French. As Australia Day has now ended (the whole holiday was a marketing ploy of their beer industry in any case...like they even need to bother with marketing), I declare today International Grenouille Day! That's right, the Peng Challenge Thread has proceeded to the stage of establishing and declaring its own international holidays. So I want all of you to run out tonight (if you can wait that sodding long), get completely pissed on red wine (preferably cheap red wine, if you're not French yourself), and terrify everyone you encounter at your local places of entertainment by doing the Grenouille Frenetique Dance. Yes, I want clubs, pubs, bars, brothels, blind crows, dives, and Graceland filled with drunken Combat Mission players tonight, doing the Frantic Frog like there's no tomorrow (which there probably won't be for the ones shot to death by other partiers fearing contagion).

And with every empty mug you bang down on the bar, I want you to shout "That one was for Pawbroon, goddamn it!" And for every one that comes rushing back up, you can yell "And this ones going out to you, Seanachai!"

Viva la Grenouille Day! (bang!)


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 01-26-2001).]

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Notice to Septic Tank Residents:

I just viewed the pictures Lorak has posted of some of you on his site. At first, I thought I had mistakenly stumbled upon the Human Oddities page at the "Ripley's Believe It or Not" site. Then I thought it must be some preliminary internet hype touting the new "Planet of the Apes" movie, but even Hollywood has better taste than what I saw. No amount of cocaine could produce the disturbing images on Lorak's page.

Could it possibly be, I thought, a bad link to a site offering actual photographic proof of secret alien experiments on humans that went horribly amuck? Or is it one of those sickening photo collages used by abortion protesters to shock the public?

No, after my initial spasms of gagging and retching calmed down somewhat, I realized that in fact Lorak is seriously posting pictures of Cesspool members who apparently have volunteered to thrust their twisted visages at an innocent and trusting public.

Lorak, you fool, do you not realize that Congress is now considering laws that would censor the internet to prevent such obvious pornography? Are you intentionally abetting that cause? Have you considered the traumatic effects of your Cesspool pictures on children surfing the web, as well as their unsuspecting parents?

I want to believe this is all a big joke that went too far. But I fear the worst. For those of you without the common decency to cover up and hide your shame in the privacy of your homes, the Lawyer makes the following helpful observations:

Let's start with you, Lorak. The way I see it, you have two choices. Either get a big Hoot Gibson cowboy hat and claim that you are Hoss's long lost love child, or get a copy of PhotoShop and radically alter the image you have posted. Don't worry about learning the tools, ANYTHING you do will make you look better. Also, do NOT join any group tours of Donner Pass during the wintertime.

Berlichtingen -- It is a Great Mystery of Life that serial killer look-a-likes such as James Carville and you end up marrying attractive women. I can only hope that she makes you suffer in ways which are not fit for discussion here. Otherwise, there is no justice.

JD Morse -- A lawyer who is a dead ringer for president of the American Academy of Acturaries. How sad. I knew I was better than you, but I never realized how much. I figured your descent into monosyllabic garbles during our game was just an ugly side effect of overdosing on Rogaine, but now I see the truth. Well, keep your chin up, or at least what's left of it. I see on TV that Mr. Ray is doing wonderful things with hair weave.

Stuka -- I hate you, pure and simple, for all the obvious reasons displayed in your picture.

Dalem -- I didn't recognize you without the orange jumpsuit and manacles. How's Tim McVeigh doing these days?

Three Losers in London -- Manny, Moe & Jack are too manly, Kukla,Fran & Ollie are too clever, but Snap, Crackle & Pop seem to fairly capture the aura of ambient geekdom and indeterminate sexuality that you dweebs collectively present to the world in your picture. Why are you all exiled in London, and why do you always appear together, like a swarm of pesky mosquitoes? Yes, the British are most certainly an evil and stupid people, but what did they ever do to deserve you? Now, individually --

Germanboy -- Because I'm a genuine Nice Guy, I'll forego the obvious comment about your being walking proof that Goerring didn't use prophylactics. I'm sure you hear it all the time. But one day, I fully expect to see the CM forum simply explode like the Hindenburg from your excessive volume of gaseous emmissions (which I believe are offered by you as postings of knowledge and Teutonic wit), except that the hot air you emit is overly laced with intestinal methane. Hey, you brag about being 32. It's time to get a job and pay taxes like the rest of us.

Chupawhatever -- It's time to lose your idiotic and worn-out forum signature in favor of a song line that is more thoughtful and appropriate to you. I suggest the Dylan line, "Something's going on here but you don't know what it is, do you Mr. Jones?"

PNZ -- Roland called from the YMCA to say you got the lead role in their production of "Oliver". Great news, but you'll need to wash off the red chin lint and leave the beard-growing to real men.

Elvis -- If Dubya and Dick Cheney see your hair, they're gonna issue a drilling license to Exxon to ease the oil crunch. Better get a helmet.

Hiram -- I generally enjoy your wit on the forum. But you're an cubicle geek in New Jersey. I can't cut you any lower than that. BTW, I'm sure it's the "pretty part" of New Jersey that nobody's ever seen.

Mensch -- Okay, the 'Nsync boy-band member get-up was a hoot at the Holloween party, but that was three months ago. Give it up unless you really ARE trying to lure 12-year-old girls and boys. You're a funny guy on the forum, and we don't want to see you get arrested. Prison dudes have a hankering for boy-band types.

Pawbroon -- We all know the French are obnoxious, Jerry Lewis-loving, entrail-eating, French language bigots, but they have STYLE, dammit! That Bubba look in your picture is pure Mississippi redneck. Are you really a Frog? I was initially impressed when I saw upholstered bicycle seats in Paris, but I now fear it was just your matted nosehairs cemented firmly to the seats by expended bodily fluids.

Babra -- David Koresh was calling your name in Waco. Go back and try again.

Mark IV -- I hate you even more than before for having a pretty girlfriend and a chin (is that chin surgically enhanced?). It is a strange concurrence indeed that California's power outtage problems arose just after you purchased the new lava lamp, together with the extra-large jar of Mr. T's love lotion and the "Monster Mike" machine that stands in for you on those numerous occasions when you are unable to fulfill your responsibilities as a Real Man.

Peng -- What can I say? You Da Man!! A true beacon for all deviants worried about their place in the Universe.

Now, some of you may disagree with these Lawyerly observations, but your opinions do not matter in the Halls of Power where Lawyer plies his trade. Remember, I count the chads.

Others may question what right the Lawyer has to enter the Cesspool and make such observations that a fair person might conclude are somewhat critical and personal.

Be advised that I have convincingly slain certain of your members in personal combat, two of whom are pictured on Lorak's page. For example, I am methodically re-decorating my entire house in Morse-skin, even though its value is diminished greatly by the ease with which it is acquired.

On the other hand, I find that Mark IV-skin is more appropriate for the bathroom where his honor is better memorialized by the environment. 'Tis a sorry state of affairs when the computer AI becomes so embarrassed by player ineptitude that it surrenders one's forces in a vain attempt to salvage some degree of personal respect which the human player has frittered away. Worse yet when the vanquished one slithers off, leaving shiny trails of invertebrate mucus, while murmuring excuses...

Some of your will, no doubt, feel a need to thank me for providing these keen observations. Think nothing of it, Friends. As a Man of the Law, I am committed to pro bono service on behalf of the public.

As Always, I Remain,

The Lawyer


Only the Lawyer knows what Evil lurks in the minds of men....

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Umm.. It is aussie day, my e-mail is down, and the pool is starting to take on a sweet smell...

Guess it is time for Berli to try on those new Ice Skates he got for the holidays.

Tome update:


Herr Oberst-win

Lorak the loathed

Ahem, Lorak.

How did we both win?

You dolt! I WON!

So put down the pot and get it right lad.


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Jake (aka The Lawyer)'s ramblings are always interesting. They always harken me back and remind me of my clients that I'd visit at Western State Mental Hospital for the Incredibly Delusional.

Course Jake, other than having a law degree is no more a lawyer than Hiram's picture isn't a booking photo. See he's a gov'mint man. He wouldn't know the Practice unless he had a TV guide propped up against the rabbit ears of his b&w TV in his gov'mint issued double wide annex trailer where he's been banished after a sad incident with a 16 yr old intern.

Now Jake is a good sort, frankly he deserves an automatic pass to pool membership. He is a Lawyer after all. But he does make us all feel good. Like as we walk to the other side of the street to avoid the passed out drunk, pissed stained dungareed, will vomit for food, homeless deranged mongoloid village idiot crack whore lying in the gutter, kind of good that it isn't us.

Jake boasts of his prowess in our current game, hmmm he has MG'gunned down a mortar crew upon entering a house (visibility in our snowy winterland is 60m so what ya going to do with them). He specializes in shooting others in the back (he is gov'mint after all- can you say Waco and Ruby Ridge boys and girls? And he is playing the jack-booted thug side) On the flip side he has stumbled on an ambush or two, lost his armored car, and is generally displaying the abilities to Francis the talking mule.

As to my looks Mr LawDegree, I admit that thinning up top is a natural occurrence. One that I do not care about. After all Look at Berli, evilness is beyond such.I take succor in that for every 10% increase in grayness my hourly rate goes up $15. As for you I already know you are Janet Reno's' abandoned Love Child, why else would the gov'mint give you a job in Billy Bob's administration of Love? Hmmmmm?


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

This message has been edited by jd to cause increased irritation

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-26-2001).]

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Yeah!! Roight! Whatever!!

And that one is for PawBroon!!


Have I just been called an obnoxious Jerry Lewis lover by a lawyer?!

I am NOT obnoxious, I am French.

Now that alone is spelling redundancy, but how would you know?

To tell you the truth I feel grand.

Mind you tis all metaphorical as I have been known to have a verticality problem which could only be overshadowed by the severe application of the aforementioned obnoxious-ness.

But there is joy in downsizing!

We dwarves are sporting a comparatively, err, anyway.

My pic was straight out of a webcam "Say Hi to Emma" show.

And seeing as I come looking like a bulging hulk of colonial stifness, I'm quite proud.

So you cheeky bastard, instead of prowling and drooling on Poolers pics, go get a life and post elsewhere!


And for Hiram's sake, Hi Mom!!


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Originally posted by mensch:

I'll slip in at the back

Hee hee hee! There is no back door where I live. Unless you were talking about . . . <shudders at the thought> never mind! Ö



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

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BTW vive la grenouille! (bang

Now send a turn you vile bit of frenchness

Good that all is bright and cheery and better after your major sucking up (hmmm there lies a tale methinks)

Now Die a Lot™


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Lawyer insulted:

Lorak, Berlichtingen, JD Morse, Stuka, Dalem, Three Losers in London, Chupawhatever,

PNZ, Elvis, Hiram, Mensch, Pawbroon, Babra, Mark IV, Peng

I guess I got the ultimate insult by not being insulted. Where's my insult? I want my insult too, damn you!!! This is SO not fair!!! Someone get that jagoff back in here and make him insult me!!!!! =(



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

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Originally posted by jd:

Good that all is bright and cheery and better after your major sucking up.

Well yes.

I did perform some 6+ Lewinskies.

On certain I might say it was akin to massive surgery.

But then I am not known to be a performer.

The turn you are refering too is waiting in my ToDo folder itself being in the PBEM folder in the Combat Mission folder in my C drive.

Now as a lawyer I know you love to dwell on such niceties like details and long procedural and oratorical paring but what I am merely trying to convey is that I KNOW I owe you a game, I KNOW where I could find it and I KNOW I am ignoring you on purpose.

Now you're in the known too...

I hope you feel better now that you're informed.

Should you require further assitance or maybe some guidance by some of us Europeans, ask our way, I'd put your request in my Ignore folder itself being in the Poolers folder in the Peng Challenge Thread folder in my C drive.

But by now you should know the drill.

Yours wretchedfully, PawBroon, He of YouNameIt.


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Pawbroon -- We all MAY THINK the French are obnoxious, Jerry Lewis-loving, entrail-eating, French language bigots, but what the hell do we know? That thoughtful look in your picture is pure ARGHHHHHHHH Are you really that sexy? I was initially impressed when I saw your posts on this thread but felt I was capable of better, but I now fear that this was just wishful thinking on my part. I could never hope to achieve anywhere near your obvious flair for quick thinking, witty, loving, caring, friendy,thought provoking,handsome, SEX ON LEGS guy that you are.

P.S. Expended bodily fluids......... Yep you got that bit right he has that ON TAP biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Someone get that jagoff back in here and make him insult me!!

Ok, ok.

I'm doing this strictly out of charity and because I'm a Frog and I hate it when a woman is clearly lacking a service that should have been provided profusely before.

Here is your insult on behalf of that half witted Lawsuit:

Kitty!! You two cents looking pseudo Paul Hogan with a counterfeited Crocodile Dundee look, drop that fish and give a hug to the group!!

Voila, hope that helped...

Now if someone would be so kind as to tell me who's the guy with the Dalem hair and the SS cap?!


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 01-26-2001).]

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I can do it for him if you want Kitty.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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Kitty, by personal request::

"Les boys wear SS caps, but it's all in fun, now" Are you the posterchild for PETA fund-raising, or what?? It's time to put this SS hamster lust thing back in the bottle it came from. You are the cause of too many messy keyboards from what I observe in these posts.


I knew JD Morse, Sir, and you are not him. He was a real UPPER CASE guy, but you are lower case in all respects. Despite your limp efforts to denigrate my lawyerness, I remain fully involved in making the laws that your administrative assistant runs through the computer forms service to issue a result, before you add your undeserved mark-up to clients for dealing with gub'ment agencies that will answer their quesitons for free. Now return to your clerk's stool, grap your quill pen, and file another claim against the taxpayers to support your Gucci lifestyle before Bob Cratchitt takes your job away.

As to our current game, we shall see how this Blow in the Snow ends up. Killing a scout car is the price of victory for my brave soldiers.


Res ipsa loquitur, QED, and all that stuff, Mon Ami. I cannot fathom half of what you say, but I suspect that is intentional subterfuge on your part. Clever French bastards.


Only the Lawyer knows what Evil lurks in the minds of men....

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Lawyer:

Germanboy -- Blahblahblah

Hey, you brag about being 32. It's time to get a job and pay taxes like the rest of us.

I realise you may have been too busy ambulance chasing, or working on getting a degree through having John Grisham novels read to you by someone literate, but I do indeed have a job and pay taxes. Was there something else except for pure envy? Now go and look for someone who may have a claim.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Well, well. Look who's grown a pair... of lungs, great blowhard that he is. The skulking Lawyer.

A word of introduction for this fine gentleworm to the Cesspool: He should have been here long ago, but didn't have the guts, I having spilled them all in France in the Original Lawyer's Challenge. I have the Trophy to prove it, ensconced in a Place of Honor, somewhere under my white laundry.

Didn't see him chortling here 'bout that one, did we? What a godawful bloody massacre. My men were sick for weeks at the carnage, though nausea was the only injury they suffered.

Yes, he was able to eke something Minor out of our last affair, despite the most laughable advance in history, thanks to overwhelming numbers and my experimental defense, which hinged on antiaircraft trucks. 'Struth, I had so much fun mulching Germanboy's paratroops with the Sfkz 7/1 or whatever the hell it is, I got a little carried away, and the Lawyer had a lucky day. He still died in droves and somewhere I've got the numbers to prove it.

Please join me in spurning and scorning him. Do not fear a game with him, he is a graduate cum laud of the Seanachai & Babra Center for Armor Management and his forces will consist entirely of foot by turn 4.

I also have his picture and will post it to Lorak unless $50,000 USD are posted to my account within 24 hours, though this is probably a meaningless threat to a shameless Lawyer.

About that fish (as I told Lorak):

We were both taken by the Japanese at about the same time. Shortly after the picture was taken, the fish was killed.

I am forced to take its place in the work details now.

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Notice to Septic Tank Residents:

Others may question what right the Lawyer has to enter the Cesspool and make such observations that a fair person might conclude are somewhat critical and personal.

As Always, I Remain,

The Lawyer

Actually, we've been wondering for some time why you weren't here already. There was even a move afoot some time ago to draft you in; now I can see why.

And just because I am not photogenic does not mean I should be passed over like some poor relation. My personal appearance is usually the least of the reasons I receive insults. But there, some, like Ross Perot and yourself, need visual aids before they can make even the most mundane point.

Morse, prepare a lawsuit for me against your friend, for the mental anguish I suffered from his failure to insult me properly.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Despite the kind words and recommendations, pustulations (sic) and rendering of bona fides by some of the highly eh-steamed members of the 'pool, The Lawyer's obvious bid for inclusion into this exclusionary fraternity of sewer rats, castaway alligators and other such denizens of slime is bereft of a singular taunt and challenge.

That is unless my fellow pudlians would extend to this uttermonger the same courtesy as was shown to the Bald One.

What say ye?


"Moriarty, you suck." -- Dunno, but somebody must've said it somewhere along the line

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Hehehe... The feasting is pretty good in the soft white underbelly of the Pool where the skin is thinnest.

To be honest (trust me, I'm always honest), jd has not served the Pool's interests adequately as a legal representative. Sure, he's a lawyer, but he's not a Washington Lawyer. I doubt if he even knows how to bill mulitple clients full freight for the same document. Furthermore, I highly suspect from what I've seen that he eats off a plate and uses silverware at home. Probably doesn't even steal towels from hotels. Bad form.


Only the Lawyer knows what Evil lurks in the minds of men....

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As one of my partners said "Never vote for anyone who wants the job" Jake is fickle. Whether he could accepted, wants to, or fit in is yet to be seen. After all we have standards. Could the pool really stand two lawyers and a Mortgage Broker (say it ain't so Joe!)

Reminds me of a little saying. In any town with one lawyer, he'll go broke. Now two in the same town, why then they'll both get rich.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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