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A Thousand Points of Peng, A Kindler, More Gentler Cess

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Chigai! Baasudai to itte, japrish da zo! Tanjoobi to iu hoo ga ii, zo. Honto ni nihonteki da.

Nihontekika. Bakayaroo - ima no nihonjinga minasan modaan desu. Amerikagoga ii desu. Baasudai to itte. Demo, orega tanjoobiwo wasureta. Sumimasen.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

I think we need to set up a cage, and lock Shandorf, Cavscout, the "other" Jeff, and Slapdragon in it until only one remains standing. Also, I couldn't help but notice that Cavscout showed up 12 minutes after the Shandy's first message, JH at 14 minutes, and by the end of the first hour, the fur was flying b/w all four. Holy Crap batman, do these people live on the board?

Jeffy, maybe you should consider staying in the pool where you are at least hated with style.

Maybe I should. At least Jason Cawley showed up and basically said that my basic premise was correct, of the Sherman's design in '41 is basically the same as the Panther's in '43 in the essence of tank design.

Nuff' Talk! Fight! Ahhhhhhhh!

Group hug. Come one people. Group hug. Mace! Get you had off my ass! I don't care if if you were only checking to see if it felt "furry"!


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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

OK, it's not a great picture, but whatever:


It's not my car, though. I just borrowed it.

Having lunched with someone who purported to be Ethan at the time, about 3/4 of a year ago in London, I can attest that he would need pretty strong hallucinogens to even be able to dream of looking like good ol' Nick. Sorry Ethan, you may have thought your secret was safe with me - it was not.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Nihontekika. Bakayaroo - ima no nihonjinga minasan modaan desu. Amerikagoga ii desu. Baasudai to itte. Demo, orega tanjoobiwo wasureta. Sumimasen.

Saa, modanboi ga minna furusato no fuzoku o wasurechatta, ze. Mukashikatagi wa shinde aru no de sabishii. Tabun, seppuku o suru hoo ga ii, ka? Chigai! Lorak no hakai ichiban da zo!

Ome ga boku no tanjoobi o wasurete, burei da! Nureta udon ni muchiuchiroo!

Hakko Ichiu

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Lorak's thread has really become quite the eye opening experience. I no longer fear Berli because he looks like my uncle Albert. You are people after all. Who would have thought?

Gods above and below, I fear him now more than ever. And I'm worried about your Uncle Alber, too.

I'm waiting to see Seanachai. I bet he is a hirsute dwarf with a paunch the size of Rhode Island.

Why post a picture? You've captured me in all my primal glory. I look exactly like a Greek God: Pan. You should have been a painter. Oh, well, I'll see if I can find something that won't frighten too many people and send it to Lorak.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

BTW, jd's picture can't be real. He looks like a real estate agent... Shudder...

All right , that it. I have had it. You mongoloid, inbred product of Arkansas lovin, you pasty faced, spittle flecked guano imbibing, two timin mother of a New Zealand sheep shaggger ie GAZ_NZ) and a crodafied idjit. (sorry, didn't mean to demean anyone with Down's syndrome by equating them with you)...... I have silently abided with the various comments regarding my photo, most of which imply that I will suck your soul and leave your dull lifeless carcass to blow about as tumbleweed (which I find entirely accurate and flattering), but sir, and I loose the term as loose as it can be, like a crack junkies pants in a 2 bit dive, that cannot stay up, You have gone too far.

I take solace in and cultivate a predatory presence, but to liken my mien to a *** shudder *** real estate agent has crossed the line. You once tried to suck me into a ASL based farce, well my dear Verbotenboy, I demand satisfaction for this ultimate insult. Voracious, soulless and without pity, I may be, but never would I sink to that. You may expect a setup shortly you toad, (Again I mean no disrespect to our amphibian challenged friends)


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-24-2001).]

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Lets see what the old Tome update holds today.

First, new pictures of:

Elvis,Hiram,Mensch,Pawbroon,Babra,Mark IV,

and David.

For game updates.... All I can say is that I am disapointed in you lot. (even more so than normal.) Kitty has advised me that her record was about as right as mace's sex life.

Seems several of you, have been holding back on letting us know Kitty has scratched your eyes out.



Kitty- 2 wins

Mace- 2 loses







As for Kitty... I would have to place her as a Brujah justicar. If any of you uneducated dolts even know what that is I'll be surprised.

Now for more teachings from the Lorak. When the french king and his puppet pope decided to sell out the templars and murder them for a few coins, he sold his country out for eternity. Notice that since that day France has not become, nor will ever become anything. Sadly for the King, the majority of the templars made thier escape taking the riches with them. They fled to Ireland, Scotland, Germany, ect... Afterwords the Templars (who had actualy started the "banking" process, by loaning money to other lords and kings), setteled down unknown in Sweeden. There, they took thier riches and founded the great banking kingdom. The only thing they really changed was thier red cross on a white standard, to a white cross on a red standard....

Just a little something to think about.

Lorak the loathed.


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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SITREP. I have assaulted, and breached check 6's 1st line of defense. After reaching the woods I found my previous report to be accurate. Manny MG/AT bunkers and mine fields were encountered. All enemy strong points thus far have been prosecuted with maximum overkill (Marine Style).


Ammo: adequate.

At this time the situation is stable. I am pushing forward.


Semper Fi.

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Now for more teachings from the Lorak. When the french king and his puppet pope decided to sell out the templars and murder them for a few coins, he sold his country out for eternity. Notice that since that day France has not become, nor will ever become anything. Sadly for the King, the majority of the templars made thier escape taking the riches with them. They fled to Ireland, Scotland, Germany, ect... Afterwords the Templars (who had actualy started the "banking" process, by loaning money to other lords and kings), setteled down unknown in Sweeden. There, they took thier riches and founded the great banking kingdom. The only thing they really changed was thier red cross on a white standard, to a white cross on a red standard....

Just a little something to think about.

Lorak the loathed.

I remember fighting against the Templars in the AD&D computer Game of Dark Sun. They cast cleric spells and could be difficult to kill but surrounding them and hacking them to pieces always seemed to be effective.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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jd has (as our friend Senility might say) the right of it when he postualtes that:

I take solace in and cultivate a predatory presence, but to liken my mien to a *** shudder *** real estate agent has crossed the


Now while we Knights of the Pool have plumbed the depths of depravity (yes, yes Mace, well done, now stop bowing) as well as the depths of the 'pool (I found a lovely red chew toy yesterday) we have certain standards ... unwritten certainly, unverifiable without a doubt, but there nonetheless. For Andreas to then stoop (sit DOWN Blousehouse) to an insult that ... that VILE, well, it passes belief. Not that I doubt that he would do something that evil, mind you, merely that I didn't believe he understood the concept of a {shudder} Real Estate Agent. As a long time mortgage banker I can but verify that jd is correct in his assessment.

Time my friends (and Andreas), indeed past time for this behavior to stop! I say enough of the politics of personal destruction, enough of the comparisons to barnyard animals, enough of the disparagement of the intelligence of the pooldwellers. Let this kinder, gentler 'pool be a model for the board, indeed a model for the entire wargaming community in our civility and deportment. Are you with me 'poolers?

BTW, what kind of a goofy lawyer wears a green suit for gawd's sake? What the hell is he, the corporate attorney for the Jolly Green Giant?


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Originally posted by Mark IV:

What kind of snail-breathed pind**k would sit around reading people's posting histories?

The kind of person who has not yet sunk to the depths of posting insanities regularly to this thread...

My latest project is to determine the mean time btween a posting of Jeff heidmann and a response of Slapdragon.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Time my friends (and Andreas), indeed past time for this behavior to stop! I say enough of the politics of personal destruction, enough of the comparisons to barnyard animals, enough of the disparagement of the intelligence of the pooldwellers. Let this kinder, gentler 'pool be a model for the board, indeed a model for the entire wargaming community in our civility and deportment. Are you with me 'poolers?

BTW, what kind of a goofy lawyer wears a green suit for gawd's sake? What the hell is he, the corporate attorney for the Jolly Green Giant?


Joe, you seem to be so full of crap that I can guess that your eyes are brown. Perhaps a picture sent to Lorak will tell.

Disparagement and comparason are my forte, so I will not hop onto your mormon bandwagon.

Maybe a picture of a mormon wife will be sufficient for your purposes. We can only hope.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

[This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 01-24-2001).]

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Kitty a Brujah Justica? Naah, she's Sabbat! Probably true-hand and all that.

Wait, Lorak, clearly you're a bloody big geek, damn you! Get back in your hole geek boy!

*prods Lorak with his big geek stick*


ps. Thanks to all those who deigned to grace my inbox with turns. Idjits.


"Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

"Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

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Joe, you seem to be so full of crap that I can guess that your eyes are brown.
Oh I say, Hiram, well done, I haven't seen an insult that cleverly crafted since ... oh ... grade school I believe. Although I must admit {gag} that many of your later postings have shown a spark ... a dim, fleeting, spark admittedly, of wit. I can only attribute it to environment rather than any native talent on your part.

As to a photo, let the dwellers of The One The True Cesspool be united in their sense of anticipation. Indeed I suspect that nothing will be so greatly anticipated since ... well since the release of CM itself! Who can forget the days of waiting, the heatbeats speeding up as the postman walked to the door, the constant monitoring of the board for further sightings to determine how close it was getting and the fumbling and tearing of the envelope when it finally arrived. Be advised my friends (and Andreas) that a photo of Joe R. Shaw has been submitted to Lorak. Look upon my visage ... and be in awe.


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As much as I loath to admit that other people are right, even more than I loath myself, I have to agree with you.

Granted I gave Kitty to the brujah thinking she would be a member of the camarilla. But with your post I am not too sure.

I would hazard to say that she could be a member of the sabbat.....

Or better yet. I see her as an Assamite.

Really no matter, I would grant her a dwelling in my domain.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

/QUOTE] Oh I say, Hiram, well done, I haven't seen an insult that cleverly crafted since ... oh ... grade school I believe. Although I must admit {gag} that many of your later postings have shown a spark ... a dim, fleeting, spark admittedly, of wit. I can only attribute it to environment rather than any native talent on your part.

Look upon my visage ... and be in awe.


Sad, silly Joe. We are not anticipating the nausea that accompanies looking upon your visage. We don't look forward to the weeping and gnashing of teeth that we experience when we see a mistake of nature. There is nothing kind or gracious about what God Almighty has decided to do to Joe Shaw. We can only hid our contempt for a short amount of time and perhaps bow our heads in shame because we know that there are some sad individuals in our lives that are cursed with ugliness so base and profound.

Do we walk on by and pretend not to notice the train wreck on a JPEG that is Joe Shaw? Maybe he has a cup that we can throw some change into to provide some salve for our souls. We can sleep a little better knowing that Joe might have enough money to buy a hat to place upon his festering scalp.

Compared to you Joe, we are Adonis's and Aprho-fricken-dites.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Lorak! Did I not beat you with my Geek Stick?! NOW GET BACK IN YOUR HOLE BOY! I'm tired of your namby pamby acceptance of your geekiness and it is time a solid beating got it out of your system.

If i have to raise my Geek Stick again I'm going to be mighty tee'd off young man!


Does anyone else get the feeling, when looking at JD's picture that he's going to try and sell you something?



"Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

"Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

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ooOOOgah, ooOOOgah, ooOOOgah,

Attention, attention all CessPoolers ... Time for a game update ... now that my damn computer is back, for the time being anyway

jd - Still in the early days, he's complaining about the defense he's using and even suggested that Peng set it up. Curious since it was a QB ... HELLOOOO!

Eathanwhosenamesoundslikeasneeze - Since the nearly terminal illness of my PC forced me to reload everything from scratch I lost my link to V1.05. I asked Eathan to convert our battle to V1.1, he promised to look at it but so far ... nothing. I suspect that his flaming beacons in the snow (i.e. Shermans) have made the conversion less of a priority than it might have been had the battle been going his way.

Mace - Let's face it lads, luck plays a part in this game. I must report that my brave American lads, while holding fast on my right, have had less ... success ... on the left. He is demanding a surrender, I am laughing in his face. If he wants more than he has now ... he'll have to come and take it.

Goanna - Goanna has indeed returned to the living (well, as close as he comes in any case) and he and I have a game in which he is attacking across a bridge with his brave French {snigger}. So far there is a LOT of smoke, all his ... some deliberate ... most not.

That is all, carry on.


[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 01-24-2001).]

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Lorak! Did I not beat you with my Geek Stick?! NOW GET BACK IN YOUR HOLE BOY! I'm tired of your namby pamby acceptance of your geekiness and it is time a solid beating got it out of your system.

LMAO... This coming from someone who said to themselves:

"gee golly, them englishman sure are swell, I wish I could be so fortunate to be called a limey one day..."

and then packed up and moved to London to make your dreams come true. I can only assume that it had something to do with the NZ women being so lovely that you couldn't handle it. So you ran to a woman more your speed.. like Margret Thatcher.

yep, nothing in london but moles and trolls.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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Hiram (and we've all SEEN his photo) spewed the following: Do we walk on by and pretend not to notice the train wreck on a JPEG that is Joe Shaw?
Did I not say that some of his posts were beginning ... BEGINNING mind you ... to show some promise? Not bad for someone who wandered in not so long ago with hat in hand begging for a crust of bread and a kind word ... not that he got either of course. Although there were a few crusty words so perhaps we came close. But for Hiram to spew forth such venom ... sight unseen mind you, suggests to the inquiring mind that perhaps there is more to the story than would appear. We have all seen his photo, but how, I ask you, do we know that it IS Hiram! Now admittedly the photo is of a character that approximates what we have expected, the weak chin, the shifty eyes, the downtrodden expression, the slight line of drool from the corner of the trembling mouth, it was all of a piece that just said ... HIRAM. But perhaps the REAL Hiram is even less than that? Perhaps he disparages others, even before he has seen them, in order to hide the truth. Buck up, young Hiram, and remember one word ... SURGERY.

And then our Gangrene Gyrene forgets his place in the grand scheme of things ... i.e. a 'pool rookie, not even a squire ... AND A MARINE ... and dares to attempt to KEEP SCORE!

HS=1 : JS=0

Thanks for your opinion, Jarhead, let's hope the match doesn't continue much longer or we'll exceed your ability to keep track. And I speak as one who has a son in the Marines, a nephew in the Marines and a brother who is a former Marine ... none of them had a clue either.


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So I talk to my friends about CM, sing its praises.

I tell them about the BTS Board, and the Pool, and they say "Oh, I bet everyone's pretty geeky, huh?"

And I say, "No, not everyone; the nice part about CM is that all different sorts can enjoy it - history buffs, gamers, humans, game trolls, guys named Elijah. Really, we're not that bad."

And now I look at Lorak's ever-swelling Lair of Truth, a multipage "Have You Seen Me" milk carton of festering geekdom, the hideous funhouse-mirror visages staring out like a cave painter's first efforts, and I realize that I'm the galaxy's most abominable liar.

I weep for us all.

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The world is good. I just spent an hour at www.yojoe.com watching old GI Joe toy commercials. I love the Internet. God bless that lying bastard Al Gore.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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