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COMBAT MISSIONS: Quality Control ?

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Over the past few months or so, i have been receiving a steady stream of criticism regarding some of the content that has been published on the site. Basically, this has been specifically directed at the lack of quality and historical accuracy of the some of the material that has been submitted.

From my point of view, all i am trying to do is support this game, nothing more - nothing less, but much of the difficulty for me is in finding a balance between allowing people a platform and the opportunity to have their work published or barring them from the site because they don't know as much as some people do about modding, scenario design or writing about WW2 topics.

Should i run a poll on the forum every time there is a new mod, article or scenario that has been submitted, or maybe set up a committee that passes judgement on whether something is worthy of publishing or not?

I mean, what do people in the Community REALLY WANT from a CM site? I would be very interested to find out. Also, do other CM webmasters get this?

p.s - I spend a helluva lot of time working on CMs and i have spent the equivalent of about 25 packages of CMBO delivered to my doorstep in keeping it running. I'm away on holiday in the next few weeks. While i'm away i'm going to have a serious think about whether i really need this hassle.

p.p.s - the Dirty Half Dozen has been disbanded. I would personally like to thank

Admiral Keth, Clubfoot, Franko, Gen.Sosboski & Rommel 22 for the time and effort they put into the site. I know that they are all busy with other CM websites/projects and i wish them well with the work that they are doing.

[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: Manx ]

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I sure would be sorry to see your site go. :( My view is put everything up on the site. People can download/read/use what they want and if they don't like something they can just avoid it. I've downloaded a ton of stuff from your site. If there was something I didn't like I just passed it by. I don't know why people want to bitch at you about something they don't like. I hope you don't let these folks run you off; although, I understand if you choose not to deal with it anymore.

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Manx--Keep up the good work. Your site is amazing, and I, semi-grog that I am, have little to complain about in the way of historical accuracy.

Just ignore the naysayers and keep hope alive.


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Well Manx, I think you do a hell of a job on your site.

I have yet to see you post any mods that didn't look nice. And everything else is just fine too.

I'll tell you, it's nice to have choices. Choice is a great concept and thanks for supporting it.

Some people may know more about WWII than others on here, but so what, what is that gonna get them on the street in the real world? It's nice in the fact that you can ask a question and know you will get an answer, that helps for the less informed like me. But for said self proclaimed experts to give you **** for the content you post on your website, well that's pure arrogants.

CM is a game that we all love. That's what has brought us all here and makes us visit your great site. For anyone to raise hell with you and to critisize others work because they are not as knowledeable about WWII is a bunch of uppity bull. WWII is one event in a world of thousands of years of events. I find it funny when other people take on a holier than thou attitude because they know more about a particular subject than someone else. Usually these types of people who critisize other's because they are not as smart about a particular subject are making up for their own inferiority complexes or are just assh**es in general.

I say take your vacation and don't even think about this. F*ck Them! You do a great job. Have a good time and know you have atleast one guy who supports your's and all the other modders's, scenario designers's, and article writers's efforts.


[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: Mord ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lassner:


Yours is a wonderful site. Ignore the idiotic criticism.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well said. Maybe a hole bunch of us should just send in well done emails. ;)

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your site is truly excellent. A lot of people on this forum just like to complain :rolleyes:

All articles are the opinions of their authors and you are merely giving others the chance to read them. If they don't like them .... tough! They can put up their own website ;)

The less they know the more they like to offer their "expert" opinions. If you don't believe me, go check out the General Forum where a bunch of guys who've never left N.America like to dish out opinions to all the other countries in the world.

Bottom line: Don't let the B#$tards get you down!

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i'm certain that my sentiments will be echoed many times over, however, i find your site to be the definitive CMBO destination (for the impressive collection of mods as well as the encyclopedic mod list) and i would hate to see it disappear from the scene. i use the resources i want and have no desire to criticize what i personally don't wish to use. i'm sorry that your expenses are becoming a factor in the continued existence of the site, but please don't close up shop... besides, i hope to be downloading CM2 mods from your spot before long.

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You guy's are TOO MUCH! ;)

One email i received (no names), mentioned the fact that since the site may be visited by a large number of people who might be new to CM or WW2, that the accuracy of any work submitted to the site, SHOULD be of paramount importantance, since it would be quite easy for said visitors to come away from the site mis-informed or even mislead about either subjects.

I would tend to agree with that comment.

[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: Manx ]

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Manx, a top site - well laid out and tons of content. Thanks for making the effort!!

Whilst we would like all content everywhere to be spot on all the time, it isn't going to happen. We all do the best we can do.

If a "newbie" to WWII history should pick up some incorrect info from one of the contributors to your site, oh well. Learned and published historians and (possibly) even grogs get it wrong some times. For example, many WWII historians will argue that Operation Barbarossa failed because it was delayed while Hitler bailed Mussolini out of Greece. According to Keegan that just isn't so, Hitler had to wait for the spring thaw to finish before Barbarossa got underway, Greece was a done deal before then.

So do what you want to do, and know that I am one of presumably many who frequent your site and appreciate it's existence.



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Point taken Manx BUT

People must *always* be sensitive to the source of their information - this, after all, is the reason for footnotes and other such citations. Your site does not purport to be either an historical one, nor a scholarly one. It is a mod site for CM, and an excellent one. If people want accurate historical information they need to look elsewhere, period.

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One email i received (no names), mentioned the fact that since the site may be visited by a large number of people who might be new to CM or WW2, that the accuracy of any work submitted to the site, SHOULD be of paramount importantance, since it would be quite easy for said visitors to come away from the site mis-informed or even mislead about either subjects.

I would tend to agree with that comment.


I would agree too if it wasn't for the fact that there are plenty of expensive books on various subjects by various highly paid authors that contradict each other or are just pure fantasy.

The people who contribute to your site do it for free and the people who visit it don't pay anything either. If they don't like it let them move on. Everyone on this board stresses "Read multiple sources", I've read Beevor's version of Stalingrad and I've read Chuikov's, only one of them seem to contain mostly fact. I'll bet they both got paid well and they're both out there for everyone from the Grog's to the beginner to read.

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I'm pretty sure that every single piece of work on the site that has been submitted, contains the designers/authors/artists e-mail address so that any feedback (hopefully constructive) can be passed back to them immediately. With this in mind, anyone who has stuff posted can at any time send in updates and revisions if mistakes have been made. I would be more than willing to re-post the work until everyone is happy. I have no problem with that.

[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: Manx ]

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No it isn't intentional. Maybe it's panic downloading! :eek:

I want to continue with this site. If it comes down to having a rethink about what it hosts or the way in which it is run, i'm not sure about yet.

Whatever happens, if i do decide to close it down, i would attempt to pass on ALL CMs' content to other sites if they could accomodate it and it met with the general approval from the sites contributors.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

Manx, your site appears to be down. I hope it isn't intentional!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I hope so as well.

Manx, you have an incredible site. The best one around (sorry Madmatt). I am one of those historical stick-in-the-muds but if a mod is available and I don't particularly care for it, I just don't use it. Simple as that. But it's also not for me to say a particular mod is no good to someone else that might not care about how historical or accurate it is. They just think it's a cool mod. I think people should have a choice to all the available mods.

So don't let a few anal retentive, quasi-historians get you down. tongue.gif

You do an excellent job and I hope you continue to do so.

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One more thing.

I REALLY appreciate that you post mods you receive quickly. Sorry again Madmatt, I know you have many more pressing things with CM2. Maybe BTS should hire you to run CMHQ with your site layout? That would solve the problem.


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