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CM against the Software Industry

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Since I got CM, I have bought (Aug 2000) only one PC game and I’m currently playing CM exclusively.

So a terrible question arises: is the software industry running into a big depression due to Battlefront? :(

Is all this anything ethical? :eek:

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But that's like saying, um, is it alright to exterminate street beggars, because their children will be beggars, and their children, and so on and so on.

If you extrapolate the number of beggars by the number of people playing Combat Mission, there is a direct correlation.

Question: what do Combat Mission players put in to society which beggars take out? Answer: nothing!

I hope that this answers your question.

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Wow, Bates, that answer was quite lucid. I was thinking the exact same thing when I first read Knaust's post. :eek:

I think there are enough of "us" to keep BTS happy (based on their business model), but probably not enough of "us" to really hurt the sales of other software titles.

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Dunno Ryan, I'm of the opinion it would do the industry good to take a punch in the snoot. (Refer to the BTS Manifesto). The industry could use a good lesson on the harvest sewn from the seeds of arrogance.

There was a time when I purchased all sorts of games. It isn't so much CM which has brought about a change to that, rather the constant half baked half hearted games that continue to parade there way onto the shelves. Actually, I'm quite proud to say I have not purchased a single game since my purchase of CM back in the early fall of last year. So, personally I'm hoping that there "is" enough of us to bring pause to an industry that needs to do some soul searching. smile.gif

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I just got sick of having to wait for patches. You get a new game, you try to get into it but you have to stop because it's incomplete. As you wait for the "fix" you lose the initial enthusiasum for the game.

The thing that seperates CM from other games to me is the community surrounding it. With all of the Mod and Scenerio builders out there the game stays fresh and you can face the gamut of opponents.

So to BTS and everyone else whose contributed to keeping this a fun and interesting game...THANKS. smile.gif

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These responses are what I mean by "us." We know and love CM and probably won't buy as many, or any, other games. CM will certainly have an impact on the sales of other military strategy games, but probably won't significanly affect the sales of other types of games. We obviously don't know how many copies of CM have been sold, but I think it is safe to assume that if half the people who bought CM don't buy any other games or significantly reduce the number of games they buy, that number wouldn't be enough to hurt the rest of the PC gaming industry's sales. However, we can hope that other small scale software developers make an attempt to develop games using BTS's business model, and maybe some of the snooty companies will learn something as well. I think the ones who benefit are the gamers, because we will now have access to quality games from companies that care about customer satisfaction.

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Wargames are not that big a chunk of the computer game market. Most of the mainline gamers are into the FPS like Quake or real time "strategy". BTS isn't much threat to the mainstream computer crowd (they don't play wargames anyway). There will always be plenty of people who'll buy games like Redneck Rampage. However, for us grogs who want hardcore wargames, BTS is a refreshing relief to the constant dumbing down of wargames. The tastes of grogs and the tastes of the mainstream can be quite different.

The only game I am looking forward to this year are CM2 and IL-2 Sturmovik. Both are internet-only sales here in the US. No surprise. I think one of the things that makes CM unique is that it is attracting people who normally wouldn't touch a historically accurate, grog-type wargame. BTS has proven that internet-only sales can work and work big and that wargames are FAR from being dead. It's just that we grogs are a picky bunch. If we see crap games, we say so and we don't buy them. The suits at the big software developers have to justify their stupid decisions and poor sales. What better way than to blame the wargaming crowd as "too picky" or that wargaming is dead. The sales of CM have proven that dead wrong.

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My name is lcm1947 and I have to admit that I have bought one other game (Blade of Darkness) since buying CM. I apologize to everyone and hope I will still go to heaven but I did do it. It won't happen again until CM2 comes out - I promise. Just a very dumb stupid action on my part. Again, I apologize to everyone and beg forgiveness. :D

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Last figures I checked indicated that Pokemon Gold/Silver for PlayStation had sold 250 000 units already in its first week just HERE in France.

The computing industry might be pleased by the concept of BTS like games.

250 000 odd units is a LOT to sell to the masses.

So try hard and look if the computing industry will suddenly start to produce new gems on players behalf...

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Guest ckoharik

Well, I for one have bought several games. But, unfortunately for the publishers I have pretty much returned them all after just a day or two. CMBO has spoiled me rotten.

All Pokemon must die!!! Wonder how old Peek-At-Choo would fare taking an 88/L71 down the pipe?

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Wow, hunting pokemon with a JagdTiger gun... cool mod !!! Somebody makes a pikachu-face mod, just as the hamster one !!!

Maybe BTS sell a gigazillion extra copies by labeling them Combat Mission: Beyond Pikachu, purple edition. Just maybe.

And Blade of Darkness is cool !!!!! :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blenheim:

Wow, hunting pokemon with a JagdTiger gun... cool mod !!! Somebody makes a pikachu-face mod, just as the hamster one !!!

Maybe BTS sell a gigazillion extra copies by labeling them Combat Mission: Beyond Pikachu, purple edition. Just maybe.

And Blade of Darkness is cool !!!!! :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A Sherman with a Pikachu face mod for the crew.


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I bought Squad Leader and Microsoft's WW II flight simulator at XMAS time...then I got my CM. I gave away my Panzer Commander, shelved Close Combat 2, 3, and 4, and haven't looked at Steel Panthers 1, 2 or 3 since CM came along.

How smart of them to leave all the art work open ended! And the message board...and the map editor...

I am for the first time seriously thinking of junking my 1000 dollars worth of Squad Leader/Advanced Squad Leader stuff now collecting dust. I was in a hobby shop on the weekend, noticed an ASL module I didn't have - and felt NO compunction to buy it. I ran out of opponents about 10 years ago, but have dutifully bought the Battle of the Bulge historical module, as well as Pegasus Bridge...and have never even played a single scenario.

Can't wait for CM2.

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My purchasing of Computer games went waaaay down since buying CM. I use to grab stuff off the shelves like a mad man. having so many varied interests makes it hard to concentrate on just one thing....until Combat Mission that is.

I have purchased a few games since CM but most are old titles. The VERY few new games I did try went back within a day.

Bruno brought up a good point that I hope the rest of the Computer Industry would take to heart. BTS's Manifesto should be on the walls of every software company out there. Around the water tank, in the hallways, and plastered on the inside of the bathroom stalls.

Quit peddling crap to the lowest common denominator of Walmart Bargain Buyers and put some real game play back into games regardless of the generes. Make some decent games. If you are making a game about Vietnamese Oxcart Racing make it the best damn simulation of an ox cart race ever seen by man.

I have been spending alot of time on classic game sites lately and am amazed to the cockles of my little gaming heart at how much game play these guys put into these titles when RAM and Harddrives were just the kilobyte induced wet dreams, of Dorito munchin' geeks who hadn't seen the sun for three years. Hours upon hours of virtual bliss, at times under a meg of space! It seems to me that over the years the game has gone out of gaming and been replaced by the fast buck.

....Until Combat Mission that is.


[ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Mord ]

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Curse CM!!! I get home to the trailer park from the university early in the afternoon dont eat or even take a shower, just run to the computer till Midnight, hell sometimes three in the morning playing CM. Nothing gets done; no acedemic reading,term papers , reloading shotgun shells or going out with my girlfreind. I dont need anything else but the dust on face, clanging of the steel tracks of my half track ringing in my ears and the smell of deisel and the acrid smell of gun powder in my nostrils. Ah life is good!!! :cool:

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ralph Beaman:

Curse CM!!! I get home to the trailer park from the university early in the afternoon dont eat or even take a shower, just run to the computer till Midnight, hell sometimes three in the morning playing CM. Nothing gets done; no acedemic reading,term papers , reloading shotgun shells or going out with my girlfreind. I dont need anything else but the dust on face, clanging of the steel tracks of my half track ringing in my ears and the smell of deisel and the acrid smell of gun powder in my nostrils. Ah life is good!!! :cool:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's the spirit, Ralph. I left behind all my other games in Santa Cruz, hoping to become more productive. Leave it to my cousin Meeks/Hamsters to show me the path to CMBO obsession. Ah yes, life IS good.

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I don't think I ever really was part of the game software market.

I didn't buy computer games for years, the last one I bought was The Perfect General -- had hours of fun with that.

Although I did keep an eye out for "good games" on the shelves, I didn't see any, so I didn't buy any.

Finally a friend of mine sent me the BTS URL and the rest is history.

I think BTS is tapping into a different market than most other computer games, because CM players like thinking, planning, plotting, and then let loose to see what the result of the planning will be. Very different from those other games that depend largely on how fast you can click on a mouse.


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I still wander into the shops and see whether they've released anything:

a) Playable

B) Fun

c) Bug-free

I await the pleasure of such a game.

I have even stopped playing Black and White (which is produced by that demander of perfection Peter Molyneux, and is damn fine) because of my wretched PBEM existence.

Oh, the shame.

And my gf threatened to dump me if I keep playing CM at the rate I am.

I'll miss her.


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Well i haven't even thought of buying another game since CM

Now i play only 2 games, CM and Falcon 4. Both have a great support from hex editors, mod makers, graphic desiners etc.

Of course CM2 will change that smile.gif

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