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Frequently Asked Questions answered by cesspoolers from the Peng Thread™ v. 2


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As far as the 'movement to contact" issue is concerned, I beleive we have uncovered a grave error in the coding of the game engine itself.

I firmly beleive that a new 'movement' order is necessary and indeed, vital.

Let me introduce to you all, the "Absolutely freek'in Piss-bolt" order. With application of this command, all troops immediately drop all weapons, helmets, uniforms and in many cases, bowel contents and demonstrate fleetness of foot that would leave a gazelle crying in the dust, weakly flailing its forehoof in exasperation at its new role as 2nd quickest coward on the planet.

Its so obvious when you think about it.

BTS, pls fix, or do somefink.

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Minor point of clarification on the holding of VLs by crews, FOs, et al.

I have had VLs given to me that HAVE been held by these lower orders of the combat food chain, but only when they have been well behind my lines and my opponent has never come near them in a game.

As to flags in dispute, I tend to think the algorithm works something like the unit purchase screen, if I have a 200 point tank in the vicinity, it will hold it from lesser opposing units, but the flag will be in dispute if my opponent has a similar number of points worth of units near it and my opponent will get the flag if he has significant more points worth of units in the area.

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I have been learning a lot from losses to players that are bettter that me. I have started to beat those that were once better that me. I suspect you guys are even better, or at least more experianced. How do I get to learn from your wisdom against you on the battle feild? After all, you can only learn so much by reading posts.


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To learn from a CessPooligan on the battlefield requires one thing: A loud, poetic voice. Enter the Peng Thread, saunter up to the bar, throw back a whiskey, and insult the ugly cuss in the corner. Insult him so bad that he has no choice but to pay attention to you and wants badly to use your intestines to tie back his drapes. That should get you a game.

As for Blood Hamster:

If you've really gotten someone's goat so badly that they want to eat your ear lobes, they will call blood hamster on you...meaning you've got a bit of a grudge match on your hands.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Okay, since this is supposed to be the public service portion of the 'pool (practically a contradiction in terms) I will provide a serious (well as serious as I ever am) answer instead of slicing the skin from your furry little chest, prying the ribs out one by one, grabbing your breathing lungs and then jerking them from your torso so that they appear to form bloody wings! Oh wait ... I just did answer ... never mind.

As to the "hamster" issue ... it's a long and tragic story that PROBABLY has it's origin in Monty Python as in "Your father smelled of elderberries and your mother was a hamster."

Hope that helps, please continue to use the 'pool for the answers to those questions that have bedeviled mankind for centuries ... or at least as long as CM has been out.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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Originally posted by ArmorNut:

How do I get to learn from your wisdom against you on the battle field? After all, you can only learn so much by reading posts.

Most of us are already engaged in quite a number of games already.

What makes us at least not better but more suitable to play with is that we are playing each others and don't give a rat ass about whether we're winning or not.

We are mostly into style.

So show some quickness of wit and go insult someone in the Pool till you're peskering enough to be offered a game.

You will see tons of posts about why people play gamey or why some drop out of a game once they start loosing it.

You'll NEVER have that in the Peng Challenge Thread.

Now that you must be sufficiently aroused, stop fondling with yourself and start with some of our lowlifers like Mensch or Moriarty as they are quite 101 in teaching purpose...


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Originally posted by armornut:

How do I get to learn from your wisdom against you on the battle feild

There are ways but none of them are very pleasant. Please use the Cesspool for issuing challenges to cesspoolers.

However, I personally would recommend reading some of the AAR's over at combathq. I've always been partial to the lessons and material provided by Mr Fionn Kelly. If you have access to Real World instructions I would recommend studying those as well.

Still, the best way to get better at playing the game is to play the game, just like you said. I still recommend reading as much as you can get hold of though regarding Real World tactics. If you have the basics down you soon will learn when to apply what. So reading professional material can never be considered a waste of time when it comes to CM.



"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Tom Waits

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and wants badly to use your intestines to tie back his drapes.
Do you prefer the large or small intestines? I find that the large is just a bit ... much, but the small tend to clash with my puce and mauve color scheme.

Do not, gentle reader, get the impression that the 'poolers are actually competent at CM, they've merely been playing it long enough to know what the wrong moves are ... they continue to make them, mind you, but they KNOW! It's not so much a matter of how well you play, but how well you ... play. It's a zen kind of thing.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by PawBroon:

start with some of our lowlifers like Mensch or Moriarty as they are quite 101 in teaching purpose...

To paraphrase GriffinCheng:

If you have trouble beating the AI after giving yourself an advantage, there are always Mensch, Moriarty, Berlichtingen and Bauhaus.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

To paraphrase GriffinCheng:

If you have trouble beating the AI after giving yourself an advantage, there are always Mensch, Moriarty, Berlichtingen and Bauhaus.


is trying to blurt out of his blaber hole..is we (mensch, moriarty, berlichtingen, and bauhaus) are great players to pitch against, because we are always trying out new tactics and testing the limits with our equipment we bought, you see unlike Mr. I'MBUILDINGANOTHERFOURSTORIESTOMYEGO will laugh at your every move and flaw to the point you wonder, does this guy get laid or does he just play CM all day?

agian I hope that answered your question.



www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by armornut:

I have been learning a lot from losses to players that are bettter that me. I have started to beat those that were once better that me. I suspect you guys are even better, or at least more experianced. How do I get to learn from your wisdom against you on the battle feild? After all, you can only learn so much by reading posts.

There are two ways actually... one has been pointed out several times (one point... insult individuals, not the group as a whole). The other method would be to send an e-mail asking for a game. Other than Peng, most of us are generally civilized outside of the Pool... and Meeks... I meant to say Peng and Meeks

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I too am happy to play people outside the pool, just email me and ask (dynamo@pobox.com). However, I reserve the right to insult you if you are a gamey little bastiche, and if you feel you've learnt a lot (you can ask for a running commentary from me which discuss your fopish tactics and sloth like wit) then I simply crave control of your sig file for one month as payment.

Feel free to Die-a-lot-Now



"What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra

"Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy

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Originally posted by PawBroon:

start with some of our lowlifers like Mensch or Moriarty as they are quite 101 in teaching purpose...

quite true, and if you ever want to learn how to smell funny, look short and get laughed at by women on a daily basis.. call Parbroon, he's on his 12th Grand Masters Degree in Frenchness. You can start up with him.. just you'll have to become as short as a frenchman wear silly striped shirts and say "Oui Oui", you'll also have to call him Sifu Broonie and pay the regular fee for the 45th Gold Edition to a tribute to Jerry Louis (French national Hero) if this is up your ally drop Frenchie.. er I mean Prawnbroon a email addressed "I want to be as uncool as you"


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

To paraphrase GriffinCheng:

If you have trouble beating the AI after giving yourself an advantage, there are always Mensch, Moriarty, Berlichtingen and Bauhaus.

Now that was truly cruel...I think my feelings are hurt. Putting me in the same class with Moriarty....c'mon!

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Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

How do you win with British infantry?

Wasp, Sexton & FireFly.

I found those to be a bit overwhelming for my opponents.

No need to buy scores of them.

One well placed would do usually.

There is also that nice Arty as said above by CardboardAFV...

[Edited cuz I was too darn stoopid and forgot the Firefly]


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 02-21-2001).]

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How do you win with British infantry?
And USE those lovely little 2 inch mortars, while they're not as intimidating as 81s they will do a very nice job for you and you have one per platoon. You have smoke and HE, not a lot, but enough to do some good.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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OK, I have two questions. One of them is technical, and the other pertains to CM etiquette.

The embarrassing technical one first:

1) How do I include those fancified, clearly-marked, nicely indented quotes in my posts on this board? Whenever I post, I have to cut and paste from others' wisdom, and it never looks right. In fact, it always looks like I made it up myself, and this usually leads to costly and vindictive libel litigation.

And now, Dear Miss Manners:

2) What's the best way to tell an opponent that you think he's being gamey? Any anecdotes (with the names changed, of course) are very welcome, especially if they involve snippy counter-accusations.

Thank you and good night,


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To answer your polite and (may I say) MANNERLY questions:

1. When you are replying to a message you will see a link to the left of the message space entitled *UBB Code is ON. That link provides you with the instructions for doing all sorts of wonderous things such as:

Joe is truly a remarkable human being!
As you can see, this is a quote and therefore must be true. Basically you just type "[" "quote" "]" followed by whatever you chose to quote. At the end of your quote you type "[" "/quote" "]" to indicate the end of the quote.

2. This is a bad group to ask about gamey tactics. For the most part we tend to take a fairly lax view, I can't recall the last time I saw someone truly take another to task for being gamey. Maybe that's because we don't do it very often, but I think the whole "gamey" issue is overblown. Gamey tactics are, after all, in the eye of the beholder. What you may consider gamey I may find completely fair and reasonable. To answer your question, however, I would be honest and calm about it and say something like: "Gee, I was surprised to see you charge my position with those 50 snipers, that's not really very historical is it?" Then, depending on his answer, either play him again or not. If you're really worried about it, take the time to define what YOU consider gamey before the game starts.

3. You should NEVER pick your nose while at dinner with the President, always say "OPPS DROPPED MY NAPKIN", then drop your napkin, bend down, check out the first lady's legs while you're there, and dig away.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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