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Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, Play the Peng Challenge For Me

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

To hell with you two getting to make the decisions. I have made them for you. Bard you will be guiding your beloved Canadonians in a little grudge match against the Waffen SS. Corporate Counsel will defend.

NOTE: I said, defend jd so try to show a bit of spine this time, won't you.

[ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now that's right fair and equitable, and all we've ever asked for from one of you folk.

Although it may be a bit premature, I anticipate a win against JD in this one. The gods simply cannot tolerate the on-going nightmare of him equalling me in combat.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Perhaps I was unclear (you idiots):

OOK! That should do it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whot? Herro? hmmfrssft.. *yawn* sorry was sleeping there. Do you need a battle of nastyness of unfairness to both sides in every way? a game which if you do loose Pvt. Pickerman who serves grub to to your platoon the game is over man, game over!! then Sgt. Omigod is screaming "Omigod! Omigod! what?? 17 minutes left in the game!! Aie hate to brake this to you Lt. We are not going to last 17 seconds MAN!! oh.. jeez Game over man, game over!"

tell you what looser of PING.. er.. PUNG.. er.. that funny guy with big floopy ears over there!

*mace wispers to mensch*

Oh right my fellow er.. *galances at mace* uh my fellow... jeezus man what are you wearing??

*mace wispers to mensch again*.

Right my fellow sheep wearing friend here says that guys name is PENG.

Really mace at least use rubber thingies before you do that.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

Really mace at least use rubber thingies before you do that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I always practice safe shearing.

Btw I am pleased that Panzer Leader is enjoying my little scenario.

As soon as the smoke clears, and the many dismembered limbs are disposed of after the battle, I expect him to make a full report.

But I digress, the real reason for the post is to inform members of the community that Peng is in fact a Chinese Spy who really holds the rank of General in the PLA!!!!

The proof?

Let me quote selective passages from Tom Clancy's 'The Bear and the Dragon' ,page



General Peng Xi Wang, commander of the Red Banner 34th Shock Army....

....Thirty-fourth Shock was a type A Group Army, and comprised about eighty thousand men. He had an armored division, two mechanized ones, a motorized infantry division....

....Peng was a long-term professional soldier....


I put it to you that Peng is in fact after more than just world domination, he is in fact planning to release his Chinese hordes on all of us and make us bare his double asterix of shame!!!!

We are awake to your little game now, Peng!!!

be forewarned!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I put it to you that Peng is in fact after more than just world domination, he is in fact planning to release his Chinese hordes on all of us and make us bare his double asterix of shame!!!!

We are awake to your little game now, Peng!!!

be forewarned!


I think it must finally be time for the US to Unleash Chiang Kai-shek.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

And Geier, seriously...the Byrds? While they had many fine songs and adaptations, no one who has ever driven through a gray Minnesota morning sucking on a can of cheap lager to stave off the melancholy of existence can ever forget hearing the Dylan song suddenly come on the radio. It didn't necessarily make existence less melancholy, it merely made the melancholy holy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>No problems there. The Byrds version is more about being 21, strutting through the apartment in your shorts, a ciggy in your mouth (and you desperately try to figure out how to breathe and to avoid getting smoke in your eyes, a procedure which only makes you look uncool so you flip the butt out the window) thinking how cool it would be if anyone noticed how cool you were. I was a teenager in the eighties when Holy Melancholy was achieved through The Cure or The Smiths. No wonder it all turned out the way it did.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

PzIV is toast too, you know.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No no no. It's "Mark IV" is toast too.

I see my plan is nearing fruition, you are all forgetting how badly you were getting killed by me, some of you are even having delusions of competence. Soon, very soon, The Truth will rear its ugly face (it looks a bit like bauhaus I'm told) in your preciousss little inboxesss and you will once again collapse in pain and desperation after witnessing yet another digital display of the pointlessness of it all while I serve you your own incompetence on a platter.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally scolded by Mace:

I do believe the lack of response is because you never said PLEASE!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You new here, or what?!? Please is such an obvious statement of weakness that even (ugghh, must force fingers to bold...) Panzer Leader (damn Lorak) would know better than to commit such an amateurish mistake amid these vultures.

Thank You, on the other hand, is almost never inappropriate, so thanks to mensch for his contribution.

I did say "almost". The notion of thanking the other contributor to the cause... Goanna the Wonder Lizard, fills me with such revulsion that I cannot type the words. It is like thanking a burglar for not taking the carpet. Perhaps I should play his creation against Peng, and use the menschliche thing against the verdammte Eidechse in what might become our first fair fight.

Whaddya think?

[ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The notion of thanking the other contributor to the cause... Goanna the Wonder Lizard, fills me with such revulsion that I

cannot type the words. It is like thanking a burglar for not taking the carpet. Perhaps I should play his creation against Peng, and use the menschliche thing against the verdammte Eidechse in what might become our first fair fight.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ummmm, not a good idea. He (Goanna) created some monstrosity for Mace and I that featured a LOT of snow. What the hell does HE know about SNOW! Even Mace hates it and he really doesn't understand the situation.

I'm pretty sure that Goanna is still mad about me BEATING HIM LIKE A BASS DRUM (not that there's anything wrong with that) and this is his way of getting even. Mace probably would have walked all over me by this point if he had ANY tactical ability at all.


{edited just 'cause}

[ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Goanna is still mad about me BEATING HIM LIKE A BASS DRUM<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Finally, after 1694 posts, 3 billion words, and untold gigahertz of squandered bandwidth, a reason for you to have been born. Mission accomplished. You may now expire at your earliest convenience.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Finally, after 1694 posts, 3 billion words, and untold gigahertz of squandered bandwidth, a reason for you to have been born. Mission accomplished. You may now expire at your earliest convenience.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Very well Mark IV, you leave me no choice, I OFFICIALLY don't like you! I'm sorry but you brought it on yourself.


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It has come to our attention here at the AofP that you have in your posession Two [2] dos, due, zwie, TWO scenarios contributed by two members of this illustrious pool. You have had them for several hours. You claim that you are indeed at a fever pitch to have your filthy Kalifornicated way with us and yet our box is empty, our salad untossed and our need for abuse unfulfilled. Admit your lapse and correct this situration immediately. One game or the other, it matters not to us.


edited AGAIN for the effing ubb...dammit

[ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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MrPeng: Your schreck is in the mail.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Very well Mark IV, you leave me no choice, I OFFICIALLY don't like you! I'm sorry but you brought it on yourself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[serious]Oh dear![/serious]

[dire]Just what do you plan[/dire]

[sneering]to DO ABOUT IT?[/sneering]

[flecks of saliva!!!]I HOPE THIS FINDS YOU WELL!!![/FLECKS OF SALIVA!!!]

I really would like to use the menschy thing on someone. How do you load this thing, anyway... BANG... oops.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Mace probably would have walked all over me by this point if he had ANY tactical ability at all.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's these *Grunt* *Pant* *Gasp* bloody snow shoes.

How the bloody 'ell *Wheeze* are you supposed to run in them?!!!

I'm lucky if I manage 12" advance a minute!! *Puff* *pant*


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Very well Mark IV, you leave me no choice, I OFFICIALLY don't like you! I'm sorry but you brought it on yourself.


Er...so what's actually different from yesterday anyway?

I mean, like, it's not as if there's anything there to like in the first place, and Mk III with an extra roadwheel has always been the butt of much dislike from all and sundry (quite rightly too!).

I suppose I could post an update here too, just tomake the post even less useful:

Let's see......

Crisco - well the chaps have scaled the cliffs of Crodaberg & are awaiting the next "surprise".......

pansy Litter - thniks he's winning in 2 games...well he might be of course...it's kind of hard to tell under the piles of German bodies in one and dead light armour in the other....I think my brave Brits are running out of ammo due to the human waves breaking on their shore, while my Green Ami defenders of truth justice and apple pie have successfully lulled him into a false sense of security

Buzzy Bee and I are fighting one of Runes creatinos - Battle in the Shadow. A fun wee game in which teh stripped one has had unbelievable luck with 1 ATG ko'ing no fewer than 3 Shermie-wermies while under fore from 4 75mm guns!! sheesh - gamienss of the lowest order! But there's a long way to go yet!

Fek Dental has bought a King Tiger for a defence!! But all it's done is run away so I'm not expecting too much trouble from the rest of his troops either.

So on that sad noet I bid yo all adieau for now - and pleasee don't bother coming back!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>[serious]Oh dear![/serious]

[dire]Just what do you plan[/dire]

[sneering]to DO ABOUT IT?[/sneering]


[trembling]Oh dear![/trembling]

[Look what I've done]Look what I've done[/look what I've done]

[blanching in terror]{blanches in terror}[/blanching in terror]

[fearing] You don't suppose he'll challenge me to a game do you? [/doubtful, he's a wuss]

[relieved] Whew! That's a relief, he's so ... so ... so ... [/Bold?]

[snaps fingers] That's it, golly, I'd HATE to have to play HIM. [/not to worry, with his attention span he'll forget his own NAME in 30 seconds]

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Er...so what's actually different from yesterday anyway? I mean, like, it's not as if there's anything there to like in the first place, and Mk III with an extra roadwheel has always been the butt of much

dislike from all and sundry (quite rightly too!).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh I don't LIKE anyone here, you're all swine and know it. The difference is that I OFFICIALLY don't like Mark IV.


{edited to remove flecks of saliva from INSIDE screen}

[ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Updates (though, why I bother I can't say for sure)

In alphabetical order, then...

Being the second incarnation of a once failed attempt (due to several techincal hitches and the fact that he is an ARSE) Agua Perdido is defending with aplomb. That is, if you consider being swept up and routed with grannies something to consider sitting nephew Johnny on your knee and recounting hours of testimonials about how you skillfully avoided being shot at by RUNNING SCARED.

Iskander is another kettle of fish entirely. No, I don't mean his wicker basket is full of my scalps, but that he has some sense of shame. Partly due to the fact that he has rushed my positions with all but the immobile and hides this 'tactic' under the guise of superior commandership.

Marlow has somehow managed to sneak up to my last Stuart and plug the exhaust pipe with a potato. No sooner had I given an order to go sniff out his pansy arsed slackers hiding in the undergrowth to the rear, the engine and all of its technicalia came spurting out of the bonnet crushing several of my troops in the process. What's more, the potato broke the sound barrier right next to my most senior commander and has subsequently rendered him babbling like a baby.

Moriarty, in a game to the death, has so far done nothing but offer up his juiciest elements to my most potent guns, much like an over ripe baboon offers herself to the leader of the gang. Where ever I look, there it is. No one can blame me for that, surely.

I half expect the perpetual LOSER that Wildman is to surrender his revolver to me every time I open his file. That is, WHEN I get a file. I have visions of him, head in hands, sobbing uncontrollably muttering his whinges about this and that to all that will lend an ear (I understand you, Lorak, to hold all the aces in that department. Please go and offer one of those splendid orrifaces to him, will you? Oh, and take a book. A BIG book.)

OK, that's my contractual obligation done with for this thread. I may have more news when any or all of the above come to their senses and surrender.


PS I also have a couple of battles on pause with AWOL members of this tribe. That bum bandit (and my Lord) PansyNZer and the New Yawkor Chinchilla. Please advise Elfen One.

[Edited because... well, who cares?]

[ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: stevetherat ]

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Damn you Peng! You may think that your ATG up on that hill is going to kill my Stuarts but I've got a surprise for you my fine feathered friend. Just keep an eye on the stone bridge ... you are in such trouble! Oh and Damn Berli for the forested funland he created and Damn Mensch too ... yeah I know he only placed the units I bought but damn him anyway.


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At's a stankin' wee gamey gam when ye entire forrrce as wiped oot bah 14 inch artillerry, an' tha lone surveevin' King Tiger as subsequentually kalled bah a stankin' M8 Howitzer Gun Carriage. Aye Mace, ye knoo tha culprit Ah'm referrin' tae.

An' noo fer sum happy noos.....Dalem has had hais small intestine dragged oot through hais laift norstril, ain tha stankin' rune abomination "Sunken Lane". Lorak mah ex-leige, mark at oop ain tha tome wid ye?


Dalem - Slaughtered daid ain tha field o' battle.

Ailsewhere, Speedy an' Goanna are kackin' mah arrrse. Seanachai as gettin' murrrdud. Moriarty an' Mensch are teeterin' ain tha brink o' a severe spankin'. Berli is girdin' hais loins fer a gamey flag rush oot o' tha gloom ain turn 14 o' a 15 turrn byte battle.

Af'n Ah missed ye ain mah excellent oopdate, didnae let mah hinder ye search fer someone wha cares.


[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

Wha's at tae ye?

[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

An' noo fer sum happy noos.....Dalem has had hais small intestine dragged oot through hais laift norstril, ain tha stankin' rune abomination "Sunken Lane". Lorak mah ex-leige, mark at oop ain tha tome wid ye?


Dalem - Slaughtered daid ain tha field o' battle.


He plays well for someone who talks like a Maori.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh I don't LIKE anyone here, you're all swine and know it. The difference is that I OFFICIALLY don't like Mark IV.


(So, he's afraid I'll challenge him, is he? Then that's JUST what I'll DO! Har, harhar, har...)

JoeXia, you pompous, megalomaniacal, paranoid, verbose, swinish, bag of inquisitorial methane, I'm gonna light you up like a National Park in the dry season. And I'm a gonna do it with menschie's little bowl of pus. If'n it's bad enough for Peng, it's bad enough for you. Sure as mine name's... well... it's a sure thing, dammit. Watch your mail, ye scallywag.

Your OFFICIAL enemy.

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Drats, had some work to do and just logged on now so it looks as if that which was meant for verdammte Eidechse has been passed to another less worthy.

Pity, because I'm hanging out for another dismembering of the vile sentence parser, Marked4Death. It should rid my mouth of the bad taste that anomoly to Jo Xia left behind.

[ 09-04-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

The win given to me by The French was not CM related and I refuse to acknowledge it. Remove it please.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

dear Sweedish friend, it is nice to see you continue games with other loosers and morons in this cess. But lean closer so I can wisper something in your ear....

<center><h1>WHERE IS MY TURN YOU WANKER!</h1></center>

thank you.

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