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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GooseBump:

Altering an original quote to change the meaning is only a small step below creating a new quote out of whole fabric.

As my most respected Knight has stated in the past, the true skill in reparte is to take what the other has said and twist it to your own needs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As another most respected Knight said in the past, it's never what was quoted which is lacking in veracity but what you said that wasn't up to what others wanted to quote in the first place.

If you had the sense to be funny and to offer some quotable material then you'd be spared the indignity to have us think them out for thyself.

And of course you can misquote me on that...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

Don't look now, Jake, but there's a Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey giving you the "big eye."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks, Ike. I'd better kill this particular germ with lots of bottled alcohol. I knew he had a silly handle when he arrived, but his zealous pursuit of abject servility in an extended lap dance with Joe Shaw was just plain disgusting. I now think he may be one of those Rainbow Boyz who flit around DuPont Circle looking for love. Either that, or he's the street bum I gave a quarter to last week coming back for more.

Who knows? Who cares??

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Talk about clever posts that could be appreciated by the rest of the World.

Could you be a little more specific with the likes of street names, federal acronyms and tax deductible tidbits?

We had more than our fair share of OneLiners already but here comes the day of FlatLiners...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

C'mon, Duke, fess up. Stop this "PawBroon" gag already. We know it's you pulling our leg. Give us some deep prose on the eternal meaning of GS-11.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Oh my God, I'm gonna get a JUMBO pack of toilet seat protectors, and I'm also gonna watch where I step. Too think that some perverted geek as vile as you is stalking about Washington is very, very scary<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And as if I didn't have enough reasons to fake syphalitic dementia every time I have to travel to Fairfax, VA, now I've got to keep an eye peeled for the both of you. I'll plan my next big air dump for while we're coming into Dulles, and if I hunch hard enough maybe I can force a big waste dump while we're flying over your shacks on the banks of the sunny Potomac.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I'd bet you work at EPA except you're not clever enough to be a GS-11.[1]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That was bafflingly weak, even for you. You could have made a crack about looking for one's daddy at 8th & I [1*], or plying one's trade as a crackwhore at the end of the Green Line [5], or even a "bent page" reference [Q]. Heck, if you're going to go on about GS levels, you could have at least made a gibe about not owning nice enough pens to ever make SES [#].

No clever plays on local knowledge, witty turns on ins-and-outs (Bauhaus!) of government service, or even insults towards Maryland. But, no--instead it's only an obsession with toilet seat covers. Go with what you know, I guess. I suppose I should be thankful we weren't treated to more of your tiresomely-delusional "I am somehow important because of my government job mopping the floor of the cafeteria in the Air & Space musuem" chest-thumping.

Agua Perdido

Notes (for PawBroon's benefit)

[1] GS levels are government job grades. GS-11 is roughly where a fresh college grad would start, so Lawyer's taunt essentially translates as "I would think you worked for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but I don't think you graduated from college." A Cesspooligan being accused of working for the EPA has a certain irony, but I'm pretty sure that was unintentional on Lawyer's part.

[1*] 8th & I is the address of the Marine Barracks in SE Washington, DC. The implication would be that of either promiscuous homosexuality or bastardy (not that there's anything wrong with either, as Lawyer could certainly testify) and that the Marines were a hotbed of repressed homosexuality and/or irresponsible sexual conduct. Lawyer thereby could have gotten in a dig at Berli and Gyrene, too. Of course, asking him to kill even one bird with two stones would be too difficult, much less the reverse.

[5] The Green Line is a subway line whose southern half is in an area of DC that hasn't undergone gentrification, to put it diplomatically. But I'm sure Lawyer's "supervisor" has him plying his avocation on a well-lit street corner, so not to worry.

[Q] A reference, of course, to the sex scandal involving Congressional pages from a while back. Ask Lawyer about his "apprenticeship" (did you know that Mace used to be a U.S. Senator before he was deported to Oz?).

[#] SES is the Senior Executive Service, which are government executive job grades that start just above the highest GS grades. There is a DC stereotype of the high-level GS who aspires to become SES, and purchases accessories like expensive pens and shirts with french cuffs to "look the part." And I'm sure that Lawyer's Cross matching-pen-and-pencil set looks smashing between the mop and pail of his, er, "mobile work station." It'll probably get him responsibility for an extra "Caution, floor wet" sign in this year's performance review.

[Edited to make me clever enough to be a GS-11.]

[ 05-04-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As another most respected Knight said in the past, it's never what was quoted which is lacking in veracity but what you said that wasn't up to what others wanted to quote in the first place.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Speedbump, and then there is always the odd post which lacks even the most rudimentary congruity or logic (see above). With these it's often sufficient to just repost the bizarre quote so that others won't miss out on the fun.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Thanks, mensch... you make Lawyer look classy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

why thank ye... does that mean you'll be wanting another bowl Mr. Chuckles?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

why thank ye... does that mean you'll be wanting another bowl Mr. Chuckles?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Art is not your forte, Mensch. Go with your strengths, and stick to pscyhotic babbling. Hard to believe there's that much animal tranquilizer in all of Germany, but there must be, as the quality of your posts never falls off.

Also, where's my turn, Chef?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Where's my turn, Chef?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah roight!

Same for you lucky bastard.

I can't believe you're not dead by now.

Do you have some special ointment as Mace hinted during our last ICQ chat?

Wouldn't surprise me at all that.

Gamey vaselinationist!!

Unless you're Teflon coated.


Send my turn!

And send Peng's setup also while you're at it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

[QBI have never had such intense contempt for any opponent. It will be my great pleasure to take you out back behind the shed and give you a whuppin' you won't soon forget.


Hehe. You get mad at that? What is going to happen when I kick your ass? As for the stroking the currly haired friend, I said myself, because that is what you do to a raging pitbull when it is about to tear someone's (i.e. your) throat out! As for the scale in referance to my manhood, nice try, it sucked. If anything my working in smaller scale is a subconscious desire to be able to fit in anywhere as my smaller friends do (being big is not as easy as you might think). You can try again if you like, but your effort up to this point is a lacking.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

And as if I didn't have enough reasons to fake syphalitic dementia every time I have to travel to Fairfax, VA, now I've got to keep an eye peeled for the both of you. I'll plan my next big air dump for while we're coming into Dulles, and if I hunch hard enough maybe I can force a big waste dump while we're flying over your shacks on the banks of the sunny Potomac.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So they have email privileges at Lewisburg now, eh? Look, dalem, or whatever your alias is, the only way you're coming to DC is in an orange jumpsuit with Nicholas Cage on Con-Air. I guess you're entitled to show up in person at the Supreme Court for your final appeal.

You ain't maniacal, you're just manacled.

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I usually don't go through the Cut & Paste routine with the mail I receive since my opponents are moronic enough to step in the limelights when Ridicules are awarded.

But I must admit a certain fondness for Mensch's epistolary prowess.

He just sent me a setup for a scenario he designed or more aptly put, devised.

Chances are that it would give him a head start and that he might eventually manage to inflict some casualities on my troops which is something left to be witnessed by me so far when Greg is involved...

His OneLiner is the following:

You'll may win this one, maybe, but I'll make you bleed like a, well, bleeding person.

Don't you love playing the Deported Canuck?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

That was bafflingly weak, even for you. You could have made a crack about looking for one's daddy at 8th & I [1*], or plying one's trade as a crackwhore at the end of the Green Line [5], or even a "bent page" reference [Q]. Heck, if you're going to go on about GS levels, you could have at least made a gibe about not owning nice enough pens to ever make SES [#].

You know the source, you've heard the babble before.


A very LENGTHY and entertaining effort from Mr. Waterkinder. Unlike him, I was working this afternoon, and thus unable to entertain you twits with a detailed guided tour of DC trash spots. Of course, I don't know them as up close and personal as he does.

I've already committed to killing Marlow for the sobriquet of "Washington Meister". I may have to also eradicate this water stain that Joe Shaw encouraged to hang around.

*sigh* A Lawyer's work is never done....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>OorWullie wrote:

His OneLiner is the following:

You'll may win this one, maybe, but I'll make you bleed like a, well, bleeding person.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now we know where you get that strange dialect which passes for English – you've been learning it from mensch! I need to have a shot at this. ::ahem::

PBEM the Report

I am think Elvis dies prodigiously. His tanks are still trying through to the bridge. Death befalls my men in as yet not very much. Rune has supplied with us many tanks and semi-tracked vehiculars which number in dark I can't quite tell. Turn of the last his Badger made a big explosion. His infantry run back and forth under the gazeful watch of my gun machiners.

To throw large shells at Leeo is the most overwhelming notice of our most current battle to date.

I don't know what has armornut to happen.

Abbott and I havoc wreak destruction. My halftracks are much thanks to plane die-a-lot. His tanks and TDs are my Tigers meet and cease to normally proper function. We lack many forces of which we began. We fight with sticks and objects of moreover less deathly.

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PBEM Report

Me plane be good but brings only little enough bombs. Many machine bullets from high up go to halftracks, halftracks smoke good and flame. Dave’s Tiger's be evil to hills. Me tanks be toast. German infantry be nowhere anymore soon. Allied infantry be everywhere soon that Tigers not be. Zooks carry not more rounds but only a few. Me like zooks and want zooks to like Tigers much.

[ 05-04-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Thanks, mensch... you make Lawyer look classy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Face the facts, Achin'. Everything that was ever good on your island left, including John Lennon. You're a loser left-behind hoping some geek like Mace will love you from afar.

You're a subject of the Queen (or High Street, for all we know),not a citizen of a real country. You grovel at the feet of the English, which even the Paki's in India threw over 50 years ago. You wear a RED COAT even though it hasn't been in style for half a century.

You worship His Royal Highness Chucker most highly. Your taxes pay for his non-stop vacations, ya git. You even LOOK like Chucker wants an English-wannabee dog to look, a bit like the guy Fergie dumped at a Sloan Ranger party. Except not as rich or connected to important people.

So, take your Brit Bravery Suck-up Routine to somebody who cares. Like PawBroon... Yes, he loves to play dress up as the Brits.

Frankly, I had enough of them after the first ex-wife, which I blame entirely on Beatles-induced madness.

Mad Dogs, Englishmen, and Aitken. A real team...

BTW, the REAL Scots went to North Carolina 300 years ago before it was cool to do so. We don't wear skirts so much anymore (except OGSF), just on weekends.


Your Pal,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Does she have a sister?


Why yes she does.

And also 2 brothers, as I heard your'e not fussy after a pint or two of Creme de month.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

We don't wear skirts so much anymore (except OGSF), just on weekends.


La' tha wind bloo hee

La' tha wind bloo low,

O'er hills an mae kilt Ah'll gae,

All tha lassies sae "Halloo,

SirMacOberGruppenStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD where's ye troosers?"

All taegaether noo! SANG, ye snot-haggis nancy boys!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

O'er hills an mae kilt Ah'll gae,


Tell me Sir JSDKLUFCCCICKFHH, just what is worn under the kilt?


btw I dinnae ken wha ya meen!

[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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