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==The Free Endgame Randomizer for CM!! Finally. No more flag rushes!!

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It's been a long time coming but it is finally here...well almost...in a day or so. We couldn't keep quiet about it any longer and man-o-man does it kick butt!!! Better yet, it's freeware and its all for you our fine CM friends!!

Some of you may recall how I blabbed on and on about the last turn of a CM game being to static and thus predictable whereby you and your opponent knew exactly when the battle was going to end...down to the very last second. Realistic? I don't think so. And what happened quite often was that one could plan all of their tactics around the clock leading right up the infamous flag rush at the end of the game. I hate that!! hehehe

You know the drill, you are in a great defensive position when on the last turn your opponent pulls a rush on you that throws the objective flag up in question. You lose the points and your opponents succeeds. Problem was, that you both knew that had their been just 1 more turn, perhaps even a measly 30 seconds, you coulda turned that rabble he called an attack into chop liver.

Now all that is in the past for those of you who use the BER.

So without further adieu, (drum roll please) Introducing BaDco's Endgame Randomizer (BER) for free!! Use the Endgame Randomizer and you can designate how much of a + or - modifier you want to add to your battle (say 30 turns plus or minus 3). Then on turn 27, the excitement really begins. Does the battle end then or does it drag on until turn 33? Only the BER knows. If it does end, you and your opponent issue cease fire commands at the start of the turn and the scores are tallied.

Can you dig it? Can you see the possibilities? Random endings for those that want em..and they can be as random as you want them too. I played a QB, 12 turns, +/- 3 and the game ended on turn 9! It coulda ended on 15. And you know what is really, really, really cool? Those of you who don't like this idea, get this...this is the cool part, you dont have to use it! That's right! Yep! Just click BACK on your browser. Neat eh?

We will activate the download link on the webpage tomorrow night..near 2000hrs PST. Until then, feel free to take a peek at the BER website and see what's in store for you.

(Note: some contents of the webpage may change by tomorrow..but, hey, I just had to let the cat outa the bag).

See for yourself.


It really changes up things let me tell ya!! Makes those last few turns a real nailbiter.


TeAcH & bradleyh

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Hey, maybe Steve G. will send you an email out of the blue like DeanCo got a while back to do a new interface.

Lord knows we could SURE use an endgame randomizer in CM2:B2B

I suspect one is in the works, but anything to save a few days of programming is a good thing.

Good job, fellas.


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Wow! Very nice.

A question: It appears that the distribution is essentially linear (i.e. if it is a 10% variance there is a 1/10 chance each turn of ending--correct?).

Would it be possible/advisable to have an optional to have the distrubtion of ending times to be more in a bell-shaped curve. Thus, it is most likely that it will end at or near the "scheduled" ending time while the outlying times become increasingly less likely the further they get from the "scheduled" time.

Not even sure this is a good idea, necessarily. What do you all think?

In any event, this will be a wonderful addition, I think greatly enhancing the "feel" of suspense. Thanks, guys!


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Very very nice, TeAcH.

Also, excellent suggestion, Philistine. It got me thinking that for a QB I might prefer the linear distribution, but for a scenario it might be better to have the bell-curve weight the end-game toward the "scheduled" turn. Would it be possible to include a toggle to choose between the two? (That is, in version 1.2, or 2.0, or 16.1, whenever you have the time. smile.gif)

-sigh- We're such a rough crowd. TeAcH comes up with this, George designs the QB randomizer, and before they know it we have a list of "suggestions" a mile long for them. Is this how BTS must feel? :D


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WOW Cool

I mean this is a REALLY cool and great Idea.

But I'm afraid I may have to be the first MAC user to point out that .exe files aren't executable on a Mac. So I was a little dissapointed to realize it was a PC only tool and not really a cross platform solution.

Its a Great Idea and perhaps it could work (somehow) as a web page with some java code behind it so ANYONE with a web browser (MAC or PC) could try out the variable ending.

It REALLY is an issue that should be addessed in CM2!

Great effort, thanks it would make ladder games WAY more interesting and realistic!



-tom w

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lucero1148:

Good idea, but will this work on Mac's. If it can how does one install it?


Patrick :confused: :confused:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I understand the no form of ANY .exe file will run on a mac. I suspect the Mac will have to run Windoze emulation software to run this .exe file.

I'm hoping that it will not be that hard to port the file to a java based web page so ANYONE with a web browser can use it.

Yobobo/Rob at TH might do it, as he has done some other VERY sophisticated web programing. smile.gif (Just a friendly HINT ;) ) That's all.

-tom w

[ 05-24-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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TeAcH here. The BER link has not been activated yet. I had to work late tonight so we are slightly behind schedule. That stinks cuz I want you all to have the BER like yesterday. Why? Because it is really freaking cool and will add a lot to your games, but you know all that already.

As far as a Mac or an HTML version, Dont know yet. Mac users may have to use an emulator.

I passed a message along to BradleyH to release the BER tonight (activate the DL link) so keep checking until you hear from me that it is definately good to go.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TeAcH:

TeAcH here. The BER link has not been activated yet. I had to work late tonight so we are slightly behind schedule. That stinks cuz I want you all to have the BER like yesterday. Why? Because it is really freaking cool and will add a lot to your games, but you know all that already.

As far as a Mac or an HTML version, Dont know yet. Mac users may have to use an emulator.

I passed a message along to BradleyH to release the BER tonight (activate the DL link) so keep checking until you hear from me that it is definately good to go.


Thank you.


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I just posted the initial release of the BaDco Endgame Randomizer (ver 1 for Windows). Sorry I was late getting it out there, Install Shield was giving me grief.


This application is a work in progress. Doug and I appreciate your comments, feedback, and bug reports so we can improve upon this and make it even better.

Have fun with it!

- Brad

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Sure, it can be used in games where it's you against the AI. BER is not integrated into CM (I don't crack the .cmb file or anything like that). It's complimentary to CM. BER adds another variable, a random variable, to make the end turn of a game less "static."

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