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My MG's Can't Run Fast Enough for the Peng Challenge

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[snorting]Could we please can the /serious crap? If I want that I will haunt the Outer Boards, which, in fact, I am.[still snorting]

There are people losing wars out here right now, dammit, and not all of them are Australian. "/serious" is a mockery of all my little troops have failed to die for, or HAVE died for in all the wrong places. And facing the wrong way. More to follow, I'm sure.[/scoffing]

I've a mind to bring the next one of these up on MBT charges, and there'll be no Seanachai defense slap on the wrist this time around.[/sneering]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

It was really a Peng scenario-destined buggery of epic proportions...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Useless Git (that would be Peng for those of you who have not experienced one of his scenarios),

Here's a bit of feedback on Little Island. Remember that bit of woods in front of the bridge? The only bridge? Remember the barbed wire you gave the Huns? Remember the mechanized infantry you gave the Amis? HALFTRACKS CAN'T CROSS WIRE YA BASTARD!!!!

If it hadn't been for Dalem being a bit of a village idiot, I would have lost that one. Perhaps a bit of scattered woods in there so the HTs can get by would be in order. Other than that, not a bad little scenario

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Upon encountering a snake in the Area of Operation (AO):

- Leg: Runs screaming away from the snake.

- Paratrooper: Kills the snake.

- Armor: Runs over snake, giggles, and looks for more snakes.

- Infantry: "Look, a putty cat. Come 'ere kitty....Ouch! Hey, that's not a kitty cat."

- Infantry (alt): Ugh! Me See Snake. Me Like Snake. Ouch! Me No like Snake.

- Army Aviation: Has GPS grid to snake. Kills snake, eats snake, sends out observation helos to find more snakes, invites twenty-five other aviators along with lots of alcohol, gets drunk, throws up in snakes house, has sex with the snakes underage snakes. Ends up saving others from bites by doing a last minute air rescue. Then back to base for crew rest and a manicure (more beer).

- Ranger: Plays with the snake, then it eats him.

- Ranger (alt): Assaults the snake's home and secures it for use by friendly snakes.

- Seal: Expends all ammunition, several grenades and calls for naval gunfire in a failed attempt to kill the snake. The snake bites the SEAL then retreats to safety.

- Corps Artillery: Kills snake, but in the process kills several hundred civilians with a massive TOT with three FA BDEs in support. Mission is considered a success and all participants are awarded Silver Stars. (Cooks, Mechanics, Legal Clerks etc.)

- Marine Recon: Follows the snake and gets lost.

- Combat Controller: Guides the snake elsewhere.

- Para-rescue: Wounds the snake in first encounter, then feverishly works to save the snakes life.

- Engineer: Studies snake. Prepares in-depth doctrinal thesis in obscure 5 series FM about how to defeat snake using counter-mobility assets. Complains that maneuver forces don't understand how to properly conduct doctrinal counter snake operations. (Engineer School tries to hide the fact that M9 ACE proves ineffective against snake)

- Special Forces: Makes contact with the snake, builds rapport, wins its heart and mind, then trains it to kill other snakes, snake turns on SF trainer because of ineffective brainwashing, bites the SF Trainer, gets strange disease of the reproductive organs and ends up biting more people for revenge.

- USAF: Authorizes a Rand Corp study to determine threat posed by snake, following two year Rand study goes to Congress with definitive proof that snake is dangerous, Congress authorizes five year development of strategic bomber to attack snake. Following cost overruns and problems with the offensive electronic countermeasures suite, first trial flight of the bomber is conducted ten years later, after successful test flight, Congress authorizes 25 strategic snake bombers at $1 billion per airframe (note: components for the bomber are produced in 80% of all congressional districts).

- CINCSTRAT: Develops air campaign plan to eradicate snake, other services are not included since Air Power is decisive force. After briefings to JCS and National Command Authority, CINCSTRAT campaign plan is approved and execution order is issued. CINCSTRAT issues execute order, followed by a delay order bowing to inclement weather...snake strategic bomber is not rain proof.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Idiot wandering Into The MBT: Gets beaten to death with the snake by angry (are there any other kind?) Poolers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Careful , we don't want to harm dumb animals, the RSPCA (translation: ASPCA) may be watching!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Idiot wandering Into The MBT: Gets beaten to death with the snake by angry (are there any other kind?) Poolers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I notice you use the word "Poolers".

What you aren't man enough to come and beat me to death yourself?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Aren't you man enough to go away and beat yourself to death?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I may be. I can't see any purpose in it myself though.

I'm sure your going to give me one though aren't you


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Careful , we don't want to harm dumb animals, the RSPCA (translation: ASPCA) may be watching!


ya.. and maybe some Center of Disease Control or Public Health Center may be watching and seeing there is an influx of Cockroaches and spray us all with some Enviormental friendly all be it Deadly Bug spray** because of them.. fecking cockroaches *STOMP STOMP SQUISH*

**Scented with a art Pot Porri.

[edited cuz "Center" is not "Denter" - bite me]

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

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Dribbled by the Infected Member:

Hey Lardo - shall I post the e-mail where you reckon I may well get the highest score ever for Jabo??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No need for that, I will post the results now:

Needs Penicillin – 28 (surely a high score for Jabo!)

Lars – 72 (Allied Major Vic, was there any doubt?)

Entirely due to his gamey use of the ”run like hell” command.

Come on, poopoowiper4/2, send a feckin turn, you have your work cut out for you!

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You awake? Hello, hello? Well if you see this please scribe another victory by The Woopin' Boy over Leo the lame.

DekeFentle Win

Leo Loss

In another brilliant display of tactical prowess I crushed the lame one's forces and accepted his surrender.

Hey Stuky Puky you're doing a wonderful job with the lame one. His record may someday equal that of Elvis. Isn't there some poolian rule about totally inept Kinnegits retaining squires? No, there can't be you still have this one. Joe isn't there something you could come up with here? I'm sure the court at large would welcome the exposure of this fruad.

Based on your total lack of ability, the lame one has asked me to critique and suggest helpful strategies. (the first of which is to disassociate from your useless guidance) I will grant him this boon as I can understand his hair-pulling distress over being associated with a profound simpleton like yourself. Are you from Australia?

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Pray tell, which one was that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not where I can look it up right now, but I believe it was Le Champ Crossroads or somefink like that.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Hey Stuky Puky you're doing a wonderful job with the lame one. His record may someday equal that of Elvis. Isn't there some poolian rule about totally inept Kinnegits retaining squires? No, there can't be you still have this one. Joe isn't there something you could come up with here? I'm sure the court at large would welcome the exposure of this fruad.


You simpering idjit. You must really think winning is important. That precludes you from ever being a kanniget. You also are about as observant as a rock, for I am no longer a squire to any man. I have become a bouncy, trouncy, flouncy Kannigget in my own right. Now run along and play some grogs, or in a *gag* (cover your ears fellow-poolers) Tournament.

Jeesh. He thinks one's record is important. Now that's rich!

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Hey Leo I'm just The Whuppin' Boy. How the hell do you expect me to keep up with such lofty matters?

Records ARE important, not the number of wins vs losses mind you but the fact that you do have one (a record that is). Why without a record I wouldn't get those free nights on the county every time I get pulled over. If you've never had Ramsey county's chicken ala king you've missed a good part of life.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Its humanity's you great pillock. The humanities is the label used for certain fields of intellectual endeavor (something you no doubt have little familiarity), such as literature and philosophy. Since my own proofreading skills are sadly lacking, I do not generally comment on others' typographical errors; however, since your glaring example is at the bottom of EVERY SINGLE POST YOU MAKE, I thought I would do us all a favor by pointing it out. FIX OR DO SOMFINK you bonehead.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Records ARE important, not the number of wins vs losses mind you but the fact that you do have one (a record that is).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For once, Geek Fender (no proper spelling or bolding until Squire status is achieved) is quite correct. I, for example, have several ... my favorite is Sonny and Cher's Greatest Hits on LP ... it is a bit scratched though.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow the mindless:

Its humanity's you great pillock. The humanities is the label used for certain fields of intellectual endeavor (something you no doubt have little familiarity), such as literature and philosophy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And I being the primary consultant to the individuals recognized as the major players in these fields take my due.


Since my own proofreading skills are sadly lacking, I do not generally comment on others' typographical errors; however, since your glaring example is at the bottom of EVERY SINGLE POST YOU MAKE, I thought I would do us all a favor by pointing it out. FIX OR DO SOMFINK you bonehead.


Well you started that out true enough but the capitalization got all mixed up and you labeled me a bonehead which is far above my station, there by proving your ignorance beyond a shadow of doubt.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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How the great have fallen.

My fellow Cesspudligans, it is my sad duty to report to you that one of our own (no, we don't LIKE to claim him but in some cases there are precious few OTHER choices) Joe Shaw has, in fact, been seduced to the Dark Side of the Board.

In fact, he has become . . .


I do not make this charge lightly. I refer you to the evidence i have presented here.

As sad as it is to see one of our own behaving in such a fashion, we cannot ignore his actions. I would ask his Honor, Judge Lorak, to appoint an investigator to look into this grave matter. Perhaps Sir Seanachai would be available for such duties.

In the meantime, I would ask you all to remember Joe Shaw, then have a few extra drinks to help you forget.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Needs Penicillin – 28 (surely a high score for Jabo!)

Lars – 72 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There you have it folks - Dripping Boy owns up to getting the LOWEST ALLIED SCORE EVER FOR JABO!!

Not only is the feat execreable in it's own right, but he boasts of it!

A renaming must be in order - something like...Loser might be appropriate??

[ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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hello pillocks,

Time for a quick update.... then some work...then the rest of the night to be a compleate loser like usuall.

Tome update:






















David -loss

Lorak the loathed

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