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My MG's Can't Run Fast Enough for the Peng Challenge

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... a soft creeking is heard followed by a lot of laughing and cursing.

Lorak "well.. look what the cat drug in. Hello Kitty."

Kitty"Shut up you elfin git. Now help me unharness these SSN's from the wagon."

Kitty and Lorak proceded to untangle two half dead SSN's from their barbed-wire harnesses, and beat them out the door with a rusty flail.

Lorak"Barbed wire... what a plesant idea! You never cease to amaze me"

Kitty" Whatever, help me get these worthless drunks off the back."

Hakko,Germanboy,Nijis"Worthless! Damn it we have been busy and needed a lie down. That was one difficult crusade we went on!"

Lorak "Fine. Kitty, would like to explain what has been going on?"

Kitty" Sigh... ok. Here is what happened...."

...continued on in our never ending battle against the OB's(outerboarders). We happened to come across another group sitting around in thier jackboots fumeing and yelling a trees, rocks, fencepost... that they could prove HMG's could run. As denzines of the pool, we felt it our duty to prove they were stupid.

We gave all of them a HMG, tripods, barrells and cases of ammo. We then sent them off running. Needless to say we gave chase... well what chase there was. We tried to encourge them by hitting them with rocks, bottles, poodles, anything that came along. But they just couldn't run that fast. Eventualy we gave them so much encourgement that they died. Let it never be said that we didn't try to help the OB's...

By the way I am glad you got our message. (Kitty points to thread title).

Lorak"Umm,yes. How did you send it.?"

Kitty"We paid some nasty prostitute 5 bucks to carry it. I knew she would find someone in the pool to recieve it. As for the rest of our time... we came accross an overturned beer truck on our way back. We were going to send word...but umm..(points to the back of the wagon.)

Tome update:







MIA list has been updated since the return.

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

That we have sunk so low ...


...infers that we actually rose from the primordal slime in which we dwell!

Honestly, do you really believe that?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CM player

my wife read

some of this thread and thought you

were the biggest bunch of nerds she

ever saw. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ergo, what your wife is saying is that since you are posting to the MBT, you too are a nerd!

*HURK HURK HURK* <--- nerd laughter


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Thank you, PushBroom, you cheese-eating surrender-monkey, you, for reminding me here, safe and drinking at home, of those people that I have to work with.

That TV team was filming in Kentucky... no doubt about that.... Glad I'm not actually from here....

"We listen to all kinds of music: country and western!"

Once again, I thank Big G for CM, the 'net and booze.

Not in that order, of course.

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Hey Lorak,

If Stuka can get a freebie victory against PeterNZ (ex-CMer *shudder*), how about one for the Mace/Check6 battle that has now been in limbo some 3 months?

He challenged me here in the pool, I accepted, he has since ceased to both help me with my almost daily CMBO fix and continue to be an annoyance here.

Hence I demand a (cheap) victory!


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Well I guess it's time to brush off the fedora, get out the seersucker and amble down to the Cess pool courthouse steps, where amongest the repossesions and foreclosures we can post results and updates, as well as make one of my infrequent appearnaces....

Lorak since of late you have recorded serial losses for me I bring you the head of Marlow the coward. His surrender in a scenario he picked was all the more sweet as he learned that even green crewed Panthers are more than a match for Patton's Ghosts esp if they charge directly at the Pz V's so that all they have to do is bore sight. Editorially, this scenario has merit, but the solutions will not be the obvious. If the aliies play it straight up they are, well like my dear opponent, mush beneath my treads.

jd - win

Marlow - crushing loss

Seanachai has shown what a gamey bastard he is by firing (what a Jeep Mg) from across the valley to scare my SPW 251/9 into abandoning their mount. What irks is that he may now have ruined his record with me and actually manage a win instead of our de rigieur Gentlemen's Draw

JoeShaw and I are laboring mightly to preserve his loss record. I give the boy credit he is trying a'mightily. The scenario is Foggy Mountain and I reccomend it. It starts off slow but has been developing nicely, esp as Mr Shaw has been rather cooperative. Of course I divine his gamey board hugging tactics with his armored attack coming down the left side. Yes I see you Mr Shaw, I see you.

MzKitty and I are embarking on a massive battle (Operation Totalize) and god loves an 88!

In other news leeo is getting french lessons as his troops feel the ever tightening cord around their neck. They are reduced to Stalingradesque manuvering in the couer des villes. The esprit is high, toujours l'audace. The tricolor floats above all but the last VL.

Iskander and I are trading hide and seek shots as we have squandered our armor, wasted our troops and generally embarassed ourselves. My Tiger is immobile, but managed to do so with commanding views of the battlefield. Providing overlook for the JgPz IV shuttling back and forth. His Sherman and Priest seem to be hiding. Wonder why, since he had 2 Hellcats, 2 Easy 8's and 2 Priests to my immobile (and immortal Tiger) and the aforementioned jag IV.

SanchoP(L) is, I am afraid, proving that I am no Montgomery.....or Patton, or Bradley, or Merrill, Or (fill in the blank) Prob the worst case of battle management I have inflicted upon myself ever.

MIA Report after showing up for a turn and/or promise of a turn forth coming Meeks and Croda are gone again.

As for you others, well except for Seanachai, and Sancho, unless you sent a turn just last night or today, my records show you owe me. If not drop a line and I'll send the last one I have. This means you Paw but since Emma seems to be in your vicinity I hold no hope of a timely response.

au revoir, mes amis (for leeo)

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

au revoir, mes amis (for leeo)



(Though even I understand that one.)

I move that French not be spoken unless you are French.

I also propose that you are all nothing but a bunch of Butt-Puppet Pirates.


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Now that I am as drunk as you think I am, I can gin (yum!) up (not so yummy) some...

Gamey Upchucks!

TheformerLordandMasterknownasjd has nicely recapitulated that game. I ran my tanks like a wild dog and kicked his ass. Then I ran them like a drunk (hey! that's me!) and we are enjoying a mate that is beyond a doubt of a shadow stale. And how's that for sentence constuction?

SnortAKey has wiped out my shock platoon of 16-year old "jackass" watchers... good fecking riddance. 'Sides that, there is so little going on that I have the uneasy suspicion that I am again drunkenly overlooking most of my units on my side. Perhaps "no FOW" in the future as then my oppos could say things like "dude! are you drunk or just stupid?!?" My fellow 'Poolers could of course answer that.

Finally, and by finally I mean coming third, is "All or Somefink" with his marble-mouthedness, OGSFNSACIAFBI. He may pretend to be Scottish, but he advances like the English. I've seen faster glaciers.

And that's it. Unlike you Old Ones and lawyers, the Town Drunk doesnt seem to attract that many games here... might have something to do with no-one being able to keep up....

To sum up: choose a cheek to kiss or a nad to suck. Cheers!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

jd - win

Marlow - crushing loss


It is so noted and recorded.


There is no need to expound on your druken stupors.

As I myself tend to get my arsed kicked around every CM map I step upon, and I beat you in our game (on defense).

I am truly amazed. For someone to lose to me in my normal scotch and Guinness(bolding for respect) state. You must really be able to drink indeed! My hat is off to you sir.

Oh, and has anyone seen that Elvis has taken his anti-number Jihad to the OB's?

Truly a sad state of affairs that is...

Lorak the loathed

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Is it just me, or does just about everything on the outerboards seem totally irrelevant and useless?

MG thread?

File Naming Schemes?

et al

Oh the horror, the horror...

We need CM2, that will solve all problems. Finally we will be able to start arguing about the different effects of Soviet 7.62 ammo versus running MG42 crews.

[ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Lorak I too have posted a request for tome updates that have gone largely ignored. That being how most of my posts are dealt with I really don't mind but being it was a Kinniget I defeated I would like to see the update.

Please scribe thusly

DekeFentle Win

Mace Loss

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Is it just me, or does just about everything on the outerboards seem totally irrelevant and useless?

MG thread?

File Naming Schemes?

et al

Oh the horror, the horror...

We need CM2, that will solve all problems. Finally we will be able to start arguing about the different effects of Soviet 7.62 ammo versus running MG42 crews.

[ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

While I was away, did someone operate on Algernon's brain? This is the most sane thing I've ever read by him. I agree that 'panties' is no more! Sancho, I salute you!

[ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Well as long as we're all hacking into Lorak for not catching up with things - did you get teh thrashing I gave David Itchy a couple of threads back?

Just in case you missed it, beign hte busy chap you are and all that...

Stalin's Organ a finely crafted WIN

David Aichen ran away fast enough to get a loss

And even if you did get it last time I like the sound of it so it's worth repeating.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Is it just me, or does just about everything on the outerboards seem totally irrelevant and useless?

MG thread?

File Naming Schemes?

et al

Oh the horror, the horror...

We need CM2, that will solve all problems. Finally we will be able to start arguing about the different effects of Soviet 7.62 ammo versus running MG42 crews.

[ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can't wait for the one titled "WHY WON'T MY STURMTIGER SHOOT!?!?!?! Or how about "Does the IS-2 fire 1.5 or 2 shots per minute? I remember seeing threads like that a month or two ago. What a way to ruin what will be a great game. My head is already getting sore. Unfortunately I have no booze to cure it. We really need to change the drinking age back to 18.

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I just like to draw your attention that I, now being another year older, *BLAH*, am finding it a bit harder to run with a MG.


Because I haven't got one.

Anyhow, while good wishes will be appreciated, cash donations will be more so!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I just like to draw your attention that I, now being another year older, *BLAH*, am finding it a bit harder to run with a MG.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is outstanding news! Mace is one year closer to death! Woot!!!!

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Not that any of y'all care, but

the AAR of a game with Mensch,

(double-blind "Can't stop now"

by Aitken) is over on the scenario

board. From what I gather, Mr.

Aitken occasionally bubbles up in

these parts, so that's why I mention



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...Well a least that GIT has stopped blessing us and asking to pray together and apologizing all over the place. That is the first step to curing an overwhelming sense of inadequacy - as well-founded as it may be.

Good Job, See'emPrayer, but sayin "..not that anyone cares..." is a bit of a redundancy. It is understand at the GIT-go that no one cares in here about you or yours.


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Panzer Leader,

Have i offended you somehow? Whatever

it is, i am humbly and profoundly sorry.

May you be wel and happy, at least

until i meet you in a GAME and stick

a flamethrower into your HQ's loud mouth

to watch the lit diesel squirt out the

back end, best wishes,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sancho:


It appears that the fact that everyone here dislikes you more than anyone else who has ever been here has failed to make its presence known in your little kindergarten head.

Any gas station attendant is worth ten thousand million billion times more than you and I for one hope your mouth is full of hi-octane jet fuel the next time you light a cigarrette.

A note: You've just made the List (yeah, i have one too). I'll never ever read anything you write ever again. For forever. There were only three other names on it, now there is four.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CMplayer wrote:

Have i offended you somehow? Whatever it is, i am humbly and profoundly sorry. May you be wel and happy, at least until i meet you in a GAME and stick a flamethrower into your HQ's loud mouth to watch the lit diesel squirt out the back end, best wishes,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I told you he was a vicious ferret under that cuddly puppy exterior. Do they have ferrets in Sweden?

How did PL come to be known as Sancho? And where did Jabo come from?

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