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My MG's Can't Run Fast Enough for the Peng Challenge

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Not mensch better Broom boy. First post lacks the classic rules that are not rules of engagement. The title however is rather a classic unto itself.

From the wise Blathering Bard, the original PENG poster himself I give you the following…


The Rules of the Peng Challenge Thread are quite straightforward, really. Astonishingly simple, in fact, in a complex world.

First off, no one here likes you, has any desire to know you, and, in fact, the entire sodding Universe doesn't give a stuff what you want or have to say. Go Away.

Should you remain on despite the first rule, we next wish you to know that coming in, striking a pose, and challenging everyone in the Thread to a match will cause the wastelands to echo with laughter, and you will look like the stupid pillock you are. You will then be told to Go Away, more forcibly, and people will really begin to mean it. Pick someone out, preferably something as newly arrived and worthless as yourself, taunt and challenge it, and you might get a game.

Next, you should sound off as though your wit, courage, and intelligence were not in question. In the vulgate, Sound Off As Though You've Got a Pair! I believe it is. Oh, and more than half a brain, please. If you sound off well, wittily, and with great force of person and humour, you may be accorded a measure of respect here, perhaps for the first time in your doubtless tawdry little life. It's something to look forward to.

Finally, while sounding off, we'd like you to remember that this is the Peng Challenge Thread, not your local boozer where every vulgarity, expletive, and prejudicial slur are met by howls of laughter from halfwits who are only 15 minutes and 3 drinks away from spending the night in Detox. We have standards here, whether you can follow the concept or not, and if you ignore or trample them, you will not only be told to Go Away, you will Go Away, both from here, and hopefully the Forum in general.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Although as a Frog I am quite trained to speak with a mouthful of anything.


Sound like one hell of a circus act to me.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzy Loser:

I'll roger this one, especially if some rules get posted.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Still slow on the uptake or is it the connection? No it's the uptake.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: DekeFentle ]

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On the one hand, I must point out to the mentally challenged Frenchman that he is LATE, his thread having started at 1:25 p.m., while the other TRUE successor to the Muthah Beautiful Thread started at 1:08 p.m.

However, everyone knows how poorly the French do with anything mechanical -- clocks, cars, tanks, rifles -- so it is not unexpected that this should be too difficult a concept for him to grasp.

In short, sirrah, I am offended that you have started up a new Peng Challenge Thread in lieu of my earlier and better (if for no other reason than it was not started by a Frenchman) Peng Challenge Thread.

On the other hand, you did steal quite a nice little title I came up with, so I guess I can live with it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Ths s th n nd nl Tr Csspl!

Pls gnr ll frthr ttmpts b dsrptvs lmnts t prmt lm Thrds nd dcs whtnts.

Thr s n Rls.

Wh shld bthr t tp bld Rls wtht vwls nw?

Drp dd nw!

[dtd bcs wsn't png ttntn!]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why is it that none of you buggers are fluent in MrSpkr?

I mean, I managed to have a game with most of you Pigs and I am not even Dr Dolittle!

I said:

There is NO Rules.

Why should I bother to type bloody Rules without vowels anyway?

You're not supposed to be Scm Sckng Nwbs, are you?!

Now for something completly different, although being on a short fuse probation, our old friend (I'm not too literal here) Lewis is getting at the Finns again.

That's dangerous...

We all know the Finns could get him banned as surely as they fought off the vile Reds while retaining a modicum of critical judgement over the German.

I mean, what with that Hitler guy and all.

Speaking of our Teutonic friends, Sunday Emma and I will be meeting the Urban Legend named GermanBoy in Paris for a drink.

I know anybody even remotely german is to experience a sexual exhilaration akin to a Viagra induced stupor while walking down the Champs Elysees.

But the point is to tell you that the defunct Andreas WILL stop to share a beer even if I have read in his alibi and know better.

I know some of you went through Paris and hadn't even forewarned me...

Ok I am known to have sex with Cesspoolers but one of them is me and the other one is mainly female!

Can't you see we can have a safe Hotseat One Night Stand in a risk free environment and wine to go with it?

Oh boy! Nevermind...

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Okay, now this is just WRONG! Wrong on so many levels I don't know if I can list them BUT I'LL TRY!

1. PawBroon it strikes me as akin to THEFT to take the thread title proposed by another member and use it for your own.

2. We have usually waited until the Bald Angry One alerts us before we create a new thread.

3. You are, how shall I put this, not always the most easily understood of posters to the MBT, it therefore behooves you TO USE FREAKING VOWELS ... even if MrSpkr doesn't in his name. It would be NICE if the first post was at least understandable.

4. NO RULES POSTED. You try to gloss over that by stating that we aren't SSNs ... no BUT THE RULES ARE THERE FOR THE SSNs THAT INVARIABLY WANDER INTO THE NEW THREAD.

5. It is WRONG to have the MBT hosted by the French ... I'm not sure why but it just IS ... it's one of those gut level things.

That being said ... {sigh} I agree with MrSpkr and his gracious relinquishment of the thread and acknowledge this to be the latest (though HARDLY the greatest) incarnation of the MBT. That we have sunk so low ...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

First things first-

DekeFentle, bite me! Your sole purpose in life appears to be running around yipping and yapping like some deranged lapdog. Go along outside before you make another mess on the carpet.


Why Mr. Spanky what a truly wonderful unique invitation. I would be happy to demonstrate the proper use of incisors on your flatulent flesh. Before doing so I must however point out I’m never given the opportunity to piddle on the carpet as my owners learned long ago to keep me locked tightly in my kennel.

Perhaps you would be a good little fellow yipper and yapper and open the gate? Oh I see flippers don’t work any better then paws. Mmmm maybe you could get your owners to take you to the park on Saturday and we could meet then?

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: DekeFentle ]

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[serious mode on] It seems I have upset the creator of the Blood Hamster between myself ad Goanna. He and Berli created a very cool looking scenario. I do not wsh to poil their dream. I have watched turns 1 and 2 and not plotted turn 3 yet. I will cease firing on the bridge. I have exposed myself in an effort to expose Goanna and I will pay the price for it so as to not insult mensh or Berli. I assume I still have a chance to win the game and am happy to continue. [serious mode off]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chow Chow:

PawBroon it strikes me as akin to THEFT to take the thread title proposed by another member and use it for your own.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's not theft you Petty Larcener.

The Vowels Challenged One had the sense to post a good title for a would be Thread and soon after choose to use a lame one.

I hadn't used it for me, I used it for the Community.

So you Shaw (may I call you WindBag?), next time you're about to ask me what I've done to the Pool, look into yourself and see what you've done for Her.

As a side note I've unilaterally decided that the Pool should be a Her since we are spending so much time in it...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We have usually waited until the Bald Angry One alerts us before we create a new thread.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I hadn't noticed you were so respectful of what the Eight Ball had to say.

But if you were, you'd remember our standing rule of engagement specifically forbid the Pool to go over 300 posts.

The rest is folklore to amuse rednecks like you who can't manage a change of power without triggering a dire need of interventionism by the UN.

Why wait for the Serial Padlocker if we could be self policed and do it smoothly?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You are, how shall I put this, not always the most easily understood of posters to the MBT, it therefore behooves you TO USE FREAKING VOWELS ... even if MrSpkr doesn't in his name. It would be NICE if the first post was at least understandable.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What say you?

My vowels, the lack of use about which it is all suposed to be?!

Would abundance of said letters my posts less french suddenly read?

I would more aged most certainly turn when or if rather, I'd say, you're to master my own native language to the extent of the one above and beyond which I currently rank in sheer speakability!!


Don't be such a wise ass WindBag (you're really sure you won't regret being called Shaw?).

I mean, you know you are not one of those Orthodox Sticksters?

What's the point of posting Rules if they are not to be understood because:

b612/Me French,

MCVLXII/Vowels went a lacking?

If I am to understand you, the cumulative effect of all that would have rendered the Rules unheeded.

Why go to all the trouble then?

You are so pathetically folkloric sometimes...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It is WRONG to have the MBT hosted by the French ... I'm not sure why but it just IS ... it's one of those gut level things.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I love you too Pumpkin.

Since you are so happy with the Frogs, I'll entertain you with one of our stories.

A few years ago, a French TV crew went to some of your places you're so famous for.

They wanted to do a series about the locals.

Since Cousteau, Frogs had always been fascinated by backwater places and cross breeded species.

So that TV crew had a guy on television while he was doing a home brew.

They asked him if he had some stories to tell for French TV.

He said:

Last month ah lost a houn'dog in th' montains, we got drunk wif likker, we went t'git thet houn'dog back an' we all raped it on account o' this hyar is th' Law of our place.

The Frogs were shocked, they told him that you couldn't say such things concerning animals in the Land of Cousteau.

So the guy said:

Two weeks ago, ah lost mah wife when she went fo' a stroll in th' montains, we got drunk wif likker, we went t'git th' bitch back an' we all raped her on account o' this hyar is th' Law of our place.

At that point the Frogs were truly horrified by the way of those Yanks.

So they tried one more time asking for a sad story, because it would appeal to the masses, but one with no animal or women being raped by hordes of drunkards.

And the Yank concluded with a sad smile:

Last week ah went t'far in th' woods an' ah lost mahse'f...

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well... It is truly amazing how many post you can miss while indulging in that past time called sleep.

First off.

I want to know the name of the unclean bastard that gave the piss boy Von Shrad crabs!!

[serious]Take care Guy. Wishing you a speedy recovery[/serious]

As for my MIA list. It wasn never ment as a bad thing. Just a listing of those we haven't seen around in a while. That is also why I ask those of you here for your opionions.{not that I care about them}

So out of the 12 or so listed as MIA 3 have been spoken for or a least reported on. I'll move them back up this evening.

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

As for my MIA list. It wasn never ment as a bad thing. Just a listing of those we haven't seen around in a while. That is also why I ask those of you here for your opionions.{not that I care about them}

So out of the 12 or so listed as MIA 3 have been spoken for or a least reported on. I'll move them back up this evening.

Lorak the loathed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm currently playing Nijis, though he only sends about a turn a week.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Leeo wrote:

The problem seems to be with a router close to your end of things. (snip) Perhaps I could post the gory, technical details this evening for you on the General forum, so that you may then smite your ISP with the facts?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That might be a good idea.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>isefjord wrote:

Originally posted by David Aitken:

Well blow me...

I must protest. We don't condone that sort of behavior here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeees... I was going to write just that, but then I thought, "no, I'd better make it the full 'blow me down', or some lackwit will start sniggering about the double meaning". Glad to see you were able to circumvent my defenses in the name of a cheap joke.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Yeees... I was going to write just that, but then I thought, "no, I'd better make it the full 'blow me down', or some lackwit will start sniggering about the double meaning". Glad to see you were able to circumvent my defenses in the name of a cheap joke.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Glad I could help.

I aim to please, (or is that pester?)


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