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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Starz happens to be a fine USA Hard Rock band that released their first LP in the late 70s and went belly up during the early 80s...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let me guess... first LP released on December 31st, 1979... went belly up January 1st, 1980?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Let me guess... first LP released on December 31st, 1979... went belly up January 1st, 1980?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ooh err, not only does he do evil, but he does humor as well. Berli has many hidden talents (which hopefully for the sake of the rest of us will continue to remain hidden).

I could tell you to do a search, but I thought I'd do some value adding instead, and actually post an URL leading you to the history of this band:

Starz History

I look forward to the usual amount of abuse and loathing directed at my person in the morning...til then night all, Mace is going to bed to count ...err... never mind!


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Game Result just to hand!

The sauerkraut munching forces of OGSF have failed miserably in their efforts to wrest a small township away from the hands of the US liberation forces of yours truely.

Despite his use of a Jagdtiger thingey in a gross display of ubertankmanship, the voweled one has been thwarted, thanks in part to a plucky M10, which accounted for 3 Panthers and a teeny widdle M8 that has a PZIV and some damned A/C to its name.

OberGroobyStoobyDooby threw caution, tactics and intelligence to the wind in this battle by:

(a) Letting me take the VL's unopposed and

(B) Then sitting back, scratching his head and saying "feck, how do I remove him from those VL's now?"

Lorak, if you will....

Stuka: Winner! 60

OGSF: Looooser! 40

Yes, yes, I know its not the complete drubbing you would normally expect to see handed out from your old Uncle Stukey, but he had that steeenky jagdwotsit and the are a trifle hard to kill.

(damned thing had 2 pershings, an M10, a field gun and a bunch of infantry on its scorecard. Its a good thing they are slower moving than Mensch on Drano.)

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Look closely Mensch, and you'll notice that nearly half of those burning Ami tanks are Chaffees... I'll trade Chaffees and Shermans for Super Kitties any day. BTW, lay off the Schapps... you're seeing triple. That's a company... not a battalion

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Somebody please help! All my games end the same! hehe The other guy always wins.

I owe turns to:





Mark IV

The Captain He's not a pooler but he's a clever guy with a sock puppet.

Game updates - I'm losing in all of my games unless we just started and I'll find a way to squander my resources, rush flags in the middle of the game, and hunt with my tanks in the open. I'm the king of the run-on sentences.

I saw the Longest Day last night and I saw many of you there. The French people were funny. Any suggestions for more WWII movies?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Phillies Phan wrote:

Any suggestions for more WWII movies?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I assume you have overlooked the 7,481 threads with this very title? Well then I might suggest that you Do A Search!

Oh, and then get A Bridge Too Far on DVD. That film is not worth watching in NarrowScreen™.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

The French people were funny. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Tuesday May 29 8:34 AM ET

Man Burns Bottom in Flame Prank

PARIS (Reuters) - A man who tried to extinguish the ''eternal flame'' burning under the Arc de Triomphe by sitting on it has been treated in hospital for burns to his bottom.

The Paris daily Liberation said the unnamed prankster struck Sunday night and was promptly pulled off the illustrious flame, which honors the French who died during World War One.

His injuries were not serious, said the doctors who treated him at the capital's Bichat hospital.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Anyone heard from Pawbroom lately??


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Abbott:

I would rather have a sister in a Whorehouse then a brother who played for the Phillies.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So you're saying you'd "rather make love to a nun in a brothel than an African American ball player?"


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I look forward to the usual amount of abuse and loathing directed at my person in the morning...til then night all, Mace is going to bed to count ...err... never mind!


Sir Mace let me count the ways I detest you:

1) Your simpering "squire", armornut, being intimidated by my wit and tactics, has stopped sending me turns. He claims computer problems; I wonder...

2) Your picture at Lorak's CessPool website reminds me of the prototypical 1970's pornstar look.

3) Your continued virtual infatuation with Ms. Kitty is juvenile, thereby demeaning the mature environment of the Pool {remove tongue from cheek}.

4) Starz! Nothing more needs to be said.

Mace there is only one way for you to remove the stain of dishonor these issues raise! Accept my challenge and send me terms for your eventual demise!

I loathe the rest of you even more than Mace, but don't have time to list out my grievances.


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Having written a huge and sprawling treatise: "Defending Against the Assault -- A Combat MIssion Guide" I would now like to call on a compatriot of unusually high intellect and skill with language, as well as a masterful strategic mind to assist me in the final stages of editing before submitting it to the vast unwashed rabble that continually laps at our feet like the waves of the mediterranean at dawn.

Strictly speaking, this person of character must meet the following distinctions: knowledge of tactics, both modern and historical; knowledge of the English language as a FIRST language, excluding British English which is terrible; a willingness to read many thousands of words (upwards of 10 pages) in a timely fashion; the ability to gently point out minor flaws in logic and conclusion, while still maintaining a heartfelt adoration for the author as genius; and finally a modicum of generalized intelligence.

Upon second thought, what few of you were left after the initial criteria had been met, quickly succumbed to defects of the last.

So, who would like to edit and critique my essay?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panzer Leader wrote:

Strictly speaking, this person of character must meet the following distinctions: knowledge of tactics, both modern and historical; knowledge of the English language as a FIRST language, excluding British English which is terrible; a willingness to read many thousands of words (upwards of 10 pages) in a timely fashion; the ability to gently point out minor flaws in logic and conclusion, while still maintaining a heartfelt adoration for the author as genius; and finally a modicum of generalized intelligence.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Presumably for the purposes of counterweighting your own shortcomings. Maybe you should just have asked them to write the essay in the first place?

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So Dave - you accept then? After your little "treatise" on the hull-down position last night, no doubt brought on by a scorning wife (once again, eh?) you felt you had to show yourself as master of SOMETHING.

I suppose you would at least be able to locate where I spelled "the" as "hte".

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


dalem is not whatever it was I called him. he is worse.

LORAK you worthless wank, dalem has suffered the defeat of a lunchtme. Yes he has an LtP: a Loss to Peng! poor bastard. all this time he has been losing to everyone hoping to one day have a win. he plays me? and a loss to peng.

goofy score too:

Peng 51

dalem 25

what sort of a damn game has 76 points?

dunno duncare

I am worse than you all think<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was actually doing quite well in this little TCP/IP game until Pengalina fired some sort of Death Ray of Pengish Nogoodnikness at my PC. It zapped my sound completely and enabled his StuGs to begin blowing up my perfectly-positioned Shermans with impunity. Very sad. Looks like my first pool-win will be against WhirliBerli of all people.

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OK, time for a bag full O updates:

First with the good news (in case you missed it, as apparently the Keeper of the Tome did):

Marlow: Conquering Hero

Speedy: Scurvy Dog Loser

We've now started a random force selection rematch where Sir Speed-a-Lot has lived up to his name.

Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Hetzer Rode the five Daimlers.

"Forward, the Recce Troop!"Charge for the Gun!" he said:

251/9s to right of them, Assault Guns to left of them,

Hetzer in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd;

Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well,

Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell

Rode the five Daimlers.

Then they rode back, but not Not the five Daimlers.

But four then three then two

All that was left of them, Left of five Daimlers…

Then the bad News:

j-lowercase-d Empty victory

Marlow Defeated but not bowed

My Brave Canadians gave a good account of themselves against an assault by the overwhelming forces of the vicious Hun. His Tanks a smoking ruin, it was only the ineffectiveness of my Lee-Enfields that cost me the sweet taste of victory. (That and an assault QB instead of the promised attack).

A rematch is in the offing. I think something by my former sponser rune (something for Jefe by rune as well).

EyeScanDork is shelling me with the entire artillery complement of the First Army. Too bad he's not hitting much. Plus I got the flank shot on his Sherman all lined up. I wish could see the look on his face when it goes BOOM.

dalem is dying-a-lot now in the face of assorted machine guns and tanks.

Nijis claims computer troubles to spare his men further participation as the guests of honor at a "Night of the Engineers" Bar-BQ. In one truly beautiful exchange, an entire platoon of pioneers was flushed from a building by my flame-thrower boys, and gunned down in the street like the dogs they are.

BGL(AKA Big Gub'ment Lawyer) has a flank that is about to collapse. His infantry dead or in retreat, his armor skittering away like a dog with its tail between its legs, and one big bad 88 about to go bye-bye with no armor kills. So sad.

Steve-the-Git, WildWoman, and BleeterNZ are still AWOL. I am also keeping a warm spot on my hard (down Bauhaus) drive for Here-I-Am-Beat-Me and Crodachoo, but without much hope.

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panzer Leader wrote:

So Dave - you accept then?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry old bean, you ruled me out with the stipulation:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>excluding British English which is terrible;<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>After your little "treatise" on the hull-down position last night, no doubt brought on by a scorning wife (once again, eh?) you felt you had to show yourself as master of SOMETHING.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, I find the 'hull down' position to be extremely satisfying and rewarding. It maximises penetration power, you know.

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Bluefish, please pardon Pantyreader. My understanding is that he always gets snappy this time of the month.

If you want to know what is going on, read the first post in this thread. True, it was written by schmensch and therefore is, at least facially, unintelligible, but, with a little luck and your handy dandy Captain Crunch Decoder Ring™ you should be able to get it. If you still have problems, ask mommy to help.

Then sod off, ya git.


And now for something completely different.

How Australians spend their spare time.

I wonder if David Aitken bought one of the advance tickets?

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Some half arsed dig at champion Australia<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Typical poms eh?

"Oh look, somebody is enjoying themselves, we must put a stop to this!"

You'd think they already had enough to worry about with their 3rd world, decaying country and all.

Not to mention their Silly Cow disease, and the crap weather, and their unwashed woman folk, and the price of fuel, and their penchant for Australian soap operas.

Have you ever seen an English TV 'comedy'? How many sniggering remarks about 'toilets' can an entertainment genre come up with?

Oh, by the way. "Morning Team!"

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