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Damn, Babra, what is it with you and your loss of identity?!? You're probably the only one that can keep up with me and my quote from the Torah, and here you go being 'renewed' every 30-ish thousand posts... ha'Shem has it in for you, bud!

As for updates, some are losing, and some aren't.

PS Msg to PantyEater: if you really want to be a part of our koinonia, try exercising a bit a restraint in "cess leaks" onto the Outer Board. Word to the trying-to-be-wise, and all that.

PPS Friend of mine got that nasty 'ordination' disease this weekend, so if this is incoherent, it's due to post-celebratory excess.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

ha'Shem has it in for you, bud!


The Old One has had me black-listed from the day I first dodged a coathanger. I am the bastard of the world. Nijis, Moriarty, JShandorf & Herr Oberst have it in for me too, but I've got the drop on them... ;)

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Lots of PENG nonsense and other wannabee comedians stuff gone...here it? I cry...



Peng's sperm donor is lamenting the loss of our thread. I just knew he loved us really.

It just took a calamity like this to bring the grogs and 'poolers together.

Solidarity brothers! (and sisters)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Speedy you dolt!

That was a classic 'Young Ones' quote and you missed it entirely.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Talking about classic 'Young Ones' quotes:

Stuka, you're a complete and utter bastard!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mrspkr2:

I hear Fred has some tissue if you need it . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm sure I'd hold it wrong or try to be funny or something else that would just send the old boy off the deep end.

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Guest Berlichingen

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

no hell.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

News to me

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Ah back in saddle again.....and Mace the gauntlet from Croda's back pool of cess, stands

Hey look my member number is lower than that scum sucking newbie git, Berli!


edited to "frederize" Berli-boy

[ 05-23-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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Better tell this NEWBIE, Berli (no bolding for you SSN's) to go back and re-read the Rules of the One True Pool... sheesh, sounds like this guy (if it is a guy) has never even been here before.

I'd call down fire and bauhaus upon the head of Peng, but it just might make him send my turn even slower, so I forbear. Or at least forplay. Whatever.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-:

Good Job cesspoolers!

At least we got the thing back up and running.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK Mr. Johnson, if that is your real name, and with an email address of puregirl3@yahoo.com I sort of kind of a little bit doubt that you are a Mister or have a Johnson.

Now that that is out of the way, just what is you little post implying?

I am inferring from it that you somehow think this or the other or some incarnation of the Peng Challenge thread had something to do with the crash and the subsequent lack of message board for far too long.

Had you the wit of a three toed sloth you would have some clue that it was not this thread that killed the board. Nor was it the previous thread.

Since you obviously are only able to bang on a keyboard with your paws and grunt, this will probably not make much sense to you, but I am curious what part you played in returning the BBS to service?

Again I am inferring from your post. It seems to me that the "we" in your post means that you yourself were sweating over an application server wondering why the hell it broke and why you cant recover the last week of postings. "What went wrong with my tape backup?" you were thinking to yourself, and "Oh, man, this sucks! all those people waiting to post again." and "THIS IS BLOODY BEAUTIFUL! OUR MAIN ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR THE BEST BLOODY GAME ON EARTH DOESN"T WORK AND I HAVE TO FIX IT NOW!!!.

So that was you going through that, eh? You and Madmatt, bestest buddies slaving away over a dead server, and you grumbling the whole time "MATT, WHY DON"T WE GET RID OF THOSE DAMN CESSPOOLERS ONCE AND FOR ALL! they keep crashing the server and they make searches too slow and they say bad things and I don't understand 90% of what they write!"

Must have been a nightmare for you Mrs Johnson. Sorry we had to put you through it.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would like to edit this to point out that this is one of the second-dumbest names for the Peng Challenge thread ever, the dumbest being any by JoeShaw.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Damn you Mark IV, if you'd bothered to actually READ the opening post of my classic threads you'd have seen that the header actually led into further comment that was brilliant beyond description but that would be expecting more of you than is reasonable.

Oh ... I'm back ... you may all bask in the light of my presence and continue to refresh crazily in hopes that I've posted yet another witty yet strangely warm missive to bring some joy into your otherwise drab and meaningless lives.

As to my unanswered turns, I'll get to them when I feel like it.

Now let's see if my ID is still good ...


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I would like to take this opportunity to post the first Victory of the new Cess:

MarlowConquering hero

SpeedyBloody Pulp

My valiant Red Devils did in Herr von der Speedy's Fallingguys in a bloody close quarters night battle.

In other news, I am either losing or winning. Of particular note, my battle against Lawyer is off to a nice start as I prepare to turn his flank.

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Since I have only been playing Cesspoolers lately, and the worst dreck of the lot at that, I will point out that I am currently in CM exile in sunny San Diego and will not return to even sunnier and relentlessly horrible Fresno until late tonight or tomorrow morning. So you've waited this long for turns, you can wait some more.

On the upside, one of my international trainees is a shapely young Brazilian lass of the blonde, blue-eyed persuasion. I haven't missed you scum at all. Still, I'd like to thank Mr. Johnson for fixing the board, and to blame chrisl for breaking it in the first place.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>On the upside, one of my international trainees is a shapely young Brazilian lass of the blonde, blue-eyed persuasion.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Ah, well good for you then Mark IV, I suppose we can assume that you fancy your chances eh? Excellent, best of luck old man, obviously she's also of the blind, deaf and stupid persuasion or she'd have nothing to do with you but dumb luck will win out at times. Do keep us informed ... photos would be nice ... of HER mind you.


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