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Guest PondScum

Just got back from vacation (Copenhagen is very nice this time of year, thanks for asking :D) and sent off my purchases. Halfway through selection I did a massive and total rethink when I actually studied the "Web" map a little more closely. Did I say before that it was merely twisted? I was wrong. This map is SICK... and it's starting to grow on me...

So now there should only be 5 ass-kickees who we're waiting on. Hurry hurry hurry! smile.gif

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Ok...besides one purchase that I sent back for fixing, we still need:

Harpooner (10th of JUNE for him)

Senor Beef

Harpooner, since he told me about the 10th is ok...now Senor Beef, on the other hand, is pissing me off.

Senior Beef, I urge you to get me those purchases by today or suffer the consequences!

Youre still not mad about the asskicking I gave you/am still giving you the other night in our little TCP/IP match are you? ;) Seriously, I know everyone here is busy but damn it man...you've had ample time! So please get me that file A.S.A.P!

So for the rest of you, expect to kick off the Second Round tomorrow at the latest. This pushes the Due Date back to the 22nd of JUN :rolleyes: But let me warn you now! DO NOT be late this time...and as they say "Forewarned is Forearmed".


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Duke:

Ok...besides one purchase that I sent back for fixing, we still need:

Harpooner (10th of JUNE for him)

Senor Beef

Harpooner, since he told me about the 10th is ok...now Senor Beef, on the other hand, is pissing me off.

Senior Beef, I urge you to get me those purchases by today or suffer the consequences!

Youre still not mad about the asskicking I gave you/am still giving you the other night in our little TCP/IP match are you? ;) Seriously, I know everyone here is busy but damn it man...you've had ample time! So please get me that file A.S.A.P!

So for the rest of you, expect to kick off the Second Round tomorrow at the latest. This pushes the Due Date back to the 22nd of JUN :rolleyes: But let me warn you now! DO NOT be late this time...and as they say "Forewarned is Forearmed".


Ahem, we still have 6 or 7 turns left for me to launch my secret counterattack in.

Anyway, sorry, I've been really busy with school lately, I haven't had much time for myself. I'm going back there in like 10 minutes, and I won't be home until 9 or 10 eastern - so I'll work on it right when I get home then. Sorry for the delay.

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Guest PondScum

Hey Duke, since you know SenorBeef will be sending in his purchases tonight, any chance you could send out the rest of the games now? That way those of us in Europe could do the all-important setup before going to bed :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Hey Duke, since you know SenorBeef will be sending in his purchases tonight, any chance you could send out the rest of the games now? That way those of us in Europe could do the all-important setup before going to bed



would be very handy as Gyrene and i have scheduled a tcp sesh for tomorrow afternoon (thats 'Yesterday Evening' in PST, I believe).

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Ok...The Second Round is officially off. Almost all the battles are out...1 will be sent tonight when I get home from work. (That is unless Senor Beef could send me his purchases to my work, then I will send it during my lunch)

I apologize to everyone for not getting them out last night as I was...indesposed with my beeyaatch. ;)

Good Hunting all.


[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: Iron Duke ]

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Guest PondScum

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Duke:

Ok...The Second Round is officially off.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Right ass-kickers, let's start on the battle reports!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I apologize to everyone for not getting them out last night as I was...indesposed with my beeyaatch. ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, do we get an AAR on that too? tongue.gif

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Ok Senor Beef and myself just played our game out by tcp and it is my melancholy duty to inform you that the evil axis forces have inflicted a tactical victory over the courageous American glider troops ( 71 to 29 ).

This game started badly for me ( 5 out of my 10 crack glider platoons were destroyed on the first turn at least one of those platoons went from being full strength to totally annihilated in 1 sec!!!!! ) from there it actually got enjoyable as I tried to stave off the inevitable with the shattered remains of my battalion.

All I can say now is well played Senor Beef and I hope you win your next 3 games.

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Guest PondScum

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

5 out of my 10 crack glider platoons were destroyed on the first turn<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


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Our map is no good!!! He has troops in my set up area (From overflow when the computer lines them up before the set up phase) AND this is not a meeting engagement as he was able to dig foxholes.

This map needs to be fixed, we're playing the "pit" map.


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LOL smile.gif

This is what we have in our map too.

A bit of a designer fault,or not...?

Anyway if your opponent left his troops in your setup area he did a great job if they survive :D

At first I wanted to do the same ,would have been fun a king tiger in your rear area redface.gif

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Noticed that in my game also. With the set-up zones that is. I did the honorable thing and set my guys up in my designated zones. But did Sock Monkey do the same. Well we'll soon find out.


It's good to be at the top of the food chain.

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Guest PondScum

First blood in my game against aaronb on the map-of-many-viaducts. It's turn 4, and his probing Sherman has been picked off by a one-shot-one-kill Hetzer. Nine survivors from the escorting British Airborne platoon are running for their lives under a hail of gunfire.

But this map is so damn big, with so many patches of woods and scattered trees, that more of them could be just about anywhere...

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You'll need bullets and not just slander to beat me, Mlapanzer! ;)

Yeah, you know, I never even thought of leaving them there, which goes to show ya just how much of an upright Dudley Doright I am! Or maybe I lack imagination. Either way, my Properly Setup Nazi Hordes will soon not be bombarding you with the illegally high-caliber rocket barrage of doom the Duke disallowed :( Instead, we'll rush overland firing wildly until all you goshdarn Amis/Brits/Couldn't-be-the-French/Canada-isn't-even-a-real-country whatever you ares are pushing up daisies! :D

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