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The Twelve Step Program to the PENG Challenge!

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Oh my, I seemed to have stirred a bit of a hornet's nest of comment, little of it cogent of course, but still:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Peng countered: PShaw I wish to point out to you, and jd and MrLawyer will certainly point you to the correct paperwork, That I am in fact the owner of this thread ... blather, more blather and even, wait for it, more blather<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Peng, Peng, Peng ... and while I think of it, Peng. Is jd the very best you can do? It is WELL known that he will say anything for MONEY ... despite THAT admirable trait he's just not to be trusted and therefore I discount his testimony. As to your other source, you must think me as pudding minded as the rest of the CessPool, but there is NO MRLAWYER ... as you well know. I invoke simple logic to devestate your claim, attend now: Were the MEMBERS of the CessPool to die en masse (an admirable idea to be sure), there would be no CessPool. Were the CessPool to be invoked elsewhere under another name, it would still be the CessPool.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>jd found it unutterably clever to misquote me thusly: Well Peng I ALREADY loath you forever but I promise to think of you every time I kneel and abuse myself before the porcelin goddess.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd thought more of you jd ... well, not really ... than to change the wording of my quote which was, as you well know, ABASE. For shame.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Finally, Agua Perdido felt moved to propose: What say you, old man? Let us invoke Berli for a playing field, just to maximize the unpleasantness.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, that would certainly do it. As to the Lose, Lose nature of the encounter, I shall have to consider if your education is complete. If so, then I shall allow myself the minor pleasure of beating you. If not, then I may have to allow you to win in order to finish your teaching in the proper manner. I shall think upon it later but by all means, let us have something from Berli ... foul though it will be.

There {Joe walks away dusting his hands} ... that should answer that.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

If this is not acceptable, then let it be known that WHEN I gain my silver eppaulettes I WILL take him on. As soon as Dame Achin' crumbles, that is...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Right . . . let's see, that would be . . .umm . . reason number . . . 258.60195(A)(2)(a)(iv) that I am glad you are nowhere near becoming a knight.

Wow. Just when you think he can't get in a dumber - just when you think you have reached the bottom, the bedrock core of the depths of his stupidity comes the cry . . .

"Look! We've hit another rock layer! Let's dig a little deeper!"

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So after I embarrass Stalin publicly with a overwhelming win do I get to challenge Squires or do I get to move up to piss boys and other forms of lower life forms?

My 4 platoons of Pz-Ivs have arrived behind Overloon and and starting to pick of British tanks of all types. Hmmm, maybe I should have givin him a +10% bonus to make his humilation all the more complete.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

What say you, old man? Let us invoke Berli for a playing field, just to maximize the unpleasantness.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There's nothing as enjoyable as watching the relationship between a Knight and his squire develop over time. *sniff*

After all the time and effort that the Knight puts into his squire, developing a lean - mean taunting machine, it brings a tear to my eye to know that the squire pays back all that nurturing and support with a well placed brick right between the eyes.

You have done your Knight proud (and in), Aqua pudding.

Oh, the emotion of it all! *sob*


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-:

So after I embarrass Stalin publicly with a overwhelming win do I get to challenge Squires or do I get to move up to piss boys and other forms of lower life forms?.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You all need to realise that this is a purely rhetorical question.


My 4 platoons of Pz-Ivs have arrived behind Overloon and and starting to pick of British tanks of all types. Hmmm, maybe I should have givin him a +10% bonus to make his humilation all the more complete.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmmm...I do believe that his recently arrived armour has achieved precisely nothing so far. But perhaps I'm wrong - perhaps he's killed something I can't see, like one of his own vehicles??

Anyway - he's cunningly constructed barriers to prevent me crossing the river that splits the map in half, and since a little more than half the VL's are accessable to me I may well sit back and have a cuppa while we celebrate liberating the town.

I hear there's a wine cellar somewhere in there too...........

[ 07-09-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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ok, That seemed to work pretty well.... I just hope it holds out.

First For the Tome updates:





















In other news... In case any of you brainless tits missed it.

Peng has handed out another "*" to Mace. Sad...sad but true.

Berli was bested by a canadian. I don't know what to make out of that one.. I assume it is one of the last signs also.

I am back trying to fulfill my duty and finish my games. Which consist of.....

Goanna hiding in a town and shooting my poor polish scouting party.

Mace hiding his Urber-tanks out in the open blowing the crap out of my amis.

Elvis running his gamey 12 man german assualt units into and over my 7 man paratrooper squads.

Moriarty still making me gnash my teeth at this hell map that Berli spawned.

That about covers it I think. You may all go back to climbing the evolutionary ladder. Hell you may even make fluke worms one day.

Lorak the loathed

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PBEM Update

The reasons for Fieldmarshall needing a 50% points bonus has become ridiculously clear. Not only is he using partial FOW, so I can see clearly what units he's attacking with, but in case I should miss anything... he laid out all of his units on the open ground above my positions whilst awaiting his 150mm rocket barrage.

Needless to say, I swiftly introduced him to the joys of 4.2in mortars, knocking out one of the four 75mm 251's I can see and severely upsetting a couple of his platoons. He passes along this message:


Like taking candy from children...

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Well what do you expect - the poor lad's only 15 years of age, and this game is serious gaming candy....so you get 10 out of 10 for stating the bleeding obvious!!

I hope he hasn't distracted you from spending 10 seconds on your move for our game....send some more of yuor boys over & we'll send them home too1

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Monty's Wurlitzer wrote:

the poor lad's only 15 years of age<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now look here matey, I was 15 once, and when I was 15 I was, well, a pathetic excuse for a total reject of a human being... but damnit, I at least liked to think that I was capable of functioning as at least a trainee doormat to society! This young fellow will be – god forbid – allowed to drive within a year, so the government must at least credit lifeforms of his ilk with some kind of sensory apparatus... not to suggest that the government would be in such a position of intelligence as to be able to distinguish a genius from, say, a lamppost or a large pile of bricks... but I suppose I shouldn't ridicule him too harshly, as there is a distinct possibility that he is blind, or has some kind of freak learning disability that renders it impossible for him to understand that fresh air, well, doesn't do a particularly good job of stopping bullets; and that yes, he does actually need to do something more than put his units on the map and claim that they are übertanks and übermensch in order to win. Mind you, that never stopped Panzer Leader...

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The web police at my "job" banned the CM forum from my computer, presumably for overuse. So you have missed my wit and wisdom, eh?

Well, be advised that spending my personal time here is a gigantic waste of valuable resources which proves itself again with each visit. It's kinda like hopin' the chicken at KFC will be really crispy this time because it smells good from outside the building. Nothing is worse than reading this drivel when I could instead be watching 60 channels of info-mercials.

Game Updates:


Seanachai is currently away at Boy Scout Camp reading "Boy's Life" and trying out for the New Christy Mistrels with Barry McGuire. He won't believe he's on the Eve of Destruction, but he is. Still, he has this annoying Gun of Navarone that refuses to die...

Marlow is running his entire force of GI's around my left flank to avoid being shot to pieces. I am playing with him and letting him think he has a chance to win. We all know better, but don't tell him.

Peng has apparently fortified a whole side of the game map that is not relevant to the battle at hand. Is it unfair for me to take advantage of the legendary Peng madness? Not at all! He created and continues to regularly feed the Elvis monster. Both of them must die.

Dalem is a gentle soul who is happily laying down his life and pride to feed my ego. Bless him. As Catfish Hunter once said, "Some days the sun just don't shine up a dog's behind."

BTW, have you noticed that gasoline prices have declined sharply since Joe Shaw came back? Did I predict it correctly? Of course I did.

You are all festering sores upon the buttocks of humanity. Go squat on a candlestick.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

[QB]The web police at my "job" banned the CM forum from my computer, presumably for overuse. So you have missed my wit and wisdom, eh?

Well, be advised that spending my personal time here is a gigantic waste of valuable resources which proves itself again with each visit. It's kinda like hopin' the chicken at KFC will be really crispy this time because it smells good from outside the building. Nothing is worse than reading this drivel when I could instead be watching 60 channels of info-mercials.


Lordy, lordy.

Am I correct in assuming that Lawyer's work uses the same damn Web-police service my company uses? Tis truly a sad day when they ban the CM forum from work.

Lucky for me I am enough of a net-savy guru(no-life-loser) to have found a quick way around that ban and can still post here....for now.

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTW, have you noticed that gasoline prices have declined sharply since Joe Shaw came back? Did I predict it correctly? Of course I did.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Did you also note that the projected U.S. Budget Surplus has declined sharply since Lawyer has been forced to work instead of surfing here? Coincidence? I think not.


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What's this whining and mewling going on here.....please Lorak, can I please, please count my win against some other low-life scum who brushed by here without so much as a by-your-leave....I promise it was a good game Mr Lorak, so please, please let it count....puuuulllleeeeaaaasssseeee..."

JackDaniels - can I please borrow that brick...which way round does it go? Doesn't matter y'say....just lift and throw y'reckon...like this?.......swish.......BONG....yeah, well it's metalic and empty, so of course it rings like a bell!

Did I do that right??

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Mace!, you BeeGee's wannabee, During a lull in my busy day I have checked my home e-mail and find that, at 1.20 pm on a tuesday afternoon, you are e-mailing turns from home.

What is the name of your supervisor young man? I have a report to make.

On second thought, don't bother. If I just ring the Victorian government and ask for the guy in charge of the broom closet, I'm sure I'll get through.

(Edited to spell "stupid, useless, good for nothing, hopeless, lazy bastige" correctly)

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


Berli you shall have a game of unimaginable swinerey at which you and PShawcan flail with your blackest thoughts and deeds. I'll put one together for you tonight. I have a particularly nasty map in mind. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah yes, a tough map! A pool table with one VL in the middle and no troops. Should be a quick battle.

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It is a very sad day today.

One of our Elders whose depth of knowledge and display of tactical skills had always been a feast for the eyes and started to play with his knickers over his swollen head.

In a gamey joint venture, the Lawful combo of JD-JDMorse had me engaged in a game which ended as soon as it started because its sense of purpose was obviously southbound.

Mr Grisham, as long as you are not able to be a tad more judgemental concerning the use of the FOW setting, I will not be compelled to play with you.

Do you actually play your games with that default setting and just been discovered for the Fraud you were all along?

No FOW was your Fraudian slip!

I thought it was something more akin (not Aitken) to befall on SirABCD but I shall heretofore rename you BagPipe since you are so Full Of Wind, that's the only FOW setting you can manage nowadays.

Your Cesspool Rights are also revoked and you are required to go post on that SMG Gap Thread till they see it as the waste of bandwidth it is (hadn't Steve told them that discussing something that was fixed was pointless?).

Needless to say that game is mine.

Lorak that was your clue.

We need a distinctive mark of Shame to be able to highlight games aborted because the setup was initially done by BagPipe.

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ah yes, a tough map! A pool table with one VL in the middle and no troops. Should be a quick battle.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah well, what can we expect ... it is Peng we're dealing with after all.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

It is a very sad day today.

One of our Elders whose depth of knowledge and display of tactical skills had always been a feast for the eyes and started to play with his knickers over his swollen head.

In a gamey joint venture, the Lawful combo of JD-JDMorse had me engaged in a game which ended as soon as it started because its sense of purpose was obviously southbound.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A Senior moment Nolo Contendre, but then you are French so it seems to me a draw. One bit of incomprehensibilty for another. Besides if anyone gets the game it should be I. First you should respect your elders and gawd knows I am yours, and second you QUIT! You withdrew from the game in a snit of gaminess because it was not to your liking. Well Mr IamsoFrenchIlookdownMynoseatyou EnglishPigDogs, that oversight leveled the playing field, affecting us both, advantage nil, so your withdrawal interruptus prematuris should grant the victory to moi. But I am magnaminious and shall grant you the boon of playing in the big leagues as you so earnestly desire. En garde varlet.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Am I correct in assuming that Lawyer's work uses the same damn Web-police service my company uses? Tis truly a sad day when they ban the CM forum from work.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bastards, did the same damned thing to me. And you all wondered what dial-up connections were still good for :cool: .

I've been out bothering the grogs, but it's time for a game update...

chrisl: Hugging 3, possibly 4, edges in the fog and dropping boxcars by the trainload. A gamey slut who, it seems, failed to grow up very near where I very nearly had the same experience (within a half mile, or 800 kiloyards). As a result I am altering my birth records and mutilating my fingerprints, by pressing them against an icy glass until it is empty. I am attacking in all directions like a frenchman inhaling pure, uncut bratwurst.

Peng: Same boxcars, different weather. Further from the edges and look what it's going to get him... the funnel to Hell.

von Schrad: Sadly, he is worth more parted out than sold whole, and is in the shop having marketable organs removed. We have reached the moment of crisis in the vision of Hell that was our gift from the ex-post-boldo Germanboy, meaning duelling gamey flag rushes. Hard to rush on one leg... AND WHOSE AIRPLANES ARE THOSE, ANYWAY???

Geier: Gibbering in russki now, I can only assume he is defending with Ostfront vets who are crazed, but fortunately own the entire map. They also outnumber me 3 to 1 and every gefreiter has an MG42 of his very own. In short, I appear to be defending, but he has started out with all the flags. I suspect Germanboy set this one up too. Caen will be German for many decades to come. I hate being British, even for a few minutes a day.

Hiram: Offered a handsome retainer by the wealthy gentleman he's been "seeing", he no longer has time for a conventional thrashing. We'll always be here for him when he's dumped. No wonder he stays out late.

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