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why are the allies such crap?

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any way you could possibly make the rifle teams 20 points cheaper? I swear to god, every time I play CM (im always forced allies, because I always get stuck with a asshole who has a name like "SS_LEADER_COGERMANPANZERDIVISION_HERZ" that wants to be german side) multiplayer all they ever do is buy 5 SMG squads and the best tanks and whatever else they can buy with points alotted left.

if you havent noticed, rifles do nothing compared to SMG's. SMG's are good at almost any range, and it doesnt really matter if rifles can shoot across the map, because you're not going to hit anything anyways. plus the damage associated with the rifles is outrageous, you can spend your entire 'ammo' shooting at a squad and only kill maybe 2 per squad, if your lucky. While american squads get ripped up so easily. I also cant stand the fact that if your squad gets routed \ panicked \ whatever.. the entire squad moves. I know i know, it doesnt model each soldier, but its absolutely insane when you have 11 guys pinned. I mean, all 11 guys pinned down? Couldnt some at least panic fire???

of course, im going to get a lot of "LAUGH OUT LOUD OYU JUST NEED TO BE BETTER AND LEARN HOW TO USE THE ALLIES" - unless friggin lucky charms him self kisses my ass, I wont be any better. the game is total luck, and some tactical involvement when you try to figure out when to rush the flags on certain turns. thats just about it. Tank battles are merely who can get hit first.

so please, kill some points off allied infantry



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securityguard wrote:

> SMG's are good at almost any range,


> and it doesnt really matter if rifles can shoot across the map, because you're not going to hit anything anyways.




SMGs are close-range weapons. Click on an SMG squad, hit Return and look at the effectiveness values. Next time you engage an SMG squad, stay outwith the effective range, and your riflemen will have a field day.



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Looks a little like a troll, given its close proximity to this thread:

http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/016675.html ,

which includes some pretty reasonable evaluations of allied vs german infantry squads.

I play the allies a lot, and except for not knowing how to use british armor effectively (I haven't played the brits too many times) I don't see that they're particularly worse off than the germans.

As for US rifle squads vs. german SMG squads, take another look at the FP vs range-- SMG squads suck at longer than 100 m (except the heavy SMG squads that include a couple of MG42, which are usually 1/3 of the SMG platoon). Hell, I've even seen German Fusilier (the heaviest close range FP there is) platoons get ripped up by US troops at close range in the fog.

Übertanks aren't all they're cracked up to be either. Once you start to figure out their weaknesses they're just another unit on the battlefield.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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Guest Germanboy

I once saw a man who thought the Allies were crap and I wanted to weep. Then I realised he had no clue how to command troops and I cried.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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the game is total luck, and some tactical involvement when you try to figure out when to rush the flags on certain turns. thats just about it.

Uh huh. So if it's total luck, why are you

always getting you ass handed to you? If was total luck, you'd win sometimes regardless of

how bad you are.

Tank battles are merely who can get hit first.

Actually that's a very astute observation.

I think you could ask any tanker if they want to get the first shot off or not and the answer would be a "hell yes". Tanks don't live long in tank battles.

so please, kill some points off allied infantry

Yeah right. BTS is already hard at work on your demands. I'm sure a patch is forthcoming!

LOL and -


[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

Just trying to get this damn signature thingy to work...

Kind of lost it's punch with all this mucking about...


You hand in your ticket

And you go watch the geek

Who immediately walks up to you

When he hears you speak

And says, "How does it feel

To be such a freak?"

And you say, "Impossible"

As he hands you a bone.

- Bob Dylan Copyright © 1965

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Funny, German opponents often comment that the US sqads are a pain to kill becuse of their size and power... even when I leave them out unsupported.

Anyway, do a little checking on how combined arms works... I find that some well placed 105 doesn't really care if the squad it blasts is 8 rifles or 10 MP44's...

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ok here's a good idea

Lots of players actually prefer the Allies

In fact I'll take the British anytime.

Now if the Krouts are so good why don't you find someone (and there are plenty of us) who enjoys playing the Allies and see if this is a game of luck and if the Allies are really so crappy?

Any good player can win with either the Allies or the krouts.

Pick me, I'll take the Allies and you can buy what uber Krout tanks and SMG squads you like.

I'm sure I'm not the only Allied player here who would be happy to accomondate you.

So, its SIMPLE, don't play anyone else until you have won two are three times in a row as the Germans then come back here and tell us the Allies are crap and I promise you someone here will find a way to beat you in an even Meeting engagement with the Allies.

How's that for fair???

-tom w

P.S. does the use of the term Krout, offend anyone here? I figure it is the same as "Yank" and so it is not intended to offend.

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by dunc:

poor misguided soul.

I wonder how the allies won the war if they were so "crap".

That, my friend, has had historians for 60 years. Face it. We had NO idea about armor. We trundled around in big, tall things with the protective properties of a brown paper bag, and the best gun we came out with by '45 was about on par with the Germans in 1937. The Germans learned from Russian sloping armour, did we? They came out with the Jagdkampfwagens like the Jagdpanther, and we answered with the Archer, and that doesn't even face forward.

But he still totally needs to learn to use the Allies though.

Hey, tell yer what Security Guard, I'll give you a PBEM, and I'll play with one 88 tied behind my back.

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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

It's "kraut," btw.

Oh ok

I thought it was Krout like rout pout or Trout?


I'll ask again is the use of the term Kraut (from sauerKraut I presume) is offensive to anyone here?

So far as I can tell no one has been warned or banned for the use of the word Kraut on this board?

Hell its from Hogan's Heroes they called them Krauts all the time on that show smile.gif

-tom w

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 02-25-2001).]

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Wow, interesting post.

1.) SMGs are superior to rifle squads:

-aha, guess you don´t like firefights over distances more than 100m...

2.) Tank battles are merely who can get hit first:

-good, you just learned one of the principles of armoured warfare...

3.) im always forced allies, because I always get stuck with a asshole who has a name like "SS_LEADER_COGERMANPANZERDIVISION_HERZ" that wants to be german side:

-well, perhaps you should play other people?

4.) I mean, all 11 guys pinned down? Couldnt some at least panic fire???

-yeah, they could. If they were not pinned... That´s what "pinned down" means...

All in all a very interesting post that shows that you invested time and energy in the game, read something about WWII weapon system and tactics and *****BOOOOOOOM*****!!

damned, that´s the 2nd sarcasm indicator I´ve wrecked today...



Klotzen, nicht kleckern!

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unless friggin lucky charms him self kisses my ass, I wont be any better.

Better to learn and then rely on skill than on the whims of a wee leprechaun smile.gif


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Security guard,

I know where you're coming from. When I was new, and got a good kicking from a player who knew how to handle the Germans, I at first though "Oh crimeys, damn those SMG wielding, KT riding bastards!"

Well, I played longer and I found out this isnt really the case. You can win with just about anyone in an infantry fight.

One thing I will say is in most of my fights I could never win with Brits, due to their embarrasingly low firepower status. Fortunately, their extraordinary Wasp vehicle more then makes up for it, along with the Firefly and Daimlers (a personal favorite of mine). Try and NOT relly on Inf. VS Inf. fights when you can. Get arty, vehicles, and armor involved. Give those bastards everything you got but do it carefully.

Your rather comical line stands true - all you need is more practice and perhaps less gamey opponents. Or, better yet, play the same gamey bastard that bought all SMG's and agree on something like Fionn's 75 rule so the Uber-tanks dont get involved. Then, pick the terrain for wide, open and flat. When he buys his SMG's, he'll be lucky to have em hit you from longer ranges!

Either way you chose to take it, wild outbursts - although serving their purpose in releasing anger - dont get you very popular with the others.



"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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Originally posted by Chinnock:

That, my friend, has had historians for 60 years. Face it. We had NO idea about armor. We trundled around in big, tall things with the protective properties of a brown paper bag, and the best gun we came out with by '45 was about on par with the Germans in 1937. The Germans learned from Russian sloping armour, did we? They came out with the Jagdkampfwagens like the Jagdpanther, and we answered with the Archer, and that doesn't even face forward.


Let's be fair, it is common knowledge the Allies did not win through tactical prowess - firepower, numbers and industrial strength, were their friends.

On a man for man basis, though, the Allies were in fact able to hold their own in tactical situations - this has all been discussed before but for every disadvantage any Allied piece of equipment had, it usually had an advantage - ie the Allies had gyrostabilizers on tanks (which were often not used, but hey....) and mechanical reliability (and NUMBERS). German tanks were better for fighting, but harder to do maintenance (anybody still making interleaved roadwheels for their tanks? Ever wonder why?)

The greater point to be be made is that all units have advantages and disadvantages - there is no "perfect" unit in CM. A good player learns to use his stuff to best advantage, as has been said about 20 times in this thread already.

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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

I'll ask again is the use of the term Kraut (from sauerKraut I presume) is offensive to anyone here?

So far as I can tell no one has been warned or banned for the use of the word Kraut on this board?

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 02-25-2001).]

If you have to ask, why bother? Just assume it does and you'll be better off. It's not particularly offensive to me, but it doesn't make you look particularly enlightened, either.

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