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I just picked up Age of Sail 2 today, (which is pretty cool!), and on the disc was a movie trailer of a Talonsoft game called GI Combat. It looks just like CM except it's a real time game. It gave a link to the site which is coming soon www.gicombat.com It's due out in the fall.


If it bleeds, we can kill it.

[This message has been edited by mscano (edited 02-01-2001).]

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Im 32 and know what yer talkin' 'bout!

Don't forget - they switched to a Sherman and towed their Stuart behind them - in battle even!!

Do I win?? biggrin.gif


"The mass of the [Red] army stationed in Western Russia is to be destroyed in bold operations involving deep penetrations by armored spearheads, and the withdrawal of elements capable of combat into the extensive Russian land spaces is to be prevented.

By means of rapid pursuit a line is then to be reached from beyond which the Russian air force will no longer be capable of attacking the German home territories."

- - - Directive 21 "Fall Barbarossa"

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Originally posted by Purple4Ever:

Im 32 and know what yer talkin' 'bout!

Don't forget - they switched to a Sherman and towed their Stuart behind them - in battle even!!

Do I win?? biggrin.gif

No, I win you old bastard, cause I'm 31 and the odds are you will die before me!


Of course there was that whole crazy jigsaw tank they had too. And the fact their Stuart blew up Tigers on a regular basis. But they had a ghost to help them. Unlike Sgt Rock who could shoot down a Messerschmitt with a bazooka.

You know, if CM had aerials on the tanks, I'm sure someone would have done a Haunted Tank mod by now...it certainly crossed my mind.

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Originally posted by mscano:

I just picked up Age of Sail 2 today, (which is pretty cool!), and on the disc was a movie trailer of a Talonsoft game called GI Combat. It looks just like CM except it's a real time game. It gave a link to the site which is coming soon www.gicombat.com It's due out in the fall.

Give us a report on Age of Sail II, please.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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So far I think I got you all beat. I'm 45 and read every GI Combat, Sgt. Fury, Sgt. Rock, Enemy Ace that I could get my hands on when I was a kid. Thought about buying some old issues when I took my kid to a comic book show but $15 for a nice issue, I don't think so.


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I am 23 and I know a little about good ole' Sgt. Rock and Easy Company.....hehe :D

as for this GI thingy.....I'll Pass. As far as I have seen it looks like talonsoft is trying to bank off of BTS glory.....but I doubt it will succeed. The idea of playing Combat Mission Real Time sounds like too much mouse jockeying.....The best part about CM is letting me sit down and think about my moves, not feverishly hurling units about the map.....Leave it to the Dregs of the Twitch Crowd, I say......... wink.gif

The only thing from Talonsoft I have ever enjoyed were TOAW and East/West Front. Everything else has always come up short for me.....


"Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

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Guest Lord General MB


This thing looks like a RIPE OFF to me! I won't stand for it. I'll have the 1st army bomb the talonsoft building to the ground!



Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

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Originally posted by Wayne:

Give us a report on Age of Sail II, please.

Graphically, the game is beautiful. Camera control is pretty good. The interface is a little involved, but some things can be put on auto (like firing). There are formation orders (haven't tried them yet, as I've played small engagments so far). I've seen Planned Parenthood Pamphlets that are thicker and more in depth than this manual though. If you want to learn this game, just throw the disc in and start clicking. Overall, an improvement on the first one.


If it bleeds, we can kill it.

[This message has been edited by mscano (edited 02-01-2001).]

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looks A LOT alike...u can even split squads






Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-01-2001).]

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We'll get em' for this,...

I've got some cousins that work down by the docks, and they'll take care of any shipment that may or may not find it's way into my uncle's warehouse. And make sure no copies get ont'a the shelves.

Burnt like toast!

We'll make sure nobody does nothin' to dirty BTS's good name!

Hehehe, the advantages of being apart of an Italian Family!

Ciao, Zio D


biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif Just joking! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


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Talonsoft was making wargames when the bigger outfits were refusing to do them. We need companies like Talonsoft and BTS. Dont discount them till you see the finished product. Imagine if we had done that before BTS had finished CM? As far as copying or ripping off? I'll wait to see the finished product before passing judgment.


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Is there a Sherman tank flying a confederate banner with the ghost of J.E.B. Stuart galloping alongside including in the gameplay?

Who's the youngest guy on this board to catch my reference, I wonder?

Not me, I'm 39, but I did have a complete set of those comics at one time, to bad my mother used them to entertain her customers kids when I was off at university. I have seen the prices that copies go for now. I loved that cobbled up hybrid "thing" they drove for part of the series.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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Guest sitzkrieg

I hope this thing falls flat on it's ass for Talonsoft. They deserve it.

They used to make some pretty good stuff 2 or 3 years ago. But ever since they sold out to Take 2 Interactive, they've become the Hasbro of computer wargaming.

Actually, because of crap like this, I stopped buying or playing any Talonsoft games a long time ago. A decision I definately don't regret.

Already behind BTS by over a year, the graphics suck, it's realtime (clickfeast!), looks as though you can only control a squad, need I say more. I hope it's as big a piece of crap as it looks.

If Gunny Bunny wants to blast anyone for graphics, go after these guys. Yuck!!!

BTW, anyone download the "teaser" video? I didn't know that rock music was a secret Allied weapon in WWII.

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Shhhh! We'll never keep it a secret like that! What's that saying about imitation and flattery? Problem is, as everyone has been saying, TS has gotten the knack (and reputation) of missing the mark! I'm just waiting to hear them compare it to CM, that's when I'd want to rip into them.


NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our *four*...no... *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.

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Originally posted by sitzkrieg:

I hope this thing falls flat on it's ass for Talonsoft. They deserve it.



I always love it when people hope that someone's project will fail. Rather than hoping for another enjoyable war game, something to give competition and drive the market to improve, let's hope it sucks so we can in some perverse way get some negative satisfaction. Makes real sense to me.

Does this line of thinking seem backwards to anyone else other than me?

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I don't want to knock Talonsoft. I really don't. It was a beautiful independant Wargaming Company that produced Tiller's Battleground series, The West/East Front/Rising Sun Games, and TOAW. When they were involved with the good ole Avalon Hill ASL People, they were a Damn good Company.

But from what I have seen after they finished up those series, I have only seen slipshod project after project. Games like Hidden and Dangerous or Age of Sail That had great Premise and Promise, but where cut down by Bad UI, a plethora of Bugs, and so on.

Believe me, this makes me more sad to me then anything else. I would LOVE lots of good competitive Wargaming companies creating new and innovative products. But with Avalon Hill and Microprose buried by the malignant Hasbro, and SSI and Talonsoft rehashing old games or creating half-baked ones, the hobby is looking dim.

And frankly, from the description of GI Combat alone, I am not inclined to change my mind. Highly complex tactical Wargames cannot be played in any realistic fashion when in real time. You just aren't given the Time for nuance, only rush units at your opponent. And one of the whole joys of playing a Wargame is to think, plan, stratigize; use your head, not your mouse hand.

I hate to announce games DOA when only the concept has been formed, really i do. But as much as I would like to see Talonsoft give BTS a run for thier money, this is not it.

P.S. I must admit that Age of Sail looks pretty good, hopefully that will dash my cynicism..... smile.gif


"Life is pain. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something."

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/Rant mode ON

Give those guys a break will you.

There are already some of us in their forum roughing them up a bit.

To date, wargame as a genre is as lively as Bauhaus' sex life...

Every single addition is a God send.

If a Real Time Continuous Wargame (or what the Hell it is they call it) is what it takes to bring in the masses and let them discover the joy of wargaming in with an easy Dune-like game then no probs...

In due time most of those will end up in here.

It's work in progress, of course it looks like ****.

And YES it looks like a total rip off of CM.

Let them grow with it.

No reason to go on their forum and be rude like some CC players were a while back in here.

/Rant mode OFF


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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When the CM beta was released, a bunch of people on the CC forum called it, well, a cheap knock-off with bad graphics.

Pretty much the way y'all are doing now.

It may be a crap game, it may be a great game. There's really no way for anyone to tell until they play it.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Big fan of GI Combat when I was younger (am currently 30). I still remember reading all of the letters that fans wrote in after Slim died.

I agree that this Talonsoft game looks a lot like CM. And although I'll bet my eye teeth that it will pale beside our beloved CMBO, I'm happy its being made. Even if it isn't a great game, they may well include a useful feature or two that could be later borrowed and incorporated into CM2 or 3.

Let's at least wait for the game to come out before trashing it.


On second thought, after watching the trailer , I think its extremely unlikely that BTS will be incorporating anything from this game.

It may yet inspire another company to 'push the envelope' though.

[This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 02-02-2001).]

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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

When the CM beta was released, a bunch of people on the CC forum called it, well, a cheap knock-off with bad graphics.

Pretty much the way y'all are doing now.

It may be a crap game, it may be a great game. There's really no way for anyone to tell until they play it.


Originally posted by Gaffertape:

I still remember reading all of the letters that fans wrote in after Slim died.

Awww f**k!

You should have post a SPOILER ALERT!!



You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 02-02-2001).]

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"Talonsoft was making wargames when the bigger outfits were refusing to do them. We need companies like Talonsoft and BTS. Dont discount them till you see the finished product. Imagine if we had done that before BTS had finished CM? As far as copying or ripping off? I'll wait to see the finished product before passing judgment."

Skott, and others keen to back TS`s efforts..ask yourselves what happened to Grigsby, Brors and especially Tiller, all wargame heroes who had links with TS. They are all now staying the heck away from TS, Rose et al and I know of at least 1 ongoing legal battle that is stopping future wargames development from one of the above designers due to TS.

I really do hope this one crashes and burns for them...

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