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Do you all have 50Mhz 486 PC or something?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer76:

Ok, if this is why people are reacting, Im sorry. It's not my intetion to be condecendig towards people who have low end machines. Ok?

But really, this is just getting silly. As you said, yes, I've should have known, next time I post a message here I will post it in the most diplomatic way possible to avoid hurting ANYBODYS feelings.

We can all become politicans and write alot, but not really mean anything, that would be great!

Ok, so that was abit much, but the tolerance level on this BBS doesn't impress me. And with everbody saying there is such a adult audience on this BBS, it sure doesn't seem like that at times.


Hey, I agree with you. A lot of people on this board have very thin skin, and get pissed-off at every little thing. I don't like the fact that we have to be so formal, just as I hate the fact that I have to spend half my day working when I could be sleeping, playing CM, staring at the walls, etc. etc.. I don't like it, but sometimes it is necessary. Like I said, I know you didn't mean it like that, but some more sensitive types may think differently.


Tibot, I agree with you for the most part. I agree 100% with your statement about lack

of vocal inflection, facial expression, etc. But for someone to read THAT in to Panzer's statement, well, that's a personal problem. I find it to be a very large stretch in fact. That's the danger of reading IN to something as opposed to just reading what is there.


I think it's a stretch too, but apparently some don't.People here tend to over-analyze things, and read too much into a post. I quess you could say that I just did, but I was using that as an example, it was just speculation on my part and I'm sorry. It's just like some parental groups trying to find satanic messages in heavymetal albums, only slightly less silly. tongue.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Kingfish responded with very nice logic. The broader the base, the more they sell. Are you getting his point?


Was that his point? For me it just seemed that he tried to twist what I wrote.


Not my intention. Just trying to point out on how you are taking two different stances on the same subject.

a) Hurt sales by dumping a sizable percentage of the customer base.

B) Don't hurt sales by keeping the PC market alive.

BTW, for the record I have a P2-233, Voodoo 2, **** sound card and 160 megs of Ram.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish:

Not my intention. Just trying to point out on how you are taking two different stances on the same subject.

a) Hurt sales by dumping a sizable percentage of the customer base.

B) Don't hurt sales by keeping the PC market alive.


Ok, but the whole "keeping the PC market" thing as I've said was just a reply to Slapdragon on a very hypotetical and unrealistic scenario and had nothing to do with the actual discussion (and not the same subject). But I think we just have to agree to disagree. Anyway, no hard feelings.


BTW: You really should upgrade for the next CM! :D

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To respond to the original question, I have a PIII-450, 128MB, 13GB HD, and 16MB TNT video card. I've downloaded a few mods, but not tons, and the game works great on my system. I do have to set the trees on the lowest setting (not just tree bases, but the lowest number of trees), which makes scrolling around a lot easier. If you haven't tried it, load up a large wood scenario then toggle between the various tree settings to see how it affects scrolling around - you may be surprised at how much hard your system works to render that leafy green stuff.

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Just a FYI.

The computer industry (all facets not just game companies) see the following as a current base line for the PCs currently being used at home (business is a different matter) and use this as a baseline when deterimining design of software.

500mhz Processor

64-128 mb RAM

16mb Vid Card

15 Gig HDD

40x CD-ROM

56k Internet connection

And you will notice if you pick up a sales paper for computers that most PC retailers are selling computers currently with little more than upgraded CPUs. The IBM home PC currently being marketed has 1.2 Ghz processor but only 64mb of RAM. E Machine a bargain seller of PCs is still selling (successfully I might add) 400mhz Celerons for free!!! Of course there is a three year ISP agreement involved but you get the picture.

Now this does not directly translate into the gaming community but then again the wargame faction is different than your standard "gamer". While most of us tend to be older and have careers, we also have families and kids and other concerns that do not always allow us to have a super PC. And I agree that wargames in general do not "push" the PC envelope like many other genres. I like what BTS is doing and has done in the past and i hope they continue.

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I came in late to this discussion so therefore I hope this reply is close to the original question.

I have a 300Mhz PII 32MB RAM (I think?)2GB hard drive and I consider myself computer illiterate, I basically know how to turn the damn thing on and that's about it. It runs CM OK but gets a little jerky on the big scenarios.

I run the game on the lower settings and turn off just about everything to make it smoother , it looks like hell but I don't care I still love the game.

Am I an average BTS customer?

I would welcome any excuse to get a newer system and since I play no other games except CM my future computer purchase lies in the hands of BTS. So I would welcome any advancement of the CM graphics that gets me closer to a new machine.

p.s. typical computer purchase discussion goes like this:

wife: Why do you need to buy a new computer?

me: Because this one's old and not so great to look at.

wife: So just because something gets old and isn't as pretty as it used to be you want to throw it away and get a younger prettier model.

I slowly back away from that land mine and make sure I still have all my fingers and toes. :D

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I play CM on a Celereon 333, 96 megs of RAM, the video card is stock as well as the sound card. I've modded it up and CM plays real nice ( though I haven't tried a HUGE battle on it).

I'd hate to see the push for graphics put CM out of reach for me ... I know, I know this is all hypothetical, since the engine rework is a year or more out.

Oh, and Panzer I think people have come to this thread feeling insulted because of the title. Its an accusatory tone. It may not have been your intention. But its a good reminder to us all to think not twice but three times about how our posts might be percieved.

[ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Greenman ]

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If you can figure out how to stuff 128mb Ram and a Voodoo 3 video card in your system you could run just about anything in CMBO.

My backup system is a 350mhz 128mb RAM Voodoo 3 (16mb) system that runs CMBO at 800x600 with all options on and with every mod I can stuff in it (all hires if possible).

That upgrade would cost less than $200 if it were possible on your system!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brewmeister:

p.s. typical computer purchase discussion goes like this:

wife: Why do you need to buy a new computer?

me: Because this one's old and not so great to look at.

wife: So just because something gets old and isn't as pretty as it used to be you want to throw it away and get a younger prettier model.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your response to that should be:

I'm not throwing the old one away. I'll keep it around to do chores, while the new one will be strictly for entertainment ;)

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I am an IT professional and helped develop some software at Cisco as a consultant until the Nasdaq hit the floor (DOH!).

Anyways when working with the folks in their programming department I met a lot of diverse people from different programming backgrounds (including game backgrounds). Anyways I am totally off subject now.

Back to what I was supposed to answer, we as a team were mandated a level in which our software must conform to on the server and workstation level. This was the "business baseline" used by Cisco, Nortel, Novell, Microsoft, and many others I would assume.

I asked about the "Home" use baseline and was told that from a very well connected and experienced product manager. If you want some verification (this is what he told me) go to your local software store and check out all the software (not just games) and you will see it is true. And when I did he proved correct. 85% of all the software I looked at was either at or below this baseline.

Anyways I hope that answers your question but I got it from the industry itself. Personally the highest requirement i have seen on a game recently is for MAX PAYNE which I believe was something like 600 or 700 mhz but I could be wrong.


[ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> If you want some verification (this is what he told me) go to your local software store and check out all the software (not just games) and you will see it is true. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No need. I just wanted to know the source. I wasn't out to prove you wrong! As I said earlier, I know Computer Gaming World, for one, runs monthly surveys on such things. Unfortunately, while rumaging through the Ziff-Davis site, I can't find where they publish it anywhere, so I assume they don't. I was hoping your source was something like PC Magazine or some other source I could refer to online when I wanted.

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Nope sorry, and the go look at the software store statement was just what my friend told me to do, it was not meant as a challenging statement. Sorry if it came off that way.

Actually Tanks A Lot here on the forum might know a site with such information that is updated regulary.

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Hmmmmmmm they should re-name this Thread with "PENG CHALLENGE" somewhere in the title, It sure beats the "MBT" for reading content.

So if you don't like it then "SOD OFF"

I mean that in the nicest possible way of course. :D

BTW MR "I got a lean mean powerful machine" I thought your original post was indeed a tad arrogant, I don't agree with everything you said but by the end of reading this thread I could at least see your point.

Congratulations on the staying power....

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Just to let people know I'm still alive and well. AMD K6 III with 212 MB of memmory, and a 32MB TNT 2 memmory card. No problem except on huge maps. Not much, but it's going to have to last me another year or two. P.S. somebody send me a challenge, it's been a long time since I've felt the addreniline rush of a plan that comes together. P.P.S. I miss the spellchecker.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Hmmmmmmm they should re-name this Thread with "PENG CHALLENGE" somewhere in the title, It sure beats the "MBT" for reading content.

So if you don't like it then "SOD OFF"

I mean that in the nicest possible way of course. :D

BTW MR "I got a lean mean powerful machine" I thought your original post was indeed a tad arrogant, I don't agree with everything you said but by the end of reading this thread I could at least see your point.

Congratulations on the staying power....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Milady, shouldn't you be somewhere a bit safer than out here?


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Guest BigAlMoho

If my memory serves, I believe that BTS programmed CM:BO on the machines that they owned when the programing started and that was what set the limits for the first release...

Once they started receiving some income they bought new machines and now those machines will set the limits for CM:BtB...

Just my two cents,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BigAlMoho:

If my memory serves, I believe that BTS programmed CM:BO on the machines that they owned when the programing started and that was what set the limits for the first release...


IIRC, it was an estimate of where the average wargamer would be on release... They were off a bit as most were a bit higher, but the fantastic mod community remedied that.

One thing that many forget is the back and forth over and over again arguments between BTS and Gunny Bunny (referenced in this thread) that discussed that they used heavy processing power for many things that might go for graphics in different kinds of games, so even though tyhe baseline may be raised for CM II (as opposedto CM2, CM:BB), the higher requirements aren't all going to go for graphics improvements.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

The answer of course is that the set the bar to meet, at the time of the game's production, the average machine of the average person both for profit, and because they believe in what they do. They could, comments aside, design for a much higher end Macintosh OS-X dual processor 800 (equivilant in power to a 3.2ghz Pentium IV) with 64mb of VRAM, and then just ask you to buy the computer you specify to run the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And the scary thing is, most of the people here would actually buy the hardware to run that game. smile.gif


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Well, here's a guy who started out on Mac's in '84 and bought his first PC several years later solely to play Harpoon. There are fanatics out there and if BTS raised the bar, I'd probably belly right up to it!

Right now, this is pretty much moot because the CM2-BtB requirments are set in stone pretty much.

I'm MUCH more interested in what will be the standard by the time we're looking at CM II. That baby is the one I'm REALLY looking forward to, even if it's a couple of years away.

Given the latest hardware and price trends, I would think that BTS could up the ante a bit on a game title that far down the pipeline. They could take advantage of the better performance by designing a game with super graphics and superior AI, including relative spotting.

Given enough advance warning, CM players would, I bet, begin planning to buy or upgrade to a suitable system.

For instance, if BTS announced say: "CM II minimum requirements will be 1 gig processor, 256 MB RAM and 32 MB video card, I suspect a lot of us would start saving the old pennies, pfennigs and pence.

What say you all?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

BTW MR "I got a lean mean powerful machine" I thought your original post was indeed a tad arrogant, I don't agree with <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So, all of it would be avoided if I had a worse machine? I'm sorry if people thought it was a "my machine is better than yours" thread, but it wasn't. Personal I think people who reacts that way (better/worse machine) has a "unter-machine complex". :D

If some other guy have a much better/worse machine, guss what, I don't care, because it's not important to me.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gunnergoz:

For instance, if BTS announced say: "CM II minimum requirements will be 1 gig processor, 256 MB RAM and 32 MB video card, I suspect a lot of us would start saving the old pennies, pfennigs and pence.

What say you all?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep - my 2 year timeframe for replacement would suddenly becoem "befoer BtB is relased"!

Of course I wouldn't be able to meet it, but I'd try......

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer76:

So, all of it would be avoided if I had a worse machine? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, what a bunch of us have been gently trying to point out is that "all of it" could have been avoided if had used a different tone in your original post.


I'm sorry if people thought it was a "my machine is better than yours" thread, but it wasn't. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now I understand that.


[ 08-22-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Ok ok i was kidding on the 486 machine.

I actually have an Athlon 800 TB, 256MBs of Ram, 4 HDs amounting to about 50Gbs of storage, 36x SCSI CDROM, 4x SCSI CD-R geforce 2 MX, SB live, some sweet 10/100 nic(always seem to get 30-40 lower ping than my roomates on any kind of high speed connection) and a 19" monitor.

Once I finally get a job Ill build a gaming computer. This thing has to wiegh close to 80 pounds. Something simple with a single HD, CD-ROM video card, S.C. and a Nic. Oh and it will have a 17" monitor for ease in transporation.


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